Opinion  Ray Hanania
From morons to moderation
Ray Hanania
Published: 18.04.06, 08:44
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31. non-violence, brilliant! if they did that we'd have...PEACE!
mike ,   usa   (04.18.06)
no fighting, talk about things, make agreements, presto! - peace in the middle east! why didn't someone think about this before? and all this time i thought that the two sides were trying to acheive peace through violent means. wait, is ray being funny or serious here?
32. hashish
Ahmad Abouali ,   nablus, falsteen   (04.18.06)
Ray Hania has been using hashish lately to come up with his latests stupidities and diatribes about "drugs, love and R&R" I guess there is not need to tell him to wake abut, after all he is out of it
david ,   santa cruz, ca   (04.18.06)
34. Post #25 - Jew-baiting courtesy of Ynet
Kate ,   London   (04.18.06)
35. Hanania's true desires from a 2002 article
Kate ,   London   (04.18.06)
"Here is an earlier article by Hanania in which he calls the Israeli Army and leaders "Nazi-like" and looks forward to "correcting the original injustice of 1948 and restoring Palestinian control over all of Palestine," in other words, to the destruction of Israel." http://home.comcast.net/~jat.action/PCUSA_Hanania.htm
36. Tell that to the six million dead Jews Ray!
Steven Wilson   (04.18.06)
Just let destiny push you in the oven. Don't get in the way. Eventually the mass murderers will get their just desserts.
37. you're mistaken
tom ,   canada   (04.18.06)
mr. hanania, you make a very common mistake - the world doesn't owe the palestinians (or hamas in particular) a living. the palestinians elected hamas, and all the "respect" that this election deserves is to recognize that they sit in ramallah as the current rulers of the palestinian anarchy. much like george bush's situation, they are in an elected office, for better or for worse. but where is it written that the rest of the world must finance hamas (or the rest of the palestinians)? i can respectfully disagree with george bush, but i don't have to buy him lunch (or a rocket launcher).
38. #27 Not only humara-ist but also 'hmar-ist
Mohamed Rabinovitch ,   Zioo Entity/ Mecca   (04.18.06)
fer sure
39. Yeah right....... not!!!
Yidith ,   Canada   (04.18.06)
Once again the leftist/"Humanist" message is the same: Not only are we Jews supposed to allow ourselves to be murdered but we must do it "gracefully" as well. (go quietly without making a "fuss") So?- let me get this right: when attacked, if we react by kicking and screaming while taking as many of the murderers down as possible, this is not "civilised" behaviour apparently......??(scratching my head here) Sheesh!!; why does Ynet even print this nonsense?
40. Ray Hanania
Marc ,   EU   (04.18.06)
You are right; the. occupation is the problem, yet you got it wrong with your assumtion. If you would know the history you would also know that the Arabs are the occupier! Keep on telling more jokes-
41. Who do we give land back to?
Dan ,   Israel   (04.18.06)
Ray's articles are a ray of hope but a couple of things don't add up: 1. I believe 80% of Israelis would gladly give back land in exchange for a guarantee of peace and cessation of terror. (OK - for at least a guarantee that terror will not be condoned by the Palestinian leadership). How do you give to neighbours who openly say that the minute they are able to they will kill you and burn down your home. Maybe they don't mean it - but can we take the risk and trust them? Can anyone guarantee that the next Palestinian government elect will recognise signed agreements made by the last one? 2. I want peace and sanity to prevail but the only chance for this is for both sides to raise their children on love and not on hate. Yes, there are Israeli's who hate, and the educational system in Israel needs to be less biased in it's message - but no-one in Israel is glorifying murder, suicide and the taking of innicent lives - to kindergarten children. I repeat what Golda Meir once said - that as long as the Palestinians hate their enemies more than they love their children, there is no hope for peace.
42. Ray. your a piece of work!
NS ,   Long Island, NY   (04.18.06)
Ray you are a true hustler. When Hamas is clearly as blood thirsty as it has been you push the peace line. However when it seems that Israel has the upper hand you push for a militant answer to this problem by any means necessary. Rev. Al Sharpton would be proud of you. You don't fool me or the majority of Jews both in the USA or in Israel.
43. Ray #25
Yisraeli   (04.18.06)
his attempt to save face failed badly. its easy to tell where his loyalties lie tho he pretends to be evenhanded and a humanist. and basically tries to cover up his villification by running under the banner of comedy and sattire. Bottom line Ray, you are no different from other arab christians, thats if your a christian as some have said here. They too are against Israel lock stock and barrel inspite of theyre christian beliefs. they just cant help it I guess they have lived too long under muslims in a dhimmi state to act any different. Ray 98% of comments here ridicule your article can they all be wrong and crazy? and you the white dove? I think not. As I said do yourself and us a favour and dont bother writing on ME politics, as your placid support for hamas you may as well write for them. dont try and fool us with your nonsensical rhetoric.
44. ps ray
Yisraeli   (04.18.06)
go learn from Joseph Farrah i think his name, editor of worldnetdaily also an arab christian however hes not afraid of the truth and regularly comments on it. Now he knows what hes talking about. He knows the history and the truth and unlike many arabs today hes not afraid of telling it the way it really is. I invite you to read his articles on www.wnd.com I wont point you to any particular one just go and research them for yourself.
45. Ray, peace will come after we transfer the Arabs to Jordan
Dudu ,   Kfar Sava   (04.18.06)
46. Ray, liberate us from the burden of your cheap demagogy
47. Americans, don't have sense of humor, confused, see here
Mohamed Rabinovitch ,   Zio Entity/ Mecca   (04.19.06)
What you guys refuse to see, Hanania is just joking here,he is American, he doesn't mean it, his articles are parody on " peaseful palestinians" You guys don't understand HUMOR. Who say Palestinians don't have great comedians? Hanahia articles are COMEDY for G-d sake!
48. #32 Hey, Ahmad how can I get some..
Moshe ,   jerusalem, falsteen   (04.19.06)
good stuff, the one Hanania got from Dubai, do you have it there in nublus? Get me some, then we can talk about pease like Hanania.
49. The president that freed the slaves must have
been a moron too. Lincoln was much more despised than President Bush. And estimates are of 600,000 thousand american deaths to accomplish the task. And Roosevelt was a Moron, losing 450,000 thousand Americans to free Europe and Africa from the Germans. And how many did Washington lose in the Revolutionary War? And how about Madison in the War of 1812. And then there is Kennedy who got us into Vietnam. He's a Moron. And then there's Johnson and Nixon. All must surely be Morons. Ray's buddy Arafat must of been a great guy. Since the Israeli's tried there best to support another group of Palestinians to get rid of the Terrorist. The group,(Hamas), just became the next best terrorist organization. And Ray forgot about his bretheren who conquered Israel and stole the Jews land 600 years ago. They believed in peace like him. They even shed tears when the Jews they conquered were made to live in exile in some other dung heap, in a foreign country. Those poor Jews, Ray's great great grandfather told him. We must give the Jews their land back, and get them out of those foreign prisons. Our Moronic ancestors started a war, and stole those poor Jews lands. We must recognize them and their rights. Their lives in Europe have been transformed into a prison by the Germans. I mean a concentration camp by the Germans. No, on second thought, an extermination camp by the Germans. 6 million dead Jews lay at the feet of Ray's ancestor's who threw the Jews out of their homeland. But this article is all about Ray and his people. All the other people are just Morons. We forgot about what his ancestors did to the Jews to create this problem in the first place. Maybe the Palestinians ought to give the Israeli's back their lands Ray. And since I am American Indian, and you really feel that land should be given back to the rightful owners. Please do us all a favor and get on the next plane. Teach your fellow Arabs to quit blowing up Jews and Americans. Odds are, we would never have been over in your fiefdom, had your buddies not started shooting first. Look in the mirror, by denying that your culture stole the Jews land in the first place, puts you on the same level as Bush. Maybe you are a Moron too.
50. Ray of Hope ( Gems from the horse mouth)
Ron ,   LA   (04.19.06)
"The dream of compromise with Israel is over, today, and it is clear to nearly everyone that Sharon has opened the door to the new possibility of correcting the original injustice of 1948 and restoring Palestinian control over all of Palestine" http://home.comcast.net/~jat.action/PCUSA_Hanania.htm
51. The REAL agenda of Hanania
Ron ,   LA   (04.19.06)
"Divestment is a nonviolent way to protest Israeli extremism and violence. Until now, it has received support mostly from academic institutions. Several reports said the Presbyterian decision could impact as much as $7 billion in investments. Under the decision, any company earning more than $1 million annually as a result of investments in Israel, or which invests more than $1 million a year in Israel, will be entered on a blacklist prepared for the church's leaders." Divestment is a nonviolent way to protest Israeli extremism and violence. Until now, it has received support mostly from academic institutions. Several reports said the Presbyterian decision could impact as much as $7 billion in investments. Under the decision, any company earning more than $1 million annually as a result of investments in Israel, or which invests more than $1 million a year in Israel, will be entered on a blacklist prepared for the church's leaders. http://home.comcast.net/~jat.action/PCUSA_Hanania.htm
52. No Hanania is NO MORON, Americans and Jews are!
Ron ,   LA   (04.19.06)
Ray Hanania sez: "It proves that by standing up to Israel's brutality, and even in the face of losing so many innocent Palestinian lives either to Israeli Army murder or suicide bombings, the Palestinians will defeat Israel. Now is not the time to surrender to Israel and accept compromise. Now is the time to forge ahead and demand even more. Now is the time for all Arab governments to severe all ties with Israel, to isolate Israel again as was done years ago. To return Israel to the situation where it cannot be allowed to think that it can murder innocent Palestinian civilians and find territorial gains." Ray Hanania http://home.comcast.net/~jat.action/PCUSA_Hanania.htm
53. "Thank you Ariel Sharon for opening the door to our victory!
Ron ,   LA   (04.19.06)
Ray Hanania sez: "Time does not erase the crime. And where once many Arabs were willing to compromise and give in to Israel's demands, much of that willingness is now gone forever. Many Palestinians are chanting today: "Thank you Ariel Sharon for opening the door to our victory!" In the face of Sharon's vicious campaign, many Palestinians can see victory!"
54. The Mass Media Guide on...
Ron ,   LA   (04.19.06)
on How to Become an "Ray of Hope" Murdering people makes you a killer or a terrorist. But if those murdered are Jews, then you are an activist. You might also be a militant. Crashing jet planes into buildings makes you a terrorist. But attempting to shoot down civilian planes landing in Israel makes you an activist. Placing large bombs on trains in Madrid makes you a terrorist, but placing bombs on Israeli buses full of children makes you an activist. Blowing up a nightclub in Indonesia full of Australians makes you a terrorist. But mass murdering Israeli children makes you an activist. Snipers shooting innocent people in Virginia are terrorists. Snipers shooting Jews in the West Bank are activists. People trying to ram soldiers with trucks and cars are generally terrorists unless the soldiers in question are Jews. Throwing rocks at civilians makes you a criminal and maybe even a terrorist, and if you do so off a California overpass you will get jailed. But throwing the same rocks at Jews in Israel makes you an activist and maybe even a professor at Columbia University. Denying the Holocaust makes you a racist and a fascist bigot, unless you are an Arab, in which case it makes you a moderate, at least if you deny the Holocaust in grammatically correct English. Hiding behind children when you shoot weapons at soldiers makes you a coward and a villain, unless you are a Palestinian or an Iraqi Baathist. Murdering children makes you a fiend and maybe a Nazi unless the children are Jews, in which case you are an activist with legitimate grievances. 9-11 and 3-11 terrorism has no underlying causes or root grievances, but Middle East activism in which Israelis get mass murdered does—because of Israeli insensitivity and because Palestinians feel occupied. When Bosnians or Albanians in Kosova get mass murdered, that is a war crime. When Jews get mass murdered, this is their comeuppance for their insensitivity, and of course it is reactive activism. When Americans assassinate al-Qaeda or Taliban leaders anywhere they find them, this is part of the war against global terrorism. When Israel shoots terrorist leaders, it is an obstacle to peace and is unjustifiably deactivating activism. When the U.S. jails hundreds of terrorists in Guantanamo Bay without trial, this is because the jailed are terrorists. When Israel jails people who have mass murdered Jews, this is undermining the peace process and antagonizing activists. Firing mortars and rockets into civilian areas in the Balkans makes you a war criminal. Firing them from Gaza into Jewish homes makes you a militant. Protesting wearing of fur also makes you a militant, or maybe an activist. http://home.comcast.net/~jat.action/Plaut.htm
55. Secrets some morons don't wont you to know
Ron ,   LA   (04.19.06)
Let me tell you about opinions of this proud American Arab, Ray from Wafa Sultan http://www.memritv.org/Search.asp?ACT=S9&P1=1050# Other Arabs to consult: Secrets some morons don't wont you to know: http://www.arabsforisrael.com/pages/1/index.htm
56. Morons
Muhammad ,   Montreal   (04.19.06)
The Zionists are morons, everything they say is lies and shouldn't be trust especially what they talk abt peace. The Zionists don't want peace and will find any excuse to not achieve it, period.
Mohamed Rabinovitch ,   Zio Entity/ Mecca   (04.19.06)
Thanks for link Ron
58. www.arabforisrael.com is okay
Alex ,   West Bank   (04.19.06)
Okay I am sure there are many Jews who support our cause. I live in the West Bank and there are many Jews & Israeli whom i respect very much. I read most letters in www.arabforisrael.com and they are all sympathetic with Israel but none of them were from Palestinians who live in the West Bank & Gaza. That's where the problem is; the real peace shall be made with us not with some Moroccan living in Holland. That's where the trust & the respect shall be built. There must be good will initiatives from the Israeli side because all what everyday Palestinians are experiencing is occupation & military rule.
59. #58 Alex there are many here
Mike ,   NY   (04.19.06)
start here there are lots of links. good luck www. anglicansforisrael.com
Ron ,   LA   (04.19.06)
DEAR EDITOR: PLS PUBLISH THIS! THANKS. RON Ray Hanania sez: "have this theory. Give people who have done wrong enough rope, get out of their way and almost every time, they end up doing themselves in. You don’t have to call them names, or respond by attacking them harder than they attack you. The best response to violence is non-violence and a dedication to peace. I’ve been telling the Arab world for years that responding to Israeli violations of human rights and international laws with peace and non-violence is the best way to deal with Israel. But, who listens to me, anyway?" Ray Hanania From Moron to Moderation Ynet, Israel http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3241051,00.html HANANIA ANSWERS: "Now is not the time to surrender to Israel and accept compromise. Now is the time to forge ahead and demand even more. Now is the time for all Arab governments to severe all ties with Israel, to isolate Israel again as was done years ago. To return Israel to the situation where it cannot be allowed to think that it can murder innocent Palestinian civilians and find territorial gains. Israel's Nazi-like government must be shown that its policies of murder and executions and killings will carry a heavy price in future talks, and that all of Jerusalem is now on the table and that all of Palestine is on the table, too. Why shouldn't Palestinian refugees be allowed to return to their homes and lands stolen from them in 1948?" "Sharon will fail" by Ray Hanania Daily Star, Lebanon
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