Olmert: Convergence to cost USD 10 billion
Yitzhak Benhorin
Published: 12.04.06, 18:48
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32. #17 Karen
Navi   (04.12.06)
I unfortunately seem to have a lot of trouble finding someone anywhere who will answer my question. I don't think all the Arabs should be deported from Israel because that would be unethical, but I do believe in the importance of Israel as a Jewish State. Canada, and most western countries already exist as Christian countries. There is no threat to the Christian majority so there is no need to discuss such demographic issues. Israel needs to protect its Jewish majority.
34. Navi - they can't offer a solution
Alex ,   Boston   (04.12.06)
Unless the right wing will admit it's inhumane aspiriations, there is no politically correct 'solution' they can pretend to embrace that would sound reasonable. You are dealing with people who only can think about their G-d given right; never can they think rationally or without emotion and anger at the thought of removing Jews from illegally occupied territory. They shouldn't be looked down upon or ridiculed, but at the same time, as a rational Jew, you can't deny that the right is full of hatred and revenge. They have no solution that doesn't involve a war or abuse of our superior military.
35. What?
X ,   Hollywood, Florida   (04.12.06)
If the US gave Israel 1.5 trillion dollars over the last 50 years, Israel would be rish as f***. It's more like 2-5 billion a year over the past decade, roughly .1% of what the US government takes in, or roughly .03% of the US GDP. Much of it goes back to US military companies. Egypt gets nearly the same amount.
36. Good
X ,   Hollywood, Florida   (04.12.06)
I hope Israel does give up arab neighbourhoods IN E Jerusalem. Hopefully in the Wadi Ara near UImm El Fahm, too. In exchange Israel should take up settler positions in the West Bank.
37. reply to #3, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17
sk ,   USA   (04.13.06)
I am waiting for some coffee to kick in, but I don't need to be alert for you guys. #3: Were you hatched or were you cultured on a slab of agar? #7: Jon (or is it Ahmed?), Jews are the "owners" of Israel from the Mediterrean to the Jordan River. Really, they should have Jordan too, but the Brits, whom I have begun to loathe passionately, gave Jordan to a failed Arab "Hashemite," who, alas, had lost Arabia to the house of Saud. Therefore, you are wrong when you say that "the owners of the land are excluded from the formula." #8 (Ramallah): The idea of a "Palestinian" complaining about someone else getting foreign aid is a hoot. Israel could do perfectly well without the $3B in aid (almost all military) it gets. Despite its imperfections, Israel has a robust economy that far exceeds that of Egypt, Lebanon, and Syria combined. "Palestine," though, couldn't survive a week without handouts. That tells us all we need to know about the "Palestinian" work ethic. #9 (Herb): You must have gone to the same "news" site that #2 went to. #35 corrects your information. But really, how can anyone claim that the US has given $30B a year to Israel for 50 years without snickering? #15 (Motaz): Was that supposed to clever? Perhaps all of your LOL'ing has taken the edge off your wit. #16: (alan): After your first sentence I realized that I couldn't take you seriously because you could not tell the difference between me ( #1, 6) and a plate of fungus (#3).
38. reply to #12
sk ,   USA   (04.13.06)
Navi, you say (1) that you understand the desire not to remove Jews from their homes and Jewish land; (2) that Palestinians will not leave; and (3) that, therefore, only a separation into two states will work. For the sake of argument, let's say I grant all three points. How do you get from these points to a conclusion that Jews should be expelled? Why should a powerful state sacrifice its citizens to advantage a hostile non-state "authority" and its hostile citizens? Do you personally prefer expelling Jews to expelling Arabs? The existence of Jews in Yesha has absolutely no effect on the demographics of Israel. When Jews lived in Gaza, the Gazan Arabs did not magically become Israeli citizens: the expulsion of Jews from Gaza was demographically neutral. Please Google "Caroline Glick" for more on this topic. There is only one potential for a demographic problem, and that is with Israeli Arabs ("IPals") who are citizens. If Israeli leaders really cared about demographics, they would transfer Arabs from Tel Aviv/Yaffo and Haiffa, and not Jews from Judea, Samaria, and Gaza. Finally, there is already a "Palestinian" state, and this is Jordan. It was an illegal state in that Britain was supposed to include it into the Jewish homeland, but then, as now, the Brits caved into the Arabs.
39. reply to #27
sk ,   USA   (04.13.06)
Caroline, I have noticed Israelis tend to have an odd view of the US. You know something is wrong in Israel, and you somehow conclude that it is the US's doing. But was it the US that demanded that Moshe Dayan give the keys of the Temple Mount back to the Arab Wafq in '67? Why, the US wasn't even much of a supporter of Israel until Nixon! The US was not responsible for the Sinai expulsion - that was Begin. It was not responsible for Oslo - that was Rabin and Yossi Beilin. If the US had such tight control over Israel, how did Israel manage to create the entire settlement system in the first place? Much more recently, did the US pressure Mazuz to allow Olmert to be acting PM and to campaign from this position? Does the US control the selection of your High Court that seems so indifferent to Jewish lives? The US is not responsible for Israeli dysfunction. Rather, the defects of Israeli democractic institutions are mostly responsible; and, I am sorry to say, the shtetl mentality seems to play a part, too.
40. Aftermarth
Daniel ,   Down Under   (04.13.06)
Olmert/Sharon could not/can't adequately house 7000 Gaza settlers. How is he gonna do it for 70,000? And do you think they are not gonna leave without a real fight? IDF soldiers were tormented enough during the Gaza disengagement. This one will be 100x worse and will split the nation. The nation is already split. This will make it much worse.
41. relocate Arabs instead
Israel Zwick ,   nyc   (04.13.06)
This works out to about 150,000 dollars for each displaced Jew. Why not offer instead $10,000 to each Arab in Judea to move somewhere else. That would get rid of 1 million Arabs that would be happy to live somewhere else and no more demographic threat. Olmert's plan is a poor way to spend $10 billion, it should be spent instead on getting rid of the Arabs and leaving Judea to the Jews. Olmert wants no Jews in Judea.
42. # 35 X, Hollywood
Surprised ???? Check this:
43. # 35 X
and this
44. To Ayman #29
Josh ,   Jerusalem   (04.13.06)
If we are occupying you, where exactly are we occupying? Palestine? No, that country doesn't exist. The West Bank? Nope, that's just the name of the area. Judea and Shomron? That's the name written in our 3000 year old bible, but for arguments sake it's not the official name of the territory. So what gives you the right to claim that we're on your land? That's right, you have no right. Your people rejected that right a few times actually. Basically, it's disputed territory, not occupied, so don't mince words.
45. Rewarding Murder: The GLOBAL VILLAGE RAISED these TERRORISTS
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (04.13.06)
Re-take Gaza. It has been transformed into Hamastan - terrorist training camps and a global base for terror. Punished for not being Muslim, 10,000 hated Infidel Jews in Gaza and northern Samaria were rendered jobless and homeless for enemies sworn to Israel's destruction. In a cruel, sadistic act Jews are forced to pay mortgages on their destroyed homes. IT TOOK THE GLOBAL VILLAGE TO RAISE THESE TERRORISTS. The PLO/Palestinian Authority terrorist organization's bank accounts and war chests are filled with billions of American and European tax dollars. PLO/PA were never expected to create farms and businesses with their finances, long hours, and hard work. All of this was to be done for them by the Jewish victims of their terrorism. The wealthy PLO/Palestinian Authority terrorist organization were given wonderful gifts of Jewish land, thousands of greenhouses, and hundreds of farms of the Jews the terrorists attacked and murdered. Murders, pogroms, genocides. Deportations. The stealing of Jewish land and assets is the way Jews have always been treated.
46. You're Welcome!
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (04.13.06)
The money couldn't go to a more deserving country. At least you appreciate the help. I can't say that for most countries that berate the US constantly. And our government pushed for this disengagement, so let them pay for it. If some Americans whine about the cash, don't fret. 10 Billion is a couple of days worth of interest on borrowed money here. It amounts to nothing. I suppose some of my countrymen would rather send more money to the terrorists. Sarcasm! I would rather that the Israeli's had not been forced to move. But if it has to happen, we pushed this position, we can pay for it.
47. Actually Karen 17#--I thought the Arabs wanted
all the Jews to leave the Middle East? I mean they have started enough wars to drive those squirmy little Jews into the sea. Of course that wasn't an apartheid moment on the Arabs part? It wasn't an apartheid moment 600 years ago, when the Arabs conquered and drove the Jews out, without even a thank you very much, for allowing them to steal the Jews land. When are the Arabs going to give the Jews back the other stolen land Karen? Or does History only go back 100 years in Liberal Colleges these days?
48. "If my people will humble themselves and pray"
Jill ,   Colorado , USA   (04.13.06)
49. Olmert is stupid stupid and stupid
Caligula's Horse ,   Solomon's stables   (04.13.06)
He is running Israel like he ran our city, straight into the abyss!! I'm telling you, he was the worst mayor of Jerusalem for the last 3000 years, there has to be an investigation on how he got to run our country, but thats a different issue, anyways. #1 This "Convergence plan" will cost, in a crude calculation based on the last withdrawal, around 25billion$, without including the damage of unemployment, civil war, terrorism and other things that will follow it. #2 This "Convergence plan" has absolutly ZERO tactical, strategical or ANY benifit to BOTH sides, on the short run AND on the long run. #3 America hasent given a single cent for the previous withdrawal so there is absolutly no reason to believe they would give any for this withdrawal. These are the reasons why Sharon himself said that there will be NO more uniletiral withdraws, Gaza is not Judea and Samaria but unluckly Olmert is not Sharon either! The only possible solution, which will include external support for both nations, bring a better situation and allow fianacial growth to both Israel and would be Palestine is a long term peace agreement signed by BOTH nations with the support of the US and EU, this is what we (both Israelis and Palestinians) should strive for if we want to avoid complete bankrupt, anarchy and war on both sides.
50. #35, yes same $ amount is given to Egypt but they are 80M
AHMED ,   Ejerusalem palestine   (04.13.06)
and your population is only around 4 streets of a cairo neighberhood!
51. contractors
Contractors can't lose with Israeli politicians: make money building settlements, dismantaling settlements, building new housing.
52. reply to #42 (no name)
sk ,   USA   (04.13.06)
Actually, no-name, I am not surpised at all. Within 30 seconds after I visited the link, I Googled "washington report" saudi funding Lo! I got the following from Front Page ( At the same table, free copies of a glossy newsmagazine called the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs were being distributed to the academics in attendance. Most people, upon seeing the publication, might assume it was similar to Newsweek or Time; the inside cover claims the report has been “telling the Truth for more than 20 years. … Interpreting the Middle East for North Americans.” What most people don’t know is that the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs magazine and Web site – indeed, the entire organization behind it – are funded by Saudi Arabia, a despotic regime that has been quietly buying its way onto every campus in America, particularly through Middle East Studies centers in the U.S. I won't bother to research the drivel you link to in your next talkback. I just wanted to let you know how easily my tailored search debunked your source. To others here: you may hate Jews passionately. Just remember, though, that "our friends the Saudis" were the ones on those 9/11 planes.
53. reply #50
sk ,   USA   (04.13.06)
AHMED, leaving everything else aside (like the fact that Egypt is no friend of the US, and thus deserves NOTHING from us), the size of a recipient does not matter when you're talking about the amount of US MILITARY aid. Or didn't that occur to you? Don't get me wrong: I would like to end all US aid of all kinds to Egypt, Isarel, and Jordan. I am gleefully aware that Israel would not be hurt at all, but that Egypt and Jordan would be devastated. Good.
54. #44 yes and Haifa and Nazareth are alos disputed territory
Ayman ,   Jenin Palestine   (04.13.06)
I get it now. In case you do not know, the UN passes on resolutions and they represent international laws. So in case you are not aware not one country (apart from the solomon islands I guess) recognizes Israel occupation of East jerusalem. hence all embassies are in Tel aviv. Denying our existance will not let you live in peace.
55. To #39 - sk - you are so right!
Caroline ,   Israel   (04.13.06)
I agree with every word of yours. My post was just a sarcastic reaction on what is goging on in this country from someone who does not see the light at the end of the tunnel. Decadence is the word which can describe every aspect of Israeli life today. Money and power are used for personal benefit of elitist political manipulators and the people is tired. Tired of all of them. And with all this we need to be strong dealing with daily threats from our neighbours - you just reed their posts here and you realize in the middle of which snakes' nest we live. We need your help and people of Israel will do better to deserve it.
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (04.13.06)
"We are tired of fighting, we are tired of being courageous, we are tired of winning, we are tired of defeating our enemies, we want to be able to live in an entirely different environment of relations with our enemies." -- Ehud Olmert in a June 2005 address to the Israel Policy Forum in New York. As Israel's enemies grow stronger, strengthend with the Gaza surrender, Olmert makes the stunning admission that he's tired of defeating Israel's enemies. Tired of winning, Olmert plans to surrender the strategic high ground of Judea and Samaria to Israel's implacable enemies, so that they can win.
57. # 52 sk
SUUUUUURE.... and the Christian Science Monitor is published by the Ayatollas of IRAN... You enjoy being a sucker, good for you. But if you were a patriotic american, just look at your underfunded education system, your roads, infrastructure .. not to mention the great aid that was given to Katrina victims, and rebuilding the devastated "American" homes. SUCKER.
58. we paid to build them we'll pay to destroy them!
alan ,   washington D-C   (04.13.06)
Israel has wasted billions of dollars on the crazy and doomed endeavour, colonizing the occupied territories (yes they are occupied ask the inhabitants) and now it is going to repair this mistake. Why, should we pay for this stop and go policy?
59. #54
You know exactly how much we care about the rest of the world. Hint, less than you do.
60. No money
Alex ,   LA, USA   (04.13.06)
Some Jews in Israel do not understand how US works. Several letters to a US cenator change his vote. USA wouldn't give even 50 mil USD to Israel because Bush will receive 1000s letters. We, in USA, understand well why Sharon went to Temple Mount. We know well (and you also know?) that Sharon and Olmert are crooks, and Bush knows it too. Nobody will get money even if Olmert had promissed his people otherwise.
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