EU faults 'disproportionate' Israeli force in Gaza
Published: 07.07.06, 19:17
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99 Talkbacks for this article
31. Can someone please tell me....
Joe ,   Brooklyn, NY   (07.07.06)
what Palestinians and their supporters expect Israel to do in response to constant rocket fire from Gaza? I wonder if Finland would sit on its hands and do nothing if it was being terrorized by rocket fire.
32. Deja vu
Arie   (07.07.06)
That's the same thing the Eurabians complained about to anyone that fought against the nazis
33. #22; over the whole intifada?
About 1:4. Israel lost around 1000 citizens (Jews and arabs/Druze) and the Palestinians lost about 4000. This whole conflict is exaggerated over the media, it's a very small conflict coimpared to most of the conflicts around the world. For almost 5 years and 8 months it's not a large number of deads compared to most conflicts around the world. In Israel about 500 people die of car accidents each year so compared to the conflict car accidents are much worse.
34. They only like us as victims
jason white ,   afula,israel   (07.07.06)
and not all the time.The hell with eurabia and may they suffer from arab terror attacks forever.
35. Hypocrisy, banality and inanity
Lysias Demosthenes ,   London, England   (07.07.06)
In view of such apparently low literacy levels in the USA, as evidenced by the previous "Talkbacks", it is no wonder that its citizens (and sadly its Government too) fail to understand or accept the reality of events in the Middle East and Israel's culpability. The real tragedy is that as its hegemon, much of the world previously looked to the US for guidance and leadership. Unfortunately, the current US President has failed his country and the World abysmally.
36. Screw the
Allan ,   Delray Beach, FAL   (07.07.06)
EU and Eurabia. Let them spend a week in Sderot, then we'll talk.
37. #23 European christian
wolfson ,   st. louis, usa   (07.07.06)
You call your self a christian and a servant of christ, yet you spit in Christs face as you go against his own people, and do not forget moron, he was a JEW !!!
38. two States: Israel and Jordan Palestine, not other solution
David ,   Boston, USA   (07.07.06)
If Eurabia would for once learn from its past it would realize there already is an Arab Palestinian state and that this experiment in creating another one has failed miserably. Rename Jordan, Jordan Palestine and give the Arabs in Judea and samaria and Gaza voting rights there. Thats the ONLY solution and one that is going to happen one way or another. Its already going that way so why not try to save lives and push the arabs along that path sooner.
39. Eurabia has failed miserably.
David ,   Boston, USA   (07.07.06)
When will Eurabia do the right thing and force the Arabs into accepting not only reality but actually teaching them about history. oh, thats right, Eurabia conveniently forgets the past 100 years and more of history. Since when are Jews living on their NATIVE land occupiers and when are Arabs and British who stole Jewish land in Judea, Samaria, and Jordan Palestine, not invaders?
40. EU take action?
Paul ,   USofA   (07.07.06)
John seems to think that the EU needs to "take action" against "Israeli war crimes". What a concept. First, when is the last time that anyone in the EU "took action" about anything? You lack moral backbone - you just flap in the wind! Second, what "war crimes" are we talking about? War is ugly but self preservation demands strong, consistent response to any aggression. fortunately the EU is irrelevant...just wish they were still better allys for the US - who seems to be getting lonely in the world of leadership...
41. See ya...
DANNY ,   America   (07.07.06)
I am sure that a lot of you will glad to hear " I give up" I am done playing this stupid game of words using talkbacks. The words are pointless to convince anyone. Evil is still evil and Hell is still going to last forever. Sad things is so many people will be living there. God is real and in control of his creation and nothing I can say will change that nor will I convert anyone from hate and lies. I feel bad for you all and some of you flat out just piss me off. So FUCKOOFF to the ones who do the later and good riddance, both ways I'm sure. I'll be looking at you all from up in the air when you all gather for your "Great push for false justice" trying to remove Israel from the land that God swore to give her. Here's looking down at ya… DANNY
Zaataar beladi ,   UM QAASH   (07.07.06)
Its no brainer !!!! forget about it ...we know who has the big guns ,Israel have it for now ...this cycle of low level war (that will heat up this summer ) will get niether side anywhere , history books tell us that smart people make peace when they are in military advantage over their enimies Palestinians are saying kill us all or get out , the Turks tried this with the Armenians , The Serbs tried this not long time ago ....and we all know who else in the middle of 20th centurey for the cheering crowd in NYC and LA ....killing hundreads of Palestinians in Gaza will not get your dreams any closer , sooner or later Israel will be forced to accept the reality on the ground , No military solution to this conflict
43. #35 lysias
Mike ,   Israel   (07.07.06)
I supose you understand Israel?? Now dear i have a new flash for you. Your own PM is holding the US president tail now mater what. A year after the subway bombing and you have a nerve to attack the Americans, your truly sick.
44. The Finnish Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen...
Bernd ,   Germany   (07.07.06) either a politically naive person, which makes him dangerous in the position he now occupies, or he is biased towards the Palestinian terrorist entity, which even more makes him a dangerous person. Bernd, Germany, Old Europe
45. EU need to take actions against Israeli war crimes
yes, like burning churches and butchering x-ians in Indonesia, Darfur mass murder in Sudan, killing 200.000 in Algeria, female circumsision, hanging of 12yr old girls in Iran.... get lost dear john you fake christan hypicrit
46. I feel ashame of being Jew. Israel is a state of terror
exactly, since I am not from Nathania but from Tul-Karm
47. EU and Viking vs. Jihadniks ... appropriate
Sam   (07.07.06)
48. all that education and no brains. _,I,, england
49. John, prepare to convert to Islam or die fighting
Those who play with fire get burnt...You cannot apeas Islam.
50. EU Response to Israeli Action
lynne ,   austin, texas usa   (07.07.06)
I am boycotting all products from countries, such as Switzerland and Finland, who unfairly criticize Israel. In the past, I have flown from the US to Zurich before traveling on to Germany. I am flying directly to Germany now and boycotting all products from Switzerland. Finland just got added to my list! How would these countries feel if they were being attacked and their citizens murdered in cold-blood and kidnapped? Vote with your money! Don't travel to these countries or buy their products.
51. EU could help - if it had guts and principles
Larry ,   Eastbourne, UK   (07.07.06)
I agree with the hostile opinions of the EU expressed in the above talkbacks. What is particularly galling is that if the EU had guts and principles it could help towards a solution of the Israel-Palestinians issue. It is obvious that Israel cannot solve the problem of terrorism on its own. Neither can it surrender. So the endless process of half-measures goes on and on. Only the international community, of which the EU is a major element, can pressure the Palestinians to end terrorism, which is the first prerequisite for any peace settlement and any Palestinian state. The EU is the major aid donor to the Palestinians and could easily make all aid conditional on a total cessation of terrorism. This would probably be more effective than all Israel's military operations. Now here's the punchline to this flight of fancy - it won't happen because the EU supports the terrorists.
52. To 23
Da dude   (07.07.06)
"Christian Europe prides itself on respect for human rights, tolerance and freedom." LOL, Looking at European history, ancient, middle ages, modern, and today. Europe is always in THE COMPLETE CONTRASTS TO ANY OF THOSE VALUES. Just looking at the way Spain or pretty much any EU memeber acts when it feels it's safety is in danger shows this to be true. Just ask the morroccans trying to climb over the aparthied barrier in occupied ceuta. European hypocracy and hubris at it's greatest. "Israel's actions in Gaza flies in the face of all these values." You mean the fact that Israel after removing ALL of it's citizenry from Gaza. Then pouring millions into it, having the world pour billions into it to ensure its success. Then in complete refusal to accept forced success the arabs launch thousands of kassams viewing this move as a 'victory'. Then they decide to attack Israel within it's borders, kill two soldiers, kidnap and kill a civilian, and hold hostage another soldier. AND YOU HAVE THE CHUTZPAH TO SAY THAT ISRAEL DOESN"T HAVE THE RIGHT TO DEFEND ITSELF. Honestly I could go on a cursing diatribe, but in the end the EU will fall apart, "Christian" Europe no longer exists. It's a bunch of helpless atheists and Islamists preparing to take over. " EU must therefore take actions against Israel as we did against Milosovic Serbia. " I'll let you into a little secret, while the EU says it didn't want to be involved in Iraq for all the usual reasons. But probably the main reason why it didn't go in is because the armies of the EU are basically falling apart. Money is now being diverted from defence to welfare. The fact is that the EU can't send forces outside of it's borders without the US clearing the area first so that they can setup. And I would go even further and assume that if the EU had to deal with a mass civil war or invasion they would be unable to repel it. "Europe is coming into conflict with the moslem world because of Israel," Ofcourse thats why their have been attacks in Spain, a country known for it's anti-Israel position. France has suffered massive rioting along with Holland and Germany. Yet these countries never supported Israel during the intifada and were VERY vocal about their anti-Israel stance. Yet muslims were in full blown insurrection agaisnt the governments. So ofcourse all of this must be because Israel. ANd one more thing if you notice the fact that the most vocal and anti-semitic people who are agaisnt Israel are coming from the UK, the heart of new european anti-semitism, yet you weren't spared from 7/7. Expect more. "nough is enough, europe's strategic interests lie in having good relationships with the 1.3 billion moslems " So you can learn wife beating? Learn complete intolerance for other religions and homosexuals? Live life back in the middle ages. I guess an englishman would dream of putting chain mail again and getting to be knight and crusade agaisnt the Jews. "and not in unconditional support of israeli war crimes" I guess since Britain thought it was ok for the Nazi's to put Jews in Gas chambers they really don't have problems with them getting blown up. " If we have to choose between Israel and the arab world, only a fool will choose israel. " Then enjoy going backwards technologically, and while you're at it, why don't you look up all Israeli advancements. If you're using a computer with windows, or an IBM or Intel processor I reccomend you delete or remove the Israeli developed product. You wouldn't want to be supporting Israel, go get your technology from the arabs. "John, a servant of (Anti-)Christ " Fixed it.
53. The EU response
Sam ,   Canada   (07.08.06)
The humanitarian crisis that the EU is worried about is created by the unrelenting desire of the Palestinians to keep the conflict going. Tit for tat doesn't work for the Israelis so they try disproportionate punishment to deter violence . What should they talk about? The prisoner's document?If the EU wants to achieve anything they should diplomatically lower Palestinian expectations rather than feed them by giving them public attention.
54. right
Betsy   (07.07.06)
the eu said nothing before because it looked like the Israelis had finally put their foot down and meant business. now that it looks less like that, they condemn, as usual.
55. #23, only a fool?
Betsy   (07.07.06)
then you call God a fool because, after you guys are given enough time to repent-and/or enough rope to hang yourselves,-God is with Israel and the Jews.
56. to "ashame of being a Jew"
Betsy   (07.07.06)
you should be ashamed of being ashamed. I am wondiering what you will feel when the Truth hits you.
57. #22
Betsy   (07.07.06)
the number of terrorist prisoners they want released to 1 Jew. But one Jew is worth far more than thousands of arabs, and the arabs know it.
58. John #23
Jane   (07.07.06)
Christian Europe freaking killed 6 million of us, John. And the countless Jewish victims of the crusades, inquisition, pogroms, etc. John, you cannot seriously use the term "Christian Europe" without causing us to become ill with our memories. You have no right to say ANYTHING. By the way, John, Jesus was a Jew who would, if he were alive, cringe at what you have done in his name to his people.
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (07.07.06)
Global Islamic terror state one has been successfully installed in Gaza with an Al Qaeda and Hizbullah presence, and Iranian Revolutionary Guard units training Fatah and Hamas in the Jew-cleansed areas of Gaza. Since the Gaza surrender, more weaponry has been brought into Gaza in the past ten months than in the previous 38 years. In the Jew-cleansed areas of global terrorist paradise Gaza, IslamoFascist religious supremacists enjoy complete freedom to attack and fire a daily barrage of rockets on the defenseless Jewish civilians in Sderot and now Ashkelon. U.S. EU, UN, Russia and Israel's leaders are determined to duplicate the success of Gaza with the installation of global Islamic terror state two in Judea and Samaria and parts of Jerusalem, bringing Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, other Jewish cities and the international airport within rocket firing range of the Islamists. Will Jews continue to accept being murdered and never-ending war, or will they surround the Knesset and demand that their barbaric enemies are defeated? They call the war against the Jews, the peace process.
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (07.07.06)
Bible, Leviticus 24:17 "If a man takes the life of any human being, he shall surely be put to death" Black Africans are the indigenous people of Sudan and are the majority population. The black Southern Sudanese Christians explain what "peace" means: If you agree to become a Muslim, you will have peace. If you reject Islam, you are at war. From 1955-1973, 1.5 million Christians were slaughtered by the Arab Muslim government in Khartoum. From 1983-2005, two million more Christians died from Khartoum's jihad. Murdering infidels is not considered a crime. Non-Muslim infidels are regarded as not entitled to human rights. Hundreds of thousands of Christians have been raped. Hundreds of thousands of Christian children and women taken for slaves. In the refugee camps, the Islamo-Fascist religious supremacist Khartoum government requires refugees to become Muslims in order to receive food and water. The genocide has resulted in the largest population of refugees on earth since the Second World War. The jihad in Sudan against Darfur's black African Muslims by Khartoum's racist Arab Muslim regime began in 2003. 400,000 black Muslims are dead. STOP Genocide - STOP Slavery - FREE the Slaves Bible, Exodus 21:16 "He who kidnaps a man, whether he sells him or he is found in his possession, shall surely be put to death"
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