Halutz: Abducted soldier alive
Hanan Greenberg
Published: 25.06.06, 16:18
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61. #2 oh please!!
jman ,   il   (06.25.06)
i find it amazinng that a citizen of an american parrot state, or monkey see monkey do state, however you want to title britian can be so anti-democracy. maybe england should learn how to really fight terror,instead of shooting south american tourists because they can't i.d. a terror suspect unless he has hammas written on his shirt. besides, if we all leave israel for even 24 hours the results would be a palestinian civil war.
62. fyi
jman ,   il   (06.25.06)
if it interests anybody, the way the palestinian people/government work was written in a "medresh" 2000 years ago. that was at a time when there were no muslims around.
63. To #15 in a country with no right to exist
Larry ,   Eastbourne, UK   (06.25.06)
The IDF is prevented from bringing peace, as you call it, because it is operating with its hands tied and thus cannot take the necessary measures to bring about a substantial reduction (I don't think there will ever be an end) to Palestinian terrorism. The Israeli government persists in its policy of appeasing the USA and EU who want to keep sweet with the Arabs at Israel's expense. There can be no dialogue with the Palestinians because their sole aim is genocide. Your vile country, whose national hero is Hitler, and which has taken no action whatsoever to bring to justice its hundreds of thousands of genocidal murderers, and which to this day pays state pensions to tens of thousands of murderers to reward them for their crimes against the Jewish people, and which has a laughable law against Holocaust denial but no law against perpetrating the crimes of the Holocaust, has no right to criticise Israel and, since you voted for union with Nazi Germany and in any case have no distinguishable cultural, linguistic or ethnic identity of your own, has no right to exist. A pity that the Allies did not do to Vienna, the historical capital of European antisemitism, what they did to Dresden.
64. kidnapped
annie ,   israel   (06.25.06)
why olmert ? didn't you said that there will be a peace after disengagement .where is you peace?you lost . |Peres also said that every soldier who die in gaza dies in vain ? both of you lose
65. Those calling from afar to retake Gaza
Darren   (06.25.06)
Get a fricking clue. Israel is done with Gaza. We have been there too long while both sides suffered a great deal. Pulling out was the best thing Israel has done. Terrorist attacks should be treated as terrorist attacks and dealt with aggressively and decisively. Does anyone think that capturing Gaza again will do any good, to either side? Give me break. We have a solider to rescue out of the hands of terrorists SOBs.
66. 51 who can stick an olive tree up your ....
67. A Shirking of Responsibility
Jeremy S. Slavin ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (06.25.06)
Any idiot can come on a talkback and bash the Israeli Army - and it is apparent that at an hour when the families of soldiers in the one national army in the Middle East that does not intentionally target civilians (and apologizes when they are killed) are being mourned, those who call Islamic terrorists as heroes have no moral compass whatsoever. What's more, rather than blame the corrupt and extremist in Palestinian Arab society and the wider Arab World for their problems, it's simpler to blame the Jews or the West. If only Hamas and Islamic Jihad felt for civilians of the "other side" what the IDF does for Palestinians; Israeli soldiers take extraordinary risks that bring more danger upon themselves in order to try and cause as few Palestinian civilian casualties as possible. To Israeli eyes, there are innocents in the Palestinian territories. But there are none according to Hamas, which openly calls for killing Israelis of any kind, in Israel (or as they and Iran like to call it, "the Zionist entity"). To Hamas, Islamic Jihad and al-Qaeda, there are no such things as Jewish innocents. Quit blaming the Jewish people for your problems. What's more, quit cheering when the soldiers of a democracy are killed simply protecting their families and serving their country. The Palestinians, indeed many other Arabs, feel they are entitled to everything under the sun...they are exclusivist, and yet denounce Jews as arrogant for claiming to be the Chosen People. "Why, when we have the thing, should we boggle at the name?" said Abigail Adams during the "Quasi-War" between the U.S. and French navies in the late 18th century. This is war, whatever anyone in the West wants to call it otherwise, wherever it is being fought - on the borders or within the U.S., in Iraq and Afghanistan, against Iran, etc. The Islamic terrorists see it as a war; American, Israeli, British, Australian, Christian, Jewish and even moderate Arab Muslim and Christian troops are fighting the same threat, and those Israelis who died today in Gaza died in the same War being fought the world over, but focused especially here. Shame on those who cheer the deaths of those fighting for democratic countries and values and their families, be they Jewish or Christian or any religion. Israelis and Americans fight for their homes and their countries and values and way of life; Hamas and others fight in the name of a racist , exclusive ideology, and a way of death. Anyone who thinks that Israel exists purely to deny Arab Palestinians statehood is a naive fool; Israelis just want to live. Terrorists like those who struck today would likely deny the right to live to those from whom they demand that same right for themselves. I say, infinite justice should be meted out against Palestinian terrorists. May what happened to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi be visited tenfold and more upon Hamas. And by the way, those who sympathize with the Palestinians and say they should not suffer because of Hamas being in power...well, a majority of Palestinians (knowing full well what Hamas stood for) voted Hamas into office. Does democracy simply stop when the ballot is in the box, or does responsibility for your choices continue afterward? The moment the Palestinians truly take responsibility for their own bad choices and mistakes will be a great day - for them, and for the Middle East.
68. Why is everybody so shocked?
svietka ,   SHOMRON-ISR   (06.25.06)
a well planned army operation against soldiers was carried out by palis and YNET is calling it a shooting incident-I guess u cant call it a terrorist attack since it was against soldiers, ha? If it was against settlers then u probably wouldnt have even reported it-but since there r no Jews left in Gush-katif and there were ppl wouned and killed u still have to report...Question is: HOW LONG will it take for all those yelpers who called for kicking jews out from gush cause soldiers were dying in defending them, to come out with a call to kick jews out of sderot cause soldiers r still they r just dying closer to TLV
69. Thankyou Mr. Sharon
Arik ,   Jerusalem   (06.25.06)
This is what Sharon's soft response has brought us. Why are water and electricity still flowing freely to the Gaza strip.
70. olmert gıves 48 hours to reLease our soLDıer
71. Taget infrastructure.
Benjamin ,   TA Israel   (06.25.06)
It seems the only options remaining is to target PA infrastructure. Bomb power stations, phone exchanes, cellphone stations, fuel depots, bridges. Noting else seems working.
72. Ahmed, I bet you've heard of Hadassah and Shaare Tzedek
Rachel ,   Jerusalem   (06.25.06)
West Jerusalem hospitals situated in the heart of that "cancer" called Israel where your dear wife gets first class western care. You bloody hypocrite.
73. #7 Kuwaiti Idiot
Logic ,   Israel   (06.25.06)
Your so-called heros invaded sovereign Israeli territory. They are as "heroic" as Saddam's 1990 invasion into Kuwait. Maybe the US should let Saddam go free and take over Kuwait so he can be a "hero"...
74. #51 THOUSANDS of YEARS Ago, G-D gave Israel to Jews as an
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (06.25.06)
eternal possession, and you dare to call G-D a cancer? Bible, Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the L-RD is the beginning of wisdom Psalm 119:120 My flesh trembles for fear of You, and I am afraid of Your judgments. What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? As for the olive trees, every year you prune your trees - removing branches to produce a much more abundant, healthy olive tree - and then accuse Jews of cutting down the trees! One of the laws given to Moses: "YOU SHALL NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS"
75. Speak in ARABIC: FLATTEN GAZA! thats all they understand!
enough is enough ,   Gloves come off now!   (06.25.06)
KACH 613 ,   MEDENAT YEHAUDA   (06.25.06)
Olmert you and peretz have the blood of these 2 solders on your hand should of never left Gaza!
77. 7 Wael the palestinians supported Hussein
eldad ,   tel aviv   (06.25.06)
but the kuwaitis are a very wise and brave people-they threw out the palestinians. in israel we need to follow the kuwaiti example
78. this would never have happened with sharon and mofaz
79. Let the palestinians celebrate for now
tomorrow and this month they will cry to the world.
80. Turn off water & electricity !!!!!!!!
A ,   northern Israel   (06.25.06)
Let are dear neighbors know that they need us in order to exist so they better give us some respect. We must turn off the water and electricity right away. When the soldier isreturned unharmmed we will turn them back on. Otherwise , sit in the dark like rats !
81. 71 the idf is being held back by olmert and peretz
82. 7 return kuwait to iraq where it belongs
83. Just come home safely...
Talula ,   Israel   (06.25.06)
I would pray for this soldier if I believed in God. So I will have to rely on our boys to bring him home. I cannot stop thinking about him and his family and I hope more than anything in the world, he comes home safely. And once they are all out of there, sent in the gunships and the F-16s and show no mercy. Israel owes it to its citizens to do it.
84. Rewarding Murder: The GLOBAL VILLAGE RAISED these TERRORISTS
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (06.25.06)
Re-take Gaza. It has been transformed into Hamastan - terrorist training camps and a global base for terror operations. Punished for not being Muslim, 10,000 hated Jews in Gaza and north Samaria were viciously rendered jobless and homeless for enemies sworn to Israel's destruction. Muslims celebrated their great victory by desecrating and destroying Gaza synagogues. Impoverished Jewish refugees are financially obligated to pay mortgages on their destroyed homes. IT TOOK THE GLOBAL VILLAGE TO RAISE THESE TERRORISTS. The Palestinian Authority/PLO terrorist organization's bank accounts and war chests are filled with billions of American and European tax dollars. The PA/PLO were never expected to create farms and businesses with their finances, long hours, and hard work. All of this was to be done for them by the Jewish victims of their terrorism. The wealthy PLO/Palestinian Authority terrorist organization were given wonderful gifts of Jewish land, thousands of high-tech greenhouses, and hundreds of farms of the Jews the terrorists attacked and murdered. In psychological terms, it is known as positive reinforcement - rewarding behavior that is considered desirable. Murders, pogroms, genocides. Deportations. The stealing of Jewish land and assets is the way Jews have always been treated. Aiding and abetting Islamic terrorism, instead of opposing it, Israel's leaders will go to war, Amona style, against the hated Jews of Judea and Samaria in a ruthless ethnic Jew cleansing on behalf of PA/PLO, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hizbullah, Al-Qaida terrorists, who will be gifted Jewish land and assets in an immoral surrender to global jihadists - advancing the openly stated Islamo-Fascist goal of Jewish annihilation and global Islamic conquest. Amona - February 1, 2006 - Israel's police and IDF went to war against Jewish innocents instead of going to war against Muslim terrorists.
85. To #46
Anti_Idiot ,   Israel   (06.25.06)
Well, Mongolia is definitely is not on the globe of the USA, is it? Guess how many times it is bigger than Israel? Sam, that Mongolian speaks English. Do you speak any Mongolian? Or ANY other language but your mother tong? You have rights to be dumb. But why showing off with it?
86. the israelis are only MEN when they fight civilians...
Khalil ,   (06.25.06)
but when they face real men,real soldiers,they are either killed or kidnapped....... congratulation IDF
87. zionists are worse ..
PalestinianJew ,   Ramallah, Palestine   (06.25.06)
to kill soldiers surrounding your home is kill civilians is terrorism...Soldiers are there to fight the palestinian people.. so if they get killed please dont blame anyone but the soldiers of the IAF (israeli attack forces)...
88. Israeli tactics..
basel ,   dubai/UAE   (06.25.06)
Really , the sooner the Palestinians realize that the only way to fight is by demanding peace , the sooner they will win the battle. Palestinians need to put down their guns and use their voices as weapons instead , thats what Israel most fears , which is why it keeps escalating and killing , to make sure hamas stay in power , anyone who cant see that , truly has no clue whats going on. the gaza killings happened on the day of the referendum , think about it , Israel dosent want peace , and hamas dosent want peace , theyre both helping each other out. Israels biggest fear is peace , which is why theyre doing everything they can to make mahmood abbas the president , fail.
89. Attack
Brod ,   USA   (06.25.06)
The IDF should have expected this kind of scenario and overcome this attack. Instead they were caught by surprise. The mistake of giving away their land in the Gaza Strip to the terrorists is now glaring. Such a Strip would have served as a security buffer zone to protect Israel from their enemy. The enemy seems to be determined to chip Israel's security by firing their Qassam Rockets at Israel and now this kind of incursion into Israel's territory using advanced and more lethal weaponry such as anti-tank missiles. Israel should not look at this lightly but pursue them to the hilt. The leaders should stop meeting with non-Israeli entities who are trying to manipulate Israel to meet their interests. Instead, the leaders should focus on protecting and defending the historic and biblical Land of Israel-the State of Israel and their people from attacks by the enemies. By this attack, Hamastan has declared war with Israel. Hence, Israel has to do what is necessary as was done to Lebanon in the early 1980s. Hamastan must be disarmed and neutralized before they do further damage. As a proxy of the fanatical regime of Iran, Hamastan's attack on Israel may well be a precursor of an attack from the Ayatollahs and their other proxies--Hezbollah and Syria. Hence, Israel has to be prepared to meet the existential threat from the Ayatollahs and their proxies. The enemies seemed to do the preemptions when they launched their attacks on 9/11, in Spain, London, Mombasa, Bali and other places. Hence, the world should preempt them before they preempt the world.
90. #85
jman ,   il   (06.25.06)
did you ever hear of the phrase "open mouth, insert foot"? before you trash people about what there mother "tong" (its tongue for crying out loud) you should use spell-check!
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