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Iran's attack on Israel has begun
Yaakov Lappin
Published: 23.07.06, 04:27
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61. Bush and Israel are selfish tyrants!
Israel just lost much of American support.
62. Israel has gained US Support
Jay bee ,   Irvine, USA   (07.25.06)
to #61 Wake Up - Smell the Roses. There has never been more support for Israel by the USA than now. After Israel the USA is next !! What do you think 9/11 was about! What about Hezbollah killing americans? Why do you think the US is not demanding a retreat or ceasefire just yet. That is full support of Israel. Iran should be nuked to stop the Islamic cause or we will be next.
63. Support for Israel, on the front line of everyone's war
Richard ,   Canberra Australia   (07.25.06)
Israeli's know what's at stake in this conflict. Most Westerners don't yet realise that the Islamists' war is directed at us all. Iran may be preparing a mighty wake up call for everyone.
64. muslim lands
saif ,   chicago, usa   (07.25.06)
well what i dont understand is why jews want to live uninvited in muslim lands. go get your own land and if you dont have one then dont force someone else out of theirs for yours. completely disagree with israel. palestine for palestinians and jews only by invitation.
Abby ,   usa   (07.26.06)
Anyone with a brain understands the missionary approach to Israel in that that "Support for Israel" does not =support of the Jew or their religion. As to the US "supporting" Israel, how about looking deeper? The US government could not possibly take the chance (Politically) of pushing Iran...and they want to! So the BEST solution is to sit back and ramble about "support for Israel efending itself" until things heat up to the point such as in this article. This way, the US has made Israel a 'victim" that must be supported and gives the US the E X C U S E it needed to go after Iran. Pathetic - at best! The US NEEDS Israel far more than we need it! Once again, Israel will be blamed and the hands of the "suppoting US" are clean.
66. To number 64
Allan ,   london   (07.26.06)
I completely agree with you that Muslims, should live on their own land, however the state of Israel, Judea and Samaria are not muslim lands. They are Jewish.. as promised by G-d to the children of Israel. Therefore, you can have the whole middle east, EXCEPT g-d's land as it was never yours, all the arabs did was kill some Christians there and build a mosque on top of a Church that was built on the Great Temple. So now try and work out how exactly Israel is muslim land?? One last point, the name Palestine is from the Roman name for the Jewish lands, after the Roman conquest. Way before Islam even existed and your prophet was wondering around the desert.
67. Canadian UN observer killed by Israeli fire
Michael Kelly ,   Victoria, BC   (07.27.06)
After repeated requests and warnings by UN observers at a long standing post in Southern Lebanon, to redirect the Israeli bombing of the area toward the real enemy ( Hezbollah fanatical Muslim morons) a Canadian soldier was killed along with several others in a UN bomb shelter. The Israelis were in contact with those killed, and one Irish soldier spoke 6 times to the Israeli military doing the firing and requested that they were too close to the UN position. Eventually, the men were killed by Israeli fire. I agree with the Israeli offensive in Southern Lebanon against the islamic, muslim fanatical morons, but I cannot understand why the UN observers were not permitted to leave the area and why they were bombed intentionally. They were bombed intentionally, but I cannot understand this because the UN position was clearly marked. It had been there since 1972. Do you think that the soldiers were losing their minds and simply kept firing because they thought a UN tower was controlled by Hezbollah??? Actually, I read the account of one of the soldiers killed, going back several days before it happened. Major - Paeta Derek Hess-von Kruedener, made statements last week ( which I have copied from the CBC broadcasting site) stating the problem with their location and the close proximity of some Israeli fire. Now... he is dead and his wife is grieving. Yesterday, she still had hope that he had made it to a bomb shelter. What she didn't realize is the bomb shelters don't work on penetraing weapons. Why did this have to happen?? Personally, I hate islam the religious cult and Hezbollah which began this bloody campaign based on their idiotic beliefs around martyrdom and anti-semitic line. I would like to see all of the most recent newcomer muslims ( last 5 years), removed from this peaceful country because they refuse to integrate and already they are changing our laws and taking away our freedom of speech. In fact, some fanatical types planned to kill people with a fertilizer and diesel fuel bomb in Toronto. islam is not a normal religion. It is evil. Plain and simple and I blaim it before anything else. However, I am baffled by the UN tower being blow up. Can you answer my questions in this regard??
68. #64: Are you really that dumb?
Jesus ,   SF, USA   (07.28.06)
Guy! I'm laughing my ass off when I read your post! You definitely need to go back and catch up on your history. Before the Arabs came and "cleansed" the area, that land was Jewish land. Palestineans didn't even exist when Jews lived there. For your own sake of self preservation and intelligence, know your history before you speak. There's a lot, that I did not mention, that you need to research.
69. Dear Abby
Jesus ,   SF, USA   (07.28.06)
If you don't know what you're talking about...please..spare us your ignorance. Have you not read or heard any of the declarations these fanatics are babbling? Where the hell were you when the Twin Towers got hit? Where were you when all these other attacks happened. Close your eyes and imagine yourself being fired at by a rocket...not at racket...a rocket that goes boom...and scatters your body parts everwhere. Imagine for a minute that you agreed to move away from a place you were told to move from, to show that you wanted peace. But then...you kept your part of the bargain...and what's this?! Rockets still trying to kill you and your family. Please, don't be a bimbo and say...but... but...i kept my half of the bargain...why are you still firing at me. of course...i don't like violence, but sometimes...you've gotta fight back. how's that for some manners my dear Abby? by the way...here's an excerpt...i think you might have forgotten to read this part: "One of Hizbullah's most powerful weapons is the use of human shields. By hiding its soldiers and armaments among civilians in Lebanon, the organization can slow down the Israeli response and manipulate world opinion." hope you paid close attention to the part: manipulate world opinion. meaning, if civilians get killed people are going to go...oh wait...innocent people are dying...tell them to stop. these psychos are using humans as shields....get that? here's another: ""Thanks to the blood of the martyrs, a new Islamic revolution has arisen and the Islamic revolution of 1384 (2005) will, if God wills, cut off the roots of injustice in the world, The wave of the Islamic revolution will soon reach the entire world," Ahmadinejad declared last year, six days after being appointed president of Iran, as rockets continued to flow into southern Lebanon." this isn't just something that this journalist felt like publishing...it QUOTED...meaning...someone stated it. well...we'll leave you with that for now. You've got a lot to learn and research. by the way...i do feel for those innocents lives killed from both sides... Thank you Israel. You've got my support, I'm afraid that's the only thing I can say. Be safe!
70. To Peter Morris and Rubbish
Mark M. Lynn ,   U.S.A.   (07.28.06)
71. Response to #67-MICHAEL KELLY
avi ,   los angeles, usa   (07.28.06)
Michael, thanks for asking such an important question. "Why did the Israeli's bomb the UN Tower?". Remember, whenever Israel looks like the bad evil guy, always, always, look for the other side of the story. In this sad and tragic case, the Hizbullah cowards were deliberately firing their rockets and hiding under the UN Tower, knowing (or at least thinking) Israel will stay clear of them. WRONG!!!! ISRAEL HAD BEEN BOMBING CLOSE TO THE AREA FOR HOURS, TRYING TO AVOID THE UN TOWER. NEW QUESTION:: IT IS REPORTED THAT THE UN WORKERS CALLED FOR HOURS AND HOURS TELLING ISRAEL THEY WERE DANGEROUSLY CLOSE TO THE BOMBING. WHY IN G_D'S NAME DID THEY NOT LEAVE??????????????????? A LIKELY ANSWER IS THAT HEZBOLLAH COWARDS WOULD HAVE PROBABLY HARMED THEM OR THREATENED THEM IF THEY TRIED TO FLEE, AS THEY CONSTANTLY DO TO MANY CIVILIANS WHO TRY TO LEAVE VILLAGES THEY ARE HIDING IN. A MAN WAS SHOT CLOSE TO BINT JBEIL YESTERDAY FOR ATTEMPTING TO FLEE HIS (LARGELY CHRISTIAN) VILLAGE YESTERDAY.
72. killing civilians
mohammed ,   usa   (07.28.06)
killing civilians is going to keep the cycle forever. the terrorists are killing civilians and so is isreal 13 today. I wonder if any party has right to call itself as a victim.
73. to # 66
mohammed ,   usa   (07.28.06)
promise land.. that is a fanatic word. you mean god promised you land by throwing out locals. you must be kidding.
74. Yaakov Lappin's Porpaganda
Drena Jan ,   London, UK   (07.28.06)
The writer seems lack capacity to reason logically and presents an argument based on complete distortion of facts about this conflict. There is nothing in his writing to inform the reader about the real issues concerning this conflict. Loss of innocent lives of civilians, weather Israelis or Arabs is a tragic loss and must be avoided. This current conflict has its roots in USA plan for the Middle East and also long lasting Israel illegal occupation of Palestinian territories. USA administration has been perusing expansionist policies in this region and using Israeli to deliver its policies. We should ask this question that shouldn’t every US tax payer in USA asked his or her political representative as to why successive USA government is keep financing continued military aggressions of Israel against its neighboring countries by giving her, annually several billion dollars finanicil aids as well as technical and training assistance to its army. Furthermore, whose highly advanced and devastating weponeray is killing innocent lives of Lebanese men and women, young and old, causing unprecedented destruction and devastation to the area? We all know that it is the American’s laser guided missiles doing the killing with the help of reluctant Israel’s army personnel. We also know, the Rome summit failed to produce a call for a cease fire agreement, because America’s intention is for this conflict to continue until such a time that its objectives are achieved. As in Iraq, it is not important to the USA the price the poor civilians have to pay for the USA agenda to be fulfilled. If anybody puts pen to paper to comment on a serious and very important issue which concerns most people in the world, he or she should do it to in away that the analysis reflects the reality of the situation rather than presenting the reader with fabricated propaganda to mislead and misinform the public.
75. To Yaakov Lappin
Lebanese ,   Lebanon   (07.28.06)
I want to pay your attention for some very simple things that only blind can't see. first Iran is helping morally & politically Palestinians too who are not Shiite but Sunni.secondly Hizbollah is not a terrorist organisation because its 60% of lebanese people & it defeated Israel in 2000 as it will do now .Hizbollah in 2000 told Israel that it must go out of Shebaa farms & free lebanese prisoners in change to peace for israel citizens & sheikh Nasrallah promised you to do it & he will do it.finally if you realy sharing the suffering of northerns & to save life of southern Israel citizens not to try new phase what Sheikh Nasrallah promised"after Haifa &after after Haifa " i think u must write more wiser things
76. obvious truth
jim ,   springfield.usa   (07.29.06)
i stand behind the article, anyone following history should see they only want to destroy Israel my advice cut the heart of the problem out destroy Tehran off the map as he has promised to do to Israel
77. Pretenses
Bo ,   Sweden   (07.29.06)
Jew-hating is a pathological sickness that the world, unfortunately, has never been able to eradicate. Unlike polio or smallpox, there has never been an adequate or effective vaccination against pathological Jew-hating. In fact, any results of such Jew-hating, instead of serving as an immunization, just seem to feed the disease. Rather, however, than eliminate the disease of pathological Jew-hating, it seems that often the response of many is to want to eliminate the Jews themselves. Such is the case in all this discussion, all the more shameful coming from Lebanon, a country which itself had been torn apart by sectarian strife for years and years. The lowest common denominator for this multi-ethnic country seems to be hatred and intolerance of Jews and living next to a Jewish state. It is exactly this lowest common denominator mentality which Iran, Syria and Muslim clerics are exploiting in their calls to unite under the mantle of their shared patholigical hatred of Jews. It is revealing about themselves, it is revealing about their religion, and, sadly, it is revealing about our world's inability to deal with a sickness which has caused so much misery throughout history not only to the Jews, but also to those themselves afflicted with this disease, as well as their families, neighbors and countries.
78. Disarm
Jim ,   Longview, USA   (07.29.06)
79. #23
mike ,   odessa tx   (07.29.06)
this is one american that agrees with you my friend this american supports Israel and we don't need compatriots in the USA if they like the Hezbollah so much then they can move over there and get their their heads chopped off and see what they thank about them then
80. #25
mike ,   midland tx   (07.29.06)
Ariel it is not a hidden Christian desire to be rid of the state of Israel we stand with you in your time of trouble in prayer and military backing i believe our government has supported Israel for many years and it is the wish of the majority of Americans and Christians that they do this so don't believe or think that we don't care because we do. sincerely mike an american christian
81. To #66
Rommel Navarrette ,   California USA   (07.29.06)
Cut the BS about what land belongs to to the zionist and do not mix biblical bs with the truth. israel has turned in to a regional bully and must be atleast stopped. I cannot understand why so many Arab nations allow a cowardly piece of zionist people land to terrorize their brothers. I support the FREEDOM FIGHTERS IN Lebanon. They have the right to defend themselves against people being backed by the us. I Totally believe that the ARAB world will be victorious. israel cannot and should not win
82. Israel also at fault
Sandra Hess   (07.29.06)
Why is it never mentioned that Israel is to blame for this war? They are holding thousands of prisoners, mostly Palestinians for no reason and for over 20 years is some cases. Also, I don 't believe this would have happened if they stayed witin the boundaries they were given.
83. iran
mehrdad ,   toronto, Canada   (07.29.06)
All Israel should do to avoid all this is to withdraw to its border of 1967, give west bank and gaza strip to palestinian, give back golan hight to siryans and shiban farm to lebanon. u see it is as simple as that . God beless Ishagh Rabin
84. Hizbullah's WAR on the WORLD
clint devena ,   siloam springs ar us   (07.29.06)
The US Air Force should be given the green light to bomb taregts in Iran .They hate the US anyway so .Iran with nuclar weapons is a threat to world peace.Just do it President Bush.
85. rommel navarette
mike ,   texas   (07.30.06)
if you think the arabs will win then you must believe that the US will fall if this is your wish THEN GO JOIN YOUR ARAB FRIENDS IN LEBANON OR IRAN AND LEAVE THIS LAND IN WHICH YOU ARE LIVEING AND PROSPERING YOUR A N IDIOT GET OUT
86. Israeli war crimes backed by US
Alex ,   Toronto, Canada   (07.31.06)
It is always easy to find an excuse to rage war against a soverign nation and blame it on others. But the truth is the world is now witnessing another Holocaust in which heinous crimes are committed by Israel and US to gain control over Lebanon and ultimately Middle East.
87. Conflict
Jo Snow ,   UK   (08.15.06)
Typically the Israeli press stresses it's displaced population without mention of the suffering and displacement of non-Israelis which is many factors greater, and caused by Israel. You are not fair in your coverage.
88. is see that the world just hate us.
katrina ,   beer-sheva, israel   (12.28.08)
we are not the bad guys ok? 50 years they are trying to take from us o-u-r country...our safe place, such a lil countrey no chaina or something...because we are jews half of the world hate us(and this is sooooooo stupid you know) so where the hell you want us to go? jews or not we are people, humens, just like you! we trying so hard to only protect ourselfs, not to kill ok? if they gonna be stupid and start a war go ahead, we tierd to sit and not to do anything when they are act like animels and don't even think of piece! what after we kill the people in there don't cry that we kill them and that we are such a bad people and fu**** jews! they kill much more jews that you can imegen. no one help us when they kill our people so why shuld we help them? think a lil...if we wanted to kill them and later hear that you americans talk about us like this we will do that a long time ago, we don't have a choise you know! you don't even know how it is in israel so just shut up! i can swear to you, in the moment that they gonna act like humens and think of piece and stop of the childish"they are jews and they don't give us israel(if we are gonna give them more part's they don't give up till they take all israel), we will stop.
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