German paper doubts Gaza beach reports
Published: 18.06.06, 10:56
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61. The horrors
Da dude (as Ellen)   (06.18.06)
The is most lieful piece of tripe ever written. The germans are working in conjunction with Israel. The Germans are using Israel to distract the great racially pure nation of Britain. Then they will attempt to do a massive blitzkrieg followed by a land invasion. It's all because of Israel, I can hear the mossad agents already destroying our defenses. This is an Israeli hoax. Israel planted this entire situation in the first place. To make it look as if the palestinians made this hoax. I shall get BLOODY REVENGE ARRGGG!!!!!!!!!!!
62. To Horse 54
Reider   (06.18.06)
Except, of course, the bits of metal one of which has the inscrittion 155mm, and the characteristics of the wounds, and the fact that Israel can't account for at least one artillery shell. Of course I don't believe the IDF and the government, they've been caught red-handed often enough. Anyhow, even the most credible man should not be trusted with investicgating a crime in which he is a suspect, much less so an institution with its politics and interests. There is plenty of occupation in Gaza, and if we allowed them a sea port and an open border, the would have had plenty of elictrcity, or at least the money to pay for it. As for water - sure, evacuate the Ariel area which sits on top of the largest underground equpihere (sp), that very same one that Olmert's plan aims to keep in our hands, and they'll have plenty of water. more soon
63. #55
Idan   (06.18.06)
1. I'll leave that for later when I get hold of a history book 2. Who cares? nations exists in the minds of their members and their enemies, nothing beyond. As you might have noticed, I'd rather get rid of all nationality considerations in politics, it seems to me the next natural step following the separation of church and state. 3. The collaboration with the Jews began much later, and reached its peaque during the Arab revolt. All in all the Brits were playing off two parts of the native population against each other, as they always do everywhere. They stil preferd the Jews as more European (antisemitism and the hope to rid Europe of Jews in favor of Palestine on the one hand, stupid Protestant idealism on the other hand, also played a role). They were consistently pro jewish from the Balfour declaration onwards, they promised a state and we got a state, the arabs got screwed, what more can you ask? 4) If so, why don't you get together with them and start doing stuff to promote that idea of living side by side, rather than let the separatist rule the game?
64. paliwood
Arie   (06.18.06)
Looking at th pali excuses, actios and the brit reactions is laughable at best: a little girl "bereaved" at the loss of her family directing the cameramen as to what and how to shoot the scene palis within shell shot sitting and enjoying the beach with no problem having shells dropping just meters away pali camera crews "just hapen" to be at the scene in time to film the carnage THE MOST PLAUSBLE EXPLANATION: HAMASS CREWS WERE ADVISED TO BE AT THE BEACH KNOWING THE QASSAMS WERE BEING FIRED AND JUST IN CASE ONE FELL SHORT A PERFECT FOTO OP! That topped with the abiity to superimpose outside footage in the same scenes as any director can. And as usual the anti-Semitic brits ate it up!
65. Of course it was staged
Cynic ,   USA   (06.18.06)
How is it that the cameraman was already on the scene to film the girl running up to her father?
66. 40 The Red Hitchings sounds in again what a joke
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (06.18.06)
67. # Reider
me   (06.18.06)
Here is the quote "The newspaper said in footage of the beach taken by an IDF drone at the time of the attack, five craters left by IDF artillery shells could be seen, but that 250 meters away people could also be seen." Now what exactly didnt you understand? do i have to spread it out for you. The "people" means the family. And if i recall she was wearing a jeans and even in a dryer it would take an hour to dry.
68. #63
jman ,   il   (06.18.06)
i think you can put it better and say the brits wanted to get rid of the jewish problem of europe, hoping, maybe, that the jews would get wiped out here. i wouldn't say that the brits were pro-jew or pro-arab. like you said they play both sides. i could say that i've done my part in being non-separatist. i treat them all withthe same respect that i treat anyone else. you can ask any arab that has done work for me, or with me. more than that i cannot do. however the problem isn't us, it's the people that don't want peaceful unity (on both sides).
69. Gaza Beach, Hadil Ghalia
Frank Adam ,   Prestwich, UK   (06.18.06)
It eventually came out that the Deir Yassin affair had only about a hundred fatalities and that the sexual allegations were put in by Arab PR at the time and backfired. It has also come out that the Mohammed Durra affair was a cut and pasted rigged tape. It is already clear that the Arabs are again lying to themselves even as they lie to themselves that they did not bring the war down on their own heads by rejecting UN 181. Loook forward to peace when the Arabs are at last honest with their own selves as the Ottoman Turks were. The trouble is not Islam but the Arabs ambition to be bigger than their boots.
JAMES ,   LONDON UK   (06.18.06)
The HRW producing a shell fragment with the inscription 155MM? Not only did the IDF admit to shelling in the area but they have fired 6000 shells in the past few weeks. Would this really stand up in court? Don't make me laugh. Can you explain thoughh why Garlasco says the injuries are consistent to that of a shell exploding in the air? How does this create a crater? Further, Garlasco as a so called battlefield expert surely knows there are mines designed to explode in the air so why does he rule out a mine? Why does the UN now claim the shells were fired from the Navy when Garlasco stated they came from North of Gaza? Do we actually even know if this girl was related to the dead man as the palestinians claim? How do we know she wasn't just plucked from the street and asked to act? Sheer fabrication and after the much better staged al-dura incident that took months to unravel as a web of lies you'd have thought they could have done better.
71. Finally,
Allan ,   Delray Beach, FLA   (06.18.06)
some real unbiased objectivity. What took them so long?
72. #12
Allan ,   Delray Beach, FLA   (06.18.06)
It's easy to hide behind annonimity when making irrelevant and wrong statements. Are you as annonimous when you post your glee after a homocide bomber blows innocents on a bus or in a cafe. You are a hypocrite of the 1st degree.
73. #14
Allan ,   Delray Beach, FLA   (06.18.06)
You are wrong! The graeatest tragedy was not the creation of Israel, it is the object squalor that your leaders and your Arab bretheren have allowed you to live in for the past 60 years. You and your people have had several opportunities for a peaceful resolution and could have had your own state by now. But because of your blindness you chose the path of war and are now paying the price. When you finally open your eyes and accept the truth as stated above, you will be living in a prosperous Palestine.
74. This is the funniest article I've ever read
Londoner ,   London, UK   (06.18.06)
Now some would claim the Holocaust were staged as well...!!! Come on, for G-D's sake. This is insane. According to IDF, all what condemns them is staged because they are not programmed to kill...!!! They are programmed to cuddle people!!!!! Why cannot IDF accept that they also can make mistakes. Are they angels? They are humans, men and women. Nobody in this world is infallible. Things like this could happen. The denial is worse than the act itself.
75. #31
Chico ,   Planet Earth   (06.18.06)
Oh yeah, and I was filmed in Auschwitz after World War II. I pretended to be a Jew that was liberated from a concentration camp that was also built after World War II. calm down Journalist, you are not the only one that can make lies
76. staged and correographed
Hilda ,   USA   (06.18.06)
Article is right on. Of couse this was staged just as all the Paliwood propaganda. Why is the world so damn stupid to believe these liars who stage everything to make the Israelis look bad? Does Israel have to depend on Germany or other countries? Why can;t they just believe Israel for a change, they are usually right.
77. Shining some light
John ,   NYC NY   (06.18.06)
Truth. Sometimes truth is stranger then fiction. The Arabs have a long history of lying and/or exaggerating the facts. Just go back to the claim of the Jenin massacre. I think even the infamous UN finally admitted that it was not true. The really critical issue revolves around the question as to whom does this land belong. For over 50 years Arabs have been screaming and using terror to make their claims heard. However, they are based on false images. As one writer points out Palestine has never been a unique Nation (since the last Jewish Kings). It has been under some kind of mandate. For many years, prior to WWI it was part of greater Syria. For that matter so was Lebanon. That is why Syria is personally involved in Lebanon and why Syria had even tried to kill the previous King of Jordan (I think on 3 different occasions). Mark Twain described his own visit to the Holy land around the late 1800's as being a forsaken land. The Arab claims that Jews stole a beautiful land is another lie. It was the personal efforts exerted by Jews and for Jews that has made this land bloom. Many Arabs moved to Palestine to gain from what the Jews created. If there is any doubt that Arabs have little history in this land I suggest one reads the UN mandate that set up the refugee program. You will see that anyone who was present in Palestine for a period of only "two years" prior to the establishment of the State of Israel was given the right to be a refugee. Every other refugee group has had to show a life long association with the land. Also, Arab refugees were given the unique right to pass this designation to their offspring. For over 50 years the UN has had a separate department for these refugees and they have spent billions to care and educate them. But, they have spent nothing on trying to resettle them, which in all other case is a primary goal. Instead these people have grown in number, some estimate as many as 4.5 million, and have been trained to hate. Yet, these are the very people that even so called moderates, like Abbas, state must be allowed to return to Israel as part of a peace agreement. Less then 300,000 Jews cannot live in Arab areas, but Israel must accept almost 5 million Arabs that want to commit Jihad. Any serious thought will realize that the Arab right of return is simply another way of destroying Israel. Let us not forget that more Jews were "forced" out of their homes and business from Arab Countries then Arabs, who mostly choice to leave, ended up as refugees. Let those countries that throw out almost 800,000 Jewish citizens take in their brothers to right a real historic wrong.
78. What really happened
John ,   NYC NY   (06.18.06)
Besides the Germany news report there are other examples to prove that Israel did not do it. Why were Arabs cleaning up the area. Destroying evidence only helps if you are hiding something. What might the Arabs be hiding?? There were no creators as one would except from an artillery shell. Shrapnel taken from Arabs treated in Israeli hospital did not match the metal of Israeli ammunition. There was no Israeli firing at the time of the explosion. In the background you saw people milling around like nothing much was going on. It is unlikely people would be walking around if artillery shells were landing in the area. I think I read somewhere that Israel has videos of Arabs working around that area several days before the incident. The most likely explanation is that this was another one of those "work accidents." Likely the Arabs laid mines hoping to ambush Israeli commandos should they enter Gaza from the coast.
79. Lets bring Spielberg to the Pallywood team to teach them how
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (06.18.06)
at least to be good at fiction filming The Palis never learn
80. No #62 I am talking about the following :
Caligula's Horse ,   Solomon's Stables   (06.18.06)
#1 The bodies are whole, 155mm shells completly dismember bodies. #2 There are no craters, 155mm shells leave huge craters and even bigger on soft terrain like sand. #3 Sharpnel taken out of Palestinians in Israel does not match Israeli shells. I suppose you are talking about the American "Human rights" mercenary, well, his job is to slander Israel, besides, he said he found the pieces "About 200 meters from the area", good job idiot, didnt he think it *Might* be from those shells who landed 250m away from the area? Once again, if you doubt the IDF or the goverment's crediblity in investigating themselves then it is time to close the country.
81. gaza palestinian killing
yankel ,   kfar saba   (06.18.06)
always blame I srael for all the lies you broadcast to the world of gullible people who are always ready to believe the worst of us
82. No more BS post 12
Michelle   (06.18.06)
The palestinians have been shown for the frauds they are. They should feel shame and embarrassment but I won't hold my breath.
83. Re post 14
Michelle   (06.18.06)
"I do not care who killed what!" You sure did when you thought everyone was believing your bullshit. "There is a great guilt for Israel..." There is a great guilt for you as well. Personally I get tired of hearing how palestinians want to push all of Israel into the sea. Get real!
84. More ignorance from nawal
Michelle   (06.18.06)
"and American Gov did 911" I'd tell you stick that comment where the sun don't shine, but I'm afraid you'd enjoy it. Your beloved "osama bin HIDING' admitted to involvement with 9/11. And Americans got to see how happy the palestinians were when the towers came down so we all know how truly vile you are.
85. no 12=ellen/olivia bbc
their style of writing too close
86. Gaza Beach Conspiracy
gizelle ,   Telaviv Israel   (06.18.06)
Palestinians have done it again!Another conspiracy as that of 'Jenin 'and' al Dura' they kill their own just in order to dehumanise Israel and show the Jewish State as guilty of crimes against the Palestinians. How can these people gain the sympathy of the world..... ? but the strange thing is that they do. Its a Mad Mad World!
87. ref.....
george ,   london   (06.18.06)
the world is waking up to the pali lies.
88. More Palestinian Lies
Cynthia ,   USA   (06.18.06)
Will it ever end? As I said yesterday, this story will continue to unfold. Removing evidence from the scene, staging the participants and bringing in an "expert" whose claim to fame includes Israel bashing and reporting on home demolitions. And the Palestinians expect to be taken seriously?
89. Just finished see an interview with the american export
me   (06.18.06)
Well at the interview he wasn't already a 100% sure of the IDF guilt. He claimed that there are 3 possibilities: 1) a dud shell from earlier the day. 2) an IDF artillery at the same time the family was there. 3) A HAMAS demolition charge which went off. Now for all of those who thought that this expert know it all. Think again
90. palestinian SOP
j jackson ,   florida   (06.18.06)
The propaganda that the Palestinians are the victims of Isreal is the BIG LIE of the new antisemetic culture. At the beginning of the reemergence of the ancient nation of Isreal, the Jews invited the Moslems to build the nation together in peace. Ever since then It's been one phoney provocation and victim posturing attempt after another. There could have been wealth and prosperity for both. The real motivation is driven by the doctrine of jihad and all its facets. One group is seeking to prosper and survive while the other group is following the Jihad SOP.
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