Troubled teens: Hitler king of Israel
Natasha Mozgovia
Published: 15.06.06, 18:23
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70 Talkbacks for this article
31. 13 Ephraim Rauch, MD:Thanks for setting the record straight
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (06.15.06)
the Media it shows distorts very important facts and now we see this in Ynet as well the Media becomes shameful and it hurts Israel more and more one wonders if this is the intention of the Media - becoming the 5th column every where: There is a big difference in the facts as you stated: .....The large majority were young adult non-Jewish men from the former Soviet Union who openly expressed their hostility to Jews, Israel, Zionism and everything Jewish............. Thanks for bringing Facts
32. Law of Return , Jewish state
Stupid Goy ,   Goyville , USA   (06.15.06)
Many of you who demand that Israel remain jewish. Would you be so accomodating of a Britain wishing to remain British , or a Germany that did not want to become turkish , or a France that didnt wish to become north african?
33. This article is very missleading and politically correct
Sergei ,   Haifa   (06.15.06)
The FACTS are as follows: Since the late 90's, most newcommers to Israel from the former Soviet Union countries are increasingly non Jewish. And as opposed to all you religious freaks, I would actually welcome the arrrival of someone who's not of certain jewish descent, yet is Zionistic, and sees himself as an Israeli in all respectives. The early 90's aaliya was predominantly jewish on the one hand, and of very high standarts on the other, as jews were usually highly educated and intelligent people. The famous economic default brought many people to despair and and eagerness to escape the poverty of the native countries. Israel presented itself as the golden chance, having a very transeparent immigration policy. The demographic problem was an imminent threat and the russian immigration was viewed as a counter assault on the Arab's fast growing population. In fact the immigration laws were very flexuble and non investigative when it came to selecting those who are legivle from those who are not. The result is that more than half of the Soviet immigrants are non Jewish by Halahah, and I would go as far as to say that about aquarter of them are outright antisemitic or anti israeli, with some carrying those beliefes from their origin countries, while others developing this great loath while in Israel. To make things clear, these people have nothing, and i emphasize that, nothing wahtsoever Jewish. Not in their origin, not in their culture, not in their religious beliefs. I fact, the distinction between those who are jewish to those who are not is striking. While the true jews contribute to israel, the non-jews are a hostile bunch of criminals, to say the least. Of course not all is balck and white. However portraying those kids in the article as being mad and unsatisfied with Israel is an outright lie. Those responsible for the desicration of Jewish holy places or those drawing hitler and hanged jews, are the same kind of people who aided the Nazis in their purges in world war II. We should all wake up before ut;s too late. The state of israel has given them far more then they could wish for in theis countries of origin, yet they behave the way they do. These are lowlifes of the lowest degree. They are NOT jews. They are not SECULAR JEWS. They are outspoken antisemites. We should all denunciate these people from our society. It's time to wake up. These people have no right to be here. They bring nothing but damage to this counry. And believe me, I know. I've studies the subject long enough, and above all I am og russiam descent and have mingled with people og this kind. They present a danger to the Jewish state of israel. If you' interested on more info on this subjest please feel free to contact me by e-mail.
34. i was a goth
Herr hihilist   (06.16.06)
then i was a punk now im a nihilist its a politcal choice. i do not conform. me and our non-conformist brothers have our own sub-cultural group of rebellion. we use these things like swear words. it is our choice not to conform we conform only to our non-conformity we are beyond punks we are nihilists.
35. Are they russians or jews?
They cannot be both You either identify yourself as a Jew first and foremost, with everything else a distant second or you can bugger off out the country Most of us who emmigrated here identify ourselves as Israeli Jews, pretty much to the exclusion of everything else. Even in the army they used to say to me and my mates: you are one of us, not like the people who build tall fences and dont integrate learn the lesson integrate or leave. theres nothing wrong with it, you are Jewish just like us its that simple
36. Haim (#27) is confused
sk ,   USA   (06.16.06)
"28. Get rid of the Goyim In Israel, any person who is not a jew must be thrown out. Only true orthodox jews have a place in Israel." For a supposed Orthodox Jew, you don't know much. A goy is not the same as a non-orthodox Jew. As your Orthodox rabbi if you are still confused.
37. #34 the sister of mercy were always a crap band anyway
38. # 32 Law of return
gabriela ben ari   (06.16.06)
Britain to remain Brittish??? What the Hell is Brittish??? Britain can and always will remain Christian! Never said Israel should remain Israeli - said Israel should remain Jewish Israel is the **only** Jewish State Britain is not the only Christian state btw We are speaking about religion ,_NOT _ nationality, so next time read carefully!
39. goth freaks
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (06.16.06)
The "goths" are the biggest bunch of conformists on the planet.
TEENAGER ,   usa   (06.16.06)
these kids say that no one in israel accepts them. that they are treated badly by israelis and made to feel like outsiders. hence the anger. i think these kids have a point. whether they are jewish or not, their parents brought them to israel. israelis--instead of judging them and turning your backs on these kids, open your hearts to them. show them some acceptance and concern. all teenagers need that whether jewish or not. if israel is discriminating against a group of people--that is WRONG and illegal. it is hate. hashem would never want his people to act that way.
41. How many were brought by Xibus?
Edwin ,   Canada   (06.16.06)
I know of Xians running around the former USSR looking for people with Jewish-sounding names and paying for them to move to Israel in order to hurry up Jesus' return.
42. to #6
jj ,   canada   (06.16.06)
It is the prayers of the ultra orthodox that keep Israel alive and win the battles. It is the prayers that keep miracles happening as the hundreds of kassams fall and almost no injuries. Without them there is no Israel. The un observent leftists better wake up. Moses had to pray with his arms up while the Isralites battled Amalek and when his arms got tired and droped Amalek was winning when he put up his arms to pray the Isralites won.
43. Finish them of
Baruch ,   Sweden   (06.16.06)
The secularshave created a new problem wit a new set of "eruv rav". Show no mercy: the gentiles that have reached the shores of the Land of Israel; strip them of citizensip and deport them to where the belong. In the unlikely event of sqrewed up Jewish Sel-Haters, internate and reschool them.
44. Russian immigration
Avraham ,   USA   (06.16.06)
Russian immigration has brought blessings and curses. The blessing is that many hundreds of thousands of our dear brethren made it to the homeland. The curse is the erev rav that has joined them, at least 300,000 of those that don't belong to our nation. Among them there are some rabid anti-Semities and others that have come to Israel to improve their lives materially, but cannot stand Judaism and religious Jews. The government must do something about the Russian aliyah in light of this so that no minority would dare to desecrate a synagogue in the Jewish State or commit some other hate crime.
45. #32, exactly.. Only in Israel
Ellen Prescott ,   Southsea, Hampshire   (06.16.06)
Only in Israel is it perfectly acceptable for the citizens to demand that it remain ethnically pure. If a majority of white Americans, or a majoirty of white Britons demanded that the US or Britain remain white countries the ADL and other Israel-centric organisations would be howling like a hound caught in a bear trap.
46. o
Well what goes around comes around. Russian Jews know the truth. Many european jews know the truth, many Israeli jews know the truth. 79 countries since 580 bc... Jews the world over are waking up to the deeds of thier own kin. This time, number 80 wont work out the way the oligarchs want it to. They got away with the german assualt and the take over of russia, but this time the WHOLE PLANET IS WATCHING and aware... starting, FINALLY, with thier own children. European jews living in israel dont be afraid to stand up for whats right, and never back down no matter the cost, make your euorpean ancestors proud with your bravery.
47. Torah way or the high way
Nelda ,   big spring, usa   (06.16.06)
I pray everyday for the shalom of Israel.
48. Kyle from southpark
Jonny ,   Toronto   (06.16.06)
hey KYLE from SOUTHPARk, i may have an idea of where they got ideas for swastika's... uuugh, SOUTHPARK!!! i mean, you come from there right??? shouldn't you know? seriously, to all of you falling on the 'goyim' argument, go take your racist, human races are biological, ignorant asses outta here! These are people, who care and work and do all your shitty ass jobs in Israel so you don't have to. This article has a point: the Orthodox don't do SHIT in Israel, and these immigrants do all the dirty work. I for one understand there use of skastikas- they are having serious issues with Israel, and therefore use the symbols that they know Israel would find most offensvie- swastikas. As for the 'goyim', let it be known that we will never know how many of non-jews came to israel under the law of return, so how can you claim they are??
49. Maybe they have a point!
Stephen Duke ,   London, UK   (06.16.06)
The majority of comments about Russian olim in some of these talkbacks is outrageous. This goes someway towards making the point that these troubled teens are poorly integrated and face hostility from the locals. I remember working in a school in Haifa twelve years ago. Recent olim from the former UUSR stood out like sore thumbs and were shunned by most of the sabra schoolchildren (mainly because they weren't wearing trensy enough clothes). Is it surprising that some of these people (yes they are people) have grown up feeling let down and disappointed by their new country? That this seems to be only a problem for the Russian olim and not all of Israel also goes some way to reinforcing their argument. In general Israel has a terrible track record of integrating large minority groups into society. Look how long it has taken to bring some level of equality in relations between askenazim and sephardim. There are all sorts of problems with the olim from Ethiopia and the Russian olim are simply the latest victims of the Israeli bureaucracy and in some cases the envy of sabras (who possibly resent the influx of thousands of highly qualified individuals). Intgrating immigrants into society is never easy but the Israeli govt has made things worse than they need have been (and I say this as someone who is making aliyah in three weeks). Yes, some Russian olim are not halachically Jewish but we must remember the historical reasons for this, especially those of us lucky enough to have grown up in countries where despite individual anti-semitism, we and our parents had the legal right to practice and study Judaism. There are thousands of people who are unable to marry and whose children will be unable to marry. This is a problem for the whole country and an urgent solution is needed. My girlfriend sums it up, "in Russia I was a Jew, in Israel- I'm a Russian!". Did these right-wing kosher Americans forget the principle of klal Yisrael?
50. Hitler youth
leah amdur ,   Jerusalem Israel   (06.16.06)
The answer is simple, they are not Jews. The sochnut brings non-Jews into Israel. They are natzim, their parents killed Jews in the shoah, send them back to the FSU.
52. They are not ''troubled kids'' they are NAZIS !
53. Because they are not arabs
jason white ,   afula,israel   (06.16.06)
In 1989 I was working in Natzret Illit and an arab worker asked me why does Israel let all these phoney "Jews" make allyah.I told him,because they are not arabs and the gov't wants to increase the non-moslem population. They do not care who makes allyah and we have moslems also coming to Israel under the guise of being "Jewish".We will in the end become a minority in our own country due to unchecked allyah.That is not to say all these immigrants are bad people and many serve in the I.D.F. However let us check each one before allyah.
54. #11
lee ,   israel   (06.16.06)
you are completely right!!!!!!!100%
55. #28
lee ,   israel   (06.16.06)
who died and left you to be God.If you are truly a religious person you would never say such a thing. it is because of people like yourself that we are in this mess as it is. stupid fool.
56. If you looked at what Sharon and Olmert did to the Jews of
Bunnie Meyer ,   Santa Monica, CA   (06.16.06)
Gaza, the Jews of Amona, the Jews of Hebron, and what Olmert wants to do to the Jews of the West Bank, these kids would be right about the "H" name being applied. B"H the kids are getting treatment and may they someday become productive Jewish citizens.
HaDaR ,   Israel   (06.16.06)
We can thank Likud-Labour-Meretz and the rest of those who consider Jewish whoever has a Jewish grandfather and refuse to add the word "according to Jewish Law" to the definition of who is Jewish for the purpose of the Law of Return, and use INSTEAD the classification of the Nuremberg laws, giving a posthumous victory to the nazis, by saying: if they were Jewish for the nazis, they are Jewish for us (THAT WAS THE OFFICIAL REASON!)
58. to #7
chuck ,   usa   (06.16.06)
Why are you in the U.SA. take your ass to Israel and keep out the goyim.May be we can make the U.S. a strickly christian state you racist.
59. This phenomenon should not be tolerated
Moti ,   Tel Aviv   (06.16.06)
Israel should not be tolerant with this phenomenon. These hooligans and their families should be put on the first plane back to their original country.
60. It comes from the parents
Caroline ,   Israel   (06.16.06)
Children who were brought up here in Israel and don't remember Russia talk about Russia as of their Motherland. Where does it come from? It all comes from inside their families. I use to visit Russian-speakers' forums where many, too many users still consider Russia their Motherland (with a capital letter). Critics are usual thing on every forum, but on that Russian forum the slanderous posts and discussions against Israel are very popular and tolerated by the site administration. Besides, too many forum users are showing open racist views not only against what they call the "aborigenes" (native Israelis), but also against their fellow immigrants from Ethiopia, expressing both disgust and envy to the financial and administrative assistance granted to this group of immigrants by the Government of Israel. I presume that children of such Russian immigrants that I meet on the forum join their views, and due to their age, they express them in the way described in the article. The problem is serious and, unfortunately, not treated by the authorities in adequate way. After decades of immigration, it is time to make better screening of the prospective immigrants, checking not only on their Jewish roots, but also on their conception and tolerance of pluralistic Judaism. This way we could avoid penetration of the "sausage" aliya which at a later stage turns out into unfriendly profiteers of our country.
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