Olmert: Convergence to cost USD 10 billion
Yitzhak Benhorin
Published: 12.04.06, 18:48
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65 Talkbacks for this article
61. It'll be cheaper to pay Arabs to leave
Chaya ,   Bat Yam   (04.13.06)
A large percentage have expressed an interest in getting money to leave. This would be much cheaper than expelling Jews from Eretz Yisrael. Hey, Ayman (#29) and Mohammend (#30) there is no such place as palestine. This whole land is Eretz Yisrael. It is YOU who are the occupiers. Al Quds is an Arabic distortion of Kadosh which means holy.
62. reply to #57 (no-name)
sk ,   USA   (04.14.06)
You have already disqualifed yourself from any serious attention. You have humilated yourself. No doubt that is why you posted without a name. In general, though, I don't even read the writings of phantoms. I am certainly not going to chase down every citation. Really, though, anyone who is idiotic enough to talk about the US giving aid of $30B per year for 50 years to ANY country has also disqualifed himself from being taken seriously. I agree, though, that the US is a sucker: it should have booted the UN out of valuable real estate in New York decades ago, and it should not be funding it at all now. Certainly it should not fund the Pals. (How many dollars per Pal total? Why don't you try looking THAT up in your Nazi rags. Let's see if the datum is provided.) Nor should it prop up other anti-American regimes like Egypt and Jordan. It should have rejected Euro "soft power" (soft what?) and have already decapitated Iran. And it should have withdrawn years ago from a NATO that is militarily irrelevant. It should never have footed so much of the bill for European defense against the Soviets (the Euros could do it themselves), and it should have stopped all such defense expenditures when the Soviet Union fell. We are talking BIG BUCKS here, and I don't need to go to a Saudi-funded rag to know that.
63. ahh, sorry, we're broke, go ask your father
rich delaney ,   kingsport u.s.a.   (04.14.06)
if isreal thinks it can come back to the trough after getting 2 billion just last year to move out of the "settlements", guess again. we just paid them for that, and it never happened. so now they want 10 billion more? have they seen our defecit numbers? do they care that every man woman and child in America is now potentially $30,000 in debt to the national budget? don't they have their own money|? and when did it become my responsibility to pay isrealis to move out of land they stole from the palestinians, when i can't afford the rent i'm paying now? enough already, dad's broke, go get a job!!
64. reply to #63
sk ,   USA   (04.14.06)
Oh right, the Israelis got 2 billion to move out of Gaza. Are you insane? Do you believe every Saudi-financed web site you vist? As for the 30k, what a hoot. Do you care to provide some documentation? Or do you rely on Democratic talking points? Oh yes, Americans are so poor. Somehow, though, they live in nice houses, and take expensive trips, and so forth. Meantime, Europeans can't find a job.
65. Olmert's Convergence Plan
Doris Cadigan ,   Massachusetts, USA   (04.16.06)
In 1967 the Israeli troops invade the Palestinian territories during the 1967 war and later refused to leave even under UN Security Council 242 which called for "withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict". Then the Israeli government begins to builds illegal settlements in defiance of the Fourth Geneva Convention: "The occupying power shall not deport or transfer part of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies" Now even with six previous American presidents reminding Israeli leaders of their violation of international law, American tax payers are financing illegal settlements even in violation of their own laws: the Foreign Assistance Act (FAA) and the Arms Export Control Act (AECA). Last year, after much teeth pulling and arm wrestling from the international community and with over 200 illegal settlements under his belt, Sharon agreed to pull out some 8,000 Israeli settlers from Gaza as their security was over burdening for his state anyhow. Again, the American tax payers picked up the bill. (I might add the settlers ran their wells dry - another for the Israeli handout.) All the while hundreds of thousands of Americans were flooded out of their homes by Katrima and din't even have a roof over their heads. Pretty amazing ? Now a year, Olmert, the new Israeli PM is looking for 10 billion dollars for his Convergence Plan to relocate and resettle more illegal settlers from the West Bank and once again the American tax payers are expected to chip in or pick up the bill--there is no telling which. Perhaps the most troubling question is who are the American tax payers more loyal to? The illegal Israeli settlers or their own unsettled flood victims
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