Rabbis: Mikvehs discriminate against us
Neta Sela
Published: 30.05.06, 17:37
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70 Talkbacks for this article
61. #59 #60 Thank you both
gabriela ben ari ,   jerusalem   (05.31.06)
I liked reading some good feedback. I've spent more time in this article's talbacks than ever before. I felt it was necessary. Thanks again AS for the book "Waters of Eden" it is really awesome, until one does not read from Arieh Kaplan's ztz"l writings , one does not know what he is missing! I've realized that Reuven Brauner is a great "talkback poster" as well. You feel he is a proffessional from his first line G-d bless you and hag sameach to you and Am Israel
62. Clear explanation for Efrat
Ezra ,   Canada   (05.31.06)
All Jews can use a Mikve even the non orthodox ones even a total atheist Jew ! The problem is that Goyim are not allowed to use a Mikve. The only Goyim who are allowed to enter a Mikve do get out as Jews. Those are the converts. Because, dipping in a Mikve is the last step of the conversion process according to halakha. The problem is with reform and conservative "conversions" which are not done according to halakha. As a very sad consequence, the Goyim going through these "conversions" are not Jews according to halakha. Therefore, they cannot use a Mikve. All Mikvaot are built and managed by orthodox Jews, because they need them, on a regular basis. Contrary to "progressive" jews who do not respect family purity regulations.
63. Orthodox - COWARDS!!!!!!
Edan ,   Beer Sheva   (06.02.06)
They are simply afraid of the growing popularity of these streams of judaism especially in Israel were they desperately try to cling to their monopoly of religious affairs (soon it will be over, be'ezrat hashem). The new progressive movements are growing in strength and numbers in Israel and the only thing the orthodox can do is keep claiming their religious "superiority" over them. Well more and more people are just not buying this bullshit. Reform is just as good as Orthodox. Period. I don't give a @$#@ what you throw at me - you are no better than me!!!!!!!
64. Does Mikveh make a jew?
Ben ,   Israel   (06.04.06)
Why do they think that a one time dunk in the mikveh makes a goy into a jew? What about keeping Shabbos, keeping Kashrut and monthly mikveh for the women and the laws of family purity? Isn't this more signifigant than a one time dunk in a pool of chlorinated water? Why is a mikveh built by an orthodox Jew better than a dunk in a swimming pool or in the Jordan River, or the Kinneret or the Mediteranian ocean? If they want to be historical then use an old time mikveh in a cave! The Biblical Mikvahs were nothing like todays modern ones. If orthodoxy is not good enough for them or out moded then why would they want an orthodox built mikveh?
65. from chicken to fish
moish ,   Israel   (06.04.06)
A Jew decided to convert to catholicism so he would be socially accepted. The Priest baptised him in the holy water saying from Jew to catholic 3 times. Friday came around and the priest smelled chicken soup cooking in the new converts house, upon investigating he saw he was right . he told the convert that catholics don't eat meat on Friday only fish so the "convert" took the chicken out of the pot and dipped it 3 times in the water saying from chicken to fish. This is the same convesion that the Reform and conservative want to do, dip the goy in the water and say from goy to Jew without any commitment to mitzvos. Dear non Jew, one does not need to be a Jew to be saved. Be smart, love G-d and be a Bnai Noach where no mitzvos are obligatory except the 7 which you would do any way as a moral human being.
66. Mikveh - I find it funny
Philip ,   Dallas, Texas   (06.05.06)
that all the other different branches of Judaism are consider NON-Jews by the Orthodox. Only 8%- 10% of the Jews in Israel and world are Orthodox and according to their way of belief are the ONLY JEWS in the world. Well, they should think that way because the Orthodox rabbis created what is known today as Judaism and not Biblical (as in the 39 books of the Hebrew Bible). How do all you NON-JEWS (ie Conservative and reform Jews) like being called Gentiles because YOU do not follow their rabbis? Doesn't feel good does it! Now you know how us Messianic Jews feel.
67. Who uses a mikveh?
Yitz ,   Israel   (06.05.06)
I would like to know if the conservative or reform clergy people have ever in their lives used a mikveh? The shulkhan arukh says that jewish men must go to mikveh at least on erev yom kippur and that women must go once a month when they finish counting the seven clean days. So why do they insist that their converts do something that they themselves do not do? How many born jewish conservative and reform families observe the laws of family purity? Why make their converts do something that they do not require of their Jewish born congregants? i am sure that they make their jewish born congregants have a bris and they make this confirmation ceremony where the kids suppossedly accept torah so why not make them go to mikveh too?Al this is an attempt to make Torah observing Jews look foolish and mean! Last point , are the members of the conservative and reform bais dins torah observers? if not how are they qualified to witness the immersion in the mikveh ?
68. New mikveh's ARE being used
Tamar ,   Boston, USA   (10.26.06)
There is a growing movement of Reform and Conservative mikva'ot in the USA. They are open to all Jewish conversions and their use is extended to non-traditional ceremonies like healing from cancer, etc. There is a wonderful mikveh in Boston called Mayyim Hayyim (
69. Conversion ?
eiran ,   rio de janeiro   (10.26.06)
The "conversion" is not valid. They can use a swimming pool for their circus show.
70. Conversion? (2)
Alex ,   Boston, MA   (01.22.08)
Who would like to join a fundamentalist sub-group of any major religion after seeing how much religious hatred its leaders and members display?
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