Ahmadinejad warns of 'Islamic explosion'
Dudi Cohen
Published: 07.07.06, 18:41
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78 Talkbacks for this article
MAHMOOD ,   LONDON UK   (07.08.06)
Once again DR, you got me wrong.By agreeing or disagreeing to someone does not mean anything.Ground realities are there for the world to witness.My opinion can go to sober and understand the situation.The outcome is not very bright for Israel.The excess use of force will have its repercussion even in the Govt.Let us monitor the situation,ok?
62. OK #37
I am prepared to get lost whoever you are.............................not the realities.Have something more sensible to write,stupid.
63. islamic explosion
steve ,   london, england   (07.08.06)
The day Israel leaves this region will be the last sabbath on Earth for the world. There would not be one day of rest for the rest of mankind. For the rest of mankind would either be grievibg the loss of its brother and sister or would never be able to cease from the toil and trouble it would incur at GOD's wrath against inhospitable and inhumane mankind. Israel calls upon the humanity of mankind to come forward and stand upright in GOD's sight. Come, come to Mount Zion and see the compassion and the mercy of the Sovereign of the Universe. See how the tiny nation of Israel has borne the sins of the world and has suffered the birth pains of a free world. See one tiny nation which has suffered so much for so many to be able to learn there is ONE GOD for all mankind and this GOD was revealed first to Israel. Israel will never depart from its home in Jerusalem and will never depart from its call to the humanity of mankind to come forth and live together as creaatures of reason and conscience together. To those who dwell in darkness we say, 'We are here to guide you'. All you have to do is depart from armed struggle. Why are you so confused about this simplest of acts to perform? Cast off your dark days and put your weapons back in the box. There is absolutely no need whatsoever for armed struggle. Except against oneself. SHALOM
64. #17 & co
me ,   planet earth   (07.08.06)
What the world needs,really ,is for every islamic,terrorist,ahamed ,,,,included ,of course;is to contract the HN1,bird flu desease,and rot in hell until all eternity.For these sick minded individuals are the worst desease this planet has ever seen..This nut case ,islamic gonnareah madman,is actually suffering a very bad case of Alzheimer,and psyco,matic,delusion,You know he does come from a tiny village,somewhere in the dusty hills of Iran,He has no education,and was chosen by the Mollahs,because it was written on his face,at birth,"PICK ME,TO BE PRESIDENT,I AM DAMN STUPID,AND THE WORLD WILL FORGIVE MY TOTAL IGNORANCE.HIHIHIHIHI. But what really gets me ,is how can the Iranian people be so blind.This TURD is pushing them into the ARABS,laps,and down into the snake pit.Is he really talking on behalf of you all??? I guess Western Kamikazees,are not far off..Who says only the Arabs can blow themselves up???The only difference is ,we know that there are no 72 virgins.uhg .and are not doing this in the name of any G-D;It will be done in the name of HUMANITY.
joe ,   L   (07.08.06)
I am at a loss as to why the western press keeps glorifying shch a worthless being , by printing his venom. he is not unlike a bin ladin, or a stalin, or a hitler,etc., etc.,ALL part of the garbage of humanity bestowed upon us, in order to remind us that CLEAN-UP is part of our daily lives as well. if the pompous govts. of the civilised world are uncapable to deal with these problems, they should be replaced by people with some brains (a little will suffice). look at a days work by them: large meetigs, impeccable tailored suits, arriving in very long limos,into sumptuous palaces, stuffing themselves with food/champagne, making empty/hollow speeches, and going back home in private jets. the cost of one of those week-end meeting could probably feed 1/2 starving kids in africa. comments: the same political mistake made by palestinians in electing their govt., is no different than israelis electing theirs. OH! WELL " from dust to dust "
66. Mahmood
tony ,   paris   (07.08.06)
Do you not think that it is time the Palestinians opened their eyes to reality??The fact that they have no real leadership,A TERRORIST,"Gouvernment,, who,refuses to live and recognise Israel's right to exist,no control over the Terror factions that are constantly firing rockets into Israel,and despite,all the WARNINGS israel has sent to these very stupid people.Do you not think that it should have then that Abbas and The hamas should have called on the International community for help.?Now that the Israelis are taking into their hands the situation,that the Palestinians are unable to do,You and that retarded Shmuck in Iran ,are trying to give the Israelis some "ADVISE" as to what the repurcussions will be??How very ARROGANT of you,If as you say the costs will be high,then they will be for all ,You ,Iran,and all muslims,worldwide,But I suppose you yourself do not see,the Imminent danger of these Islamic radicals,trying to convert even the most democratic MUSLIMS ,For their wish is to Turn the Whole world Islamique.Man one has to be really Stupid or completly arrogant ,to believe that its Israels fault.. The reason why most talkbackers are using foul language as you so delicatly put it,Is because ,they are so SICK &TIRED,of seeing their World go up in smoke ,because of these,Selfish,Arrogant Murdering Mollahs,who are trying in every way possible to dict our way of life..We are tired of seeing the Hundreds of thousands of innocent lives destroyed by this religion,that these Islamique fachists,use in the name of Allah,to get what,they want..You are even killing your own brothers and sisters,Mothers and small children,Just take a look at what is happening in Iraq..In Africa darfour,and in every other Muslim country,So please,Don't come here and give us this SURPRISED attitude,as to Why people are angry,and using foul language..Better to use it on paper than do what your "Brothers are doing in reality...
67. Shah,what ever#24
pierre ,   belgique   (07.08.06)
You forgot to mention that the "Jews in question had knives in their backs to participate,in such blatent racial propoganda;;Do you really think we are so stupid to believr that a jew even in Iran ,marches for a madman who equales Hitler,??Your talkback is as rediculous as you are. Not for one second can any free democraticly liberal;HUMAN BEING,be him Jewish or Christian ,believe what idocy you have written..Who exactly are you trying to convince???That many Iranian jews are longing to go back to that "LOVELY JEW LOVING COUNTRY ,Caalled Iran and to be ruled by that maniac,you call "President"??You must take us for total Idiots..PLEASE....;;We are not "IRANIAN,and we do not swallow all that is said to us..We do not condem countries to disapear from the planet,we do not burn flags,and we do no cry Allah Akbar..for every sin we commit,Yes we also commit sins,we are human,Can we say the same for your "president "and his Islamic,followers????So Shah Zada,Think twice before you talk about the FREE JEWS,Of Iran,and who are 100% behind your President.Have you ever been out of Iran???I don't think so.So I wish you luck in the future ,with your "LOVELY PEACE LOVING PRESIDENT.and may Allah Protect you.
68. to machmood london
pilpelet   (07.08.06)
the situation is not good for any one some of the posts here write as if israel wanted to enter gaza for the fun of it, if this was the case we wouldnt have destroysd familes and left in the first place. i was in favour of getting out and evacuation of the settlers. but our government did it in such a disgusting way broke promises and still havent given familys places to live ,so to see the army back in gaza is very sad for all of us.if the palestinans could only give back the soldier stop bombarding israel with rockets, no army would be there today or anyother day. palestine could be a very prosperous country, have a good life style if thay put all there energy into succeding instead if hateing i wish israel peace and palestine peace and the abilaty to focus on the future success, without hate. g-d help them and us if not. shalom.
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (07.08.06)
The Creator of the Universe has the right to give Land to whoever He chooses. There NEVER was an Arab country of Palestine. Jerusalem was NEVER the capital of any Arab or Muslim entity. Jerusalem is mentioned over 800 times in the Bible, not once in the Koran. The eternal, all-knowing G-D WHO KNOWS THE FUTURE is not a man that He should change His mind! G-D NEVER changes! G-D's word NEVER changes and CANNOT be replaced with other scriptures. The Jewish Hebrew Bible is forever. The murderous dispute of Islamo-Fascist religious supremacists is with G-D, for it is G-D - Master of the Universe, who gave the Promised Land to Jews. G-D states repeatedly in the Bible He has given Israel to all Jews as an eternal possession. Psalm 105:8 "He has remembered His covenant forever, the word which He commanded to a thousand generations. The covenant which He made with Abraham, and His oath to Isaac. Then He confirmed it to Jacob for a statute, to Israel as an everlasting covenant, saying, "To you I will give the land of Canaan as the portion of your inheritance." Who will dare to give away even one inch of the land G-D gave to Jews and who will dare to take or steal it? Who will dare make war against this great, this mighty and awesome G-D? Psalm 119:120 "My flesh trembles for fear of You, and I am afraid of Your judgments."
70. History
Aaron ,   Skokie, IL USA   (07.08.06)
If one were to simply look in a history book, you'd see many similarities between Ahmadinejad and Hitler. Hopefully, and G_d willing, those similarities go no further. Also, in regard to the "Free Palestine" post (#56): again, all you need to do is open a history book to see that the Palestinians had many chances at having their own separate, and free state. The Mandates of the 1920s, the Peel Proposal, and a few UN Resolutions (along with other proposals), were all designed with that in mind, but the Palestinians refused, instead choosing violence, and war with their Arab brethren against the Jews and the then young State of Israel. The problems between the Arabs and the Jews may go back millennia, but it had a good chance of being eased, if not solved, but the Arabs took the path toward violence. History is repeating itself, this time with rockets, kidnapping, and a murder of an innocent young man. So, when next you speak of a "free Palestine" be sure you have studied history first.
71. Mind the people's business
Persian CAT   (07.08.06)
While most Iranians are struggling to make ends meets by holding 2 to 3 jobs, this asshole finds time to march against a Isreal! Israel will pay dearly, it actually is, for its crimes against humanity. Look how miserable, scared, and insecure the Israelis are and will be if they continue occupation and savagery committed by the Jewdeofascists on daily basis. Ahmadinejad is trying to distract our people's attention from the fact that he has failed to deliver an ALL his electroral promisses.
72. #71 Persian CAT
Cynthia ,   USA   (07.08.06)
And homicide bombings, kassam rockets, terror attacks and cold blooded murder of teenagers are not crimes against humanity? Be honest with yourself. The Arab/Islamic world is ruled by spineless dictators afraid to make peace or coexist. They pray for a return to the dark ages and can't communicate without a sword or bomb belt. Your Ahmadinejad is a perfect example. That's why he keeps the Iranian people caged.
73. ahmadinejad
Soraya ,   England   (07.08.06)
The Jews in Iran are afraid of this moron if they don't do what they are told to do. Hey everyone, do you know why there are no more student demonstrations in Iran anymore? Because when there is a demonstration against the harsh situation or against their miserable lives, the plain clothed police go and spray them with lasers and at night the police visit the students homes. If they have any laser on them they are arrested and their family will never see them again.This is how the people of Iran live today. They are deprived of satellite tv or going in the street in a group or a woman walking a the man if he is not related to her. So the Iranian tyrant has got to divert the people's attention to the Palestinians so he can carry on with injustices against his own people. I only hope and pray for the day when the Prince Reza Pahlavy will return to his rightful throne and kick this psychopath's ass out and we all can visit Iran again . A M E N.
74. dfdgdsgd
1924 ,   sdfgds   (07.09.06)
its not the iranian's who are going to help the palestinian its the return of the islamic caliphate which will liberate the muslims.remember its the british and american bullets and missles you are using to murder the muslims in palestine..when they all run out you will have no one to help you
75. AhMADinejad is MAD!
James Reesor ,   United States   (07.09.06)
AhMADinejad is MAD! He not only threatens Israel and America with this kind of rhetoric, but he is inciting the "Islamic world" to cause "explosions." Idiots like this seem to ignore the Palestinian rocks, bullets and missiles being fired at Israel. These morons applaud rather than condemn suicide bombers in Iraq. Where is the outrage over North Korean provocations against Japan and America from Arabs who silently smile when the focus of international media attention is on the Gaza war and the mad Iranian? "Diplomacy" is impossible with idiots, morons, mad men, or tyrants who would rather deceive and destroy than talk. There is only one way to deal with intellectual misfits!
76. big talker
marilyn   (07.10.06)
All 'big' talkers come to their end sooner or later. But it is not dealing with them 'sooner' that they are able to do so much harm. When a 'hater' comes to power it is like a virus that has to run its course. And God sends them against apostate nations. Everything is created for his purpose, even the wicked for the 'evil' day
77. The Isreali's should understand.
Eli ,   newark, US   (07.10.06)
“It is essential that the sufferings of Jews. . . become worse. . . this will assist in realization of our plans. . .I have an excellent idea. . . I shall induce anti-semites to liquidate Jewish wealth. . . The anti-semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The anti-semites shall be our best friends”. -- From Herzl's Diary
78. i smell a power vaccum, hate fuels fire ,   santiago   (07.15.06)
good luck with the end game, whoever believes this is a grand finale, think twice. i for one sense a phobia of one being cornered and closed in by the effects of iraq and the mission of neo-conservative demacratization. the map is ill in the region, just look at it. the real lines, boundries, overlap the economic interests, both domestic and abroad, with ones in religious-political gatherings of oppressed poor. the growing population is poor and turning more to those factions who offer a tangable, relative identity - they make schools and provide housing. this is iran, a pure population govt which is revived from '79 and it is growing. isreal should have pressed more for sound backing from egypt and even syria (sorry, but true) with respect to control issues in gaza and the west bank. you see, palestine will not be palestine without unification as "rehab" territories under the directorship and stewardship of syria (west bank) and gaza (egypt). harsh, but true, the result would be funding services for the poor, schools, hospoitals, welfare and housing, roads, etc. i am a firm believer that a hand of wealth must deliver. no ideals, no brokering. just a sincere plan to dramatically increase the basic living conditions of both areas. the organizations of so called "terror" be it hamas, hizbullah, israel, etc., those that are accused thereof by each others respective populas, need to gain a table of grand cooperation. these days, there are no strategically planned propoganda secrets, the internet is a massive tool to project numerous realities, that according to those that come across sincere to a cause. they gain, the old style loses, a over simplification that actually is just that. people see and hear, then access the info that they see and hear and become part of the new cause. what else are poor people with ambition going to do. history is all about that. common sense.
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