Opinion  Ray Hanania
Occupied with occupation
Ray Hanania
Published: 30.03.06, 00:39
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Linda Rivera ,   New York   (03.31.06)
THE SELF DESTRUCT DOUBLE STANDARD by Yoram Ettinger, January 20, 2006 Illegal Arab construction has become a norm, led by the Palestinian Authority (many PA officials reside in illegal homes), bankrolled by Saudi petrodollars and observed by the wide-closed eyes of Israel. Illegal construction has become an effective means to challenge Jewish sovereignty over Jerusalem, to undermine major infrastructure and housing projects in the Negev and Galilee, to limit the freedom/security of Jewish movement along major transportation arteries, to facilitate terrorism and to exacerbate crime. Over 1,000 illegal houses are built annually – by Jerusalem Arabs – since 1997. Only 30-40 are demolished by the authorities. About 10,000 illegal houses are built, annually, by "Green Line" Arabs in the Galilee, Negev, "Triangle", Lod and Ramleh. About 100 are demolished. Since 1967, there has been more Arab residential (largely illegal) construction in Jerusalem than Jewish construction in the capital of the Jewish State. But, Israel is enforcing the law in an iron-fist manner when it comes to a few scores of Jewish houses throughout Judea & Samaria and Hebron (built on a Jewish-registered property, which was ravaged by Arabs in 1929). Legal and governance impotence have characterized Israel's battle against illegal Arab construction, which threatens Israel's sovereignty and the rule of law in Jerusalem and all over the country. Palestinian documents, found at the PLO's "Orient House", highlight illegal construction as a key instrument in the campaign to erode the Jewish character of Jerusalem. According to the documents, the Palestinian Authority (PA) has enticed illegal construction in Jerusalem's Arab neighborhoods of Shoafat, Beit Haninah and A-Zaim, in order to prevent continuity between the Jewish neighborhoods of French Hill and Pisgat Ze'ev, and to avert the unification of Jerusalem and Ma'aleh Adoumim. Illegal construction is raging along Highway 443, the critical road from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, with the aim to transform it into an Arab road, threatening the security of Jewish transportation. While a 1999 Palestinian document anticipated that Israel was determined "to demolish 400-500 illegal houses in Beit Haninah and Shoafat", a 2000 document notified the PA that "no need to worry", since Israel would only demolish a few houses, and illegal construction could proceed with full speed ahead. For instance, illegal construction in the Jerusalem Arab neighborhood of Silwan has been a platform for intensified terrorism and felony. Forging real estate titles has proliferated in the Arab sector, robbing state-owned land as well as privately owned Arab land, fueling extortion, protection, gang-wars and the importation of illegal Arab residents from Hebron and other towns to Jerusalem – a fertile ground for terrorism.
62. Answers Updated
Hamzee Kaddoura ,   None   (03.31.06)
I will respond to those who posted after my last response. Number 35 "Every piece of land acquired by Israel after that was done in a DEFENSIVE war. " Regardless of whether this was defensive of offensive the UN has said that it is illegal for Israel to occupy this land. "Secondly Israel is willing to share the land. They have already given back Gaza and will probably give back more. " Should I be grateful that Israel has decided to give back some of the land that was taken illegally? If I stole your house and returned it to you 40 years later would you be grateful. Number 37 "In the history of mankind there never was a sovereign entity called Palestine, you know it, your leaders know it and what is more, the world knows it. " Just because it wasn’t called Palestine doesn’t negate the fact that Arabs lived on this land for hundreds of years. And although it wasn’t a sovereign entity there was a land called Palestine, just look at some maps prior to 1947. Number 45 "Misgad el omar was built on the site of the temple for one express purpose, to deprive the Jews of their history and heritage and in an attempt to erase them from history, it was done in unison with the invention of Ali Baba stories about your prophet ascending to heaven on a winged horse from this very spot, a story which of course is full of unadulterated nonsense. " Actually the Omar Mosque was built there because it was the prime plot of land in all of Jerusalem. The land was purchased legally and was left in tact while the Mosque was built on top. It could not have been done in unison with the story about the Prophet(PBUH) ascending to heaven since this story is in the Quran which was reveled during the time of the Prophet(PBUH) when Jerusalem was still in Roman hands. And your right it is not know whether this is the exact spot of the Prophet's(PBUH) journey but it is also not know that is the exact site of Solomon's(PBUH) temple. "What the hell Jerusalem has to do witrh Islam apart from the "invention " that I mentioned above nobody really knows and nobody has ever defined." I did define it above in 38 but you chose to ignore the truth. Jerusalem is indeed the third holiest place in Islam. The proof is in the fact the Muslims used to face Jerusalem in prayer rather the Mecca before it was reviled that they should face Mecca. "We all understand this today and that is why the west will fight because it is a clash of cultures, a direct threat to our way of life as opposed to yours and Israel is only the start and the excuse to proceed should you succeed, which of course you will not. " Your absolutely right Israel is only the starting point not for the Muslims but rather for the West.
63. Answers updated continued
Hamzee Kaddoura ,   None   (03.31.06)
Number 51 "If there are jews in Iraq they are very few in numbers. The Iraqi Jewish diaspora (that accounted for over 100,000 jews at one time) had identified 27 jews still living in Iraq in 1998." First of all let’s identify 27 as an estimate which it is rather then a fact. Under Saddam Hussein in 1998 is would have been nearly impossible for any one to go into Iraq and accurately count the Jews their. Even if we took that estimate as a fact it still proves my point. It doesn’t matter how many Jews live in Iraq if we can identify at least 2 then I was right that there are Jews living in Iraq. The reason that their are so few Jews in Iraq is that in order to build the Jewish state Jews from all over the world had to immigrate to Israel. It is estimated that about 125,000 Jews left Iraq for Israel in the late 1940s and into 1952. "During the 1930s, the Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini and Rashid Ali Al Gailani (Iraqi nationalist) were very focused on the "solution to the jewish problem", taking on Hitler's cause in the middle east. " You’re absolutely right that these atrocities did happen but it was under British rule not Muslim rule. The British had control of this land from 1917 to 1947. Also the British put Haj Amin into power knowing very well his hatred for Zionism. "Prior to that, Jews lived under Dimmi rules in all arab lands. " Again you are correct but it wasn’t only the Jews who lived under these rules it was also the Christians. The Dhimmi rules however were very fair. The non-Muslims only had to pay a tax higher then the Muslims but in return they were free to practice their religion and they were free from military service. Also this tax was usually lower then the taxes of other nations at this time. "A one state solution where Muslims, Christians, and Jews can live together" That simply has never worked" It has worked and it can work but only through education of the masses. Number 53 "We can not visit let alone live in saudi arabia,to them it is their holyland." Actually you can visit Saudi Arabia and there are many non-Muslim Americans living and working in Saudi Arabia. There are even American troops stationed in Saudi Arabia. Number 57 "It would be great if all nations could live in Israel peacefully, but in reality i don't think that will happen." It is difficult but I think that it is more likely then a two state solution where both sides will forever be unsatisfied. "You mentioned Islamic rule in the region, by Saladin, the Ottoman Empire and before. These were not Palestinians" But they lived on what is today referred to as Palestine and they are the ancestors of what are today called Palestinians. "You yourself admitted that Jews REgained control of Israel late 1947, which means you recognise the Jewish claim to the land." Yes I do but I also recognize Muslim and Christian claim to it. That’s why only a one state solution will work. You can not divide this land between Muslims, Christians, and Jews they have to learn to share it. That’s why a one state solution is only possible through education. "You mean well, but unfortunately your 'leaders' are a little power hungry and dangerous. " The so-called "Muslim" rulers are far more then just a little power hungry and let me make it known that I do not support any of them.
64. Answers Updated Continued Again
Hamzee Kaddoura ,   None   (03.31.06)
Number 60 "First of all it is true that groups like Etzel and the Stern gang implemented terrorist tactics for political gain, but there is one small (big) difference between these groups and palestinian terrorists : They never targeted civilians." It seems that you conveniently forgot to mention Irgun who attacked an Arab bus and in 1938 set off land mines in Haifa Killing 74 and wounding 129. "And NO : Innocent muslims are NOT killed for no reason by Israeli soldiers. " If that were the case then how come in 2002 there were 200 or so Israeli soldiers who refused active duty in Gaza and the West Bank citing that they didn’t want to kill innocents. How about the 23-year-old American peace activist who was crushed and killed by an army-driven Caterpillar bulldozer in Gaza in 2003. Now she was not a Muslim or an Arab and was still the target of Israeli aggression. I am not saying that this is done deliberately but Israel has to be more responsible when dealing with peoples lives and needs to be less trigger-happy. "No sir, no double standard ,as Hamas would have us believe." The double standard I was referring is Israel adopting UN resolutions in their favor and rejecting those not in their favor. "And don't give me that BS about your leaders being killed off by the Israelis. Arafat could have been one of the most courageous leaders of the 20th century, but instead he died a stubborn fool. " I’m not talking about Arafat whom I do not support I am talking about people like Moustafa Broughti who is serving time on terrorist charges that were never proved. "As for a two state-solution well---it's the best option. " A two state solution will not work because there is no way of dividing up the land where both parties will be happy. Through education we can implement a single state solution regardless of whether it is called Palestine or Israel.
65. #62-64
Beth Annaliese ,   San Luis Obispo, USA   (03.31.06)
You're getting slicker, but you underestimate our resolve that we won't get fooled again, no matter how you reframe your original comments.
66. Hamzee, your theory on land stealing...
DR ,   Florida, USA   (03.31.06)
is horrible. If your country attacks my country in the hopes of destroying it and ytou lose, I don;t car about what land is yours. Israel could have taken over the whole middle east and wiped out all Arabs (this was the goal of Egypt, Syria, Jordan etc.) but Israel is not barbaric like these countries. Israel sits on less than 1% of middle east land, but that is still too much for all the arabs. Why? Can you tell me when Palestinians will stop teaching their children to hate and want to kill jews? Can you tell me when there will be a normal, peaceful leader for these people that will do what is beneficial for them instead of what's harmful to Israel? Answer these questions before ranting about how Israel stole your land.
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (03.31.06)
AGAINST ISRAEL. The rabid Jew-hate of ethnically cleansing 10,000 Gaza and north Samaria Jews violated Article 80 of the United Nations Charter, broke Israel's Basic Human Rights Law and Clause 9 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Loyal Jews, including children, are brutally beaten and jailed. Jewish taxpayers who pay Arab MK Bishara's salary are FORCED TO FINANCE TREASON! Arab Israelis who are openly genocidal to Jews and support the violent overthrow of Israel are members of Israel's government! No other nation on earth allows such treason. Will Jews revolt against their forced financing of treason and Arab MK hate incitement to a second holocaust of Jews? From article on the violent Arab Muslim Israeli riots in 2000 'Let's investigate everything' by Yaron London, 10/2/05 http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3150205,00.html The report offers a history of Arab demonstrations and protests that over time have become evermore extreme. The report also mentions several individuals that contributed, through words and through silence, to the progression from legitimate protest into a violent, destructive riot. Leaders of the Islamic Movement, wrote the Or Commission, fanned the flames by accusing Israel of planning to destroy the Islamic holy sites on the Temple Mount, and openly sympathizing with Hizbullah and al-Qaeda. MK Azmi Bishara (National Democratic Assembly) has said the Shiite militia should be a role model for the struggle with Israel, and has called several times for an intifada against Israel. Arab-Israeli leaders should be investigated The Or Commission- including one Arab justice and another member considered an important expert in Arab culture - rejected Bishara's evasive comments, and had this to say about the part Israeli Arab leaders played in the October, 2000 riots: Individuals such as the leaders of the Supreme Israeli Arab Monitoring Committee, the Islamic Movement, and Knesset Members Tibi, Bishara, Dehamshe and Zahalka were full partners to the outbreak of riots in October, 2000, and therefore also bear responsibility for the deaths of 13 of their brethren." The following is part of an article from jerusalempost.com, Sept. 25 2005 'Column One: Israel's disengaged establishment' by Caroline Glick: "...recall what happened five years ago. Following months of increased violence and extremism in the Arab-Israeli sector incited directly by the Palestinian Authority, the Israeli Islamic Movement and the Arab members of Knesset, violent riots seized the Arab sector of Israel in October 2000. During the week of riots, Arab Israelis threw rocks and Molotov cocktails at Israeli civilian cars throughout the country. Israeli motorists were dragged out of their cars on Highway 65 along Wadi Ara and beaten. An Israeli motorist was murdered when Arabs from Jasser a-Zarka threw a rock at his windshield as he drove down the coastal highway..."
68. Mr. Hamzee
Etzel and Lehi did engage in active terrorism, but this was only in response to the Arab terrorism, as a minority with the pro-Arab British in power the Jews had to fight the Arabs slaughtering them and certian groups did use dirty methods but war is war and please remember that you brought it on yourself.
69. #63 Hazmee - 2 states is the only solution can work.
Yehuda ,   USA   (04.01.06)
You wrote: "It doesn’t matter how many Jews live in Iraq if we can identify at least 2 then I was right that there are Jews living in Iraq." But your original argument is that Jews live in peace with Arabs and if there are 2 left from over 100,000 you are agreeing that Iraq's Jews could not live under Arab monarchies and dictatorships. You wrote: "The reason that their are so few Jews in Iraq is that in order to build the Jewish state Jews from all over the world had to immigrate to Israel. It is estimated that about 125,000 Jews left Iraq for Israel in the late 1940s and into 1952. " As you very well know, no one leaves their home for ideology. You leave a home when you're extremely uncomfortable. As an Iraqi Jew I can tell you that we left as refugees, smuggled through Iran. Israel absorbed us. You wrote: "The Dhimmi rules however were very fair. The non-Muslims only had to pay a tax higher then the Muslims but in return they were free to practice their religion and they were free from military service." We had to study in Europe and poor Jews could not go to university. In a court house a Muslim’s word was always seen more truthful than a Jew's. Jews were very much discriminated against in Iraq - just read your own quote. You wrote: "It (a one state solution) has worked and it can work but only through education of the masses. " The arabs are educating hate and intolerance of other races. You'd be a fool to want to live as a Dhimmi among Arabs. Until the Arabs change these ways you will only convince the most naive that your solution would work. The correct solution now for these two people is a two state solution.
70. that is funny...
anon ,   usa   (04.01.06)
A so called Palestinian that can spell and is sensible though biased (which is expected, every man has his own opinions and views)he's one in a eight point seven million and a comedian..lol. Want to imagine something funny? Run against Hamas next election, or better yet, do stand up at Gaza launching areas..lol.. wait , wait instead work at al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade summer camp to help the youth discover thier inner intellectual self before it ends up, outside..lol
71. Dear Mr. Hamzee
yakov shani ,   afula   (04.01.06)
You said in one of your responses that the Palestinians are descendants of Salah a din. You probably know as well as I do that his name is YUSUF SALAH A DIN EL AYUBI EL TAKRITI, and you know what this means so after admitting it would you please do us all a favour and go back to where your ancestors came from, and if what you feel like doing in life is to blow people up then do it there to your own.
72. stop blaming Jewish conspiracies
Susan ,   Philadelphia, USA   (04.01.06)
It is so much easier to blame all your prob lems on Jewish or Zionist conpiracies. There doesn't seem to be anything that the Palestinians can't blame on Israel, including the bird flu and the Muhammed cartoons. Israel is a democracy. It is not a perfect democracy, but it is a real democracy. The most powerful weapon the Palestinians have is not suicide bombers, it is the ability to affect Israeli public opinion.
73. #72
Beth Annaliese ,   San Luis Obispo, USA   (04.01.06)
http://www.internationaljewishconspiracy.com/ * wink *
74. #71
Beth Annaliese ,   San Luis Obispo, USA   (04.01.06)
You said it! Thank you. If only they would go back to Jordan or Egypt or any of the other Islamic states ... Arab or not and just blow each other up and leave the rest of us alone already!!!
75. This is your best piece yet Ray...(of garbage)
Lois D. ,   Baltimore, Md.   (04.01.06)
Blaming the victims for everything, even the occupation!
76. Answers Second Update
Hamzee Kaddoura ,   None   (04.02.06)
Number 61 “Illegal Arab construction has become a norm, led by the Palestinian Authority" A prime example of your double standard. Talking about Arabs violating Israeli law by building illegal houses when Israel is violating international law by building illegal settlements. Number 65 I don’t know what you are referring to please specify and I will answer you. Number 66 "Hamzee, your theory on land stealing... is horrible. If your country attacks my country in the hopes of destroying it and ytou lose, I don;t car about what land is yours. " It’s not my theory. It’s the UN that said that land gained in the 1967 war is illegal not me. Take it up with them. "Israel sits on less than 1% of middle east land, but that is still too much for all the arabs." You still don’t get it. It’s not about one percent. It’s about the fact that the one percent happens to sit on land that is sacred to Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike and it’s just not fair that this land should be reserved for Jews alone. Number 68 "Etzel and Lehi did engage in active terrorism, but this was only in response to the Arab terrorism" Using your logic then we can say that the recent Palestinian terrorism is only in response to Israeli aggression. Further using your logic that "war is war" we can say that any act of aggression is justified including the September 11 attacks on the USA. This logic is obviously greatly flawed.
77. Answers Second Update Continued
Hamzee Kaddoura ,   None   (04.02.06)
Number 69 "But your original argument is that Jews live in peace with Arabs and if there are 2 left from over 100,000 you are agreeing that Iraq's Jews could not live under Arab monarchies and dictatorships. " OK lets for the sake of argument agree that the Jews left Iraq because they were "extremely uncomfortable". You’re a smart person and you should know that Iraq was controlled by the British from 1940 to 1952 when 125,000 Jews left for Israel. So it was not Muslim oppression but rather British oppression. Now it is true that Iraq did officially gain its independence in 1930 but it remained under British control through a serious of puppet regimes until 1968 when the Ba'ath party came into power through the use of force. "As you very well know, no one leaves their home for ideology." That’s one person’s opinion but let’s looks at the numbers and let the readers decide on their own the reason for the mass immigration. From the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948 until 1951 700,000 Jews immigrated to Israel nearly doubling the Jewish population there. In the 60s and 70s the number remained rather steady at 60,000 to 80,000 Jews each year. In the last 20 years it is estimated that about 900,000 Jews immigrated to Israel. Now these Jews are from all over the world not just the Middle East so according to your argument all these Jews were "extremely uncomfortable." "You'd be a fool to want to live as a Dhimmi among Arabs." Well then my friend all the Jews and Christians who ever lived under Muslim rule were all fools including yourself according to your argument. I on the other hand know that you are not a fool and neither are the other Jews and Christians. And I know that life under Muslim rule was much better then on any other place in the world including the United States. Just look at how the Jews lived in the US in the 20s and 30s. "The correct solution now for these two people is a two state solution." If you can find a way to split up the land where Jews, Christians and Muslims can all be happy then I am with you. But since I know that this is impossible I advocate a one state solution. Number 71 "You probably know as well as I do that his name is YUSUF SALAH A DIN EL AYUBI EL TAKRITI, and you know what this means so after admitting it would you please do us all a favour and go back to where your ancestors came from" Your 100% right Salah a Din did not come from Palestine. But his family did live their. So according to your argument if we should all go back to where we came from then that would mean that all Americans should go back to Europe and hence America would cease to exist. People move around its human nature. Number 74 Refer to my response to number 71
78. Good article Ray and response to #12
Noam ,   Washington, DC   (04.02.06)
Ray, though I don't agree with many of your views, I completely respect that you are a proud Palestinian who is willing to critcize his own people and leaders when he sees wrong. And Palestinian's comment #12 is very distrurbing: "You are calling Hamas a terrorest goverment, you are either not palestinian , a complete traitor ,retarded or blind, we need a strong goverment and leaders to stay infont of Israel, leaders to be feared and give concsseions without nothing like the Fateh in the PA. " Are you saying that only people who vote Hamas, or have opinions and views the way they do is a "real Palestinian"? is diversity of thought not allowed for Palestinians? The fact that you live in the USA and hold such coercive, totalitarian views. Humans are all different and get it through your incredibly narrow minded head that we all see the world differently and shouldn't be forced to agree with one way of thinking or beliefs. If you believe that all Palestinians can only be loyal by subscribing to one ideology, than you are forecasting a dangerous road for your brethren's future that the paves the way for totalitarianism
79. Lois D...
DR ,   Florida, USA   (04.03.06)
why don't you go to Gaza or the west bank and try tohelp these people? Did you see what happened to other international aid workers???They were kidnapped and held for ransom. You do not get who we are dealing with and your emotions are driving your reasoning for the Palestinians being the victims. These people brainwash their kids to want to die and kiill jews in the name af Alah. Does this seem right to you? Would you send your son or daughter to blow themselves up in a mall? Wake up and see reality as the rest of us do. Don't be fooled by fake cries for help after Israel hunts down and kills a terrorist.
80. dr floreda
shamsa ,   rafah   (04.04.06)
it is enough that iam still crying the 15 children died in one building it is next to my house by the idf and the wanted man was not in it it is next to my house not in florida ,,, and when iam crying becouse i can not help only to cry if you believe or hear or see the suffering it is not help my eyes ,,,,,prophet jacob when he became blind by crying his jusef son the othr sons told him it is a fake crying they want to kill jusef without suffering and they did not feel their father suffering these were the jews befor no no it is human even they were prophets it is the jeloufy some times blind the eyes the same as the sadness blind the eyes i prefer if i have only one choice to be blind of sadness not of hate
81. Shamsa...
DR ,   Florida, USA   (04.04.06)
I know that a lot of Palestinians are suffering. The problem is that you are not suffering b/c of Israel or the USA, you are suffering b/c your leaders want violence and teach hate to your children at school. Israelis do not teach their children to hate and murder. You will only be happy if your people find a leader that wants peace...it's that simple. The whole world knows that Palestinians are hungry and suffering, and it's a horrible thing, but only Palestinians can help themselves.
82. Palestinians occupied with occupation
John Higgins ,   Dearborn, MI USA   (04.07.06)
Mr. Hanania, We had exchanged e-mails on Wednesday based on the only column of yours I had read. I have now found several more, culminating for now with the subject column. I see now that you have a much different view of things than I had thought. I cannot say I am yet a fan, but I will be a continued reader. The whole world needs peace in the Middle East. May God guide your hand in your efforts to achieve that.
83. #20
tony ,   PARIS   (04.07.06)
KKK,I Presume????What were you smoking ,when you scribbled your talkback???Labrador???
84. mamoon
touvia ,   PARIS   (04.07.06)
Maybe if you used the Hundreds of millions of $$$$$$$$$$,the world sent you,with intelligence,(building roads,schools,education,housing,etc,etc,)and did not squander the money on kamikaaz murderes,you would be proud,to then say",we have a history,"and you would not be crying wolf,and saying "I have no money to buy bread";Who's fault is it,that you have no money,???Take a look at what ARAFAT,gave you,huh,he gave you a big fat O,(zero)and now the Hamas,your newly "democratically elected governement,"is pulling you down even more..And still you keep your mouths SHUT,Know why???? You prefer to once again blame Israel,for your cowardness,to stand up to your "democratic " government.Hit the streets ;shout out in one voice,tell your elected leaders,that it was you,the people that put them there,,now its time to do something for you,not just shouting for all the world to hear,that you wish for the destruction of the state of Israel,For that will NEVER happen..So you see ,Mamoon,you could be eating properly,and writing history,a new chapter,in your lives so stop,preaching such stupid remarks as,your last sentence,of your talkback..Need I even comment on it???For I don't think you actually believe it yourself.
85. Answers Third Update
Hamzee Kaddoura ,   None   (04.13.06)
Number 79 "Did you see what happened to other international aid workers???They were kidnapped and held for ransom. " Or they are run over by Israeli driven Caterpillar bulldozers. Number 81 "Israelis do not teach their children to hate and murder." No they only require every citizen to participate in active military duty. They only allow settlers who are many times extremists to own firearms. Number 84 "Maybe if you used the Hundreds of millions of $$$$$$$$$$,the world sent you,with intelligence,(building roads,schools,education,housing,etc,etc," That may sound like a lot of money but their really isn’t much that you can do with it. How much do you think it costs to build a school or an adequate road system? Millions of dollars. But before any of this money is spent for this purpose the people need to be feed. The fact is that the world is just not giving enough to the Palestinian people.
86. To Ray
Muhammad ,   Montreal   (04.19.06)
Your article is full of misinformations.
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