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UK site: Can we help dying infidel?
Yaakov Lappin
Published: 05.06.06, 14:18
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84 Talkbacks for this article
61. Waiter! Waiter!!!!
songoman ,   New York, USA   (06.07.06)
"I'll have the roast elephant with the mashed potatoes, and for desert I'll have the mosquito sorbet. And instead of rat brains, can I substitute the Womb of Mary?"
62. My Source of information
Sheikh yer Bu'Tay ,   Tulsa, USA   (06.07.06)
Majid, My source is "THE KORAN With Parallel Arabic Text", translated with notes by N. J. Dawood. Published by Penguin Books. I read it everyday! Now many Muslims dislike N. J. Dawood's translation simply because he is not a beliver, yet, his work is critically acclaimed by those who are in the know. Majid, I have to go for now but look forward to writing more later! Oh, by the way, I'm not a Rabbi, not even Jewish. I am a Native North American Indian. HOW, KEEMOSAABEE!!
63. Kirk , Michigan, USA (06.06.06)
stinky ,   south coast uk   (06.07.06)
Controlling oil supplys isnt no strings attached xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
64. Slaves vs. maids.
Sheikh yer Bu'Tay ,   Tulsa, USA   (06.07.06)
To Majid: Obviously we have different translations of the Qu'ran. Please tell me what translation you would recomend for me to read. You say that Qu'ran 33:50 says you can marry prisoners of war as your wife. Okay, what is a "prisoner of war" if not someone taken into captivity by a force so strong that those who resist are killed? Is that not the same dynamic action as the taking of slaves? As Attilla the Hun conquered Rome, he used to have such "wedding nights", too. If the Quran speaks of men-servants and maids instead of slaves and slave-girls, why does it talk about FREEING these people in five different surahs? Surah 4:92, by itself, mentions freeing a "servant" no less than three times! A servant or maid has their employment terminated, only a slave is set free. Part of Surah 24:32 speaks thus: "As for those of your slaves who WISH TO BUY THEIR LIBERTY, FREE THEM" Would a maid buy her liberty? No, only a slave needs to buy their liberty and be freed. Surah 24:33 (I'll use your translation): "But force not your maids to prostitution when they desire chastity" I wondered if you would correct me on 24:33 (not 34). There is a very interesting sentence lying between the start of verse 33 and verse 34. To finish verse 33 it says: "If anyone compels them (into prostitution), Allah will be forgiving and merciful to them." Now, there are two things here very wrong with 24:33: 1.) If a "maid" is un-chaste(not desiring chastity), then is it okay to "force" her into prostitution?! 2.) Even if the "maid" desires chastity, and someone "compels" the poor girl into having sex against her will, somehow this is all okay with Allah! The girl is forgiven (as she should be), but no mention is ever made about the pimp bastard burning in the fires of Hell!! Instead, my translation speaks of this person being "enriched". In 24:33, two words of coertion are used: "force" and "compel". It does not matter what name you call someone, whether maid or slave-girl, the end result is the same. A young women is made to have sex against her will for the profit of others. And that is ENSLAVEMENT! Surah 66, Al-Tahrim, is indeed about "prohibition". But prohibition from what? You have to read the Hadiths that compliment No. 66 to understand what is going on here. Majid, as a good Muslim, I suspect you already know this stuff. But if you really want to know chapter and verse on this, write back and I'll let you know. As for now, it is late and I'm going to bed. Goodnight.
65. Re comment 16 (about comment 11)
Richard ,   London, UK   (06.09.06)
"The extremist muslims are completley wrong and I condemn them. However these are not TRUE muslims." This is typical of the "Tiny Minority of Extremists" argument. Could you please justify the claim that "TRUE muslims" should have different values, quoting only from the Koran and the Hadith? No? I thought not.
66. #1
jason ,   usa   (06.10.06)
you should see how racist your sounding it might suprise you
67. Late to the party, but "true Islam" ...
sk ,   USA   (06.12.06)
One of the more interesting things about this series of talkbacks is how quickly Majid transforms into a raving lunatic. Is there something about Islam that faciltates this? We see it repeatedly. As for "true Islam," Majid, I propose that we conceive of "true Islam" as what Muslims actually do and say they believe. In other words, I propose we view "true Islam" not in a normative but in positive sense. As a positive concept, "true Islam" means war and slavery and murder. Sensible people need to respond to Islam as it is, not as some pretend that it is.
68. To All : The word 'ISLAM' itself means "peace".
Ashfaq ,   Kerala - India   (06.13.06)
Islam is the religion of peace. Regarding women's right in Islam, oh you people of west, Islam is the first religion/institution which gave the women right to property, that too 12 centuries before the Britain enacted law to give property rights to women. And Prophet has said, ' the heaven lies under the feet of mother'. Who else has said like that?
69. We are sooo on to you.
Sheikh yer Bu'Tay ,   Tulsa, USA   (06.15.06)
The doctrine of taqiyya, established by the Prophet (hbih), is alive and well today. Oh sure, you are fooling a few feeble-minded people, but so what? The majority of us are now reading REAL TRANSLATIONS of what Muhammad (hbih) said and did. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. For every little verse you can quote from Muhammad (hbih) about "peace", your hate-filled buddies quote ten about "war". To quote Jesus (pbuh) "First pull the beam from your eye, then tell me about the speck in my eye."
70. Project Ijtihad
Irshad Manji   (06.25.06)
71. Muslims persecuting Christians
Sheikh yer Bu'Tay ,   Tulsa, USA   (06.27.06)
72. To #3
Linden ,   Howard USA   (07.07.06)
I agree with you 100%. I just can't figure out why, if they hate us and our way of life, some of which I don't care for either, are they here? and everywhere else? They apparently they don't like their homeland and escaped but now are trying to turn our land into an "evil empire" like theirs'.
73. Trinity
Renate ,   Hilton USA   (07.16.06)
The Trinity is not Mary, God and Jesus... It is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Mary is not God and has nothing to do with the Trinity. Jesus did not stop being God when he "put on flesh" , and God Almighty was still in Heaven as was the Holy Spirit at the same time the Holy Spirit was within Jesus. Yeah-it's complicated-that's why He's God. Allah is not the same as the God of the Bible. The God of the Bible LOVES the Jews-they are His people. Allah hates the jews-so how can they both be God? They can't . The God of the Bible loves all people and died for them so that they can be in heaven with Him, if they accept and believe in that sacrifice. He does not require their suicide, or homoside to get into paradise. Jesus as God willingly gave His life for ours. He became our substitute. That's love. The God of the Bible tells us to love our enemies and pray for them. That doesn't mean we can't defend ourselves when attacked. But the Muslim god hates. Jesus wasn't killed-He could've stopped them-His sole reason for coming to earth was to show us God AND To die in our stead. Jesus was without sin, and this made Him the the perfect sacrifice, the spotless lamb. Again, Jeshua, (Jesus) the Messiah, was not killed, he allowed himself to be slaughtered . Eating and drinking whatever, does not make a person unclean and deserving of hell. It is rejecting Jesus. That's it. And, I don't eat elephants or mosquito's, nor do I drink blood, LOL.
74. Islam means peace
Renate ,   Hilton USA   (07.16.06)
So what if it means peace. Must be a different kind of peace than the peace I know. Blowing yourself up to get to paradise and taking people with you is not a way to make peace with people. Don't tell us about property rights that muslim women have-to muslim men - their women ARE property. In the Bible God tells us that "...husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife, loves himself. For no man ever hates his own flesh, but nourishes and cherises it, as Christ does the Church." Eph 5:28, 29, and husbands are commanded to " your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it." Eph 5:25. Christian men are to love their wives sacrificially. We are co-equal with our husbands-per God Almighty.
75. Islam means peace? You must be joking
Andy ,   London   (07.22.06)
Look around you - Muslims have killed innocent Americans, Spaniards, Australians, British, Hindus, Filipinos, Israelis, not to mention Iraqis, IN THE NAME OF THEIR RELIGION. And whats more they boast about it, and praise those who do it as martyrs and heros. No other religion on earth does this.
76. #1 religious extremism
ELTEE ,   NY, USA   (07.25.06)
Yes, there is extremism and stupidity in all religions, Judaism, Christianity, as well as Islam. However, Nabulsi's response is the typical response of the Muslim world since it started on it's decline vis-a-vis the west 400+ years ago. No introspection, no self-examination, no thought to that there is something wrong with their own societys. It is always the "others" fault. "We" can't be to blame for the state of the Muslim world today, so it must be that the "others" (Jews, Christians, The West) are keeping us back, conspiring to keep us from our rightful place in the world. This article is about Muslim extremism in Britain, and the only response is that there are extremist Jews, as well. Oh well, if you don't have a good argument or an answer you can always blame the Jews.
77. Salaam means peace...
dancer ,   Ends of Earth USA   (07.27.06)
Islam means submission. OK, so maybe our taqiya-spouters can spin it as, "the peace of the battlefield after all the heads and hands are chopped off, and the new *servants* have been raped unconscious, so they're finally quiet." Oh, spouts the taqiya, but how is this different from the few places where G-d commands Ysroel about a certain city? Our book commands us to do all that we do, too! Ah, but is this the same idea? Is this eternal destruction the equal of a special commandment by G-d Almighty to act against a certain place at a certain time? Not at all. Islam does not offer a special punishment on a certain city that has been warned time and again - Islam is for the entire world, or for as far as a caliphate can stretch. In other words, this is not an extreme, isolated example of a clear godly judgment. Its just business as usual for the butchers of G-d's personal creations. (Nobody wonders that Islamic sects kill each other as fast as they kill outsiders. Everyone is the judge of his own version of submission. No 2 humans will ever completely agree. The blood must flow until only 1 submitter lives - and that will, of course, be the "godliest" one....) The same twisting happens to circumcision. G-d commanded for a covenant to circumcise on the 8th day. On that day, the baby's blood is rich with substances that fight infection and cause quick clotting. The baby's brain is filled with a natural substance that quiets the feeling of pain. G-d has made a perfect moment for the easiest possible experience for every circumcised boy. (That's what Love does - Love cares about the Beloved.) Does Islam obey G-d in this matter of circumcision, and choose G-d's perfect day? Not at all. Islam waits as long as 10 or 12 years, so the boy will feel terrible pain. The gift of G-d is cast aside for the lifting up of human pride (*I* defeat the pain and infection!) and the perversion of torture (*I* suffered a lot - this must be worth my pain!). To increase the torture, many peoples in Islam freely practice mutilations of girls, a mockery of G-d's plan for circumcision of male children. Even their Prof Mo (peace be unto his victims) allows a form of this needless violence and torture. Now let us consider this terrible foundation for cultural identity. If a culture is based on pride in pain, and control through mutilation, how can it ever find a path to holiness? So, do we wonder why so many devout muslims start to sound insane, especially if questioned closely? I believe it is a form of self-defense. You have to become crazy to reconcile that demon feast of "submission" with either mercy or compassion. May G-d deliver many out of that hellbound darkness of submission!
78. dancer
Sheikh yer Bu'Tay ,   USA   (07.27.06)
Hey dancer, you write some profond thoughts. I like your little prayer at the end of Prof. Mo. "peace be unto his victims". I have used "(hbih)" in the past (I'll let you fill in the blanks), but "peace be unto his victims" is better!
79. paedophile
yeled ,   israel   (08.04.06)
as you are now aware , the man , a muslim was a peadophile and caught with indecent photos of children on his computer. .....g.d. save us.
80. To majid 17 -islam and slavery
Tommy ,   Belfast UK   (08.12.06)
The koran fully endorses slavery sura 16 v75 justifies slavery sura23 v1-6 allows muslims to have sex with slaves sura24 v32 allows muslims to breed slave to slave as the resultant offspring will also be slaves read the koran---
81. to 16--people of the book
tommy ,   belfast UK   (08.12.06)
TRUE ISLAM teaches compassion, tolerance and understanding, and considers Jews and Christians "AHL AL KITAB" which means people of the book or scriptures. According to the Quran they will go to heavan. You guys will have to start reading your korans 9:29 Fight against such of those who have been given the Scripture as believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, and forbid not that which Allah hath forbidden by His messenger, and follow not the Religion of Truth, until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low. 9:68 Allah promiseth the hypocrites, both men and women, and the disbelievers fire of hell for their abode. It will suffice them. Allah curseth them, and theirs is lasting torment. If this is koranic heaven---Keep it
82. To 68
Tommy ,   belfast UK   (08.12.06)
And Prophet has said, ' the heaven lies under the feet of mother'. Who else has said like that? Just about every religion prior to islam and I think the bible says it better "And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:" (the stars by the way are the twelve tribes of Israel)
83. #10
PMG ,   USA   (08.13.06)
I would just say that someone is not a christian just by professing to be so. A lot of things have been done in the name of the Lord that He had nothing to do with it. It is the work of unrighteous men who will reap what they have sowed and will receive their just recompense of reward. In fact here's something for all you muslims and jews to chew on. A true christian knows that there is only one God. There is no such thing as a "trinity". Either the Lord Jesus Christ was the biggest fraud ever to walk on the terra furma or He was the Almighty Jehovah come in the flesh. I believe the latter for without controversy great is the mystery of godliness, for God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. He came unto His own and His owned received Him not, but another shall come in his own name and him you will receive. The Antichrist is waiting in the wings with a peace covenant for the children/nation of Israel. times they are exciting. Obey Acts 2:38. Times running out! Selah.
Betsy Ross ,   Anywhere, USA   (08.17.06)
The advancements of the west is a contradiction to all thats taught muslims...that they are superior to all other peoples and religions...the west stands as a contradiction to this teaching....and all contradictions are BLASPHEMOUS to the cannot stand....its just as simple as can dredge up any pseudo-argument you wish, from crime, to sexual deviancy, to adultery, to pornography, or even corruption (which their govts all are) it really doesnt matter....the west stands as superior to all islamic advancements for centuries now....and it cannot continue (in their eyes).....
85. why?
neutralist   (08.25.06)
there is an issue that is conserning me deeply! that of uk muslims becoming alienated and cut off. why? it seems to me they are cutting themselves off. i saw one muslim guy complaining on the news that uk women are whores and men drunks.Well yeah some of them are...but that is the way THEY are, that is THEIR lifestyle, and THEIR right to excersice! i agree that some of the men and women are like that and its unpleasent, but so what! this is a country that was based on their silly witch burning culture. it is set into the origins of england. had this been a muslim land 100s of years ago im sure it would things be different BUT THERE NOT, and you cant use a religeon from other lands to change their ways, just like the west shouldnt interfer with the arab states culture/afairs. Keep your religeons personal to you and dont push them onto others as that is arrogent and what if these people are infidels, they wont go to paradise will they?? so what do you care!!!!???!!!
86. pfft !!!
public domain ,   france   (08.25.06)
seems to me like this is a battle between 2 empires americans and arabiens... they both what the world to be in there image... i remember a guy called Hitler that was trying to do that once ! your both as bad as each other ! im going to move to iceland where its more hospitable >.<
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