Iran: Victory celebrations, threats to Israel
Dudy Cohen
Published: 15.08.06, 14:06
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61. lebanese #41
tony ,   PARIS   (08.15.06)
62. iran
Mike ,   USA   (08.15.06)
do those murdering buthcers really think they could win a all out war against the US, Britan, and the IDF. The IDF had one hand tied behind it's back by international pressure. They could of aniliated that god forsaken country. I want them to fire a missle a tel aviv........Iran, syria, and the rest would be unihabitable for centuries. Murders who hide among the civilians, cowardly ignorant, barbarians is what those islamic facist are. Death to Islam
63. Iran: Victory celebrations, threats to Israel
Keith Dawid ,   Mumbai,India   (08.15.06)
64. #22 - excellent article.
Reason ,   Canada   (08.15.06)
It is refreshing to see an informed opinion by someone who is actually affected by this conflict. Everyone should read that article.
65. Shihab 3
Ed Woodward ,   Columbia, S.C., USA   (08.15.06)
Ahmad should consider the Minuteman III. It's a distinct possibility and would solve a multitude of ills.
66. Iranian Celebrations
Larry Swinford ,   Springfield, Missour   (08.15.06)
"Israel destroyed"? "Lebanon won"? Surely you jest. To teasingly taunt Israel, alright, maliciously taunt Israel, for their unfinished business is one thing--Israel destroyed? Did some moron actually think that the inconveniences of Israel vs. the wreckage of Lebanon can possibly be described this way? Seriously, did they actually say that (in their language of course)?
67. Bring Israel to the US
Jake(4 corner Ute) ,   USA, Colorado   (08.15.06)
Why not make Israel the 51st state here in the US. There is plenty of room for 5 million people. I can almost guarantee arab countries would be more than happy to front the bill of moving and rebuilding a state for them here. No more fighting and no more excuses from islam.
68. To 36
Da dude   (08.15.06)
"Ahmadinejad (and most other Muslims) go to considerable lengths to point out that they are not anti-Semitic, simply anti-Zionist. " So please explain to me how denying the holocaust is not anti-semitic? And how come denying Jewish self-determination is perfectly fine. I guess the British were perfectly correct and not racists in denying Irish self determination, especially the english who view themselves racially superior to you Irish. " I'm aware that I would risk carrying my teeth home in my pocket if I told an Iranian he was an Arab. Indeed, I lived in Australia for a time and my own reaction was similar whenever Australians mistook me for a Pommie. However, if the Iranian mindset is not similar to that of their Arab co-religionists then Mr Patai's book is even more flawed than I had thought and the Washington hawks are even more misguided in using it as an aid to understanding the psychology of their Iranian adversaries. " No, you just don't understand middle eastern culture. Here's a simple explanantion. Each ethnic group views itself as better than the other. Hell even arab countries look down upon one another, even though they constantly proclaim to be unified. The best example of this is when Syria was helping kurds in Turkey. The Turkish army started massing forces and started to 'show off' the sword to scare off Syria. However because syria wouldn't stand a chance they backed down. Syria is doing this with Israel, they feel that they can threaten and push Israel around. Iran is now seriously talking this all up and acting very threatening. The fact is that when any weakness is precieved they feel emboldened to attack further. You need to stop sipping tea and listen to what they actually say, and not just for tourists.
69. #s 44 and 49
John Corish ,   Dublin, Ireland   (08.15.06)
44) Hysterical outbursts (such as calling Ahmadinejad Hitler's reincarnation or me stupid) don't add anything to the debate. Yes, I believe from what I've read about him that Ahmadinejad may be clinically insane but I'd need to sit down with him face to face and have a long conversation before I'd be 100% certain of this. I'm unlikely to ever get this opportunity. However, I do think that George Bush should invite him over to spend a weekend in Camp David, crack open a couple of bottles of Jack Daniels and generally shoot the breeze with the guy. Helluva lot better that than the bloodshed that a lot of other people are baying for. 49) Why do some people always equate negotiations with appeasement?
70. Iran is rejoicing in Lebanon's destruction?
AE ,   Houston, USA   (08.15.06)
Because its terror-puppet did a good job of intentionally targeting innocent civilians as their PRIMARY modus operandi? Because the depth of Iran's involvement was revealed to all? Because Iran's $4 Billion worth of weapons and trenches are now mostly destroyed in S. Lebanon? Because Iran's threatening "deterrent" against UN Security Council punitive measures has now been defanged? Because the limits and capabilities of Iran & Syrias Soviet knockoff weapons can now be counter-measured once the battle info is incorporated into Israeli industrial weapons design? Wow. Just imagine how happy Iran will be once TEHRAN LOOKS LIKE SOUTHERN LEBANON later thiis year or early next... Next.
71. When the history of the 21st Century is written
Bill ,   Canton, Ohio, USA   (08.15.06)
this battle may be referred to as the "Pearl Harbor" of World War III. And the sad thing is, we (the US, UK, Israel, et al...) DESERVE this. We have utterly failed in learning the lessons that our grandfathers sacrificed life and limb to teach us. We should all be ashamed.
72. Hizbullah and Lebanon win? Israel destroyed?
Dan ,   jax fl.   (08.15.06)
What version of CNN are they watching in Iran? The U.N. saved the terrorist criminals to fight another day. Israel should remember that the rockets were not falling on the U.N. . The government of Israel should do whatever it takes to preserve itself. Even dumb animals do this. The world leaders sitting safely at a distance passing judgement on a country only guilty of defending its citizens are hypocrites. When the wolf is at their own door maybe they will understand what Israel knows.
73. celebrations now, but what of later ?
kezandra ,   kl   (08.15.06)
These destructive-hungry-pathetic fanatics don't even know what they chanting and celebrating about except to be brain-washed by a sick and demented leader whose sole purpose is to annihilate Israel. Don't any Moslem want to live at all after being birthed???? Moslems that are shouting and declaring 'victory' now, be aware or rather be very afraid and hide in the caves when the God of Israel comes down from heaven to save His chosen ones from your murderous and evil conniving nature. God of Israel is in total control!
74. middle east
mike ,   richmond ,mi   (08.15.06)
what are you all going to do when you are nothing but a pile of glass in terhan and damascuss
75. Is it True?
Silverstien ,   NYC   (08.15.06)
Could this be the End of Israel in the minds of millions? Will the Israelis get so desparate that they are going to fire off missle to upgrade theier image? It appears that the jigg is up. I think that all white skinned people on this planet will suffer for all of the atrocities that we have caused to others. The Vatican, British, White American aristocracy, jews, is going down a road where we have to pay the pied-piper for all of our wrongs.
76. totally agree with you, Adam #27
kezandra ,   kl   (08.15.06)
US, UK and Israel unite to nuke Iran. The idiotic and sick leader must be obliterated. Or the whole world will suffer if this lunatic runs rampant with his actions.
77. #60..stupid f..k bragging about using the bomb...
John ,   PA USA   (08.15.06)
take your f..king ass and keep drinking your beer and jerking off to internet porn you loser... no human being should be allowed to even consider using the*t for brains.
78. next round
human ,   america   (08.15.06)
this is obvyously the first of a multi round battle in a long war. it should have ended with this round but the israeli government did not do its job which was to step aside and alow the army to work. the same is correct for sharon. they all prepared for nothing. if israel is struck by missles from iran, iran will glow for 1000 years and the generations to come will understand that they must take thier futer into thier own hands or get lit up again. a few more "victories" of this sort for iran/hizbulla and everything will be taken care of. either the mob of civilians that support them will wise up (not likely) or be delt such blows that will leave them wiped out or in civil war until peacful leaders come to power. if they understood that the difference between the way the jewish state has prospered and the way some surrounding arab nations wither is because of the leadership aswell as the envolvment of agenda driven(not peace or happiness for its people) foreign governments. israel lives for itself. peace and happiness for its people. and thats why it thrives. like a jelous petty child on a playground. terrorist leaders simply must have control of the shiny prize that was not there until israelis built it. volent arab leaders are divided mainly into 2 categories. 1. power driven 2. ideology driven and the worst is both. why gave egypt and jordan done so well?
79. #23
Bill D ,   NH, USA   (08.15.06)
There are siginificant differences between hezbollah and Israeli defense forces... There is documented proof that Hezbollah fired rockets (unguided - aimed roughly at civilians) into Israel from densly populated areas. If there is anyone to blame for 'collateral damage' it is those low lifes that are nothing more than pawns of Iran. There will be peace only when the Arabs and Iran leave Israel alone. This is unlikely to happen until Iran decides to launch a nuclear first strike and Israel and the US turn Iran into a massive glowstick.
80. Why celebrate???
Paul ,   NJ,USA   (08.15.06)
Why are they celebrating??? If the mission was to destroy Israel, then they failed miserably because Israel still stands, with no land lost. If the mission was simply to survive, then they succeeded, but I thought the main goal was martyrdom, and if so, simply being alive means they failed. What victory??? The US is not going away, democracy still marches on to the dismay and detriment to those who wish to rule over their fellow man. Israel is still around. The day the Iranian government will have to answer for their terror is closer than ever before….. So why celebrate???
81. What a Joke
David Staub ,   Rochester, NY, USA   (08.15.06)
Another Cease Fire (Arabic for RELOAD), Another resolution, more "blue helmets" who can eventually be held hostage by Hizbullah (Iran).............what a joke. IDF should have kept going all the way to Damascus!
82. Iran & Syria DID WIN
Bill ,   Canton, Ohio, USA   (08.15.06)
The body counts and amount of destruction are completely irrelevant. The condition necessary for Iran and Syria's proxy army - Hezbollah, to declare victory was that they simply survive the IDF counter-attack until international pressure forced a cease-fire. They achieved their goal, and they still have the IDF hostages in their custody. Israel has FAILED to meet it's strategic objectives. Hezbollah remains intact and they have not retrieved their captured soldiers. Those of you who have declared an Israeli victory based simply on the amount of destruction the IDF has wreaked upon Lebanon are naive and have a profound misunderstanding of the strategic situation. By this measure of "victory", the Germans won the battle of Stalingrad. With the introduction of the Kornet anti-tank missile, the IDF has lost it's advantage of the invincible Merkava. And to the writer who proposed that the IMI will quickly develop a counter to the Kornet, I would point you to the fact that 12 years after the Kornet's appearance on the battlefield, the US Army still does not have an effective countermeasure to this weapon. The Kornet can "mission kill" an M-1 Abrams tank - a much better weapon than the Merkava. This Hezbollah VICTORY does one thing - it emboldens the Muslim world and shatters the MYTH of Israeli invincibility. All Iran needs is TIME. If they can keep the world community talking, negotiating and hand-wringing long enough, they WILL develop a viable nuclear weapon. Think of the police negotiator who, in a hostage crisis, keeps the bad guy talking so that the snipers and SWAT team have time to assemble and get into position. We are all being played for fools - and maybe fools we all are.
83. Are these guys out of there mind
Sheik Ummn ,   Irvin   (08.15.06)
Nobody won this it was just mass destuction of either ones side. The only thing that fell here was the buildings. Pepole are all but forgoten the next day.
84. #81 - Not far enough
Bill D ,   NH, USA   (08.15.06)
Damascus is not far enough. Tehran is the source of the problem.
85. I love the muslim vigor.
Daniel ,   Houston USA   (08.15.06)
Doesn't it seem odd that the only time a Muslim country yells victory is when they lose many lives. Much like Iraq, when the US would pull out of an area, people would take to the streets yelling victory. I just think it is funny that after so much loss someone or some country can scream victory. Man, you guys are some upbeat people. I think instead of warriors the muslims should just become cheerleaders. Maybe whoever you cheer for might actually succeed at something
86. You Get What You Pay For
Dozer ,   Texas, USA   (08.15.06)
I don't really expect this to remain online, but I'll give it a shot. You get what you ask for: Israel has been snarking land and ejecting people from their homes for over 50 years, and you have the gall to whine when the opposition finally gets around to learning how to actually fight? I used to support Israel without question -- I no longer do. You exist because the US/UK says that you do. Get used to it, and be happy.
87. Land of the Free
Chris ,   USA   (08.15.06)
....and yet you choose to live in this democracy and in this country instead of any other place (yes democracy is wonderful!!!)
88. Wake Up! Religion Is Ridiculous!!
Don L ,   Cleveland, Ohio   (08.15.06)
This is a general statement to everyone, but especially to the author of post #21. It's people who think like YOU who are causing all of the problems in the entire world. You take a look at a conflict and make statements about which side God is on with absolute certainty, even though you have no evidence to support your opinion. And the people on the other side of the conflict do the same thing. Therefore, no peace can be reached because everyone KNOWS that God is on their side, not the side of their enemy... and NO ONE has any evidence that a God even exists. So, until you and the "true believers" on the other side can produce evidence that God exists and that he is on your side, why don't we stop pointing to an invisible sky fairy and deal with our problems in this realm? While we're at it, maybe we should contemplate why an all knowing, all seeing, all powerful God has to encourage humans to fight on his behalf when he could easily just blink and solve everything instantly. Your head needs work.
89. The 60 Minutes interview was an act
Mike ,   New York, USA   (08.15.06)
You cannot seriously be gullable enough to believe that ahmadenijad wants to "talk it out" and solve the issue diplomaticaly. I speak pharci, and what he was saying in the interview was a lot nastier than what was translated. That was the fakest smile/smirk I've ever seen on anyones face. The man is an animal, and humans don't talk to animals, we kill them when they are acting up. He had mentioned that America has the responsibility to start relations with Iran? Oh Yeah? who took the embassy? who held us hostage for over the year and ruined all our relations? This Ahmadinejad guy is a fake, a loser, a liar and he does not want to start relations he wants to end our existence. We should get him before he gets us.
90. #23 Read This
Yasser Arafathead ,   Detroit MI   (08.15.06)
Hey Dummy you got it backwards. The politically correct version of the conflict in the Middle East is that Muslims are always the victims, and that the Israelis’ are always the Villains. Your rant tries to prove that the Muslims are pure victims, This the classic Leftist-Anti Zionist "Politically Correct" view of the conflict. The politically "In-correct” view is that Israel is always justified in its actions. But I guess you probably won’t understand your miss-classification of the term because you facts and logic are painfully flawed, so therefore, I conclude that you are of limited intelligence and it is of no use to have a dialogue with you. I say this to you, basically every time your side plays with fire and you get burned then either quit playing with it or crying about it.
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