Opinion  Soapbox
‘Never again’ or ‘Here we go again’?
Jonathan Pearl
Published: 18.08.06, 23:22
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79 Talkbacks for this article
61. Ziad, #22.
zov ,   rosenberg, tx   (08.20.06)
One can insist: you angle is better and more just. For 60 years UN issued 675 resolutions in your favor, and none to the favor of Israel !!!!
62. #47, Victor
zov ,   rosenberg, tx   (08.20.06)
Your want olimpic game rules to play with human lives? This is how it was done in 1943. Charles Darwin (scientific adviser of Churchill) recomended to bomb not the military objects in Germany by a suburbian civilian population of the workers. Goal: to destroy the families of industrial workers and the potential of military industry through it. Millions of german children were incinerated and that tactics was part of the winning effort. What a pity your were not there to disagree.
63. Thanks for telling the truth!
Anil ,   Redmond, USA   (08.20.06)
64. Rabbi Pearl took the words out of my computer
jason white ,   afula,israel   (08.20.06)
I feel that he expressed my feelings exactly. Let us be as bad as the rest of the world accuses us and maybe they will leave us alone.
65. An article for all you leftist to read and weep.
John ,   NZ   (08.20.06)
It totally justifies Israel right to defend itself.
66. #45: So Where In Israel Are You?
emanon ,   USA   (08.20.06)
67. People don't get it
J ,   Nevada, USA   (08.20.06)
I don't know if some of you, like #23, 30, and 58, are missing the point of his article, or if you are just trying to take it off-topic. He is pointing out that any time a Muslim from anywhere, be it inside Israel or in a neighboring country, detonates a suicide bomb or launches rockets into Israel, pretty much the entire world tells Israel to show restraint when responding. In other words, DO NOTHING. Just let them continue to send rockets and suicide bombers. The entire world never tells Hezbollah to stop. They are never told to stop kidnapping soldiers from inside Israel to hold as hostage for a HEFTY ransom. When Israel put up a wall that was successful in cutting down suicide bombings inside Israel by 90%, the civil rights organizations of the world said that violated the rights of Palestinians. They didn't/don't care that it's saving Israeli lives. That is his point. The world will bash Israel when it defends itself. The world will say nothing when terrorist groups attack Israel. And to the rest of you morons that continue to insist that Israel was targeting civilians: you know as well as I do and the rest of the world does that Hezbollah hides among the civilian population. Of course civilians are going to die. That's not happy stuff to think about. But neither is a terrorist group storing and firing rockets from inside civilian buildings in order to get Israel to bomb it and parade the bodies around screaming "ISRAEL KILLED CIVILIANS!" I have an idea: that's really tough shit. We can take care of the problem now in one swift act, or we can wait and allow the problem to grow. The longer we wait, the more PEOPLE, CIVILIAN and MILITARY that WILL DIE. Israel is dealing with a group of people (A RELIGION) that still lives in the 7th century. They will support other Muslims before they ever support what is right. This is a religion, especially in the Middle East, that does not care for right and wrong, only what is good for their own religion. If Lebanese people die, they will not recognize it as the fault of Hezbollah. They will not see it as self defense. They will only see it as Lebanese people being murdered because that's how they want to see it. They would rather side with Hezbollah to kill more than to kick Hezbollah out and stop the fighting. "Isreal has sowed the seeds for a greater future conflict," Wrong, bucko. The seeds have been there. They are called Hezbollah seeds. As long as THEY are around, there will be conflict, because they WANT conflict. They WANT war and fighting. The more Lebanese that die, the more propaganda they have to use on people like you. The more Israelis they kill the higher their morale is. You people don't understand that these are not peace-loving people. They want to fight and kill everyone that is not a Muslim. Israel did not start anything. The twisted Muslim mentality started it and continues to fuel it. If Israel doesn't stop it now, Israel will be destroyed by these people. If Israel never fires another shot and bows down to every demand from these people it will not change anything. It will only make the Muslims more powerful and confident and lead to an earlier destruction of Israel. It doesn't matter at all what Israel does. These Muslims have been and will continue to push for the destruction of Israel, unless they are destroyed first.
68. Feedback Should Give You Pause
George ,   Atlanta, GA   (08.19.06)
It is clear enough that half-ass way of fighting her war of survival is a suicidal path. It will never bring in any "humanity" points from EU clowns or muslims. In fact, the opposite is true: terrorist attacks and propaganda are always on the upswing, when IDF shows weakness. Wolfs smell blood.
69. Never again’ or ‘Here we go again’?
F.A. Danilov ,   Springfield,VA,USA   (08.20.06)
Rabbai Dr. Pearl's argument strikes a familiar chord with me. Most of the gentiles here that confide their REAL feelings about Israel and Jews to me express the following: Creation of Israel was an unfortunate mistake that was partial compensation for doing NOTHING while millions of European Jews were stripped of their property and assets, jobs, businesses, and finally their lives. (In the U.S. National Archives, there are several thousand aerial photographs of the Nazi death camps from initial land surveys, all through construction and operation until some of the camps were dismantled right before Allied ground forces overran them. The British have many more of such photographs than the Americans.) The fundamentalist Islamists here that the U.S. government keeps adding to via daily influx are very actively anti-Jewish and anti-Israel. The U.S. news networks are becoming more anti-Jewish and anti-Israel (And no wonder, one Saudi sheik owns 30% of Fox news stock all by himself!). For example wide coverage of FAKED Arab casualty scenes in Lebanon. A constant daily barrage of anti-Israel propaganda about the “poor victims” in Lebanon - who of course voted Hezbollah into their government. To my knowledge, Jewish victims in Israel and their ravaged houses shot through with high velocity ball bearings from Hezbollah rockets have NEVER been shown on TV or in newsprint in the Metropolitan Washington, DC area. The story of the shooting of the Jewish women in Washington State by the Pakistani immigrant did not make the front page, even though it was a blatant act of terrorism. Instead, it was listed as a possible hate crime. What are solutions? We need better PR from Israel (need a Ministry for external propaganda - after all, the truth IS on our side!) and Jewish organizations world-wide. Every Jew everywhere needs to get involved. In case you have yet to get the message: we are in a long-term war. If we lose, we lose all.
70. to #25
Sivan ,   Israel   (08.20.06)
Maybe the arabs have influence on the world because of the oil, but, Jews have influnenced the world since the beginning of time. Just few examples: Jesus, Einstein, Freud http://famous.heebz.com/nobel1.html, http://famous.heebz.com/science1.html http://famous.heebz.com/team1.html I can add more links.
71. They hate us when we live...
m ,   ny   (08.20.06)
They hate us when we die. They hate us when we win. They hate us when we lose. We might as well live. We might as well win.
72. to #71
Sivan ,   Israel   (08.20.06)
Well said.
73. neutral
I dont think this is even a matter of how many lives were lost anymore ..its simply a matter of principle! Conflicts between the Arabs and Israelis have been going on for roughly one hundred years now. Personally, i dont think these conflicts and wars will stop until eventually one side is crushed...and if in the case its Lebanon for an example, the rest of the arab League community will crush Israel without demur. Its the cold-hard truth. The only way Israel even has a chance of staying and keeping its territiory is with the constant support of the Western community (Which they already recieve from the United States and the powerful Jewish figures who influence the American government). Numbers prove that Lebanese are the "victims" in this situation, but then again i can in some way comprehend that Israel is squashed inbetween some of the most pro-muslim nations in the region. (The six or so nations which commenced the Arab League) I bet its not easy keeping their territory with so many enemies surronding the Israelis. I take no sides, (but i know the situation would be different if i was Israeli or Muslim-Arab) in this situation. In fact i believe that taking sides in these conflicts only worsens and creates even more of a sense of unstability and hatred between the two diverse cultures and religions.
74. to#12
You are absolutely right. History has shown that giving them our land did not bring peace. For them, each time that we have done it, they feel that they're one step closer to getting it all which is their ultimate goal. They are not interested with peace with us. They do not recognize us and our rights to this this land. How can peace be achieved with entities that want us destroyed? No other country would go for what Israel has had to endure for over 58 years.
75. To # 8
Vincent ,   Haifa   (08.20.06)
Ahh the small mind of a Muslim. You cant really make this comparison. Hezbollah terrorists fired over 4000 rockets at Israel. The fact that they didnt kill 4000 people is irrelevant. They were meant to. In fact they were meant to kill 400,000 people if it was possible. But there was no way to aim them and that is why only a small number of people were killed. Had they any sort of guidance system, then your wish would have come true. And as for Israel, the IAF flew over 2000 sorties (probably more) and fired thousands upon thousands of howitzer shells. Heck, she even warned people to get outta the way. She could have easily killed half a million people, but she didnt. The IAF went after specific targets, with civilians (maybe they werent all civilians) caught in the crossfire. So to you I say, stop being an anti-semite. And to the prof, I give him back his Phd bec/ his math is "right on target". Lol.
76. worldwide media and governments
J ,   Nevada, USA   (08.20.06)
One thing Israel and all the Jews (I am not one) have to remember is that, while much of the US population is with them, much of the US government will not join their side. America is not the superpower it used to be. We have traded what used to make us great for tolerance (otherwise known as intolerance for dissenting views for those in the "tolerance" movement) and complacency. America will be reluctant to do anything to openly support and help Israel because of the political correctness that has infected every aspect of government and much of daily life. Do not rely or count on America to help in a significant way anytime soon. We have lost our will to stand up for what is right and take action against what is wrong. If a Muslim country came knocking on our door looking for a fight, our government would likely want to talk it out and appease them and give them stuff in order to avoid fighting them. Our backbone and standing up for ourselves and the right thing to do is pretty much gone. And the media will NEVER be on Israel's side. That is something Israel cannot escape. Even the most conservative (there are none. FOX news is NOT conservative in the least) TV stations will never support and/or endorse Israel. Political commentators may, but the Presidents and CEOs of these companies or their "news" time never will. It will soon come to the point where Israel will have to destroy several countries before the threat to it is gone. Then, the chances are that France and Europe will destroy Israel in retaliation (which makes no sense. But that is the modern liberal Europe.) The only hope for the West to survive is to have Muslim terrorist groups act within Western countries and kill millions of innocent civilians before any of us wake up. 9/11 was a wake-up call... for about a month. I fear it will take one or a few nuclear bombs going off inside large cities before we realize that we have to do something. I hope I am wrong, but it does not look like I am.
77. Fed Up!
Bruce ,   Bakersfield ca., u.s   (08.21.06)
I am fed up with Islam and their crop. Can you imagine a return to the 13th or earlier centuries in Europe? That is what this Crop is like. I don't care about their petty religious differences. I don't care if their major Religious Figure was a Pedophile. I am ready for the Big one, and I wish the once and present "King" of the U.S., Geo. Bush The II would do it. If only they didn't have some other better plan?
78. What is your kidnapped solders value?
James ,   Toledo Oho USA   (08.21.06)
79. to 37
SHAI ,   Israel   (08.21.06)
Funny how the numbers game isn't an issue when you asak for 1000's of prisoners in exchange for 2 of ours - what, your lives are worth more than ours, and your prisoners more than ours?
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