Hizbullah declares victory
Roee Nahmias
Published: 11.08.06, 02:53
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61. If this is Victory
Peter ,   Toronto, Canada   (08.11.06)
Responsible for hundreds of dead Lebanese, Lebanese infrastructure turned back 20 years, hundreds of militia men dead, if this is Victory for these guys I would hate to see what defeat looked like for them. But truthfully, arabs are unable to admit defeat or surrender. It is a trait. Egyptians still view 73 as a victory. I know the Jews the world over lament over our painfull loss in 73. All that said, it is unfortunate that it looks as though a peace will be reached with little change for Hizbullah's status. That is some small victory for them and the world shoul feel ashamed for cowering at the feet of psychopaths.
62. dont hold your breath for foolish Olmert
Yisraeli   (08.11.06)
Olmerts handling of this war was not only by an amateur best making crooked deals behind closed doors. He has failed Israel completely. Amateur hour is over, he should be removed asap. So far it is as Hizbullah says a victory for them and wasted Jewish lives by incompetent leaders. Wont be long for round 2 but I hope for all our sakes Olmert and his kind will be history by then. Only a Moshe Feiglin type leader will bring clear victory once and for all, the rest are all self serving trash.
63. We did lose..
Israeli observer ,   Canada   (08.11.06)
Thanks to our dumb Olmert and arrogant Peretz who kept lying to us and making us feel victory at each day of the war they started.. The result till now is that we are not able to advance for 1 km so far! Let's be realistic.. WE LOST. With any UN resolution, we'll have to get our asses out of the Lebanese land and swap prisoners.. Don't tell me that this is victory.. The only thing that these two scored is that they killed civilians and destroyed infrastructure.. The main question: What about Hizb? They are still attacking our land as on the first day of the fight.
64. both sides didnt win..
jason ,   usa   (08.11.06)
if hezbollah see's a win when israeli troops back away and think "i won!" like what he see's here he's dead wrong a real win is this 1. you have the advanced arms and killed more then the other side that would be israel 500 > 70 have complet advanges like air force and tank and weapons israel again... 3. having more then 30k(30,000) troops from other countrys to help you while you go back israel hmmm he might has to look it over..
65. Thank you PM Olmert for nothing
Drumgoole ,   Newark NJ   (08.11.06)
Thank you for allowing this monster to declare that Hezbollah won its war with Israel by your pathetic mishandling of the war. It is incredible that Israel's military command and cabinet sacrificed the lives of so many brave soldiers and civilians by not responding quickly to crush Hezbollah with massive force. With thousands of Hezbollah and Iranian fighters in underground bunkers, it defies reason to send small groups of commandoes to fight against such a well-armed and entrenched enemy. Israel could have defeated Hezbollah within 2 weeks and regained its deterence. Now, the terrorists will be emboldened because of the government's incompetence.
66. the Hudna
yehu ben zohar ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (08.11.06)
why is Bush trying to ram this cease fire down Israel's throat? The cease fire is a joke, Olmert, like the stooge he is, is backing out of Lebanon as if he expects some great cease fire. Bush is making deals with France to sell Israel a bill of goods, and the cowards running Israel are all too eager to kiss Bush's ass. Did all our soldiers die for nothing? Are a million Jews huddled in bomb shelters so that Condelezza Rice and Bush can be "makers of the peace" at the expense of Jewish blood? France is going to police Hezb'allah? Is that some kind of sick joke? Hezb"allah will not have to disarm? What was the point of all this? It is time for the people of Israel to demand the resignation of Olmert and topple his Kadima cowards and put a real leader in charge. Enough already.
67. No victory, no peace.
Ken Quinn ,   Amsterdam   (08.11.06)
68. Agreed! Hellsbells was Handed Victory
stude ham ,   outremont, canada   (08.11.06)
The unbelievable and reprehensible capitulation of the Israeli government in this conflict gives hellsbells the final and clearest victory. hellsbells, according to the agreement will now be free to be the government of that non-country formerly lebanon, and to arm itself even more viciously under the "watchful eyes" of the foreign troops which will be french (oh right), german, and toy boys from the non-existant lebanese army. hellsbells is laughing all the way over this one and Israel has been hurt more than it realizes by the total proven stupidity of olmert peretz and especially peres. the kadima has shown that it cannot be allowed to ever again be part of israel's government.
69. Israeli invasion of a sovereign nation
Bill Baker ,   Vermilion, Ohio   (08.11.06)
I regret that the State of Israel has forgotten the teachings of Ben-Gurion back in 1938: a time when Jews still had a rational view of their neighbors.
70. Saddened that Hizbullah Has Won
Adam ,   Washington, DC   (08.11.06)
The U.S. and Israel (and our very few allies) have lost this fight. Everyone on our side thought the IDF would plow through Hizbullah in a week with minimal impact on the Lebanese civilians. Unfortunately, Israel has its own Jimmy Carter at the helm -- the use of decisive overwhelming power doesn't seem to be in the cards. Indeed, it seems like the legend of the IDF is destroyed. Even though Hizbullah's hometowns are no longer inhabitable and thousands are dead and wounded, these Islamo-fascists sure can play the propaganda game as good as anyone ever has. They put Hitler to shame. All I can wonder is what is stopping Iran and Syria from ending Israel's existence today. (maybe the nukes, but soon everyone will have them). Lord knows that Iraq has made my pathetic government too afraid to take up arms alongside Israel. Bush and Rice are scared to death of Iran. I hope it doesn't happen, but wouldn't be surprised if Ahmadinejad waited a few weeks for the IDF to go back to its motorpools and then launched a surprise attack with 1,000's of their Shihab-3's at Israel's cities and military infrastructure. He'd be a hero in the eyes of billions around the world who blame the United States and Israel for all of their problems. It is all very sad.
71. Why does the UN talk to hizbullah?
lon Bordin ,   bloomington,in,usa   (08.11.06)
Israel is not at war with Lebanon so how can they have a cease-fire?!
72. looool
Xav ,   Paris, France   (08.11.06)
CONGRATULATIONS mr Nasrallah! IThe sraeli soldiers are going into lebanon , and defeating progressivley your terrorist group but yes, it s ok you win!!...ooh I forgot; Israel lost also those wars :1948,1967,1973, etc... ;)
73. This is the right moment to resume attacks!
Herut Zion ,   UK   (08.11.06)
May Hashem lead Israel to victory when Israel is committed to mitzvot!
74. Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah
nell ,   now ISRAEL   (08.11.06)
Shalom, i took the time to know your name and read who you are (nothing impressive, the usual guy full of complexes, you should read Freud, can you btw?). What you had in that big head of yours when you sent your silly boys to kill MY people? And just for your knowledge i am not Jewish, but THIS IS MY PEOPLE. By the way who REALLY killed Mousawi? Why not admit the truth to the syrians too? See you in hell
75. to #12
Willy ,   Texas   (08.11.06)
Just wanted to point out that kidnapping of the IDF soldiers is NOT against interational law like you say. IDF is operating on LEBANESE land called "shebaa farms". This itself gives ANY lebanese the right to do what they can to free they rightful land.
76. Cease Fire
Ehud ,   Hiroshima, JAPAN   (08.11.06)
Cease fire should have occured one month ago. Look at the updated breaking news and see the numbers of our soldiers being serously hit. Hezbullah has the full right to call victory. He won the hearts of millions if not billions of muslims in the world, while we, Jews and Israelis, lost the support of every country!!! Thank you Olmert!! STOP WAR NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
77. #21
Mark ,   Canada   (08.11.06)
I don't know where you're from or what you're watching as far as news goes, but I wouldn't exactly call this a victory for Hizballah. Yes, Israel has not accomplished everything they set out to achive. But to say they lost is a bunch of crap. While other middle eastern countries such as Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia use totally vicious tactics to suppress extremism, Israel was bound by their own morals and openess to free press to not use tactics such as carpet bombing to weed out Hizbollah. Hopefully the world learns a lesson that a much more robust international force needs to be installed in S. Lebanon to ensure Hizbollah does not set up base there again and indescriminately launch the occational rocket into Israel.
Da Sphincter   (08.11.06)
This is a terrible mistake. The war was for nothing. The job is not done. We'll all be back here again , and it will be MUCH WORSE
Scott   (08.11.06)
What a hopeless idiot! This guy and his friend Peretz just dont have what it takes. Where is Bibi? Does anyone think he can it better? NASRALLAH GO TO HELL!
80. anniliate...
pat ,   ny   (08.11.06)
Israel, do not stop, your job has not yet been completed. Continue to insinnerate these radical bobbleheads until they free your soilders unconditionally w/out any exchange of their murderers in your prisons. You should just execute all of these mongrols which you have in you prisons if they were in cahoots w/ the terroroists. Get a sniper to put one through nasallarah glasses.. Don't worry about Iran, if they were to get involved in the eye of the world to see, then they would be innialated as well, without a doubt the talking monkey won't commit suicide by doing this.. Israel, finish them off and take no prisoners, you are doing the right thing, you didn't start this but you will end this, and only on your terms, do not be pressured, do what you feel is right. ps- the talking monkey can keep reporter Wallace over there to ammuse and admire each other, what a frickin idiot, his son will even tell you that!!!
81. Another of the islamic mental
NTI ,   Red Chili   (08.11.06)
masturbation. Any sign of relief is considered a victory. Indeed a victory, at the mercies of the Israelis for these muslim cowards. sunni muslims kill shit muslims b'cos shits are not muslim enough. But when headcounts are required, these shits suddenly become muslims. Well, what can I say about muslim mentality and reasoning???
82. #72
Pat ,   USA   (08.11.06)
Like I've always said, that black rag is wrapped just a bit too tight.. If I were him I'd keep underground for a very, very long time!
83. #73 I agree
Pat ,   USA   (08.11.06)
But it probably isn't going to happen. The arabs are pressuring France, and France is listening. The US and France need to be seen as agreeing on the issue..................... Like I said, I agree with you! I wish the US would just veto anything the French propose. Israel is destroying the hiz, they need to be left alone to finish the job!
84. Victory
homey ,   MI usa   (08.11.06)
It is sad toknow how people can be so ignorant and foolish. Following CNN fox and other israeli controlled news. Israel is a terrorist nation and has produced nothing but terror. A country that cannot live in peace with its neighbors needs to learn how to live in peace. ISRAEL STOP INVADING AND OCCUPYING AND KILLING THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE!! IS ISRAELI ZIONIST BLOOD MORE precious than arab/Muslim blood. Shame on people who support israel and are ignorant of the facts that israel itself is an aggressor that massacered and is still killing palestinians and lebanese. How can you attack a country and say oh we are just defending it . How can anyone be soo stupid to belive that. Israel is a state sponsored terrorist nation.
85. Hezbollah is a pimple on the ass of mankind…!
Lorenzo ,   Beirut, Lebanon   (08.11.06)
The country of Lebanon destroyed! The Lebanese people destroyed! And this pathetic, sick religious fanatic says ‘Hezbollah won?’ how sick can one person be?! Hezbollah is not about Lebanon, Hezbollah is about Iran and Syria, he denies they’re Iranian solders fighting in the south; he is lying through his fat overstuffed mouth! We have seen these ‘Persians’ all over infecting our country. People are dying while he gets richer and fatter, seems hating Israel is very profitable. Hezbollah must be destroyed! Hezbollah is a pimple on the ass of mankind…!
AVINU   (08.11.06)
87. Spoke too soon
Lisa ,   USA   (08.11.06)
News is...Lebanon has turned down the resolution. Yes, the Arabs again miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity! Go figure, Condie hands Israel's head on a platter to them and that was not enough. Well, Israel said if diplomacy failed the gloves are off. So, Nasrallah....go outside and celebrate will ya?!
88. amazing the hatred you have
eio ,   CT   (08.11.06)
As a lebanese who was never in the line of fire of israeli attacks and invasions of lebanon, I never thought that peace with the people of Israel is far from reach. I used to think once the war in Lebanon ends , we will sign a peace treaty with Israel, and relations with the Israelis will be better than that with the Syrians. Now I fully realize the hatred the Israeli people have for the people of Lebanon. Forget about Hezbollah, who represent not more than 25-30% of the lebanese, the remaining being with the western world, trying to be by the side of the US, France and others. I rarely heard a word by Israelis or by Jews who live in the US, not condemning the israeli disproportionate attack, not even saying a word of sympathy or empathy with the lebanese families, who died, or were displaced, or are hungry. I am talking about the majority of the lebanese population who by 2006 were not at all with the Hezbollah ideas of getting arms, beleiving this was an extension of the syrians in lebanon. Now I can assure you that of this overwhelming majority you do not have a single friend. I keep on reading, let the people of lebanon deal with what they allowed to grow among them, and this is absolutely wrong. You all know that Hezbollah was supported by Syria, and that most of the other factions in lebanon were not with this policy at all. YOu all have read in the news about how Hariri wanted to deploy the army in the south, in 1993, 1996, 2000,and disarming Hezbollah, but was never allowed by the syrians. What you did is collective punishment against a people who did not support this war. However, now I can say, though I would not want Hezbollah to declare victory, since I am not for any state within a state, I am for a sovereign and a united Lebanon, I can say I am happy if you all would count that as a defeat because what your government and army did to innocent civilians, should not be rewarded. I do not want to sound that I support killing shia but not sunnis or christians, because I certainly do not approve of killing of innocent people, yet for the sake of the argument, if as your army cheifs and government said they will attack Hezbollah targets only, I need to know, as a million other people of the world, need to know where was Hezbollah hiding in the christian village of Batroun, where a 30 year old died just because he wanted to make another round as he was running in the morning. Don't tell me civialns are dying in israel, because you are not fighting an organized army abiding by the rules. Just explain where is Hezbollah target there?? where is Hezbollah target in another 10 or more massive killing, last of which was in the northest most point in lebanon today where ther are NO shia at all!!!! To me this is collective punishment and if my government would ever do this I would be for my life ashamed of belonging to it. It is funny that for the first time this last week I read some of Israel's past leaders comments about what israel should do to establish Eretz Israel , and among the words used were terrorise them, the arabs, including lebanese... kill thousands... and many more ..I feel ashamed of myself for beleiving for the longest period of my life in a peace agreement and even with good relations with Israeli people as our neighbors. I have many Jew friends, and I even have lebaese Jewish freinds who fully support lebanese civilians, I was hoping they were not an exception to the rule, but unfortunately the more I read here and the more I see what's happening in Lebanon, the more I beleive my hopes went in vain.
89. I think he's been getting pointers from Baghdad Bob
Alex ,   Brooklyn, NY   (08.11.06)
90. Give Nasrallah a Break!
aww give the poooor guy a break. can't you see, the little baby is in denial... and don't crush it for him, cant you see he's excited? It was looking very bleak for Mr. Nasrallah, his organization is being crushed. Now his little party still has a chance to exist-- that's a victory for him. he still gets to sit in bunkers with his smelly armpits and beard lice and rant about how they're all going to monkey heaven. If the UN votes on their ceasefire, he doesn't have to face total annihilation, he doesn't have to face Israel "with it's gloves off"-- the real invincible army. Nasrallah-- what you say you beat was a teddy bear compared to what you're going to get if the resolution doesn't pass. (That is, if the IDF doesn't assasinate you by then!)
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