Ahmadinejad during march
Photo: AP
While the Palestinian Authority is trying to spur world opinion against the Israelioperation in the Gaza Strip, Tehran was more than ready to oblige, and thousands of Iranians marched through the city in support of their besieged Gazan brothers.
Denied Israel’s right to exist. Ahmadinejad marching in Tehran (Photo: AP)
The protestors burned the flags of "Little Satan" (Israel) and "Big Satan" (United States) and called for both Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and President George Bush to be put on trial.
The procession begun after Friday's prayers in the mosques, and leading it was no other than Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who warned of an "explosion" in the Islamic world directed at "Israel and its Western supporters," following the IDF operation in Gaza.
President Ahmadinejad denied again Israel's right to exit and called it "A fake regime that will not survive" and added a practical proposal how to get rid of Israel: "I believe that the best way is that those who created it, will worry about removing it from the map themselves," said Ahmadinejad.
News agencies contributed to the report