Al-Qaeda: Join fighting in Lebanon
Associated Press
Published: 27.07.06, 14:26
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61. #56 - history
Geno ,   St. Louis, USA   (07.27.06)
Since you had to go to the historical record, might I remind you of a few things you seem to have wrong? 1. Forced conversions to Christianity are an important historical fact. Forced conversions to Islam are a current fact that is part of a long term trend. 2. Moors didn't come from Spain and yes they had to leave when Spaniards retook their country. 3. Everybody has mistreated the Jews in history. Muslims are currently mistreating them. Christians (in general) are currently supporting them. 4. African Blacks were not exactly living in blissful fun before ugly Euros invaded, nor are they now, nor will they likely ever be. Try comparing areas in India that were more colanized with areas that were less conalized. Still think the Euros left only misery? They also left infrastructure and educated people and a society that could support democracy. I'll stop now, but I think every word of your post could be debunked with another 10 minutes of my time.
62. # 56
ahmad ,   bint jbeil lebanon   (07.28.06)
u make me laugh, do u see any organization calling for a christian or a jew jihad, do u see any christian leader manipulating people in the name of RELIGION to go to war like muslims do. look ,there is no point to go there anyways, u and everyone know no matter how much u will deny it islam is a satanic religion inspired by satan and i say this not because of frustration or because im mad or bitter. its because its the truth. ur religion is based on lies, and nonsense, in ur religion u can have 4 wives, how come mohammed your so called prophet had much more than that. in the koran mohammed said to follow the bible and when we tell u that, your excuse not to follow it, is that the bible was modified, so since mohammed is a prophet and a prophet means someone who could fortell the futur how come he didnt know? so either he knew and he tricked you which makes him a bad prophet therefore he isnt from god or he didnt which means he isnt a prophet at all and still not from god. u see in both cases u lose just spare the world and urself all this blood and give up that religion because it should be honnestly simply wiped out.
63. Al Zawahri the inciter
R.Phil ,   malaysia   (07.28.06)
Could he be the Antichrist? the way he said about wiping out the crusaders and Zionist sounds like as if they were the original religion of the palestine land and Spain. Get your history straight Mr blob on the head.
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (07.28.06)
There NEVER was an Arab country of Palestine. Jerusalem was NEVER the capital of any Arab or Muslim entity. In the 1948 Islamic invasion of the Jewish Holy Land, Jordan destroyed 58 sacred synagogues in Jerusalem. Since 1996, Rachel's Tomb, near Bethlehem, has been attacked by Muslim snipers, bombs and Molotov cocktails. In October 2000, Muslims torched and destroyed the ancient synagogue in Jericho. In 2005, Muslims desecrated and destroyed sacred Gaza synagogues. Joseph is the beloved Bible hero of Jews and Christians. Muslims murdered IDF soldiers at Joseph's Tomb. Muslim mobs BURNED BIBLES and Jewish prayer books that gave praise and glory to the One great G-D, and destroyed the Tomb. In the Islamic invasion and filthy desecration of Jesus Christ' birthplace, Church of Nativity, BIBLES were TORN UP for TOILET PAPER. Inscribed in the Bibles are the Laws G-D gave to Moses; the Laws our Western civilization is founded on: Exodus 20: "You shall not murder" "You shall not commit adultery" "You shall not steal" "You shall not bear false witness" "You shall not covet" Exodus 21:16 "He who kidnaps a man, whether he sells him or he is found in his possession, shall surely be put to death" Leviticus 24:17 "If a man takes the life of any human being, he shall surely be put to death" Global IslamoFascists seek the total destruction of Western civilization. Jerusalem is mentioned over 700 times in the Hebrew Bible, not once in the Koran. G-D designated the Temple Mount to the Jews for His worship and prayer only. Muslims on the Temple Mount repeatedly engage in massive rock throwing at Jews, turning the HOLIEST place on earth into a common place of violence! Muslims have perpetrated massive desecration and destruction at Judaism's HOLIEST site, the Temple Mount. The OFFENSE to G-D is enormous! The Temple Mount must be returned to its Jewish owners immediately!
65. Arab Fundamentalists
David ,   London, England   (07.28.06)
Arseholes, Sharia Law ? Age of consent for women ? NINE YEARS OLD ! ! ! UNREAL, Unbelievable even and nobody does a thing about it
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (07.28.06)
Do Islamists not fear Master of the Universe, the G-D of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who gave the Promised Land to Jews? Exodus 9:1 Thus says the L-RD, the G-d of the Hebrews, "Let My people go, that they may serve Me" Exodus 5:2 But Pharaoh said, "Who is the L-RD that I should obey His voice" On March 27, 2002, at the Park Hotel in Netanya, terrorists targeted for murder Jews honoring and thanking G-D for His great mercy: Exodus 12:14 “you shall celebrate it as a feast to the L-RD” Exodus 12:42 “It is a night to be observed for the L-RD for having brought them out from the land of Egypt; this night is for the L-RD, to be observed by all the sons of Israel throughout their generations.” The Muslim human bomb killer murdered 30 Israelis as the Jews obeyed G-D, taking part in the Passover meal. 140 Jewish innocents were injured. The bomb was filled with nails and other metal pieces to maximize the suffering of survivors. On August 19, 2003, terrorists targeted for murder Jews who worship G-D. The Muslim human bomb killer blew himself up on the bus as Jews returned from prayer at the Western wall. The Temple Mount, the holiest place on earth, is Judaism's holiest site. Jerusalem is mentioned over 700 times in the Hebrew Bible, not once in the Koran. The gruesome attack-the bomb packed with metal pieces, killed 22 Jews and injured 134, many seriously. If Jesus Christ had lived in our day, from the time Jesus was in his mother's womb, he would be targeted for murder by Islamist religious supremacists for being a Jew living in his homeland of Israel. The Palestinian Authority hailed as heroes the terrorists who brutally murdered defenseless 8 months pregnant Jewish Gaza mother, Tali Hatuel, and four little daughters in Gush Katif in May 2004. In defiance of Israel's G-D, and massively breaking G-D's law given to Moses: "YOU SHALL NOT MURDER" the Palestinian Authority teach through their mosques, media, summer camps, and public education system, that murdering Jews is a religious obligation. Human bomb killers of Jewish innocents are revered and considered heroes by PA society. Effigies of burning buses are features of PA school pageants and summer camps. Streets and soccer teams are named after suicide bombers. Broadcast from Gaza mosque, Oct 13 2000, Dr. Ahmad Abu Halabiya, on Palestinian Authority TV (transcribed by Memri): "Have no mercy on the Jews, no matter where they are, in any country. Fight them, wherever you are. Wherever you meet them, kill them. Wherever you are, kill those Jews and those Americans who are like them..."
67. freedom fighters vs terrorists
jay lynch ,   USA   (07.28.06)
Freedom fighters DON'T hide behind women and children and strap bombs to themselves to kill innocent bystanders.
68. Hezbollah vs. Al Qaeda
Jay ,   USA   (07.28.06)
There is no difference they both hide behind women and children and they both kill innocent civilians.
69. Al Qaeda: creation of USA and Zionists
jay ,   USA   (07.28.06)
You have got to be kidding me. American soldiers DO NOT hide behind women and children. They fight out in the open and don't hide behind anyone. Israel is simply defending the land that was agreed by all to be given to them in 1948. Let's not forget they were attacked 6 days after the agreement was signed. They have been under attack ever since. Any person who believes this statement has a short memory and is a blatent IDIOT.
70. Jihad smihad
jay ,   USA   (07.28.06)
Who gives a damn what real muslims are doing. They certainly aren't stopping their violent brethren from causing untold carnage to innocents all over the world. There are approximately 7000 Muslims in the greater Detroit area alond and many of them are openly supportive of Hebullcrap. Very soon ALL Muslims are going to be interned in internment camps to be deported. As far as being marketed by the American press, our press is so leftwing pro Muslim it's disgusting. Saudi Arabia owns a large percentage of CNN, and Time Warner is no better. This so called "nice marketing" is so pro Muslim it makes me sick. All during the war did we once here hear how many enemy Iraqis were killed. Hell no. We did however, get an American body count every single night. As for Grand Jihad vs. small Jihad who cares what the difference is. Our dead troops are just as dead. So you can stick your different Jihads up your you know what.
71. why Al Qaeda now
jay ,   USA   (07.28.06)
Since when do China and Russia work closely together. This is a pipe dream. The only ones who are going to stop these terrorists are Israel and the USA. The notion that all these countries are going to unite to stop Hezbulcrap and Al Qaeda is a naive pipe dream. China is only concerned with one thing, and that is China. The same goes for Russia. They have been enemies of America for many years and that fact will NEVER change. If the countries of the Western World don't stop them I can assure you they won't be stopped.
72. which planet do live on
jay ,   USA   (07.28.06)
The person who responded to Marianne's comments might want to remember that the muslims have been attacking and subjugating more people since the 7th century than any other group of people in history. And another thing, as far as I know there are no Christian terrorists groups existing TODAY that tell people to join their religion or die. The crusades happened almost a thousand years ago. I might add the Muslims were doing the same thing at that time that the Christians were doing. The difference is the Muslims are STILL doing it. I think YOU need to brush up on your history more than Marianne does.
73. nice try
jay ,   USA   (07.28.06)
If the "nice" Muslims are so devoted to the Koran why don't they rise up and fight their violent, crazy brethren. As far as I can tell they are doing nothing to dissuade their violent brethren. If they are not part of the solution they are part of the problem. If they get in the way of a few bombs that is just to bad. They should be fighting for peace anyway. Is'nt their religion the religion of peace. I guess the fact that the Muslims have been attacking and destroying whole civilizations since the 7th century is irrevelent. One can easily deduce that the peacefull Muslims are not all that peacefull. If they believed in their religion of peace so much they would stop the terrorsists and they would be able to govern their own lands.
74. Religion = War
Zoroaster ,   Planet Earth   (08.04.06)
History teaches us more than you can imagine. The sense of right and wrong is shifted in the world due to controling of the media by the global imperialist movement. The Christians killed millions of people in the name of god. Just look at Afrika and Latin America for example. This can be said for every religion, except the true and first monothesistic religon delivered to earth: Zoroastrianism. If we open our eys from a pure place of love and compasion (The only real spiritual stance) one realizes that religion only creates devision and with that many wars we have seen. Awaken to the true world don't be oblivious of what is really happing: Be spritiual, Be a humansit... Love the earth, love nature, love all humans regrdless of color and origin. But leave behind the dogma of religion which creates seperation. One of the prime univeral laws we all have heard: What goes around commes around stonlgy applies. Open your eyes and you will see. Unfortunaltley science and technology may have advanced as entities however we are still children with no real grasp of the universe and this is more so for these reactionary leaders that with poor judjment are taking this planet down the drain. If somebody insults you how do you respond? Are you rather reactionary and bring your self down to the same level. Or do you show comapsion with that person as we say rise above the plains of action- rection. I don't know if the world is reday for this message. Love and Light for ALL! Zoroaster
75. Come to peace table
jana ,   Maldives   (08.21.06)
I advise israel to come to the negotiation table for peace or to face the more defeat in the future as in the Lebanan. Ur weapons will not help u to wins the holy wars gainst u. More young arabs r joining the fight day by day and lean more and more tactics to fight back. So the best and sustainable peace prevailing idea is to impliment and make work the prewritting agreements and through negotiations.
76. 24. Wake up, Europe and Western media! Beware!
DANIEL ,   Lod, Israel   (09.03.06)
I am afraid; it's not only Europe and US, Its India and Eastern countries too. This is you kill me or I will kill you situation.
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