Arabs out!
Haim Levinson
Published: 06.07.06, 14:00
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61. Let me remind you that West Jerusalem
is occupied terrotory. There haws been at least 8 towns in West Jerusalem like Ein Karem and else which is purely Arab. West Jerusalem was dominantly used by Christian Palestinians who have been 40% of Jerusalem in the British Mandate and Otoman time. Unfortuanatel,y after the continued zinist terrorism in 1930s and till 1948, many Palestinian chrisitans were left with no choice but to leave to Latin America. The fact is that, West and East Jerusalem are all the same. It is occupied lands that was illegaly taken from its residents, and the Arab communities their were evicted, and massacered in many cases like Deir Yasin for example.
KACH 613 ,   MEDENAT YEHAUDA!   (07.06.06)
Not wanted in Jerusalem or any other part of Israel (including the West Bank and Gaza)
63. No win situation
Sheli ,   haifa great city   (07.06.06)
Ok the title of the Article if Off...I have visions of Nazi Germany with the same line...I recall reading somewhere that some Arabs were actually murdered for selling to one criticized them how come u find the time to do so now. I live in Haifa and Arabs and Jews live in harmony, I have a Mosque opposite my place and am not bothered in the slightest, the person complaining abt noise, give me a break like Israelis dont make noise PLLLEASE!! and the lady who talked about livestock, I doubt that people wud move into a fancy neighbourhood with a herd of sheep..We live in the middle East for good sake, both Jews and arabs alike - look to Haifa as an example, and see it can be done..I think u are confusing the Type of people that u dont want with their race and religion..soon we will be back to segregating between Ashkenazis, Sephardis and Mizrahis not forgetting the poor ehtiopians!!
64. sheli 63
keren ,   sao paulo   (07.06.06)
If you are Jewish,excuse me,you are a blind naive. VERY BLIND! What do you propose to resolve Israel's problems? I would like to listen your political position. Do you have one?
65. to 61
This is the first time that I have seen this form of arab propaganda.1030?1948? Go back to earlier times. Short memorty. Jerusalem was founded by king david this was in the kingdom of israel. Jersusalem is the eternal capital of Israel whether you like it or not. You were the occupiers and invaders. to the jewish people west and east Jerusalem is all the same ".Zionist terrorism". there's a new term. what's that?Did you hear that the UN accorded a portion of historic israel in 1947 to the jewish people legally, there was no invasion/ israel is a soverign and legal state. So you keep your stupid propaganda and twisted lies to yourself.
66. to No. 3, Chris from USA
Bobby Zamo   (07.07.06)
Chris, u live in the biggest frikin racist and secular country in the world, the number of ghettos u have in the US, look how you treated the shvartzers of New Orleans when the thing hit last year. The devide in the USA is by far far bigger than any other so called democracy on the face of the planet.
67. Arabs in Israel - the truth is...
E. Bartholemew   (07.07.06)
Im a professor of economics at the Uni ofxxx, I wont say, however the fact is, putting aside the palestinians for one moment, there are around 1.5M Israeli Arabs in Israel, and around 6/7M Jews, and with all due repect, Arabs breed faster than Jews. Average Jewish offspring cultivates 2.5 against Arabs 4/5 offspring, so, in 30 years if growth rate remains as it is now at the same rising percentage, there will be more Israeli Arabs than Jewish israelis, and what with a democratically elected government, the Arabs if they decided to be clever could literally vote out any Jewish government and vote in an Arab government. Figure this... An Arab Government, who would control the army? Think of that ! Frightneing eh?
68. What surprise? Muslim culture is very anti-semitic !
D- ,   San Diego, USA   (07.07.06)
And most Arabs are Muslim. It would be wise for Muslims to wait for Islamic terror to end, and for things to cool down a bit, before they try to live among others. Asking a country for restraint when it is attacked is wholly different than asking individuals the same thing. It's just stupid and unsafe for Muslims to try to live among the groups that are targeted by Islamic terror. If the Arabs were non-Muslim, however, this would be racism. Are the people this article is referring to talking about Arabs or Muslims, or are they trying to use the terms interchangeably? I am not sure whether this article is about racism or reasonable caution regarding people who, by choice, are members of a human sacrifice practicing religion. I would recommend extreme prejudice against the latter, only.
69. Jerusalem was not built by King David. But by Arabian
tribes known as the Jebusites...!!! You get your infot straight please. Stop lies. You are denying the natives of the land who built every thing old you see there in the holy Land...! Jews were rasied and brought from egypt and conquered who ever was in the holy land and who ever was in Jerusalem... Stop lies... Palestinians of today are just natural extension of whoever inhabited this land from prehistoric times....... No matter what their believe is, 2% of them were Jews, and 30% christians and the rest muslim... This has the ben the case throught at least 2000 years!! You cannot undo history.... Only more of Jewish arrogance
70. Racism is racism
Sarah Broder ,   USA   (07.07.06)
Years ago my grandparents were denied the right to buy a house in the area where they wanted to live. The only reason was because they were Jewish and Christians living in the area did not think that Jews were good enough to be neighbors or good enough to be playmates for their children. Today the ugly spectre of racism rears its ahead again in Israel. It makes me sick. SHAME, SHAME!
71. First Yerushalaim then...all the west
arieh king ,   yerushalaim   (07.07.06)
You all nead to know what is writen in the Kurahan (Muslims hloy book). The Halifut (A Holy leadership all over the world) will began after the muslims will start a Jihad war against the Jews in Jerusalem. And once Jerusalem will become the Capital of the Halifut, then the Jihad will contibue to the second stage of the Jihad war and this is: To control all of the world! ALL OF THAT IS BEING TAKEN FROM THE KURHAN! ALL OF THAT IS WRITEN IN AL-QAIEDA & HAMAS WEB SITES! Arieh King
72. #68 needs sum dayz bak in skool
Martin H ,   London England   (07.10.06)
D- San Diego The Muslims culture can't be anti-semetic. Because many Muslims in the Palestinians are the true semites. Most of the Israeli Zionists are Khazars, according to many Jewish historians. Also, Arabs and Muslims are not the same thing. One denotes you are from a geographical area, the other denotes your faith. Perhaps you're not the best person to "recommend extreme prejudice," yet?
73. inheritance
shauna ,   salem, MA USA   (02.04.08)
My family is from jerusalem we can be traced back way before the times of the crusades we are of caanite ancestry. Nowadays we are called "arabs" . What should i do sell my birthright or leave the home of my ancestors for thousands of years???? Study some and come up with something better.....then astonish me and the rest of the world with your brilliance....
74. ethnic lesson
stuart ,   L.A.   (02.11.08)
"The connection between this tribe and modern day Arabs is nil.' Please tell me what the connection of white Europeans is to this land.
75. "I'm happy to be racist"
alex ,   france   (02.27.09)
So you say, as a jew, you are happy to be racist....? Is that a noble aspect of a personnality to you ? It's a good thing for someone to be racist like you ? This doesnt make any's a losing game. Your people lost their mind a long time ago. You are INSANE. INSANE
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