Lebanon rejects ceasefire draft proposal
Ronny Sofer
Published: 11.08.06, 09:42
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91. It is wrong...
Hiram ,   tel aviv   (08.11.06) believe that the foreign minister of Lebanon can do anything else but simply what he will be told to do by his "masters". There is no political freedom in Lebabnon, nor is there a governmental consensus.
92. Betrayal of the United states
Barnes ,   UK   (08.11.06)
The United States smeared the Image of Israel and UK for its own revenge agenda that it can not support on the home front For the first time in history, the US deceived Israel into this WAR causing Israel a major problem. Due to the results of this war, Hezbollah will emerge to be the next international consultant on war fairs. •Israel should show the United States some muscles and let them pay back dearly for the following: •All the damages caused to Israel •All the suffering that Israel had to go through •The cost of the war •Lose of Image •International relations lost due to the war If Israel does not do anything, we will be the next puppets in the Middle East
93. we went thru all this sh**t 4 nothing
mother ,   haifa   (08.11.06)
Man I understand necessity, I know when i look at my kids as we run to shelters for the past 30 days, trying to calm them down whilst i am shaking from within. I understand the kidnapping of 2 soldiers..I understand being under attack..but cudnt we have gone down the diplomatic path before we started this mess. I love Israel, I lache for every soldier lost, I ache for innocent Israeli and lebanese civilians killed. Despite the hate mail, i am a mother first, and I dont wish this experience on anyone, whatever race..or religion. To have gone thru all of this in order to come to some pathetic agreement to have increased blood pressure every time someone makes a will never be the same again for me. Walking outside now will have a new meaning, will it happen again? We should have made a noise at the U.N. screamed at pro-arab Annan instead of going in so gungho..It kills me all these families disrupted, loss of lives for 2 soldiers kidmapped. As a giver of life I am asking mysefl was it really worth it...if at the end of the day we are exactly in the same place we started out from. All of you people overseas, praising us, thank you for your praise..but there is courage in wisdom and maybe it is time to do some soul searching. I have always taught my children, 2 wrongs do not make a right!!!!
94. #44 Winston
zov ,   rosenberg, tx   (08.11.06)
Too late for that. Nothing less than a rope is all that is left.
95. Lebanese governtment
DD ,   Kiryat Shmona   (08.11.06)
At the start of all this, and when it suits them, the Lebanese government said they were not responsible and had no influence on the Hizballa. So why is it that THEY are now decided what is an exceptable cease fire agreement ? They have abstained from any involvement , apart from crying and pleading for help. So who are they to decide under what conditions the fighting should stop? Like Mike said, the Lebanese government seems to be bying time for the terrorists and in the meantime my children are still in danger. If Lebanon government wants to be part of their countries control and future, then they must accept the retaliation that its "citizens" (i.e : the HIZ) bring apon them. DD
96. French collaborators
Laura ,   London   (08.11.06)
10,000 French troops? what can they do. What did they ever do (other than bomb the poor Serbs who were also fighting Islamicisation of their country Kosova). It will be UNIFIL all over again - United Nations French In League...with the devil.
97. to # 93
Danny ,   Zion, Africa   (08.11.06)
These are words of wisdom from a mother who knows what it takes to bring life on this earth, which unfortunately is being taken away on both sides when diplomacy could have been given a chance first, as she says. What can i say but praise you, mother of creation and hope that many would have wisdom as you and forgo their egos. Love has no boundaries, black, white , yello, jew, moslem ,rasta, christian, hindu e.t.c. We are all of one stock from the one who created the son, moon, stars, the air we breath freely, which we are now destroying, what a shame on humanity. I heard some say they overhead a monkey saying 'it is a big lie that humana could have come from us cause we don't kil each other as they do'!!!
98. #93 mom
JOHN JOHN ,   lebanon   (08.11.06)
u r a wonderful mom as it seems and i think u have a heart that feels and mind which thinks and yes this is the type of people and way of thinking we need in order to live in peace and put an end for these devilish wars.god save you
99. To Robert Tilden
tommy ,   belfast UK   (08.11.06)
You are wasting your time on that poor deluded soul --We have so many of them over here they are referred to affectionately and collectively as Our Souls What amazes me is that the Israelis have such short memories--When they are over-run in their ever shrinking country and it will happen if the present is anything to go by then America and Europe will be guilty of genocide Remember who you are dealing with
100. ceasefire between Hizbullah and Israel
Haim ,   Israel   (08.11.06)
What strikes me in all ceasefire proposals is that they are decalared "between Hizbullah and Israel". I don't think there can be any negotiations or agreements with Hizbullah. Only Lebanon governmanet can be a part in negotiations and it should take full responsibility. This their internal business to deal with Hizbullah and disarm it. If necessary, they can call for international help, but anyway - the only possible deal with terrorists is there total and unconditional disarmement and bringing them to justice.
STEVE ,   LONDON, ENGLAND   (08.11.06)
To all you warmongers, sceptics and adverse critics of the government of Israel I say this: It isn’t over till its over and it isn’t over yet. Before you howl and scowl at the government of Israel. This is a civilian government not a military government and the day Israel chooses a military government over a civilian one will be the first day of the last week of life on Earth. We are at war against people who prefer a military government. Hizbollah is a military government. The governments of Syria and Iran are military governments. Israel’s democracy is the most sophisticated in the Middle-East and our ideology is invincible in political philosophy and political science. All that stands between the people of Israel and their ambitions for their country is their own commitment to it and the relations it has with its neighbours in the region of the Middle-East. This war is about changing the Middle-East. Where and when our neighbours are not willing to use their heads to achieve things in this world instead of their arms it costs lives. Every life that is lost in this conflict is worth more than any of these military governments. A century from now people will look back at these days and weep more than we weep today. Why? Because they will feel our despair and they will be enjoying the freedoms we are building for them today. Israel is building a better world with a civilian government and it is doing so in the context of Jewish values and in terms of universal human rights. Israel’s government is the only government in the Middle-East that has commited its armed forces to rid the region of terror groups. Do you see any of the others rushing to condemn and uproot these blood thirsty scum who call for genocide against our people? No. Why? Because they don’t have the moral inclination or ethical training to take such steps. Do you see any of our so called friends in Egypt and Jordan rushing to give our people material aid in the north of Israel? Do you see them climbing onto platforms in public to denounce the policies of Hamas or Hizbollah? Do you hear any calls for civilisation from the Arab countries at all? Or is it rather ( as the Arab League’s own declaration of human rights states) that they declare Zionism to be a form of racism … and therefore they secretly support Hizbollah and Hamas. They are wrong. Zionism is not merely a call to return to rebuild the ancient biblical Promised Land it is a call to return to Righteousness. The word ‘Zion’ is the name of the mount in David’s ancient city and it also a noun which translates into English as ‘Signpost’. Where is this signpost pointing to? To RIGHTEOUSNESS. In Hebrew: TZEDEQ. In the modern world Zionism has to be understood as a call to the building of a world founded in the spirit of universal human rights. Our national mission since ancient times has been to bring the faith in GOD’s Sovereignty to our children and to help them to build their lives in this belief and to share our faith with other nations. We are parents to our children but GOD is their sovereign. In the modern world we are as a nation State surrounded by people who have military governments as their sovereign. These governments are inclined to be tolerant of murderous gangs of religious fascists like Hizbollah and Hamas. The Israel Defence Force and its civilian government is pointing the way to a brighter better tomorrow for everyone regardless of race, creed or nationality. For the victims of this conflict we pray and we weep but in our mundane moments we know that today’s tears of agony will turn to tears of joy in future days for everyone. We cannot excuse our selves for the deaths of this war’s innocent victims but we could excuse ourselves ever so much less if we would not prosecute this fight to its ultimate conclusion which is the establishment of civilian and humane government for everyone in the Middle-East.
102. Another military operation to enbolden hezbo
Claude ,   France   (08.11.06)
103. Ceasefire NO!
meggie ,   Israel   (08.11.06)
the cease fire would be a farce as it was before, give them 72 hours to regroup, oh what a charitable thing to do. you want humanitarian supplies to go in, parachute them in from the air, (making sure no arms on board) its been done in other places, but no way give them a chance to regroup. Sinora, dry your eyes, wont help your guilt over what you have allowed your country to became.
104. Mr.Admin still waiting
Bander ,   Saudia Arabia   (08.11.06)
to poplish my previous talkback and the photo from current crises sure it will change alot of minds Democrasy is the bottom line
105. Tit for Tat, Or Is IT?
Dave Levi ,   Burbank. USA   (08.11.06)
Okay, okay, so assuming a cease fire as proposed, gradual withdrawal, replacement, securing borders...what about the return of two soldiers which started this thing? The root cause of the conflict in the north is Hezbollah's (criminal and illegal) arming itself and firing of rockets into Israel, the kidnapped soldiers, and Hezbollahs' contention about Shaba Farms and attacks on Mr. Dov as well as northern Israel from time to time. None of the latter are being addressed by this cessation of violence. Also, will French and Spanish soldiers actually engage Hezbollah when needed? I mean, The Force de Frappe, and liberal Spanish going head to head with Hezbollah guerrillas? Seems implausible to me. On the other hand, if the rockets stop...2 soldiers returned, and Syrian and Iranin flows of missile end, it might be a good TEMPORARY DEAL. If put in place, it's a defeat for radical Islam in the M.E., coupled with the London affair. I hear the PA may dissolve, in favor of Hamas. Now that's another problem for peace and freedom and democracy. But a baby step (Hezbollah's) defeat, is a first.
106. Some clarifications to #14 and #18
Ruth ,   BCN   (08.11.06)
to #14: "What if France and Spain sent two divisions of islamic citizens to "guard" the Lebonese and Israeli border?" There's no such thing as "islamic citizens division" in european armies (Wellcome to earth). All administrations are strictly laic by law (and laws use to be respected in Europe). G-d rest busy at his home and government affairs are not of his concern in anyway. To #18. "italian soldiers should go ...and not the french or spanish which are mostly arabs descent." Well, I prefer to send italians too. I don't wanna pay the mistakes and nonsenses of jews and muslims. However, if you want a good job, send somebody with experience, maybe french or spanish. But you're right, maybe too much arabs... and jews, and romans, and visigoths, and frankish, and celts, even greeks... Hybrids may be the word. But pros. No side preferred for us: the two are wrong and need to be controlled.
107. IDF: Decimate Lebanon
Mark ,   USA   (08.11.06)
Those civilians that are kiiled are actually terrorists.
108. We must continue the war
Mark ,   USA   (08.11.06)
When you start a job, you must complete all of it.
109. #10 - Sam Shah: And toleration of this is called...
Truth ,   USA   (08.11.06)
110. Olmert's UN agreement: His new Convergence
Ofer ,   Los Angeles, Califor   (08.11.06)
Olmert will have Israel walk out of Gaza, the West Bank, and now Lebanon. Next, he'll give up Saba Farms, the Golan Heights, and then why not also Eretz Yisrael. What a brilliant strategist he is!
ERIC..... ,   ISRAELI   (08.11.06)
Nobody knows what the hells going on or what we have done or what we intend doing.Its really bad.But whats going on in Lebanon we know.They show the whole world.Even the IDF dont know,if too go forward or go back.The Israeli goverment havent a clue in what they are doing.We wonder and worry .DOES ANYBODY?
UNBELIEVABLE!!! ,   ISRAEL   (08.11.06)
113. To #107
Johnny ,   NYC, USA   (08.11.06)
Yeah man, they're guilty by association....just like all those people in the World Trade Centre... You ignorant dumb-a$$
114. Olmert
Punta di Lancia ,   Basel, Switzerland   (08.11.06)
If Olmert accepts a resolution without explicit wording concerning the diasarmament of Hizbullah - he should smoke his cigar at home and live a peaceful life of a pensioner . But he should not forget the losses of life he "gained" for going to war for nothing than Nasrallahßs triumph
115. That old diplomatic two-step--appeasement
Sandman ,   Ann Arbor USA   (08.11.06)
...The Olmet diplomatic dance we call appeasement did not work in the 1930's and will not work today. As the British and French chose a rational path of diplomatic engagement and compromise, Hitler threw it back in their face so will Narsallah in time. Hilter was wedded to an irrational course of action of unlimited expansion. So is Nasrallah wedded to irrational course of action the Genocide of the Jews and total distruction of Isreal with the expansion of Shiite mid-eastern dominance One must remember diplomacy doesn't cause war--but men who substitute violence for diplomacy do. All i can see is much larger war with greater death and grief in your future projected by a short sighted and weak Prime Minister refusing to let your military finish its job . All this weak kneed Prime Minister is allowing is Iran and Syria to rearm their proxy Hezbollah at your expense under his two-step diplomatic two-step dance delusion..
116. Hezzi Victory :-(
Desert Storm Vet ,   SA, TX USA   (08.11.06)
Utter BS. This is raw deal for Israel. Sure, it stops the bullets from flying but it allows Hezbollah to rearm and play the same scenerio all over again in the near future. One question r/t this 'peace proposal': Do you REALLY think Hezbollah is going to be disarmed? My bets are that Hezbollah will never disarm, thus, this conflict will end in a Hezbollah victory and UN Resolution 'a piece of a**wipe', and I will guarantee another conflict will come about between Israel & Hezbollah.
117. #8
Rackie ,   Vancouver, USA   (08.11.06)
NO, NO, NO! Don't you know, the US is the puppet of Israel. Very clever of the Jews don't you think. They have so fooled smart chicks like yourself , like forever. So now you know the truth. Be free. Now doesn't that feel good. Enjoy!
118. #10
ayel Sofer ,   Virginia USA   (08.11.06)
You forgot Rule #12 When it comes to the "occupied west bank {Israel is the only place on earth that has a river with only one bank } What is ment is Israel must give it back. Like the US gave back Texas, New Mexico and Arizona and England gave back Ireland and Scotland. Who should Israel give the land back to? If the land came from Jordan ,Why doesnt Jordan ask for it back? The world has a Palastinian State its called Jordan. Do we need two ? Then lets have two Israels. Fair is fair.
119. #77 johnjohn
Dad ,   Texas,USA   (08.11.06)
Yes the French helped the USA in the revolutionary war. In return we have rescued their country twice from the Germans. In thanks the French have taken a perverse pride in blocking any American diplomatic move in any area of the world. The French are duplicitous by their very nature in fact they have quite alot in common with most Arabs. And yes the French really care about Lebanon so much so that they allowed Syria and Iran to destroy the country as long as they could do business in the middle east. Yes we really owe the French a debt of gratitude.
120. rules for sam shah
Veritas ,   Israel   (08.12.06)
The rules of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS when it comes to the Israeli-Arab conflict. Rule 1. In the MSM, both published and on TV, the “defensive reaction” of Israel is in 99% of the reporting called Israel´s OFFENSIVE: This is called neutral and unbiased reporting Rule 2: When innocent children are killed by HOMICIDE bombers in the name of Al-h the world media calls it a defence mechanism against the oppressor of the Palestinian People – what else can they do against the most powerful army in the middle east. This is called neutral and unbiased reporting Rule 3. I repeat my Rule 2 Rule 4. When Terrorists kill too many civilians the liberal western world calls it RESPONSE to Israeli aggression in appeasement for the fear they have of their own Muslim Communities Rule 5. Palestinian and HISBOLLAH TERRORISTS do not have the right to capture Israeli MILITARY Rule 6. No Proof of guilt or trial for TERRORISTS who for example creep in under the cover of night and smash the head of a 4 year old child, or bind bombs to their body intending to kill as many CIVILIANS as possible all in the name of Al-h and freedom. This is called Israeli aggression towards the Palestinian people Rule 7. When you say Israel, always be sure to add Child Murderers, Aggressors, Jews, War Crime perpetrators. When you say Hisbollah, always be sure to say “Defenders of Lebanon and the Palestinian People” who would never try to manipulate propaganda and their poor dead children to fuel the fires of hatred, who would never think of hiding amongst civilians to fire their rockets knowing that in the return fire they could be killed. THIS is called evil. Rule 8. When you say HISBOLLAH, never say supported by Iran and Syria for people (G-d forbid) might believe that they are not just peace loving people who would never start a war or attack innocent CIVILIANS world wide such as America, India, London, Spain etc. There is no such thing as “Jihad”, this is just an invention of Israel, America, the UK etc. Rule 9. This is too stupid to even answer – maybe you are blind & deaf Rule 10. I refer you to my rule 1 & 2, for further reference visit the very ”unbiased & neutral” BBC and please do not forget all the MSM Photographers who “Phtotshop”, who lovingly photo staged scenes of destruction and publish them under the name of ”unbiased & neutral” reporting. Rule 11. If someone does not agree with your rules, then they can expect in the very near future to have their public transport blown up, their civilians murdered, riots, death threats and civil disorder.
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