PM: IDF most ethical army in world
Attila Somfalvi
Published: 11.06.06, 12:05
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31. what a jok
Moomen Sallam ,   Alexandria, Egypt   (06.11.06)
thanks mr. Olmert. First cause u made me laught re: this ethical army Second cause you made HAMAS come back again to the battle field & forget about politics
32.  The Olmerts
Mama ,   Tzahal   (06.11.06)
Mszzzz Olmert dont agree with Papa..Which pallie group would allow her to behave like that, and let her live to see her face in the paper, (which was probably the reason behind the exercise,no?) Mama mia ,maybe...
33. If Olmert is right, he should be ashamed
Ephraim Rauch ,   Tel Aviv   (06.11.06)
Enough of this exaggerated meekness. After all the bloodshed our people has suffered, it is time to behave adequately when we are attacked. Neither like sheep, nor like Nazis or Jihadists, but like courageous, gallant, chivalrous men.
34. Mr. Olmert
yakov shani ,   IL   (06.11.06)
Yes, the Israeli army is indeed the most ethical of all but to paraphrase that, you Sir, are the most unethical of Prime Ministers, and I do not refer here to any "corruption". I refer to two things, the ridiculous "Government" that you established, particularly the clown at the helm of the Defense Ministry, and the fact that you show nothing but gross impotency when answering the Palestinian problem. Listen to Dichter or go home, you are a sad excuse for a leader in troubled times. In fact, this whole Government of chair shuffling and Volvo grabbing individuals has nothing to do with leadership, go, please go, this Nation deserves better.
35. Olmert most stupid PM in the world
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (06.11.06)
Israel did not cause this bombing--it is another "Pallywood" production. Why is Olmert falling all over himself apologizing for something the Israelis did not even do?
36. I agree being a exarmy man
eric ,   israel   (06.11.06)
I agree with Almert. These arab rats think they can shoot and kill civilians. but when we shoot back they dont like it .We even have an inquiry too find out what happend too that poor family.I wonder if these arab rats would have an inquiry ,if it happend too them.I dont think soo .You arab rats shoot,we shoot back I do feel sorry for the palestinian civilians,they just have bad leaders......and thats a pity......
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (06.11.06)
The IDF state the PA refuse to cooperate - refuse to give exact location and time of the explosion. What is the PA hiding? That they are the ones responsible for the attack? Truth is irrelevant to the PA. Muslim human bomb killers slaughtered such huge numbers of Jewish innocents, the IDF were forced to search for the terrorists in Jenin. 52 Islamists were killed by the IDF. The PA falsely reported to world media that the IDF had killed 1,500 PA Muslims. Jews are not safe in Muslim areas anywhere. The U.S. EU and UN make no attempt to stop Islamist continual hate incitement and non-stop terror attacks against Jews, victims of global jihad. Effigies of burning buses are features of Palestinian Authority school pageants and summer camps. Streets and soccer teams are named after suicide bombers. Arab Muslim children and adults train in terrorist training camps. Ambulances transport terrorists, weapons, and bombs. Stabbings, shootings, fire-bombings, stonings, drive-by shootings, bombs planted, grenade attacks, rocket and mortar attacks, lynchings, human bomb killer attacks. The U.S. EU and UN demand through the Road Map that Israel give half of her tiny land, the militarily strategic, Biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria, to PA/PLO/Hamas, PA Muslims, who are united in conquering all Israel for Islam. The ultimate goal is Islamic world rule. The raison d'etre of the genocidal PA society is the mass murder of Jewish innocents. Palestinian Authority society are taught murdering Jews is the highest goal in life and attains paradise:
38. Why does YNET ...
Rachel Gold ,   NY, USA   (06.11.06)
insist on running the photo of this rabid Arab woman in tears for days? How about showing Jews mourning for theirs?
39. look at the picture in the heading!!
boaz   (06.11.06)
Seems its quite obvious what Ynet thinks about the ethics of the army, even before its been confirmed, they have no problem condeming the idf, with this pathetic picture of some arab women, probably lamenting her son who blew himself up, remember the arabs are experts at portraying warped images to the world, remember that american boy who was attacked by arabs with blood all over his face, and the arabs went and publicized in all over the world that pic was of a arab who the idf attacked.
40. # 29 Michael
yakov shani ,   IL   (06.11.06)
You are dead right. In this case our politicians are indeed immoral as they DO NOT tell the army what to do.
41. Well, if Olmert says it, must be true ... YEAH RIGHT!
42.  39 Boaz
yakov shani ,   IL   (06.11.06)
Wrong wording, Boaz. Arab women do not "lament" their children who blow themselves up , they actaully celebrate and rejoice.
43. Excuse BIG question
Scott ,   Haifa   (06.11.06)
Sorry this is long...but I need to explain. I don't agree with all the Jews who are happy that some Arab children "got it" this time. I think it is tragic that any children should be blown to bits, when as adults we owe it to the children to take care of them, not to blow them up in war, nor chop up little babies in selfish whims with abortions...but aside from that diversion... I don't want to downplay the grief of loss of the families of the Arab children, and I think for Israel to take the moral high road is still correct by treating them in our hospitals...because Israel is more moral than those in Islam who kill, decapitate, and maim like butchers and exult in it... I just have one big question that has been bothering me...I hate to see Jewish children blown to pieces and the grief that I see that Israel must face almost daily... Why is it for all the murder and mayhem of the Islamic infidels that happens against Israel, I mean constant destructions and mayhem and NEVER, ever see Jewish children in such heart-rending situations crying out for lost parents, etc. I mean, you can read all about it in the Israeli newspapers here...but a report like that on the international news CNN, et al... will only be "just another bombing" with a few scenes of people being rolled out in stretchers and a few clips of Israeli's shouting and fixing up and taking care of the wounded. But, you will never, EVER see the heart-wrenching scenes which are being broadcast all over the world, that they showed of this little girl loosing her father...which act like gasoline to pour on the flames of the already existing rabid anti-semitism, which you can see coming out in viewers comments all over the world. How many little Jewish children were also in the same predicament, but you would never see such a thing on the news. Not to downplay the heartache of what is ugly...this just seems to convince me that there was evil behind this, like there was with Mohammed Dura. This just seems like a likely backlash of what happens after killing Al-Zahari in Iraq...I think we were caught off guard. I don't know the conclusion yet, but in my gut it seems like there is more than meets the eye going on with our enemies. I would venture that because this is so perfectly corregraphed to extract maximum Israeli hatred - that perhaps there is an evil hand involved behind this. This, my friends, is truly wickedness, and I would not put it past Hamas or whoever to kill their own like this, and then visit the wounded and dole all over them in front of the cameras...they send their sons and daughters to be blown up...what's a family and a few innocent children? If I'm wrong, I will apologize, but something in my gut tells me otherwise. When Mohammed Dura was gunned down, I hated that an Israeli could do that, but also something in my gut told me at that time that the spray from the bullets was coming from the same direction as where the camera and cameramen were, and I felt a sick feeling in my stomach. I feel the same thing in this situation too. I feel like we are not seeing the whole picture.
44. Olmert Worries About 'Morality'
Adina Kutnicki ,   US   (06.11.06)
While Olmert prostrates himself before Arab despots and opines about the 'morality' of the IDF, where is his outrage and answer for the beleagured Jews in S'derot and all the other bombarded communities? Where is his angst over the thousands of Jewish refugees he helped create? If morality is his guideline perhaps being moral to his people would be a good place to start his introspective journey. I truly believe that he is infected with a toxic radical left poisoning from Aliza and his recalcitrant daughter Dana. He has no problem with Dana marching with people who scream LONG LIVE THE INTIFADA. Such a man is unfit to lead Israel to victory. This infection he suffers from renders him mentally incapable to protect Israel.Clearly this is why he unfathomably stated, 'we are tired of fighting, we are tired of winning". That is why he is scheming to place Israel into 'converged' ghettos. It all makes sense if you look at it from a psychological perspective. Now, I am all for people having freedom of speech, but certainly calling for the murder of Jews doesn't come under that category. Furthermore, is it 'moral' to self flagellate when Arabs are killed (not even knowing if you had anything to do with it!) and not to breast beat when your own citizens are murdered?
45.  To #38 #39
Nauseous ,   Beautiful Israel   (06.11.06)
and the guy with one big honest question. That is Ynet, Y should they be loyal , Y should they be zionists. Isnt it sickening that self hate is so apparent and allowed to run rampant. Bringing the image of our country so low, and doing it with such venom, glee and hatred.
46. lllooolll
Sam ,   London, UK   (06.11.06)
Dunno what else to say! Actually I do: The only reason why the IDF still hesitates before wiping more Palestinians off the face of the planet, is because it would make them a fair target to 1 billion Muslims around the world.
47. Morality in the Israeli Army
Zeev ,   NJ, USA   (06.11.06)
Israel a moral army? Sounds crazy? But when newspapers like the Aspury Park Press talk about the "Picnic Blast" and fail to mention that the area is used for shoot rockets into Israel. When all you hear is Israeli army "shooting" little girls. But it is. The Israeli army is a moral army. They go out of their way to avoid innocent people. Hamas goes out of its way to attack and kill innocent people. Why doesnt anybody cry out for this injustice. My sister serced in the IDF, and she said they always talk about how one day they can turn thier guns into plows. And how to aviod innocent people. If the IDF wasnt moral it would have wipped out the pales along time ago.
48. #46 Is it a typical ignorant hypocrite European.
49. Israel don't wanna Peace
Mohammad Tahayna ,   Rammallh, Palestine   (06.11.06)
During Mr. Abbas Trying to let Hammas Agree and particpate in Peace process, Israel Killing 7 Civile People in Gaza, To let the palestinain People Ask our self why we make a peace with whose killing Palestinain? there is no signal from Israel to palestinian people to let him feel that there a hope to peace, many check pointes, no freedom, palestinain people can't move from city to city. so please please Mr. Olmart give a plestinain people signal of peace, to help Mr., Abbas in his trying to make peace.
50. Olmet has a sense of humour
DPC ,   England, UK   (06.11.06)
51. From The JP. (Don't despair on our government!)
Ram ,   London   (06.11.06)
Firstly, Israel, while confronting an enemy publicly committed to maximizing civilian fatalities, seeks relentlessly to minimize such casualties even as it defends itself. Fatah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists deliberately aim to kill and maim civilians, both in disputed and purportedly non-disputed Israeli-controlled territory, and show little concern for any "collateral" damage such attacks may inflict on their own people. Israel, in absolute contrast, acts concertedly to thwart the terrorists, not to attack the civilians from whose residential areas the terror cells despicably operate. Secondly, in times of war and conflict, accidents happen. Israel is properly investigating Friday's incident; it genuinely wants to understand what happened to ensure that, if the IDF was responsible, lessons are learned and appropriate preventative steps taken. Thirdly, and of crucial importance in understanding our often bloody reality, it is a simple and undeniable fact, and one that should go without saying but evidently must be repeated, that Israel would have no interest in, nor any need to be firing artillery shells or any other weaponry into the Gaza Strip were sovereign Israeli territory not coming under incessant attack from Gaza.
52. Ha! Who is that man trying to fool?
Ellen Prescott ,   Southsea, Hamphire   (06.11.06)
I remember, when I was in Rafah, the Israeli military shooting into the air, after midnight, demanding payment for electricity. (They were most likely trying to steal from the Palestinians, who live on less than £1 per day). Gaza is the most crowded and poorest region in the world. It is entirely surrounded by a 10 metre tall electric fence. It is, in essence, the world's largest prison. The Israelis control all sides. In the West Bank, there are roads designated for Palestinians, and for settlers. Whilst ambulances filled with Palestinians on the verge of death wait on checkpoints that take up to twelve hours, there is a free-go lane for residents of Jewish-only settlements. Israel uses 55 per cent of the water in the illegally occupied West Bank. This water accounts for 25 per cent of Israel's entire water use. Since 1967, the Israelis have permitted the occupied Palestinian to dig only 23 new wells. The occupied Palestinians are allocated only 70 litres of water per day. The minimum daily standard recommended by the World Health Organisation is 100 litres per day. The illegal Israeli settlers consume 600 litres per person, per day. Israeli settlements have in-ground swimming pools and spinkler-watered lawns. Many Palestinian villages have parched land with insufficient water pressure even for a household tap. The Israeli army humiliates the Palestinians daily at military checkpoints, demolishes their homes, uproots olive trees, destroys orchards, and targets for assassination anyone they deem a terrorist. Such morality!
53. To 52 part 1
Da dude   (06.11.06)
"I remember, when I was in Rafah, the Israeli military shooting into the air, after midnight, demanding payment for electricity."(They were most likely trying to steal from the Palestinians, who live on less than £1 per day)." " I hope you realise that Israel supplies all the electricity to gaza and Judea & Samaria. Unless you can inform of ways of making electricity from nothing, then what is your complaint of Israel attempting to recieve DUE payment for services. Considering the fact that any Israeli that stands near a palestinian is usually considered free game to kill I'm not suprised the IDF had to take tough measures. "Gaza is the most crowded and poorest region in the world. It is entirely surrounded by a 10 metre tall electric fence. It is, in essence, the world's largest prison. The Israelis control all sides." False on both accounts. First Gaza is not the most densely populated place on earth. Not even close. The fact is that some of the most densely populated places which are 3 to 4 times worse are some of the wealthiest of well to do places on earth! The fact is that population density has no connection to poverty. The reason for this density is there own doing. Secondly Israel does not control all sides. Any nitwit watching the news for the past few months would easily know that after the disengagement Israel gave control of the gaza-egypt border to gaza. The fact is that Israel has no control of what enters into gaza. Which currently seems to be only large amount of weapons. The fact that they cannot leave is Egypts fault. Israel much like any State has the right to determine WHO ENTERS. If we do not wish that palestinians from gaza enter our territory WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO SO! "In the West Bank, there are roads designated for Palestinians, and for settlers. Whilst ambulances filled with Palestinians on the verge of death wait on checkpoints that take up to twelve hours, there is a free-go lane for residents of Jewish-only settlements. " The entire reason for this is the fact that Israeli cars were attacked so much that these had to be taken. Before the terror war was started by the palestinians they had free reign to enter Israel even and ALL roads were shared. It wasn't until the bevy of attacks was seperation required (WHICH IT STILL IS FROM THESE BARBARIANS). "Israel uses 55 per cent of the water in the illegally occupied West Bank. This water accounts for 25 per cent of Israel's entire water use. Since 1967, the Israelis have permitted the occupied Palestinian to dig only 23 new wells. The occupied Palestinians are allocated only 70 litres of water per day. The minimum daily standard recommended by the World Health Organisation is 100 litres per day. "
54. to 52 part 2
Da dude   (06.11.06)
Your IQ seems to be matched only by the number of facts in this statement, which seems ever closer to zero. The fact is that Judea & Samaria are higher up than the rest of Israel. As rain falls, it goes into aqufiers. These then bubble up into Israel because of gravity. By your standard Egypt is stealing Sudanese water, because the water of niles originates in Sudan, but travels naturally to Egypt. You are true modern day sherlock holmes. Therefore your other statistic much like your other 'facts' are so deviant in there underhandedness that they also cross the line of lies. The palestinian water issues from the fact that they did not invest in infrastructure. They chose to build bombs instead of water infrastructure and they pay for it now. "The Israeli army humiliates the Palestinians daily" They have brought it upon themselves. " at military checkpoints," Which are a requirement because of the fact that as any Ynet reader can see DAILY that some knives, bombs, guns, and etc. are being smuggled for attacks. " demolishes their homes," After operation defensive shield it's quite grossly obvious to any fool (except maybe you) that terrorists use these houses for attacks and ambushes. I refuse to risk IDF servicemen's lives to enter a trap just for your amusement for more dead Israeli's. " uproots olive trees, destroys orchards, and targets for assassination anyone they deem a terrorist. " If they stop training terrorists in these places and hiding weapons there then you might have a point. The fact Israel is doing the minimum it should be doing. Eliminating terrorists.
55. #28 yakov shani
Logic ,   Israel   (06.11.06)
Why don't you create a blog?
and she is much admired by her intelligence and her perfect accent what a crazy ROFL
57. To Mohammad in Rammalah
Jerry Meents ,   Ogden, Utah. USA   (06.12.06)
Hey Mohammed it is not proven tet that a Israeli shell killed those 7 people. I have a question for you; why did Hamas cleaned the place up so quickly were those 7 people died? Did they something to hide?
58. To Sallam from Alexandria
Jerry Meents ,   Ogden, Utah. USA   (06.12.06)
I am realy glad that Olmert gave you a good laugh, I have that every day after all the Arab BS I am reading on there web-side's and in there news papers.
59. To DCP in England
Jerry Meents ,   Ogden, Utah. USA   (06.12.06)
Try to listen to Arab leaders and you will find people with even more humor. And don't forget some of your own leaders.
60. #52 Ellen on your next trip to Rafah
Cynthia ,   USA   (06.12.06)
Use your time productively. Teach the Palestinians about birth control. There is a water shortage in the entire region. The Palestinian population continues to grow while the water shortage continues. The resources cannot accomodate their population growth. Also, teach them to demand accountability from their leadership. All the billions of dollars in foreign aid and humanitarion donations was meant to improve their living conditions. Plus, instead of bad-mouthing Israel, teach the Palestinians ways to communicate in a non-violent manner with Israel and between themselves. Lastly, get some original material to post instead of your unoriginal anti-Israel propaganda that gets refuted and you made to look like a fool.
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