Lebanese PM in tears: Help us
Roee Nahmias
Published: 07.08.06, 15:29
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91. To Fuad Seniora
Zionist ,   Israel   (08.07.06)
No matter how much you cry, you won't get anything solved until you recognize who is attacking who here. Although Israel has more military might (the result of Israeli dedication to democracy, development, and modernization), we are DEFENDING our people against belligerent Hizballah terrorism aimed at killing civilians INDISCRIMINATELY. Nobody is taking revenge here, and how dare you accuse us of a holocaust. If we wanted to commit genocide, your country would have ceased to exist long ago. All we want is to live without fear of terrorist organizations attacking us whenever they please. We have nothing against the Lebanese people and want nothing more than to live side by side in peace.
92. don't cry; give the soldiers back
mike ,   israel (formerly usa   (08.07.06)
you have the power to stop your suffering, if you want (but i do not believe that you want).
93. the bıg LıER .....fırst you must stop fırınG ROCKETs
mıhaEL ,   ısraEL   (08.07.06)
94. there ıs no ceasefıre wıth hızbuLLah terrorıstS
95. ıf our soLdıers not gıven back safeLy , there wont be peace
ısrael   (08.07.06)
96. mr senıoRA who are you to want war wıth us ?
ısraeL   (08.07.06)
97. beg to hezbollah and assad the chıldrens murderers no us
98. 1000 kılled ıs the bıggest lıe ın the woRLd
99. why terrorısts hıde themselves back to cıVıLıAN people
100. Lebanon ıs goıng to be wıped off hahahahahah
101. Lie down with dogs...
S. Razor ,   Boston, MA, USA   (08.07.06)
...wake up with fleas. "With regards to Hezbollah, Siniora has said that "The government considers the resistance a natural and honest expression of the Lebanese people’s national rights to liberate their land and defend their honour against Israeli aggression and threats”." Siniora, you should be begging Nasrallah to back down on his threats to launch attacks on Tel Aviv. Are you merely his puppet? His minion? Have you confused the charter of Hizbollah with the charter of the Boy Scouts? If Tel Aviv gets hit, the health of your tourism economy will no longer be among your top 100 worries. I believe in free trade, as do you, but there's only so much the invisible hand can do. Free trade requires peace, and you have alienated her by lying down with Hezbollah.
102. READ THID Part 2
Yisraeli   (08.07.06)
It is easy now to whine and gripe, and to play the hypocritical role of victims. We know full well how to get others to pity us and to claim that we are never responsible for the horrors that regularly occur on our soil. Of course, that is nothing but rubbish! The Security Council's Resolution 1559 - that demanded that OUR government deploy OUR army on OUR sovereign territory, along OUR international border with Israel and that it disarm all the militia on OUR land - was voted on 2 September 2004. We had two years to put implement this resolution and thus guarantee a peaceful future to our children but we did strictly nothing. Our greatest crime - which was not the only one! - was not that we did not succeed but that we did not attempt or undertake anything. And that was the fault of none else than the pathetic Lebanese politicians. Our government, from the very moment the Syrian occupier left, let ships and truckloads of arms pour into our country. Without even bothering to look at their cargo. They jeopardized all chances for the rebirth of our country by confusing the Cedar Revolution with the liberation of Beirut. In reality, we had just received the chance - a sort of unhoped-for moratorium - that allowed us to take the future into our own hands, nothing more. To think that we were not even capable of agreeing to "hang" Émile Lahoud - Al-Assad's puppet - on Martyrs' Square and that he is still president of what some insist on calling our republicŠ There is no need to look any further : we are what we are, that is to say, not much. All those who assume public and communicational responsibilities in this country are responsible for this catastrophe. Except those of my colleagues, journalists and editors, who are dead, assassinated by the Syrian thugs, because they were clearly less cowardly than those who survived. And Lahoud remained at Baadbé [the president of the Lebanese Republic's palace. Editor's note]! And when I speak of a catastrophe, I do not mean the action accomplished by Israel in response to the aggression against its civilians and its army, which was produced from our soil and that we did strictly nothing to avoid, and for which we are consequently responsible. Any avoiding of this responsibility - some people here do not have the minimal notions of international law necessary to understand! - means that Lebanon, as a state, does not exist. The hypocrisy goes on : even some editorialists of the respectable L'Orient-le-Jour put Hezbollah's savagery and that of the Israelis on a par! Shame! Spinelessness! And who are we in this fable? Poor ad æternum victims of the ambitions of others? Politicians either support this insane idea or keep silent. Those we would expect to speak, to save our image, remain silent like the others. And I am precisely alluding to general Aoun, who could have made a move by proclaiming the truth. Even his enemy, Walid Jumblatt, the Druse leader, has proved to be lessŠ vague. Lebanon a victim? What a joke!
103. Israel will cry
Tears   (08.07.06)
Arabs will never forget. G-d's plan is long terms, you've killed so many innocent babies and a price will be paid by yours. Israel will rue this war for ages.
104. awwe
hanina ,   usa   (08.07.06)
Please someone get that evil man another box of tissues. sniff sniff
105. mahmoud #17
madmax   (08.07.06)
ya khanzeer the guy is crying becoz he wants to c the people of his country living he s not like your leaders who rasie you with the religion of death and blood.The President senioura is a brave man who has worked for building lebanon not like other people who eat and drink the distruction of there own country.Ull always remeber that there were some people who wanted you to live like any other nation and pay attention to your education and your job instead of wasting your countries time by preparing to destroy it and hide arms and rockets between people every time its being rebuilt .Arabs have always hailed leaders who led them to defeats and destruction and later on they always cired for economic and financial help .
106. saudı arabıa doesn t love hezbollah
107. hezbola not God's representatıve ıs satan's representatıve
canada   (08.07.06)
108. hezbollah ıs cancer
109. dissarm your Lebanese terrorist army
Samuel ,   London   (08.07.06)
End the charade of the poor innocent tears Mr. Siniora, from whom are you "suffering under the occupation" .. Mr Bush has saved your bacon.. so far.....Hizbullah army is DE-FACTO LEBANESE, you are a spokesman for a TERRORIST regime. If you had Dignity or Arabness and were so innocent then accept the UN resoplve and kick out the Iranians and Syrians arrest Nasrallah for war crimes, disarm your terrorist militia army. Perhaps you could then grant Dignity and Lebanese Arab citizenship to the poor Palestinian refugees (the rest of the world has ), who have been pawns of Arabist power games.
110. to the crew of y net
watcher on the road ,   europe   (08.07.06)
hi all of you and espacilly mr.ali the past i used to read your news in arabic in (( arabynet)) now ts so difficult to open the page or to get it,pleas be kind and friendly and send me your link for the arabynet,at my mail which is sended to u in this talkback,thanks a lot,
111. no wonderful
schulz ,   bad germany   (08.07.06)
no wunderfol tears! why he was not in tears before war? why he was not in tears since 10 years, when hizbollah reclamed to destroy Israel? Who against Israel is sitting down or stand up, whose person or whose states are in criminal act against God! God help them to being clean by Gods soap! I can not understand this tears! Yes, before war, before hizbollaha suicidbombing, before kidnapping of soldiers, before enemy to Israel, yes than was right time to tears of Israel! May be tears of hope, an sign, that God is hard working with Lebanon!
112. massacre .....
linda   (08.07.06)
yesterday on Israeli people and 100 already dead. Shoa again!!! Siniora, you are a weak , pathetic and a total idiot. How much money do they pay you to help your country to hell?
DISGUSTED! ,   Karmiel, Israel   (08.07.06)
114. Lebanese PM in tears
DANIEL ,   Lod Israel   (08.07.06)
Leave us alone and control your people; don't repeat your actions we guarantee our actions will not be repeated.
115. The bloodthirsty public in Israel is blind with hatred
Proud Grandpa ,   (08.07.06)
and therefore cannot see the damages of this war to the security of Israel, which are yet to unfold. The only right thing to do now is reach a cease fire and stop the war. The damage to Israel has been done. One could only hope our government is at least smart enough to minimize it.
116. Ehud Hiroshima - Yanks killed 140,000 in 1945
David ,   Karmiel   (08.07.06)
Boo hoo poor Siniora. Either you are an Hezbollah or Siniora stooge or a bloody disgrace to your name. Choose one! Do you think I like waiting for the air-siren and the falling shells. One fell 75 meters from my home. I still hear the bang. Get you ass over here and come and see the ball bearings that Siniora's Hezbollah puts in these rockets! Come and see the injuries to our people. Come and talk to the families of the dead. Hell, Ehud, we didn't start this shit but we'll finish it. You whine about the Lebanese kids, what ours don't count? Have you ever seen a little child blown to bits on a bus going to school? Have you ever seen a 10 month old baby shot out of her father's arms? 60 years the Arabs have been doing this and now it is time to stop them once and for all. I did not see a Kfar Qana party here in Israel but I saw Arabs rejoicing over dead Israelis. When are you going to grow up and realize that these peple are out to destroy the Jewish people. Hitler had a go at that with 6,000,00 dead. Do you cry over that or do you blame the Jews for the Holocaust? Maybe you even deny it!
117. Mr Seniora
Nacho ,   Isr   (08.07.06)
You are crying like a woman what you didn't defend as a man.
118. Best actor - Siniora
sandy ,   south africa   (08.07.06)
Great performance!!! A act of desperation to gain sympathy of the world, stop feeling sorry for your self and act like a man with honor. There is no Lebanese soveireignty in the first place. Don't forget that Israel is attacked everyday by rockets and their civilians are being attacked and getting killed!l
119. Get Rid of the Hizballah Terrorists In Your Midst
H ,   Jerusalem   (08.07.06)
return the 2 soldiers captured and the war will end. What's so difficult to understand?
120. Tears of Repentence. Hope You Learned Your Lesson!
H ,   Jerusalem   (08.07.06)
You made your country a nest of venemous snakes and now you're crying? If you would have prohibitted Hizballah terrorist from settling in your country, you wouldn't have cried today. You eat what you cook. Enjoy it now! This message applies to the Europeans too. Those who harbor Islamic fanatic terrorists will reap with they sow...
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