PRC: Kidnapping settler teen was easy
Ali Waked
Published: 29.06.06, 12:24
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45 Talkbacks for this article
31. Abu who?
Mike ,   Israel   (06.29.06)
Abu who ever you wana be today, The paper tiger is about to give you a very major "paper cut" arount your neck. So take a shower shave, your about to meet your virgins.
32. Abu Amir
Can't wait till this guy is a smoldering crater
33. to the grieving and the outraged
STEVE ,   LONDON ENGLAND   (06.29.06)
There are no virgins anywhere but on Earth. Anyone who believes anyone get's virgins in Heaven is deluding themselves. After death there is only a choice to be made. GOD judges our record on righteousness and our record determines the spectrum of choices open to us for reincarnation. Also If you want to choose reincarnation or not. The universe is immeasurable and there is more than one place for life. In ancient times, before Moses, people did not understand the definition of righteousness. Now we have more than a few bibles to help us understand. But the seventh day of the week is about making choices. Therefore work on your record for righteousness on your day off from Earth's temporal struggles. GOD loves us as much as Creation. Take pleasure and love in it. Celebrate life in it. Create life, have babies and be as close to GOD in that act as you might be. But for scum terrorists like these arse holes there is no choice. There is not even a choice about reincarnation. There is only the evolutionary scale of animals and they are going down the scale. As sure as there are seven days in a Jewish week. So my advice to you all out there considering to do some violence is this . BLINK .... and see yourself as a spirit in a material world and ask yourself this question: 'Where would I like to live?'. In Heaven! in a paradise Earth! Ever wondered what its like to be dead? There is no death. There is only life. So choose wisely ....... AMEN ve ..........
34. Bible Stories
Jay ,   Phoenix   (06.29.06)
Yes, according to the Bible this is true. However, with that in mind, doesn't the Bible also say that one of the events that leads to the APOCALYPSE is their return to Israel. So in other words, the start of the end of the world will be initiated by the "chosen" people. Chew on that for a's it taste.
35. Killing easy too for dishonorable monsters
David ,   Boston, USA   (06.29.06)
These terrorists have no honor, no humanity. This is why negotiations are impossible. Until the Arabs struggle for peace instead of talking about how easy it is to kill an 18 year old boy there is no chance of peace. Where are the Arabs to condemn this brutal crime?
36. an eye for an eye?
bloody eye for an eye so y do they ask for 10000 in eturn of 1? bloody hellll....u all will be rotten up there.....die and go with 72 more!!!
37. Don't compare Jews to Arabs...
JS ,   USA   (06.29.06)
#28, you and #10 are sadly misinformed. Since the beginning of this conflict the Israelis are the only ones who have made real concessions and taken any steps to create peace. The Arabs have not kept one single commitment to any of the agreements. They began the suicide bombings and the killings of innocents. Israeli checkpoints and military operations only became neccesary AFTER the intifadah began. The so-called "occupation" is a lie and an excuse. Before the Israelis had control it was the Jordan, the british, The Turks,,,, The Arabs of the territory of Palestine never had their own country or theri own sovreignty so how are they suddenly "occupied". "End the occupation" is just code for "Destroy Israel". That is the goal of the overwhelming majority of Arab Muslims all over the world. Look at Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan etc. etc. Wherever there are Arab Muslims there is killing and dying. The only way to deal with these savages is with force!
38. #10
Jane   (06.29.06)
"These 2 peaceful religions". Shall I assume that you are Christian? Well, you gave us the Crusades, Inquisition, pogroms, preparation for the Holocaust and more. Wasn't boiling in oil one of your Christian specialties? Skinning Rabbi Akiva alive? It's not that I support Islam, but you have nothing whatsoever to feel morally superior about.
39. #28
Jane   (06.29.06)
Is that a Crusader/Inquisitor talkback?
40. abu, Boo, scared ya!
Don ,   Houston Texas   (06.29.06)
Ha, Abu Abir, at least you have the decency to show your face you may not be as much of a coward as other weak minded brainwashed mislead palestinians but your just as much a target. I like the picture above where the guy behind you to your left is holding his rifle and flipping you the bird while you pontificate. Remember, if you are not a muslim then you and your family are infidels and you are already marked for kidnapping and death by the followewrs of the most peaceful religion in the world. praise be to allah
41. IDF: Get this guy.
Ron ,   USA   (06.29.06)
42. I agree with #10 & #28...
ghandi ,   LA, USA   (06.29.06)
#37 JS , USA Savages?!? Interesting you used that word... isn’t that what the American government called Native Americans that we drove to reservations for white settlements? Unfortunately for Israel the bow and arrows have been replaced by suicide bombs. As long as both sides continue killing civilians there will be no peace; so continue blaming each other.
43. #10- Eye for an Eye
MK ,   USA   (06.29.06)
I shall not turn this into a religious debate. However, in response to some comments against my #10 comment, I say that the Christians cannot justify the wrong they do by referring to the New Testament. I challenge anyone, anyone, to find me the word "Kill" in the New Testament, or any statement that supports retaliation and vengance. That being said, I think the people in the middle need to become more civilized. It is sad when a soldier is kidnapped, and it is AS SAD when we see bridges and electric units shelled and innocents are UNJUSTIFIABLY punished. I am aware that people all corners of the world fight to gain economic resources, but in order to acquire resources, they GROUP. BUT they group based on language, ethnicity, and religion.
44. ghandi
JS ,   USA   (06.29.06)
Don't read too much into the choice of words. I used "savages" to tone down what I really think of these mudering terrorist scum. Nice try, but you can't really draw a parallel from US vs. Amer. Indians to this situation. The Amerinds where basically peaceful and accepting of the European "newcomers" until we started pushing them around. In this situation, the Jews have a long and established history in that land, including a continuous presence there for over 2,000 years. They have as much right to be there as the Arabs...or more. Aren't they called Arabs becasue they come from Arabia? Bottom line, the Israelis - the vast majority of them - really want peace. With the Arabs it's the other way around. An objective examination of the facts - actions not rhetoric - will show that. But how do you make peace with someone who is constantly trying to kill you or drive you out? What do you suggest the Israelis do, lay down their arms and die?
45. #42
Hilda ,   USA   (06.29.06)
Savages is too good a word for them. They are not hiuman beings like other humans. They have abdicated the name of human because human beings are supposed to have a heart beating in them and these do not. Even animals act more human. These are like dangerous bacteria without heart, without souls. They should be eracdicated from the earth.
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