Egyptian site: Jews kill children
Roee Nahmias
Published: 12.04.06, 14:21
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61. Ludwig
George Austin ,   Los Angeles, USA   (04.12.06)
Ludwig I know you well. Your hatreds have not been tempered over time. WHy must you hate Jews so much that you will kneel and lick the Islamic boot to help your cause.
62. 47: Ludwig Firebach: That site you compare to Hamas kids ?
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (04.12.06)
most of the pics look not as you claim- and some look fabricated This is nothing compared to what I posted Arab kids trained in military substitutes and it is obvious you only come to a Jewish site to spew Jew Hate Jews that defend themselves for over 70 years from Arabs The Jewish kids being killed don't bother You ? - Yes I see because they are jewish Arab children - The ultimate child abuse by their own people The links I gave you - are directly Hamas links but you can have others Ask for death No need to answer - since your name and posting already shows you came with an agenda - sounds a left over German Nazi
63. 57.Wise Man, USA: where you sick during History lessons
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (04.12.06)
64. Arabs kill Jewish kids[part1]
Ann   (04.12.06)
Strange how the very same people who claim Israelis deliberately try to kill Moslem kids never show any sympathy or compassion for the Jewish children who are killed by Arab terrorists here are just a few examples of Israeli children killed by Arabs over the years. May 8,1970-Palestinians shoot up a schoolbus forcing it off a road in Avinim,Israel then run up to the bus and shoot and kill 10 children between the ages of 6 and 9. April 11,1974-PLO terrorists enter the city of Kiryat Shemona and go from apartment to apartment machingunning 20 people to death, 9 of whom are infants and children. May 15,1974-PLO terrorists take over an elementary school in Maalot,Israeli and take 100 children hostage when their demands for the release of other terrorists are not met they kill 27 children and teachers. March 11,1978-PLO terrorists take over 2 buses inside Israel and shoot and kill 40 people mostly woman and children .One of the terrorists grabbed an infant from her mothers arm and threw her back into a bus that had set fire when the terrorists bombed it.
65. to #27
jason white ,   a   (04.12.06)
You are right wise-ass.We Jews do not look like arabs.You know why? We do not in-breed! It is arabs that have no place here. They are the ones that migrated here. They only know how to take over other religions holy places. Our Temple Mount and Yosef's tomb. The Hindu golden Temple in India. St Sophia's church in Istambul. They take over on some pretense that mo or some relative of his had a falafel there or whatever and it is your's.. I suppose that soon you will be saying that the U.S. is your's.But we will leave you alone soon to rest in peace{pieces}.
66. Ludwig are you the boss of the new NeoNazi party in Germany
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (04.12.06)
67. European hyprocracy
Ron ,   LA   (04.12.06)
Some “righteous” people on this forum hit Israel, the new Jew with a big stick. They know how to this valuable tool. Not the sincere concern for poor kids what motivates them! Because if they would care about children, they would go to Africa, where thousands of Christians massacred and raped. For if they concerned for human water recourses they would go to remote villages in Africa, where human life worth less than penny. For if they would be concerned with human rights, they would go to China, Syria, Iraq, Belarus or Chechnya. There are many places to go. Places, 1000 times more dangerous, places people starving and dying of AIDS. Kurds are still stateless. Did I mention Chachnya? How many people went there to demand human rights? No Russians wouldn’t be imppresed. No photo ops. No, not checkpoints bother them. Nor Palestinian health . No Palestinian independence . There aren’t TV cameras in Africa. No nice hotels. Nobody cares to send a correspondent to interview AIDS Africans. Nobody will see them demonstrating at the checkpoint. Nobody to tell about strike in China. British are chickens to ask Chinese about Human rights. No balls. China will spit and humiliate British puddle. But Israel? Israel is little shitty country. Israel have nice hotels, entertainment. Nice restaurants, women. Plus you are in first class country close to Europe. Lots of news, not boring Norway or Sweden. No it’s not about humanity. Sexy news on front pages. They know Jewish sensitivities , humanity. They know how to put to shame this cruel Jew. Shame on you Jew, how dare you be not nice! You claim you are chosen, the most moral… I will put you on your place, so you don’t tell me, European what I did to you all those centuries. I don’t want to feel guilty for raping and colonizing and stealing from South America and Africa, ME and India. I am not anti –Semite, but I remember something wrong with you. The left is bankrupt now. They need a new cause. They need a sexy cause; the old Socialism is not sexy anymore. Come on, hit the Jew. He only gets stronger.
68. Arabs kill Jewish kids [part2]
Ann   (04.13.06)
April 22,1979-Palestinian terrorists take an Israeli father and his 2 year old daughter hostage in Naharyia.When their demands for the release of other terrorists from jail is not met they take the father and daughter down to a beach and shoot the father in front of his daughter then bash the child's head into a rock until she dies.The terrorists who bashed the baby's head in is now considered a hero in sick Palestinian society. April 17,1980- PLO terrorists seize a nurseryschool in Israel and take 9 infants hostage when the demands for the release of other terrorist prisoners are not met they shoot and kill a baby and wound 7 other children. April 3 ,1987-Palestinian terrorists kidnap a 7 year old Jewish boy from the West Bank then beat and stone him to death. October 31,1988- Palestinian rioters throw a firebomb at an Israeli car in the West Bank killing a pregnant Israeli women and her 3 small children.
69. To #3
Muhammad ,   Montreal   (04.13.06)
Exodus 20: "You shall not murder" "You shall not commit adultery" "You shall not steal" "You shall not bear false witness" "You shall not covet" Exodus 21:16 "He who kidnaps a man, whether he sells him or he is found in his possession, shall surely be put to death" Leviticus 24:17 "If a man takes the life of any human being, he shall surely be put to death" Read clearly wat u posted and learn from it.
70. Arabs kill Jewish kids part [3]
Ann   (04.13.06)
May 20,1992-An Arab terrorist stabs and kills a young Israeli girl waiting for her schoolbus. April 6,1994- A carbomb explodes next to a schoolbus in Afula killing and injuring many schoolchildren and teachers. Dec11,1996-Terrorists shot and killed a 12 year old Israeli boy and his pregnant mother in the West Bank May 3,2000-An Israeli toddler is critically injured when a mob of Arabs throws a firebomb at her mom's car in the West Bank
71. Excuses, Excuses, And More Excuses
Ludwig Firebach   (04.13.06)
The photos are "doctored." They "don't compare" to photos on Hamas sites. They're "exceptional." The guns are "toys." There are a few "extremists." Whew! There's a BIG river in Egypt where some people posting here belong - De- Nile.
72. 69 Muhammad ,Montreal: I tell you who can teach You a
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (04.13.06)
Lesson .......... and : Walid Shoebat website - From Hate to Love So what about Wafa Sultan: (a MEMRI clip)... by listening to this - it is in Arabic and subtitled in English. Wafa Sultan, which was interviewed in chain Al-Jazeera in Qatar: She warns the islamist radicals and their idea: Don't miss this and pass along ! what about Dr. Ali ......... What about Nonie Darwish tells it like it is What about Brigitte Gabriel Interview Fast Connections: Slow connections:
73. To "Wise Man"
Nat ,   USA   (04.13.06)
Dear Sir, you are anything, but what you proclaim to be. Muslims (not all of course) are the perpetrators of terrorism. Who was it that murdered children in school in Beslan? Who was it that murdered children in suicide bombing of Sbarro's pizzeria in Israel? Please, don't lie to yourself and others. The sooner Muslims take responsibility for their actions and reform the religion, the better it will be for us all.
74. Amazing when Terrorists are in their panties and lead away
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (04.13.06)
from Terror Attacks - and all Not an Arab shows up to condemn them - they hide in their caves with their camels The minute as we have freedom of expression - we see reprint from the Libel Arab countries - with hysterical lies The Arabs and their buddies turn up in masses - like the moths coming to the light to clapp and believe they saw the truth - despite same being lies Their comprehension to facts is as usual limited and their coward behavior doesn't come forward when Their brethren are in trouble
75. 71 Ludwig Firebach: The excuses are on your side
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (04.13.06)
by playing desperately to search for no matter what and where - what you possible could stick on Israel at the same time you ignore ALL - plus history - You come here only with an agenda Please let us know why you come to jewish Website - for Israel why don't you blabber on NeoNazi sites - German hate sites - and or Arab ones There must be a distinct reason why you come here - and why only when it is a subject where you gleafully could go on a Jew bashing trip Now - take yourself to those sites where you find your buddies that will clap for you
76. 73 Nat ,USA: well said facts indeed
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (04.13.06)
77. #23- David... You have a good point!
James K. ,   Leesville, U.S.A.   (04.13.06)
78. Wiseman...
Michael ,   Austin, TX   (04.13.06)
obviously, sarcasm is lost on don't understand it. ummm...after the Holocaust there were one-third fewer Jews left in the world...after 50 years as "refugees" palessstinian population has octupled. I sure don't see any "holocaust" there...just a lot of wanna-be victims.
79. Arabs kill Jewish kids part[4]
Ann   (04.13.06)
November 20,2000- A bomb explodes next to a schoolbus in the West Bank two teachers are killed and 9 schoolchildren are injured. March 27,2001- a ten month old Jewish infant is shot and killed on a playground in Hebron. June 1,2001- Twenty teenagers are killed when a suicide bomber explodes outside a disco in Tel Aviv. June 2,2001- a five month old Jewish infant is killed when a mob of Arabs stone his parents car. Feb 3,2002-A Palestinian terrorist breaks into a home in the West Bank and shoots and kills a Israeli mom and her retarded daughter.
80. to #27, Wise but not learned Man..Jews are native, not Arabs
David Landman ,   Boston, USA   (04.13.06)
The land of Israel is native to Jews, ALL JEws, Asheknazi,Sephardic..all tribes. Its in our blood. Our cities of Shilo, Hebron, Jerusalem, Beer Sheva, Shechem, etc. The land is Jewish. Arabs are just the latest invaders. It doesnt change the fact that Jews are the Natives. Just because we were ethnically cleansed of the land by so many invaders, latest being British and Arab. EVERYWHERE you go on the land is proof that it is Jewish land: Historical Relics, Jewish Markets in Hebron, our cemetaries. Even Jerusalems census for the past 200 years had a MAJORITY or PLURITY of Jews, including East Jerusalem. East Jerusalem was not a majority Muslim area until Arabs ethnically cleansed it of Jews in 48. Your historical facts are lacking and your racism is showing. Jews arent native to Europe or Asia, but to Israel. Our skin color just shows the extent of our tribes. Our blood, cities, cemetaries, Temple Mount show that we are the natives and the Arabs are the invaders.
81. M
Gary Williams ,   CA   (04.13.06)
"G-D designated the Temple Mount to the Jews for His worship and prayer only." And these old superstitions are reason for both of you fools to keep killing each other over a piece of dirt. 21st century, all the progress science has made towards explaining what was completely unknown and unknowable millenia ago. THere is no more need for gods to explain how life and the universe came to be as it is.... and yet deliberate ignorance still rules the day in places like Jeruselem. As your own Rabbi Hillel (?) once said in response to a question on summing up the Torah in s few words as possible. He said (and I paraphrase) "Treat others as you would want to be treated by them in turn. All else is commentary". That would include land-deeds, and other miraculous events we know conclusively never happened. You would think the self-serving nature of these miracles would be a clue to what really happened. But no.... Hearing this stuff from infancy on is too powerful for an effect on all but the strongest minds. We've turned children into cannibals and even the willing partners of pedophiles. Religious zealotry is surely to be expected among the child victims of other zealots. All more advanced than the Neanderthals who buried their dead with flowers, all with the hope that they had the "real god" working for them no doubt. But their craniums......they actually were "born that way". So....what is the excuse of you lot?
82. Arab vs Israeli deaths
Gary Williams ,   CA   (04.13.06)
The deaths of Arab children is far greater than that of Israeli children, so no matter how much you sick, sad cases of humanity wish that you could twist facts like George Bush does for his right-wing American religious fools. The facts simply speak to more deadly violence being used by the IDF on Palestinians. You are on land you illegally occupied, and this according to the Bush administration, the UN, and everyone who can read and retain info more factual than their childhood religious insruction. You don't seem to realize that you re your own worst enemies by defending these indefensible positions. You give good reason for many in the world to come around to thinking of another wholesale resurgence in REAL anti-semitism, and not the "cry wolf " type I hear every time someone criticizes Israeli policy . And btw....That too has all the earmarks of becoming a very costly mistake in the long run.
83. Jews and Arabs
Esther   (04.13.06)
I don't know. As for the Arab issue...No matter how I say it, it's going to sound ractist, but I'm sure I'm not the only one... I've been to Israel and I'd say party of the israeli/arab conflict has to do with the following: it's pretty damn freakin weird to see huge, blond-haired, blue-eyed, anglo looking jews walking around the desert ....and listening to justification that they are "back in their ancestral land?"...please, sephardic jews, I can TOTALLY understand, both culturally and morphologically, but freakin Germans and Russians and all that anglo jazz, no way, don't tell me that was your freakin ancestors' land from freakin thousands of years ago and now you're this middleastern/european concoction prancing around in the middle of 60 million freaking arabs and reclaiming your "home." bullsh*t. REALIZE, oh dear ashkenaz zionist, that that's part of why arabs and other middle-eastern cultures have a tough time accepting you. you don't look middle eastern, you don't act middle eastern, and you're not middle eastern (but really want to be). accept it. you're out of place. palis pay the price of european antisemitism when angry white jews turn their hate and minority complex on them. it really grosses me out when a see giant, blond jews in military uniform attacking skinny, brown palis who are fighting back with rocks. these monsters can't even stand it when their own kind is dark (sephardic) and arab looking, it reminds the ashkenazis that they're out of place. It's so reminiscent of the 1940s... molested become molestors.
84. Anti-Semitic?
Barney ,   CA, USA   (04.13.06)
Isn't it an OXYMORON for an Arab to be anti-semitic? You guys are one and the same...Too bad no one wants to accept that.
85. documented
Betsy   (04.13.06)
the muslims shoot their own children and then use the press to cast blame on the Jews. it's all p.r. on their part. Jews do not kill children. Jews give medical treatment to Jew and arab alike It looks like this is all about choosing sides. Jew haters will pick whatever lies they want to believe and it wont be straightened out until the End. tsk tsk, all this judgement from the enemy. if only the egyptians and thier supporters knew... it is yourselves you are judging when you talk against Jews..
86. attempting to cut through the crap
Betsy   (04.13.06)
If you KNOW the Jews, you know that the accusations cannot be true.
87. this isn't working
Betsy   (04.13.06)
in a sane world hitler would not have stood a chance to influence anybody. in a righteous world....? this is not a sane or righteous world. why do we debate with these people? it's the same world that looked the other way while millions of Jews were being slaughtered! people have not changed. the desecrations the arabs are commintting are unthinkable! surely there is some effective way to stop them. instead of wasting time argueing about it, we need to come up with something we can DO to put them in their places once and for all. not something the gov't can do, not something the IDF can do. Is there anything we all can do? what might that be? time to put all that intellctual ability to work on this problem..
88. sacrificeing a few kids to fool the world.
Danny America   (04.13.06)
We all know the fact that the terrorists shoot into crowds of their own to enrage world oppion and anger against Israel. You can fool some of the people (sweeds) some of the time, but not all of the people, all of the time. Is there any question why God is going to come and defend Her against the whole world? seems prefectly clear...
89. Check This Out
Someone ,   California, USA   (04.13.06)
90. Jews aren't terrorists
WAS ,   USA   (04.13.06)
When was the last time an israeli went into a crowded market with a bomb to specifically kill civilians? Oh yeah....NEVER. Wake up and realize it has nothing to do with anything Israel does. They are hated simply for who they are. PERIOD.
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