PM: IDF most ethical army in world
Attila Somfalvi
Published: 11.06.06, 12:05
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61. 52 wake up to reality
josh ,   jerusalem   (06.13.06)
i've served in the IDF and have work alongside palis. If you know anything about arab family structure you would know that they tend to clutter their living space with 2-4 generations of family, so ofcourse its going to get stuffy. On 1 sterling a day i've got to tell you that the average pack of cheap ciggarettes costs about that so i would like to know how most men there manage to stay alive on just smoking. I think you are missing some basic facts about checkpoints. Most ambulances get through quit quickly, and furthermore do you have a clue as to how many "dying people" where bombs? The water issue is pure rubbish because if the want water then why do we have to filter it for them? tell them to sell 2000 ak47's and they could build a really nice water purification plant. Looks to me like the only purification that they want is inorder to get the big 72! I find it funny that you call settlers illegal. In that case the U.S. owes the U.K. alot of water bills, just like Israel they got the land by a war of independance. However the U.S. wasn't attacked by 3 large nations to get area B like israel. To finish off, these olive trees and orchards are destroyed for very good reason. While on a mission once, a soldier with us got "attacked" by an exploding olive tree and lost a leg. Of course i would expect you to be pro palestinian/ anti israel, its in your blood all the way back to British Mandate Palestine when you opressed the jews and trained the arabs to shoot and attack us. you should be worried about backwards moral or are you to much of a cold brit to use straight logic.
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