EU faults 'disproportionate' Israeli force in Gaza
Published: 07.07.06, 19:17
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61. #35 Mendacious Demosthenes
HaaretzShellanu ,   USA   (07.07.06)
The real tragedy is that your apparent lack of historical literacy is almost as appalling as your arrogance. Culpability lies predominantly with the British in duplicitously promising the same land to both Jews and Arabs. If you care to educate yourself, read " From Time Immemorial: The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict over Palestine" -- by Joan Peters. Your ignorance won't shield you on an exploding bus or subway train.
62. Nr. 44 BERND
joe   (07.07.06)
Since this "horrible " and "terrifying" Qassams are such a threat to USrael, I hope You can persuade Angela to build a few more submarines for the zionists! Just to keep the balance of power. And FREE of charge, of course. One costs only 300 million Euros! Peanuts for Germany. The USANS are broke - they even can't pay their utility-bills for the armed forces! Hard times ahead fot the US-IL-GB-D- warmongers!
63. go get your technology from the arabs.
like what ? came lhum p ing ?
DEBRA ,   USA   (07.08.06)
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (07.08.06)
EU HYPOCRITES LEGALIZES MURDER OF JEWS? Haj Amin, Jerusalem's Muslim religious leader, travelled to Europe and spent the war years helping Hitler murder Europe's Jews. Europeans deported Jews from European countries over 80 times. European ethnic Jew-cleansing addicts, along with the U.S. are leading the charge for present-day Jew deportation. GAZA, Palestine, November 6, 2005 (IPC + Agencies) - - The President of the European Union's Development Committee, Luisa Morgantini, declared that the EU has laid a plan with a budget of several millions of dollars to support several aspects of development in the Gaza Strip... She continued that occupied nations have the right to defend themselves using legitimate means of armed resistance in accordance with the Fourth Geneva Convention." 65 years ago, it was unacceptable for Jews to live in Europe. In our present day, the EU legitimizes the maiming and murder of Jews for living in their Jewish homeland. In 1948, Egypt invaded Gaza and ethnically cleansed ALL Jews. In 1948, Jordan invaded Judea, Samaria and east Jerusalem and ETHNICALLY CLEANSED ALL JEWS. In 1967 when Israel won Islam's religious war of aggression against it, Jews returned to the areas of their homeland they had been ethnically cleansed from for 19 years. Islamofascists and their powerful allies DECEITFULLY call this return "occupation". Under international law, territories are considered "occupied" only when taken in an act of aggression which does not apply to Israel. Judea, Samaria and Gaza are not 'occupied territories' according to international law because they were not taken from any foreign sovereign. There NEVER was an Arab country of Palestine. The hands of the EU are bloody.
66. message to EU: put up or shut up
if the EU is so quick to judge and condemn what they view as human rights abuses or humanitarian crises, where is their condemnation of what's going on in Darfur? or Congo? or Liberia? or North Korea? etc. etc. etc. And what are they going to DO to help settle the Palestinian Arab "crisis?" Nada, right? Talk is cheap, ain't it!
67. should get educated
jason ,   usa   (07.08.06)
hamas wants war he saws it in his charter AND no bin laden attack the US when saudi let them in and help them insted of his support goodrelation ships with 1.3billion muslims? are we talking about the ones attack us... and again.. do some reading about hamas charter and guess what? if christ was here what WOULD he choose? arab world or his people that was in his religon(judaism)?
68.  palis killed?
jason ,   usa   (07.08.06)
in the papper it said 21..
69. da Dude--with u all da way!!!
natcho   (07.08.06)
well said
70. Dont worry Pal Terros. EU is always ready to bail you out...
Alan ,   SA   (07.08.06)
.. of the consequences of your crimes. You can Kidnap, Bomb buses , Pizza Sbarro, Dolphinarium,Rocket El Al Planes , Hijack, Launch thousand Kassams.. U name it, EU will trivialise whatever crime U commit. HOWEVER Israel response will always be characterised as "dis proportionate"!!! Does EU expect to be taken seriously in this struggle for existence by Israel against the most sophisticated terror in the history of the world.
71. History & lies #61 & #43
Lysias Demosthenes ,   London, England   (07.08.06)
Mike, I refer you to my previous posting...perhaps you are one of many Israelis to have been "blessed" with an American education. Sadly, it would appear that you have little understanding of how your own country is viewed by the world outside the 51 States (and I'm not talking about DC...or Puerto Rico!) . And as for HaaretzShellanu, it is reckless of you to jump to any conclusions about my broader opinions or knowledge of history when you have so little to go on. I never stated that Israel was solely to blame for the current situation or the wider conflict, but merely referred to their undoubted culpability. If they were at all interested in solving the conflict, they would not be knee-deep in a bloody pogrom against the relatively defenceless Palestinian people right now but rather would be engaging in constructive dialogue with its elected leaders (instead of compounding their crimes by rounding up these officials and throwing them into jail without due cause); irrespective of whether they view the democratically elected government of Palestine as an appropriate "partner for peace". To be frank, Israel by its actions, appears to be a war-mongering bully set on destroying any prospect of peace or a viable Palestinian State; regularly culling Palestinian leaders so that they can win the global propaganda war by default and perpetuate their tyranny over their weaker, putative neighbouring nation state. Sure, others are to blame historically, but we're not talking about history here but rather the present. Why allow a shameful history to be created when we already have a shameful past as an example to be avoided? Has Israel forgotten the terrible history which facilitated its own creation? With respect to tragedy, it is tragic that you rely on such dubious sources - I suggest you read more widely as it always possible to find support at the margins. I refer you to criticism of Joan Peters' book by Yehoshua Porath, a prominent Israeli scholar in the field of Palestinian history, who wrote that Peters made "highly tendentious use — or neglect — of the available source material" and criticised "her misunderstanding of basic historical processes and her failure to appreciate the central importance of natural population increase as compared to migratory movements." Moreover, Porath concluded: "Readers of her book should be warned not to accept its factual claims without checking their sources. Judging by the interest that the book aroused and the prestige of some who have endorsed it, I thought it would present some new interpretation of the historical facts. I found none. Everyone familiar with the writing of the extreme nationalists of Zeev Jabotinsky's Revisionist party (the forerunner of the Herut party) would immediately recognize the tired and discredited arguments in Mrs. Peters's book. I had mistakenly thought them long forgotten. It is a pity that they have been given new life." Furthermore, the liberal critic and author Norman Finkelstein also dismissed Peters' book by arguing in "Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict" that much of her scholarship was fraudulent.
72. #71
Don Saliman ,   Nahal Oz, Israel   (07.08.06)
If we would do things just to please the world and would listen to the world,we would not be writting these talkbacks,for Israel would have been lost a long time ago. So you see I don't give a damn,what the world things of us.
73. #23; Go ahead...
You think the EU can put enough forces to fight the IDF? Guess what? It can't, at least not without enomrous help of the USA Navy. Some people here should start taking their pills...
74. occupation
to # 10   (07.08.06)
dear smart ass, the people who you are refering to as being umder occuipation ... who in gaza?!!! need I remind you Israel withdrew 100% from there 10 months ago! or how about the fact that 95 % of palestinians in areas A and B of the west bank were not under occupation until the dumbass intifida of september 2000, fueled on by arafat brought the israelis back im. now who are the dumb asses?!!
75. #10
Don Saliman ,   Nahal Oz, Israel   (07.08.06)
Before 1967,these people were under "Occupation" by Egypt and Jordan. Why when Egypt and Jordan were in the west bank and gaza,why did they not create a Palestian state with East Jerusalem it's capital? Why did Sryia,Jordan and Egypt in 1967,were going to go to war to drive the Jews into the sea. Israel made a preemptive strike and durning that war,the west bank and Gaza were taken over by Israel and after the war,Israel wanted peace and was ready to give back the land they took during the war and the answer they go back,was NO!,NO! NO! Now Barak was ready to give back almost 90% of what Arafat wanted,and the answer of Arafat was terror attacks against Israel. If in 1948, the Arab states agreed to recognize and make peace with Israel,the lines today would be the 1949 border. If after the 1967 war,they could have recognized and make peace with Israel,the borders would still be the 1949 border. In 2005, Israel almost had a civil war to pull out of Gaza and what did Israel get back, Kassams and terror. I imagine that if when Israel left Gaza and the Pals,would have instead gone on and make their life's better and tryed to run a country and not fight Israel,maybe today or in the near future,a Palestian state would come to be. Just think,that if in 1948,1967,1973,2000 and today,the Arabs would have a state. So, how many times does Israel give back land and the have to retake it again,to protect themselves from people who want to deatroy Israel, time and time again. I will grant you Israel is not perfect and do make mistakes but we are only human,we are not monsters. I just don't know what you and the world want for Israel,for no matter what we do or don't do,we are guilty by your eyes.
76. Nr.74 "dear smart ass"
joe   (07.08.06)
If the prison guard leaves the cell block the prisoner is still jailed!! And the people of Gaza are still living in a ghetto, surrounded by israeli prison guards! GET IT???
77. #73
NYCboy ,   Brooklyn,USA   (07.08.06)
One of the main reasons why israel is so dangerous. You will lash out at any and all who may attempt to correct your wrongs. Israel should not be in possesion of WMD's. You people are all insane. Its not just the Palis. I cannot believe all the crap you people are talking when you have been so lucky all these years having your ass covered by the USA in the UN. This should have happened years ago and maybe your egos wouldn't be so huge that you believe yourselves to be not only infallible but untouchable as well. You have been lucky thus far with the USA vetoing any and all referrals. Are you people oblivious to that? Anyone that goes against your grain is considered ANTI something or other. Get a grip.
78. Amnon
tony ,   paris   (07.08.06)
May I suggest if you are as you say "Ashamed of being jewish" Leave Israel and convert to Islam or even Christianity,or even become atheaist,who cares,I'm sure israel will not cry over you.maybe say a little prayer,for your stupidity,but Israel will certinately NOT stop living ,because you are ashamed of being jewish..I have a great idea,why do you not Go live in Iran I'm sure SHAH will recieve you with open arms..Bon voyage...
79. Zaataar
tony ,   paris   (07.08.06)
Yes Power is everything..It can also mean the power of the People..But unfortunatly the Palestinians are to coward to use this power..If they really wanted Peace in the region,they would speak out at their "Leaders",and demand change..When Israel left Gaza,that change could have started..But no They prefered to turn All those once beautiful acres of land and housing,into one big terrorist camp..and they continue to agress the Israeli population..By firing rockets .Surely you are not that stupid,into believing that the Israelis should sit back and take this Palestinian arrogance..?????You say that there is no Military solution??May be so,but don't expect Israel to sit back and take this arrogance ,with out uusing her POWER,and sooner or later,as you say,the Pals will be FORCED to accept the fact that NO MILITARY SOLUTION TO THIS CONFLICT.
80. Disproportionate??
Grim Reaper ,   Nova Scotia, Canada   (07.08.06)
Would the EU apologists please tell us all what an "appropriate" response to Islamofascists might be???
81. Hey #76
Caligula's Horse ,   Solomon's Stables   (07.08.06)
I guess then that we should just let in every Palestinian who wants to enter Israel for whatever reason right? Idiot.
82. EU white-washed Hamas from terrorism ?!
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (07.08.06)
They are Hamas Terrorists the EU wants to have released - so terrorists turning into legislator are whitewashed? by the EU - don't they realize Israel is at war against those who want to destroy their State ? The EU no better than UN - Liberals that are attached to Terrorists like Siamese Twins
83. 23 John or rather Ahmed ? You are A servant to Islam
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (07.08.06)
not Christ - but remember please - Jesus was born a Jew and died A Jew and that Christian religion was NOT his - it was founded by some Lot some 300 years the Jew Joshua had died So you people pray to the Jew Joshua - simpleton
84. 28 Amnon : You are welcome to convert and move to Gaza
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (07.08.06)
are you that fool from the Self-Hating Jews - must be
85. 50 lynne: well done, but please also Boycott Germany + other
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (07.08.06)
since in the important vote in the Human Rights Council in Geneva - they had NOT the guts to vote for Israel's rights - NO they abstained and did not even go red in tehir faces when the camera covered them - Neither the darn French nor the Brits . who also abstained So please Boycott them ALL
86. Amnon #28
Alex ,   Bat-Yam   (07.08.06)
Not a problem. Feel free to convert to Islam and sign up to Al-Aqsa brigades. Prick.
87. 76 Smart a&&& little joe : is your name Ahmed rather
Gabrielle Goldwater ,   Geneva Switzerland   (07.08.06)
88. # 62 Submarines?
Bernd ,   Germany   (07.08.06)
Yes, that's a good idea. I'd vote for it. Finally something useful for my tax money. Instead of funding islamist terrorists in Gaza or elsewhere... Bernd, Germany, Old Europe
89. It's a shame
Eric ,   Pittsburgh, USA   (07.08.06)
That the UK and EU don't realize the danger of letting these people live among them as if they were interested in becoming part of the west when their culture is still stuck in the middle ages. They need to walk up and kick out the walking time bombs around them.
90. #77
Eric ,   Pittsburgh, USA   (07.08.06)
They have every right to wipe out all of their enemies who continue to support terrorism in the middle east which effects the world. The USA should allow the Israel to "take care of business" and take the foolish muslims out behind the woodshed so they can learn the reality of their situation: the jews have been playing fairly nice for many years. Irsael's leaders need to grow a pair and wipe out the HAMAS in PA and in Syria, since they won't stop until they are DEAD. You should get a grip about the reality of the situation which is getting worst by not allowing it to complete natural, but we and the world say to Irsael: please don't fight them even if they are attacking you. What a bunch of idiots!
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