Opinion  Ray Hanania
Occupied with occupation
Ray Hanania
Published: 30.03.06, 00:39
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85 Talkbacks for this article
31. To ray and #9
Atmawi ,   Historic Aplestine   (03.30.06)
I will start with Ray, Ray keep writing that way, and Jews will reward you with Nopel Prize. For Jill from Colorado, You talk about Justice, and fairness? You think that an immigrant Russian (jew) who just arrived to the holy land has all the right to ckick me out of my house with the help of IDF, kill my son, and build his own house of dream. You think this is justice? For Native American, It is true they are the natives, but the situation is different. There is Palestinian people (you like it or not) continue living from ever to ever in this land. The Natives still living in their land, with extar rights, We sir live here as animals, with no rights what so ever. All what the palestinians asking for is to live in there native country with dignity, can't we get this at least? The jews refuses and continue to refuse to share the land, they want it all. They do not want to see an Arab within the Historic Palestine.
32. To # 20
Mohamed ,   Ramallah   (03.30.06)
Actually they are smart in doing all you have said in a systematic way. They got land, water and even sand,,, they control all borders, they are implementing a careful transfer policy especially against jerusalemite palestinians and inforcing them to leave jerusalem by not allowing them to build houses and not giving them basic rights comparing to what jews have. I do not know if you have visited here or not but if you do you can drive over your car and see the difference between an arab and a jewish neighborhood. Talking about cleansing against jews in the arab world. Actually, that is no way accurate, most jews i know have come from Tunisia, Egypt and Irak, they all appreciate their past and experience in those countries and they make visits until nowadays (except for Irak of course) . Just yesterday I was listening to Mr. Shalom, the former Exterior Minister in Israel whose originally from Tunisia and he mentioned how things are fine with regards to arab jewish relations and human rights. As oppose of the russian jews who cannot even speaks hebrew (as a matter of fact arabs speaks hebrew a lot better than them) speaks of discrimination and bad expertiences in Russia against jews. Peace and justice for all If the Jews had been smart the land of Israel would have been less problematic. The reason the Jews don't have peace is because of the Jewish values like morality, ethics and tolerance of the enemies. Why are not there any Jews in Iraq, Egypt or Syria? The Arabs know well how to cleanse themselves of undesirables while the Jews do not. Even when the Jews do know they would still not going to pursue the Arab type hateful policies.
33. what is a "palestinian israeli"; there are arab israelis...
Elias ,   Israel   (03.30.06)
and until 68' , jews were called "palestinians" not A-rabs, they reffered to themselves and Arabs. Why is it that on June 4th 1967 I was a Jordanian and overnight I became a Palestinian?” (Walid Shoebat, ex-jihadi) http://www.shoebat.com/index.php see also josef Farah's: Palestinian people do not exist: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=28222
34. Check this out: jewish refugees http://www.shoebat.com/trail
jewish refugee ,   Israel   (03.30.06)
click here: http://www.shoebat.com/trailer_exodus.php
35. Atmawi #31
gm ,   south africa   (03.30.06)
Where did you get your information?? Firstly, you were not kicked out of your house. When Israel was established, the British (who controlled the area at the time) offered land to the Jews and the native arabs. The arabs refused their portion. Every piece of land acquired by Israel after that was done in a DEFENSIVE war. Do you know what defensive means?? The arabs attacked Israel to destroy her, Israel didn't attack arabs to get more land. READ HISTORY BOOKS. Secondly Israel is willing to share the land. They have already given back Gaza and will probably give back more. What have you done with Gaza?? Built anything in the last 6 months? huh? What have you done with this gesture of already giving some land to you? sent more suicide bombers and a couple of qassams? I think this is a really appreciative thank you!!!
36. gm and the others
maamoon ,   jerusalem   (03.30.06)
stop telling read history books ..we palastinian live this history it is not 3000 years ago it is from 50 years till now it is to day and yesterday and the struggle is tomorrow i think starte to write history if you admire history so much to the hill of all the books i have no money to buy bread not your idiot books of fake history
37. #33
yakov shani ,   afula   (03.30.06)
Your last two words, " historic Palestine ". Please explain to me exactly what this is supposed to be, but please stick to scientific, demographic, anthropological and archeaological proven facts, not your rhetoric and that of your leaders. In the history of mankind there never was a sovereign entity called Palestine, you know it, your leaders know it and what is more, the world knows it. You have all succeded in perpetrating a myth. Go back to the lands from whence you came, Hejaz, huran and the Plains of Damascus, there live your people with your language and your culture. Israel belongs to the Jewish people for over 3000 years. Bye bye.
38. Answers
Hamzee Kaddoura ,   None   (03.30.06)
Lets start from the beginning Number 1 "Please tell me where in the Koran is the word Jerusalem mentioned?" The word Jerusalem itself is not mentioned anywhere in the Quran but it is referred to in the following verses: [002:058] [007:161] These verses speak about God telling the Jews to enter Jerusalem. And in Verses: [002:142] [002:143] These talk about the Muslims changing their direction of prayer from Jerusalem to Mecca. And Lastly: [017:001] This speaks about the Prophets (PBUH) miraculous journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and from there he ascended to heaven. Although Jerusalem is not mentioned specifically the Hadith (or sayings of the Prophet(PBUH)) imply that these verses refer to Jerusalem. Please email me for those references if you need them. "How is it Jerusalem is sacred to Arabs?" I don't think that Jerusalem is sacred to Arabs but it is to Muslims. You have to keep in mind that Muslims believe in all the Prophets including Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon, Jesus, and Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Them all). So if Jews and Christians can claim this land holy because of a certain Prophet then so can Muslims. Specifically it is the spot that the Prophet Muhammad ascended to heaven on his miraculous journey. Number 6 "...but, the Arab press won't print anything like this, now will they? No, they won't. Hamas sure won't allow it. " Hamas has no power over what is printed in the Arab World. They just recently came into power in Palestine and i doubt they even weald that kind of power over their. Number 9 "Someone please help me understand this concept? As far as I can recall Israel has always belonged to the Hebrew children(Jews)." Although Jews have always lived in Israel, Israel has not always belonged to the Jews. Islam conquered Jerusalem in 638 bloodlessly and kept control of it until 1099 when the crusaders gained control of it until 1187 when Saladin recaptured it. It remained in Muslim hands until 1917 when the British had control of it until 1947 when the Jews finally regained control of it. Number 12 "Before the 1900's the land (and it wasn't called Palestine) was a neglected, impoverished part of the Ottoman Empire. " That’s sheer folly on your part. Its true that it wasn’t called Palestine but so what. "A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet." as Shakespeare said. I don’t know where you got this information from I’m sure it could have been a number of western sources for in that time westerners tried to make the Middle East as well as Africa look bad by bringing these stories of savages and improvised nations. These statements are simply not true just look at pictures from that time and you will see the truth for yourself. Number 14 "A great improvement. Its a shame that your views are not shared by the majority of other Pals as we could have final negotiations now. " Its great to see that people in the USA still believe that you must brainwash people in order to negotiate with them. Let’s just throw democracy right out the window and let the USA decide what we should do. Please. Number 15 "Jerusalem is israel's forever! " Forever is all eternity including the past and we all know that prior to 1947 Jerusalem was not Israel’s. Need I say more.
39. Answers Continued
Hamzee Kaddoura ,   None   (03.30.06)
I couldnt fit anything on the first talkback so here is the rest. Number 17 "In all honesty, apart from the fact that muslims built a mosque on Judaism's holiest site, at a time when we were unable to defend it, what other claims does Islam have to Jerusalem? " Please refer back to what I said earlier about Islam’s claim to Jerusalem. Also Jerusalem was able to defend itself but it chose not to since the Christians and Jews living their reached an agreement that they would be able to practice their religion in peace. And the Muslims also defeated the crusaders and regained this land when they were able to defend themselves so the fact that they were not as strong as the Muslims shouldn't even be mentioned. Number 20 "Why are not there any Jews in Iraq, Egypt or Syria? " There are Jews in Iraq, Egypt, and Syria. And don’t forget that Jews lived peacefully in the Palestinian lands under Muslim rule for well over 1000 years.
40. Answers continued again
Hamzee Kaddoura ,   None   (03.30.06)
Couldn't fit heres more Number 21 "The enemies are trying to detach the Jews from their history, land, culture, etc." There is no doubt that the Jews have the right to live on this land and that right has never been infringed except when that land was in the hands of the crusaders. But they are not the only ones that have the right to this land. I don't think that anyone is trying to detach the Jews from their history, land, or culture. Number 22 "They are Arabs who occupy 99.9% of the Middle Eastern landmass...but they are not happy that the Jews have less than 0.1% of it. They want 100%. " We do not want 100% of the land we only want to be able to live on 100% of the land which is our right since we have every right to that land. I don't care if it is called Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Syria, whatever you want to call it I only want the right to live their in peace if I chose. Number 24 "masterminding all kinds of warfares to terrorize the innocent Jewish civilians blowing up the schools or restaurants" They did not mastermind these tactics these are the same tactics that the Jews used when trying to gain independence prior to 1947. Lets not look at the situation through one point of view only. Innocent Muslims are killed almost daily by Israeli soldiers. So why the double standard here? You also should realize that these people who carry out attacks on the innocent Israelis are individuals not being indorsed by the government but the Israeli soldiers who kill innocent Muslims are a part of the Israeli government. Number 26 "If the palestinians have been around for such along time and can really trace their ancestry back to the begining of time you were and still are Jewish and Israeli" Their is defiantly a fallacy in your logic. Just because you are from the land where Judaism originated does not make you a Jew. And we know from the Bible that even from the time of Jesus(PBUH) their were other religious groups living in Israel. Also it is possible for people to convert from Judaism and hence no longer be Jewish.
41. Answers continued last
Hamzee Kaddoura ,   None   (03.30.06)
this is the last of it Number 30 "The world recognized Israel November29, 1947 with a U.N. resolution" Just because the world turned its back to the theft of Palestinian land doesn’t mean that it didn’t happen. If you want to agree with the UN resolution that recognized Israel that’s fine I will agree with you but you must have to agree with all UN resolutions concerning Palestine after that. For example the UN resolution that says that what you refer to as war booty is illegal and the one that says that the settlements are illegal. You can not only agree with the resolutions that happen to be in your favor. ""Palestine sits in sackcloth and ashes… the spell of a curse that has withered its fields and fettered its energies… Palestine is desolate and unlovely… It is a hopeless, dreary, heartbroken land." - from Mark Twain's Innocents Abroad. " This quote is referring to the deserts of Palestine not the main cities like Jerusalem so lets not take it out of context. Also some of this land is today just as it was at the time of Mark Twain. If you do not believe me then step out of Tel Aviv and go into the deserts of Palestine. Now as to what was said by Mr. Hanania. I think that he totally underestimates the effects of the Occupation. He is right that the Jews are not the only ones to blame other Arab countries have turned their backs on the Palestinians. But the occupation is without a doubt the most crippling factor for the Palestinians. The reason that the Palestinians can not have a good leadership is because whenever a leader arises he is either imprisoned or killed by the Israelis. My views on the problem I personally think that a two state solution won't work. My solution A one state solution where Muslims, Christians, and Jews can live together. I don’t care if it is called Israel or Palestine, as it is we need to let go of the feeling of nationalism. Nationalism is what has put the Muslims in the state that they are in today. The reason other Arab countries don’t help Palestine is because it is not their country. Lets get rid of nationalism and unite to form one nation. Lets stop waving flags of different nations and lets wave the flag of Islam. The Palestinian flag that we wave today as a sign of freedom was actually created by the British occupying forces and is rather a sign of oppression. Look back at our history and see how powerful we were when we were united. They knew that the only to defeat us was to divide us and they were successful in that. And they broke us up into nations and had us fight one another, they had us kill for our nations. Nationalism will never work for Islam. If you have any questions as to what I said please feel free to email me Hamzee47@gmail.com
42. #8 Thank you for stating clearly what you stand for ...
AK   (03.30.06)
which Israeli Left refuses to accept, while daydreaming about disengagements and negotiations with an imaginary peace partner, and what Mr. Hanania tries his utmost to obfuscate.
43. Ray
I am glad that you took my advice.
44. To Ray: The root cause is that you don't exist.
Joel ,   Israel   (03.30.06)
Palestine is the name of a fabricated non-people who exist in a phantom world of thier own perverted imagination. Once, they disavow this anti-nation identity, all their problems will go away. If not, then they have no hope ie eternal Israeli occupation. Have a nice day!
45. hamzee kaddoura
yakov shani ,   afula   (03.30.06)
Misgad el omar was built on the site of the temple for one express purpose, to deprive the Jews of their history and heritage and in an attempt to erase them from history, it was done in unison with the invention of Ali Baba stories about your prophet ascending to heaven on a winged horse from this very spot, a story which of course is full of unadulterated nonsense. The world of Islam has in it's teachings three holy places, Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem. Let me say here two things. What the hell Jerusalem has to do witrh Islam apart from the " invention " that I mentioned above nobody really knows and nobody has ever defined. The other thing is this, the world knows and understands the agenda of the Arabs and they are slowly implementing it throughiut Europe and in particular in France, Germany and England as wella as America. If you get your way you will tear down Notre Dame and build a mosque and invent a story as to why it is the fourth holiest place for Islam and then you will tear down Westminster Abbey and invent a story as to why it is the fifth holiest place for Islam , and then you will tear down St. Patrick's cathedral in New York and explain with astory why it is the sixth holiest place for Islam. We all understand this today and that is why the west will fight because it is a clash of cultures, a direct threat to our way of life as opposed to yours and Israel is only the start and the excuse to proceed should you succeed, which of course you will not. As regards erasing from history the fact is that all those who tried in the past to erase the Jews are themselves written into the history books on the shelves of the great the libraries of Harvard,Yale, Oxford and Cambridge.
46. #37 I'm with you! read the post b4 u explode!didnt say "h..
Elias ,   Israel   (03.30.06)
"historic palestine" ; the quote is from walid shoebat an ex plaestinian terrorist check out his website, also check out jo farhas my ancesters were jewish "palestinians" (thats what the arabs and brits and turks called jews in israel)
47. Hy, Ray. For a while it looked like
Hamas being elected shoked right into boring "it's all israeli fault" position.
48. Of course Ray would not answer #1 who
Tal ,   Eilat   (03.30.06)
nicely asked an honest question. I think it was quite predictable yet very disappointing.
49. answer to #1
yakov shani ,   afula   (03.30.06)
And for all those interested in the answer you will find it in #45.
50. Ray this article is different....
DR ,   Florida, USA   (03.30.06)
than some of your previous ones. Why the change in direction? Does it not bother you to see your fellow Palestinians still reject the reality that we all see? It is as if they get a totally different story than the rest of the world and if they lie to us and each other enough, they start to believe their own lies. Why have we not seen a leader among the Palis that can change this? Is the average Palestinian that brainwashed as to not see what is happening to them?
51. Hamzee is wrong with several facts.
Yehuda ,   USA   (03.30.06)
Hamzee, its great to see a person express their views and opionions so clearly and with so much passion. However, you are very wrong on the following: You wrote "There are Jews in Iraq, Egypt, and Syria." If there are jews in Iraq they are very few in numbers. The Iraqi Jewish diaspora (that accounted for over 100,000 jews at one time) had identified 27 jews still living in Iraq in 1998. Many of them were very old and could not be contacted to verify if they were still alive. You wrote: "And don’t forget that Jews lived peacefully in the Palestinian lands under Muslim rule for well over 1000 years. " During the 1930s, the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini and Rashid Ali Al Gailani (Iraqi nationalist) were very focused on the "solution to the jewish problem", taking on Hitler's cause in the middle east. Gailani invaded the jewish neighbourhoods of Baghdad in May 1941 in an attempt to kill the Iraqi Jews. The Mufti supported the barbaric act. Prior to that, Jews lived under Dimmi rules in all arab lands. They had less rights which varied according to the arab ruler of the day. They lived peacefully with the Arabs as Jews are peaceful. But they were harshly discriminated against and treated very poorly by many arab regimes. You wrote: "My solution A one state solution where Muslims, Christians, and Jews can live together" That simply has never worked. Living as dimmis is not living in peace for Jews. Even if it could work for a short period, when tough times come around arabs look to blame others for their problems and we would be their target again. Hanania identified that correctly.
52. They will use all kinds of warfares and psychology
The enemies ,   like Ray   (03.30.06)
to destroy the Jewish state of Israel. Jews cannot underestimate the adversaries or let their guard down.
53. Occupation!
jason white ,   afula,israel   (03.30.06)
The only land being illegally occupied is the Biblical land of Israel! The arabs are illegally on Jewish land. We can not visit let alone live in saudi arabia,to them it is their holyland. Keep the hell out of our HOLYLAND!
54. success and victims...
Dan ,   USA   (03.31.06)
Mr Hanina has it right on. Israelis are opposed by the left these days because Zionism gave them a viable alternative to the eternal victim status. When Jews chose Zionism, they chose not to be victims of circumstance. All the success that is Israel today (and there are many, many successes) flow from that one decision. We even have warm and cordially relations with Germany -- because we choose not to be victims. Palestinians, however, have taken up the eternal victim mantra. As permanent victims, they remain locked into all the injustice they have suffered, both the real injustice and the imangined ones. This absolutely prevents Palestinians from moving forward and they remain frozen in the past. Destroying Israel will not alter that fact. To move from this permanent status, they must decide, as Mr. Hanina suggests, to not be victims anymore. Make peace with a Jewish Israel and the world be at your feet.
56. sucsees
dania ,   jerusalem   (03.31.06)
the only sucsees of the jews i know is when they left egypt with prophet mossa it was a real sucsses with the help of god ,,,after that all their sucsseses are with the help of evil ..what a sucsses to kill people destroy their building becouse of suspect that they will kill you or they aske for their rights ....the palastinians are victims becouse their weakness not becouse they are evil this is the truth ...israil are winning not becouse of their right but becouse of the might .....god help the palastinians to get their right ...but they never forget it if only the palastinian live on his land the same like the jew in israil with all the rights of the citizen ,,,the unilateral is not a solution it is to increase the suffering of the palastinians by taking their feilds prevent them from moving between their cities and villeges no it is between the noubers this ugly wall is between my house and my mother house which is befor infront of my house now i see only 8 meters wall some body write FREEDOM on it ,,yes iam laughing from the word but with tears ..and iam laughing from your sucssess and cryingto be victim but still asking for my right
57. #38 -41
gm ,   south africa   (03.31.06)
I hear what you said and i think your views are extremely idealised. It would be great if all nations could live in Israel peacefully, but in reality i don't think that will happen. All your views are idealised. The truth is, although Hamas is a new government, they do wield more power than you think and are able to control what the media says, especially in Palestinian territories. You mentioned Islamic rule in the region, by Saladin, the Ottoman Empire and before. These were not Palestinians. There has never been a palestinian nation with their own culture, language, identity etc. You yourself admitted that Jews REgained control of Israel late 1947, which means you recognise the Jewish claim to the land. AND absolutely the surrounding muslim states are trying to discredit Jews and the Jewish claim to Israel and their own state. Hamas says in their charter that the land of Israel must be destroyed and the Jews to be driven into the sea. That's pretty blatant. They want to establish a muslim government with sharia law. Your argument has many holes, if you have to live in reality. You mean well, but unfortunately your 'leaders' are a little power hungry and dangerous.
58. Ray--this time you're off the wall
bob ,   potomac md   (03.31.06)
paper weapons? In 1967 The Egyptians and Syrians were armed to the hilt by the USSR, and Jordan had a srong army--armed by the US and UK--Egypt wanted the Negev--Jordan the center of the country--and syria wanted the Galililee so it could, with Lebananon and Jordan, form Greate Syria or Ash-Shams. In 1947-48--6ooo Jews in Palestin--1% of the Jewish population--were killed in the war --True--the Arabs of Palestine in many cases were driven out or fled in fear--that's what happens when one's side loses in a a civil war--If the Arabs had won, they would not have given the Jews the "luxury" of becoming refugees--it would have been a massive slaughter. Revisionist historians cannot change these facts. The whole system of refugee camps is one of the greatests scandals of modern times--perpetrated by Arab upon Arab--sometimes only 3-5 miles from the original villages in Israel proper--paid for by the UN, ie, the US.
59. 27, 42, 53:
Beth Annaliese ,   San Luis Obispo, USA   (03.31.06)
Bravo! To the author: Palestinian American? ROFLMAO
60. To Hamzee :
Edan ,   Beer Sheva   (03.31.06)
First of all I was impressed to hear a palestinian acknowledge the rights of the jews to live peacefuly in this land. Your views are refreshingly moderate and reasonable. However some of your arguments don't make much sense. First of all it is true that groups like Etzel and the Stern gang implemented terrorist tactics for political gain, but there is one small (big) difference between these groups and palestinian terrorists : They never targeted civilians. And NO : Innocent muslims are NOT killed for no reason by Israeli soldiers. That is PURE Hamas propaganda. As an IDF reserve I can tell you there is no double standard. No soldier shoots at an unprotected civilian who is not a threat to their lives. Whoever is targeted by the IDF is a known murderer or collaborator. Whoever is injured or even killed because they were in the line of fire --- well thats what you get for being friendly with a scumbag. No sir, no double standard ,as Hamas would have us believe. Like you, however, I also know and believe that many palestinians DID in fact lose their land and were forced to evacuate in 1948. However, unless your leaders get their noses out of their asses and realize that their hard line attitude only worsens the situation for their people, there will be no discussion in Israeli politics of the "right of return". And don't give me that BS about your leaders being killed off by the Israelis. Arafat could have been one of the most courageous leaders of the 20th century, but instead he died a stubborn fool. As for a two state-solution well---it's the best option. Muslim palestinians will never live peacefully under the Israeli flag, and Israelis like myself will never live under the "flag of Islam" as you suggest. Our forefathers and countrymen sacrificed their lives so that we could wave our flag and we will continue to do so. Have a good one... BTW : Nationalism is what created the idea of "PAlestine"....
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