'Anti-Semitic' boycott planned in UK
Yaakov Lappin
Published: 10.05.06, 22:04
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61. # 48
yakov shani ,   afula   (05.11.06)
You are blind deaf and dumb.
62. # 40 PhD
yakov shani ,   afula   (05.11.06)
I do not know in which subject you hold a degree but I believe it to be irrelevant to your posting. I, however have a degree in Arab and Palestinian culture, attitude, thought and behaviour. You see I have lived with them all my life. I have interacted with them in almost every possible way. I have fought three wars against them and I have even fought alongside them( that part you may not understand but take it as a fact ). They do not see life as you and I do, I am not denigrating them in any way, just saying that they are different, totally so. We have no alternative but to treat them this way. I know it is difficult for one like you who perhaps has thoughts and attitudes that we both would call human and progressive and moral. Please believe me when I say that no Israeli soldier revels in the situation that they have put us in. If you would like me to I shall give you one illustration of what I mean, it will help you to understand. Post me a request and I shall relate to you a story if you wish.
63. to #59
Mike ,   Atlanta, USA   (05.11.06)
Do Jews think after 2000 years that world leaders think the same way about them (bloodsuckers, animals, etc.)? Well, you can consult the Arab and Muslim press for that obvious answer. Perhaps you're an illiterate Arab/Muslim or maybe you come from Europe. And the Nazis tried to do the Jews in barely 60 years ago. So at least try to go for "not since" 20th Century references. Idiot.
64. generalizations
jim charlton ,   manchester, Uk   (05.11.06)
c'mon folks - how does it make sense to make broad generalizations like this ?
65. misconceptions
jim charlton ,   manchester, UK   (05.11.06)
I think this gentleman has it about right. There has been plenty of racism in Britain in the past - and it continues today, but the current victims nowadays are predominantly eastern european. I'm not saying there are no antisemitic people in the UK, but if the original poster really thinks Jewish people have a bad time it would be good for him/her to talk to some of the poor people from eastern europe who are currently the scapegoats for the insecure unfortunates who resort to racism to avoid facing some of the responsibility for their own problems.
66. LOL #63 stop being so logical your making #59 look stupid
Jonathan Levi ,   Jerusalem Israel   (05.11.06)
67. #27, 31
Ellen ,   Southsea, Hampshire   (05.11.06)
Jeesh, aren't we Mr Sensitive? Not that it makes any difference, but I consider that any third-worlder who manages to come into this grand isle, does so by slithering like a serpent. Certainly, that doesn't make me an adherent of the Nazi movement. 31; Oh yes, I'm a ravenous Jew-hating 'Brit.' Not! I don't know what you consider rude, but the English are credited as being the most polite and poised people on the planet. Is that your definition of rude? Typical Americans, they're about as crass as one could possibly be. If you want to talk stories, let's talk about my trip to the United States; The first thing I noticed as I got off of the aeroplane was the obesity. Fat jiggling EVERYWHERE. It was rather frightening. Just think of the amount of diabetes and heart disease. Then in the taxi, looking out of the window, I was gobsmacked. Every other car on the street was a monstrous 4-wheel-drive ( you call them SUVs). What is it with Americans and their desire for BIG? Another thing I noticed was the inequality. LAX sits adjacent to a rather bleak black ghetto. Homeless people, drug addicts, 18 year olds with 3 children, oh and rampant gun violence. Good old America! I was taken aback even further, when only 5 miles away was an extremely wealthy (although it was utterly classless and screamed 'nouveau riche') primarily Jewish area, known as Beverly Hills. The amazing thing was, through my entire 40 minute drive to my hotel, I didn't see one theatre, nor any museums. What a cultured people! In fact, I saw more shopping malls than schools. And in Downtown Los Angeles there is an entire neighbourhood for beggars. My experience in the US left me repulsed and rather terrified. I felt like I was in some awkward third world nation, the nation you call home. As the epitome of a tasteless American, you obviously do not keep up with the latest in gastronomy. The UK Is emerging as having one of the greatest cuisines in all of the world. Although, nothing beats old classics such as Roast with Yorkshire pudding, and Spotted dick for afters. Scrummy! Beats McDonald's by a million! 35; I don't consider Jews, as a whole, to be slimey, per se. So don't make assumptions. I do not love Muslims. I don't want Israelis, Muslims, or anybody else immigrating to this country. We're filled to the rim. If academics choose not to associate with organisations that profit from/contribute to apartheid, how does that make them racist?
SIMON ,   ESSEX, ENGLAND   (05.11.06)
69. Jerrold Cohen-PhD?
Phil ,   US   (05.11.06)
First, Cohen you are not a scholar because you lie. As a matter of fact, if you wrote a dissertation like your posting, your dissertation committee would have torn it to shreds. Oh, excuse me. So many professors, including some are narrow minded bigots like you, live to spread the kinds of lies and propaganda that you obviously believe. Second, whenever a tenured instructor spreads evil and racism or calls the victims of 9-11 little Eichmans, the university always says tsk tsk. University spokesmen always reply that the faculty have the right to say anything, even if it is beyond the pale because of academic freedom. In other words, professors have the right to say anything without fear of punishment. Yet, Cohen, you agree with a group of fascists who would deny the rights of academics and researchers unless they believe the way you believe. What happened to freedom of speech and academic freedom? As I've taught at the graduate level, I know that professors are like any other group of people. Some are decent, some are bigots and you Cohen are hopeless.
70. To #59
Josh ,   Jerusalem   (05.11.06)
To start off with, you made a false assumption and blanket judgment of the entire Jewish people by saying we believe that "the rest of the world are some rabish." Jewish people play a big part in every place in the world that welcomes us and we have contributed greatly to the advancement of society. Therefore, we respect those who respect us. Unfortunately, many people don't respect us and yes, after 2000 years, world leaders are calling for the annihilation of the Jews: In 1947, the chairman of the Arab league said, “this will be a war of extermination and a momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacres and the Crusades.” That was pretty recent and ever since then we've been attacked by almost every Arab country in the Middle East several times. I'm sorry, but you cannot argue with history. The Palestinian refugee problem was the EFFECT of the '48 war, NOT THE CAUSE. If every Arab country would not have attacked us with the intent of genocide (as you can see by the chaiman's statement above), there would be no refugee problem. Not only that, all the Arab leaders told the Palestinian Arabs to leave and most of them left on their own! You see, they made themselves refugees, not Israel. The Zionists are not the cause of hatred in society, that is just what you and many others have been taught. Anti-Semitism has plagued the Jews for 2000 years and its success is accredited to its power to change history, reality, and the truth.
71. To Yahonatan #58
Josh ,   Jerusalem   (05.11.06)
It would be nice if it were that simple.
72. there is no uniform picture of it
Vorax   (05.11.06)
How can't you understand? Part of Birtons are biased, all this BBC24, kenlivingstone crap, many are brainwashed by Lefties who advocate social equality (free antisemitism added) and oriented at ... hmm how to say it softer... intellectual majority of population. But the same BBC (History) recently issued many excellent programs systematically and extensively educating on issues of Nazism and Holocaust. Also, they obviously 100% understand danger of loosing cultural identity, and working like crazy creating en masse high quality documentaries on such non-trivial subjects as British history (starting from Romans and before), nature of British Isles, history of British science/technology, British poets/painters/composers and Western art and science in general. All this, alongside with such small thing as British presence in Iraq/Afganistan - isn't cheap. This is complicated, skillful and timely pro-civilization work (no antisemitism added), which is to be respected. Also don't forget that previous leader of Tories was Jew and they preferred to loose antisemitic votes but didn't replace him. Despite "he wasn't the best Spartan ever", I would say. 20%+ voted for him. And finally - if I already mentioned good Samaritans - turn on Marc Bolan's "Metal Guru" and hear how Jewish Dandy's free soul sings. In English.
73. to 66
is that's all you could say ... bravo ... A.H
74. to 63
be polite if you can ..... the Jews had more respect in the Arab countries till 1948 than in Europe ... but your zionists friends didn't suit them this kind of good relationship between the Arab Jews , Christians and Muslims .. and they worked hard to spoil this relation to convience the Jews to leave to Palastine .... seams you are not only not polte but even an ignorant
75. # 67 - Ellen of Southsea
Nachash Tsefah ,   Tel Aviv   (05.11.06)
"I don't consider Jews, as a whole, to be slimey, per se" - yes, only the uppity ones that don't know their place: firmly under our foot, oppressed and apologetic for their existence and grateful for the meagre scraps we throw them. Well I have news for you: those pesky Jews are no longer going to fit in with the way you like things. Stick that in your stiff upper lip!
76. # 66 Ellen of Southsea
Nachash Tsefah ,   Tel Aviv   (05.11.06)
Others have said this more eloquently and succintly than I, but I repeat it: If you're so concerned about "Apartheid", why don't you support the boycott of Saudi, Syrian, etc institutions, where Jews are not even allowed to visit - never mind living as equal citizens with equal rights. But I suppose in your world view, discrimination against unter-menschen / sub-humans (i.e. dirty, slimey, manipulative Jews) is not really discrimination at all.
77. History's lessons
Nachash Tsefah ,   Tel Aviv   (05.11.06)
History has proved over hundreds, if not thousands, of years that civilisations that sink into Jew-hatred end up destroying themselves. The current paroxysm of British / European anti-Semitism is symptomatic of a terminal disease in this civilisation. We've had periods of respite from these horrible convulsions of hatred (a brief period after WWII), but ultimately there is no cure and the end is inevitable. In the Torah G-d promises: "Those who bless you, I will bless; those who curse you I will curse." When will the nations of the world finally understand this?
78. There are
yakov shani ,   afula   (05.11.06)
two diseases for which science and medicine have no known cure. ANTISEMITISM and LEFTISM.
79. Response from an Israeli academic
Micha ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (05.11.06)
I am a senior lecturer in the School of Nursing of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. At least 1/3 of my students are Arabs and most of them are Muslim. These nursing students experience no discrimination at all. They interact well with the other students and show no signs of unhappiness. I have worked as an academic at the University of Central England, and I can testify that there in England I did witness discrimination against Muslim students. Perhaps the English academics need to come to Israel to learn what a fair and ethically decent system prevails in our universities. Israeli universities are a model of excellence for the world when it comes to racial and religious tolerance.
80. Why antisemitic?
Switzerland   (05.11.06)
¨there is nothing jewish or semitic in israeli's institutions.
81. Ellen tell the truth! 250000 Eglishmen/yr move out of London
Alan ,   SA   (05.11.06)
.. they are replaced by 150'000 immigrants also per year. Listen to 5 Alive radio even this morning to hear what the British People think.Yes UK has a very good Advertising Agency that promotes English Gentlemen and Ladies and Cucumber sandwiches. Also Oxford Boat Race and The Queen (for Foreign Consumption). THe only true thing in your letter is that there is a terrible drought in South East England this year!! Ther are horrible crimes committed in UK every day from£55 Million Robberies to Rapes and Assaults and Murders!! The best Academics go to USA. Dont Bullsh*t the itelligent Ynet readers.This is a very general letter but I can easily be more specific if U like!!!
82. More for Ellen.. Why do they come flocking to UK
Alan ,   SA   (05.11.06)
.. Ill tell U why...They just have to get in to the UK at any Port of Entry and say "I seek Asylum". They then get free accomodation ,Medical Care , An Allowance ! U name it . Except for a few exceptions most immigrants come from Failed States.How many QUALITY immigrants come into UK. Loads of your orriginal population move to Australia, Canada and USA! What "Apartheid are U talking about? U are TRYING to tar Israel with the old SA "Apartheid" Brush . Go look at the latest Israel Population Figures . In Pre 67 Borders (with adjustments) the Arabs are massively a minority. Yes UK is a Football Hooligan Drunkard Country.
83. to 63
how polite you are .... don't find your self an excuse to play forever the roll of the victims ... keep on thinking by this way for another 2000 years nothing will change but maybe the hate will grow up more to ... it seams it's written that such people like you never had and will never have peace ..... and again try to be polite .. i know it's hard for one like you ... but try ... i will not call you idiot ... but you can feel it ....
84. #83...your moronic rants are not useful!!!
DR ,   Florida, USA   (05.12.06)
You say that Jews are always living seperate from others...not here they don't. Jews in the US, Israel and in Europe are some of the most productive people in the world. This is why some may hate us....success. And yes, people today do think like 2000 years ago. Just look at any Muslim nation, listen to their Imams, leaders, teachers...very primitive. To deny this is to deny reality. Maybe you are different, but your fellow Muslims are a little behind the times, in education, technology, medicine etc. You need to re-examine your position before you speak.
85. to 84
Zuerich-Switzerland   (05.13.06)
come on guy ... i live in Europe and if you want i can tell you in many countries the name of the streets where the Jews lives ... maybe in the USA not because it's the land of their bodyguard but in Europe not forget it ... and that's why most of the people in Europe they don't like them ... i think you should travel a bit more to find out this before you speak . and i think that only the Jews who think the same like 2000 years ago not the rest of the world . but you like this roll ... the roll of the victims ... it's a part of your tradition and your culture
86. again to 84
Zuerich-Switzerland   (05.13.06)
don't speak about Moslem nations with this ignorant way ... i am not Moslem but i can tell you ... or ask by your self any senior ex Arab Jew who lived in any arab country before 1948 if he felt any diffrence between him and the rest of the arabs from the same country .... till 1948 the Jews had mor respect in the Arab countries than in Euorpe , how many Arab Moslem nations you visited ? this shows too that you are the one who does not know about what he speaks... i hope this DR does not mean Doctor otherwise it will be a shame for a Doctor to say lies .... and keep on with your imaginations till the end of the days ... i just hope that not all the Jews think by this way ... and you know what ... my uncle and my cousins are Jews Israelians and we like eachother too much and thanks God they don't think the same way you do .
87. Ellen 's very disturbing views
Simon G ,   Ra'anana Israel   (05.29.06)
Ellen clearly has an axe to grind as has her husband who is leading calls for the a boycott against Jews (sorry Israelis) from the world renowned PORTSMOUTH University(LOL!) Ellen is happy to label Jews "slimey" but then claims she isn't referring to all of them. She then makes sweeping racist generalistions about Americans and falsely claims Beverley Hills is primarily a "Jewish area" It is not racist to condemn Israei policy but many racists are hiding behind their hatred of Jews when condemning Israel. Ellen's disgraceful diatribe against Jews is a prime example of why the boycott has sinister motives and appeals to some very unsavoury elements. I left the UK for Israel. The UK is going downhill very quickly and I couldn't bear to live amongst the Ellens of this world who are so ignorant and bigotted it's embarrasing.
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