Lebanese website blames Hizbullah for Qana deaths
Roee Nahmias
Published: 01.08.06, 07:53
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The Thief that comes ,   USA!   (08.02.06)
After reading all these comments, Be careful. You all might just end up as a glass parking lot. Thats what happens when a nuclear blast hits a lot of sand at extreem temp's.
92. #83 Thank you for the name:Eli Hobeika
Judith Sharko ,   Portsmouth, NH   (08.02.06)
Thank you for providing Hobeika's name. Now, I can find some books to further my knowledge of this horrible incident. I will keep asking Palestinians and Lebanese to explain why there is no protest about the Arab militia responsible for killing the civilians of Sabra and Shatilla.
93. Qana
Liam ,   Rochester, NY, USA   (08.02.06)
While 'world opinion' as expressed in the major media takes the full word of Hezbo claims, the truth is finally coming out. It's no surprise to many in the US the terrorists set up civilians to die. If they're teaching their own children to blow up innocent civilians it's no stretch they'll kill the children of others. The sad part is the willing complicity of the world's major media, but even they can't hide the truth forever. Many in America know the truth; the word is spreading. And this American hopes Israel kills every last Hezbo on the face of the planet. They have it coming for what they've done to Israel and to their own children.
94. A moral dilemma from WWII
An old man   (08.02.06)
An hypothetical question: If an Israeli pilot would receive a 100% sure target of Nesarralla but surrounded by 200 Lebaneses children and women - should he bombard them? The answer is definitively, YES! In 1944, the German nazis loaded a ferry with barrels of heavy water, that is used to produce an atomic bomb. But together with the barrels they send dozens of Norvegian children and women as human shields. The dilemma for the British and the Norvegian resistance was terrible - but they received the right decision: they blow up the ferry with the barrels and the women and children!
95. #2 How is it Jewish propaganda?
Sharon ,   Haifa, Israel   (08.02.06)
Do you realize you are making yourself sound exactly like the stereotypical lunatic who blames the Jews when his shoe is untied? If you don't want to believe the facts, and/or wish to brainwash us, you should probably pick your efforts more carefully. The above is too obvious even for world-class manipulators.
96. #53-55 "Mick" in "Australia"
Haifa, Israel   (08.02.06)
His true background is obvious from the writing style.
97. Propaganda & double standards
All sides commit propaganda. The difference is that to become enraged by it one must either (1) hate that user more than the other, or (2) hold it to a higher standard. To complain on this website, you must either (1) fall into one of the above categories, or (2) be anti-propaganda in general - but of course, unable to share your free speech on our enemies' websites.
ADM ,   ORLANDO, FL USA   (08.02.06)
I'm sickened to know that islamofascists sacrifice thier own children, use them for human shields and place them near military assetts so when the IDF returns fire they will be killed. When will the appeasement Europeans and American Liberals learn that these people are hell bent on destroying our freedoms and our way of life?
99. A French nurse, just looking at the chilren knew all were
disabled. The malformation of the feet in some children or the very strange half-raised arm of the dead girl have raised red flags for that nurse who has experience working with disabled children. So, how come all of the shown corpses of the children show evidence of disability, how come so many handicaped children in one building? Yes, nothing the Muslims do surprised me any more, just revolts. I will see if I can find the link to that nurse's post.
Israel supporter ,   USA   (08.02.06)
I am an American Christian and i fully support Israels peace through strength goal. Destroying hizbulla is the only way that the Arab world understands that Israel should exist. Palestine is a myth, a name given to the region by Romans 2 thousand years ago.
101. This type of journalistic propaganda worked before
AK   (08.02.06)
in Bosnia against the Serbs. There is a short movie made by Emperor's New Clothes, using the footage of the second crew, at the site, which shows how British ITV deliberately 'created' a fake Serbian concentration camp out of a refugee camp by manipulating angles of photography. That's right, that famed photo of the starving Muslim , with his ribs protruding, behind the barb wire was a total fake. The' prisoner's were on the outside while 2 television crews, ITV and Serbian were on the inside of the enclosure made of the chicken wire and some barb wire only on top.. Well, ITV and their star reporter got away with it. The whole world saw those pictures in about every language newspapers and believed them; we bombed the hell out of poor Serbs; Islamists were called 'moderate' and were feted world over why they were creating Islamist paradise in Europe; and the entire press kept mum -- not one foreign correspondent ventured to examine the 'concentration ' camp and thus expose the lie. Now the same is being perpetrated with Israel. Reading the papers and watching the news one wouldn't know that Israelis are being bombed out of their homes, just the poor Lebanese. While we are being shown the same bombed building in West Beirut, destruction of Kiryat Shmona, Metullah, old Safed and the rest of Israeli cities hardly exists, nor do their terrorized inhabitants. What's more, Lebanon, the attacker, is being lavished with financial and humanitarian aid, while its PM and President openly proclaim support for Hezbollah and blame Israel at the time when 100s of rockets shot from Lebanon kill and maim nameless Israelis , destroy Israeli infrastructure, destroy the environment and inflict billions in financial losses. Anybody here noticed the total absence of any offer of humanitarian help for Israelis? I haven't. Also see this link:
103. human shields
reuv ,   dallas, texas   (08.03.06)
Human shields give the opponent the choice to fire or not to fire. In Qana, the children had no live value to Hezbollah. Their value was as corpses. And Hezbollah soldiers who hid them there are guilty of war crimes.
104. Incorrect and Misleadin translation
mark ,   Denver, USA   (08.03.06)
The source was unamed and was refered to as "generally well informed" which is a far cry from being "credible" as you wrote.
105. just think
sahar ,   windsor,canada   (08.04.06)
First of all the Qana Masssacre was not the fisrt of the many massacres, nor the last of the masscares. In Marwahin they killed more than 20 people. These people, where neither in a home with "Hizbullah's rockets" nor a "Hizbullah military base" These were innocent people on the run from Isreali attacks on thier village. After recieving Isreali fliers indicating that an emadiate evacuation was necessary. While these people were "evacuating" they were killed by the Isrealis. In Aytaroon more than 25 people were killed, half of them were canadian visitors.. IN Sirifa more than 25 civilians were still underneath the rubull and ashes that was once their home. And I am sure that if you search the history of every village in lebanon you will see a massacre on that list. And if not in this war than in the days of 82' when Hizbullah did not even exist. The proof that makes you liars is that Isreal is using "smart bombs" and the best military tehnology known to man kind and they said three days ago that they have destroyed more than half of Hizbullah's rockets. Today they say that they have destroyed only 10% of their rockets.. So the 40% of the missles that they have lied about were 900 innocent lebaneese people! So in conclusion they are either stupid and do not know what they are bombing, or they are not stupid and they fully understand they are killing inncent children! By: Sahar Dawi, 14 years old
106. 53-55
Joel Weymouth ,   USA   (08.04.06)
Mick or is it Assam in Australia. I see why Mel Gibsons father got his paranoia about the Holocaust. He lived in Australia a long time. You will probably say the Holocaust didn't happen and it was staged by the American government and that the Jews really died by typhus.
107. More than Hizbullah Must Destroyed
Joel Weymouth ,   USA   (08.04.06)
Destroying Hizbullah should not be the objective, Iran will simply rebuild another group of chumps to do their dirty work. We take out Iran, then the Saudis (wahabis are extremely violent) will do their dirty work. I am fast getting to the point that Islam should be dealt with in the same manner as Fascism in WW2: complete and total annihilation-what we did to Germany and Japan. I did not say Genocide-Japan and Germany exist today and are much better places. It is obvious that Western Civilization and Islam are not compatible. Islamists in the west demand their right to exist under our system. When they are in control, they demand that we convert to their system. We cannot peacefully coexist, we are too different. Israel, Europe, Americas, USA, Australia, New Zealand: It is them or us.
108. Jews? What about the Muslims...
Kemp ,   Dallas US   (08.04.06)
who put dead bodies in the structure to make it appear as if Jews had killed a bunch of children???
109. Re Why Isreal doesn't initiate...
Kemp ,   Dallas US   (08.04.06)
Because the UN is controlled by Muslims and Muslim sympathizers
110. Libanoscopie links to fascist sites
Jack Fertig ,   San Francisco, USA   (08.04.06)
Your story here makes much of a page at Libanoscopie that does not identify the source of its info,. The Libanoscopie homepage links to Phalangists, an extension of fascist parties that were allied with Hitler. Treating this as a reliable source only undermines your own credibility.
111. As opposed to...
Jon Lester ,   Crawford, GA USA   (08.04.06)
...fascist Hezbollah or the fascist Syrian regime?
112. Israel only coun try NOT ALLOWED on Security Council
Dr RJP ,   USA   (08.04.06)
Israel is the only country barred from serving on the UN Security Council -- a Council filled with such great humanitarian countries as Iran, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Malaysia, and formerly, a Saddam-led Iraq -- that perpetually criticizes Israel's actions and calls for sanctions against her. In the past twenty years, more than 1/4th of all the Security Council resolutions passed have had to do with Israel, and have singled Israel out for criticism. There is no more ineffectual, insincere, and corrupted organization than the UN who routinely names rouge states with appalling human rights records to serve on their Human Rights Committee. Rather than condemn the practice of strapping bombs to Muslim children (a 12-yr old is a child) and sending them out to blow up Israeli women and children inside Israel, The UN says it is "legitiamte resistance." They have steadfastly refused to label any terrorist act by Muslims as "terrorism" but have no qualms about labelling Israel as a "terrorist state." The UN is one, sick joke dominated by anti-Israel, anti-Semitic Muslim countries. And, THAT, my friends, is why Israel does not, cannot, and in all good conscience, will not go through the UN regarding unprovoked terrorist attacks on her soil.
johN ,   London, UK   (08.04.06)
We're all realizes that no one defends Lebanon except Hizbullah. Lebanese Army is a coward they hide when their country attacked. UN is Silent. The only one who can defends Lebanon is Hizbullah, Are Lebanese made mistakes to choose Hizbullah as their protectors.
114. I know why Israel hate Arabs
John ,   London, UK   (08.04.06)
I know why Israel hate Arabs. It's because they have been thought so since they were children. Same as a soldier taught to kill
115. I know why US support Israel
John ,   London, UK   (08.04.06)
I know why US support Israel, because US is a very loyal servant
116. Re: #48 IDF
John ,   London, UK   (08.04.06)
That's not TRUE! I have seen IDF fighting on the ground, After 2 weeks bombing and support of another 20.000 armed personel with tanks.
117. # 49. Grasp at straws much?
John ,   London, UK   (08.04.06)
Our aim is #1 traffic. Zero credibility is still under our tolerance
118. To: Shadi/Shiraz & Tunesian: think this through logically...
Carl ,   Denver, USA   (08.04.06)
..........because...why would Israel, that needs the support of the local moderate population of Lebanon, deliberately attack any innocent civilians? Answer: there would not be any logic to it.
119. Knew this already
Sadhasiv ,   Baltimore, MD, USA   (08.04.06)
Arabs and "western" (between Tangier and Lahore) Muslims have never actually cared for their brethren (otherwise, why such genocidal actions like "Operation Searchlight") but have no qualms about using them (wittingly or unwittingly) for their own ends. Hizbullah is not new at this game.
120. IDF fighting on the ground?
Barbara ,   Cleveland, USA   (08.04.06)
You must by closing your eyes. The dead IDF are not falling out of planes you know. To save non-Jews they are sending their sons into the sand boxes of the animals. If the Islamists had the same level of technology as Israel they would be flying over Israeli schools and hospitals and bombing at will and laughing at every child's death. They certainly wouldn't be facing them mano e mano. Usually the terrorists put their or some one elses women and children in the front and throw bombs from a distance at Israeli homes. Savages need to be put back in their sand boxes till they grow up or die.
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