Reiner: Gibson come clean on 'Passion'
Associated Press
Published: 26.08.06, 14:17
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61. Reiner
Bill ,   U.S.   (08.27.06)
Mr. Reiner should learn to forgive. The Passion in my view put demonic influence as the main culprit in the crucifiction of Christ. This point is never spoken of though. Mr. Reiner needs to open his mind and realize that Christ was a threat to the system. I saw Romans having their hands in the crucifiction as well. So in my mind we are all to blame. Just as Christ was a threat then he is today, just look at the middle east. Mr. Reiner should realize that if not for Christians in this country Isreal would be over run, but as a true judge of humanity, Mr. Reiner probably does'nt care about his homeland. He directs attention to the 21st century poster boy of Christianity. Look at the real threats to this world Reiner.
62. Reiner's comments on Gibson
Jack ,   Dayton, USA   (08.27.06)
Judging from Mr. Reiner's comments, I would expect that if he made a film based on a book that recounts a historical event, he would revise the facts as related in that book to fit his view of how the book "should" have related the story. For example, the US accepted the gift of this continent from the Native Americans, the South was not in favor of slavery, Lincoln was accidently shot by Booth, the Germans didn't sink the Lusitania, Hitler didn't hate and murder Jews, Radical Muslims didn't destroy the Twin Towers, etc. Wise up, Meathead. Gibson recounted the record of Jesus' murder as told in the Gospel. It was told as history, not a New York Times Op/Ed piece. Give us a break.
63. Rob Reiner
R. Nelson ,   Dana Point, CA. USA   (08.27.06)
It doesn’t surprise me that Rob Reiner would eventually show his ignorance. Reiner has been critical of President Bush, Mel Gibson to same a couple. He was recently quoted by AP slamming Gibson for “his views reflected in his work”. Didn’t Mr. Reiner make a film reflecting his views? Don’t most artists work reflect their views? Perhaps Mr. Reiner believes that only he has the right to have his views out in public. Perhaps Mr. Reiner dose not understand that freedom of speech is for every one, not just for Rob Reiner. In fact I am tired of Mr. Reiner’s lack of tolerance toward his fellow man. Just whom do you think you are Mr. Reiner? You are beginning to annoy me. I am the voice of the majority. I am the veteran that has spilled his blood for our country. I am the citizen that has worked 30 years in the fire service, serving my fellow man, proud to be an American. Just what is it that you have done? Nothing except to complain about people that are doing good. You are a disgrace to the country you live in. Why don’t you do something positive instead of spewing all of the negativity that you are so well known for. Do something good for a change. It wouldn’t be so bad if even a small portion of your dribble were true. Mr. Reiner you need to move on or move out. R. Nelson
64. rob reiner is still a MEATHEAD
65. to #42 re #32
Rosie ,   Boston USA   (08.27.06)
Very funny comment coming from a F
66. Mel must confess!
Bill ,   Baltimore, USA   (08.27.06)
So, Rob... Mel has to confess? Why? If he's an anti-semite, then fine, let him be one. He's the one who has to pay. One might ask why Rob isn't trying to force a confession from Michael Moore of his anti-americanism. Rob?
67. Rob Reiner on Mel & Passion
Bethaney Smith ,   Tyler,Tx   (08.27.06)
Mel gibson has nothing to apologize about concerning Passion. He used his money to make his film, which is bibically accurate. I find it quite comical that all you "Hollywood" people have been so judgemental & demanding of him, when we all know many of you would not survive if your laundry was air in such a public way.
68. Rob Reiner's misunderstanding of "The Passion of the Christ"
SAHMmy ,   Chandler, U.S.A.   (08.27.06)
Reiner became the first "celebrity" that I know of who has publically tried to taint a profound and beautiful film with the bad behavior of the filmaker, in this case. Mr. Reiner has his own lapses of judgement to deal with before he goes looking for the beam in his neighbor's eye.
69. Reiner vs Gibson
Allan ,   Acton, Ma   (08.27.06)
First, I suspect that those who rail agaist Gibson's remarks have their own bias to deal with. Gibson may at some level have a bias but inttelectually he knows it's wrong and works to prevent it from having anything to do with his life. Drinking however lessens that control and the result can be what happened. That still does not make him a bigot just another of we humans working to control the bias programed into our being by outside influences. Allan
70. Rob Reiner, lecturing Mel?
Leo ,   ABilene, TX   (08.27.06)
This false Jew, Rob Reiner, hides behind his heritage, but shows no compassion to Mel Gibsen. I resent his grandstanding, and moralizing, being that he is false, Jew in name only.
71. reiner
patrick gigliotti ,   santa monica ca   (08.27.06)
why does Meathead not speakout against Cynthia McKinney's or John Conyers? these two Democrats Congressmen actually vote on policy that directly affects Jews and the Jewish State. Gibson is a loudmouth and a fool but he is only a play actor he can't pass legislationto condemn Jews, Reiner's Democrat buddies can and do.
72. rob reiner vs mel gibson
jesse valadez ,   mojave ca usa   (08.27.06)
I'll take mel gibson any day, he made a mistake, but he is still a better man, than rob reiner .Rob Reiner is still MEATHEAD in my book.
73. a and b
RRRJR60 ,   Scotts Valley, Ca.   (08.27.06)
What A says about B says more about A than B.
74. thank you Paqid Yirmeyahu
J Baustian ,   San Diego CA USA   (08.27.06)
Rob Reiner has little credibility on any topic. And even if he is Jewish, this would include Jewish history. Mel Gibson went to incredible lengths to be as historically accurate as possible. As there are no contemporary documents -- everything that is known was written down much later -- there is no possibility that Gibson succeeded in creating something totally accurate. But that is irrelevant. He did his best. I am no biblical historian. But it is my understanding that most of the indigenous people of that region were Jews. Who does Rob Reiner believe caused the execution of Jesus? Greeks? Persians? As Paqid Yirmeyahu points out, different groups of Jews had conflicting purposes. In a power struggle between these groups, innocent and not-so-innocent individuals probably got caught in the middle. Jesus, a Jew who was not in one of these powerful groups, became a victim.
75. Reiner
Ron ,   Portland, USA   (08.27.06)
Reiner should realize that it is obnoxious Jews like him that make people anti-semitic. Gibson doesn't have to apologize for anything about his movie.
76. Reiner and Gibson
Anita Salsedo ,   Fresno, Ca.   (08.27.06)
Rob Reiner should work on his own apology for what he tried to pull in California. Mel Gibson has apologized already and the rest is between him and God.....not him and the Hollywood liberals. Get over it!!
77. Who made Reiner spokesman?
Tim ,   Miami FL USA   (08.27.06)
I agree that Mel Gibson said some ugly anti-Semitic things. But who made Rob Reiner spokesman for the Jews, and who has given him the authority to condemn or absolve Mel Gibson? The Passion of the Christ was not made to show guilt of the Jews (any more than it was to show the guilt of the Romans or whoever), but to show the suffering and sacrifice of Christ.
78. to: Djaizari in France
Bruce Kent   (08.27.06)
Please Djazairi. The Muslims do not believe the crucifixion ever occured and many believe was a muslim. There absurd and distorted narrative would have us believe Abraham and Moses were muslims, as well.
79. Rob Reiner on Gibson
Jane E ,   Scranton, PA   (08.27.06)
Excuse me, but throughout his career, Rob Reiner has taken plenty of pot shots at Christianity. He did his best to dismantle Christian morality and poke insults at Christianity, beginning with his portrayal of "Meathead" on All in the Family. Rob, why don't you apologize to the world's Christians?
80. #41, Mary
J ,   washington dc   (08.27.06)
You ignorant trollop, name any Jew who actually ran anything in the Soviet Union let alone the entire country? I believe Stalin had most of them removed from any government positions. Your hatred of Jews clouds your judgment I suppose. I suppose you also hate the Virgin Mary too, afterall she was a Jew.
81. Rob Reiner
Bigref ,   USA   (08.27.06)
Mr. Reiner has SO MUCH to for which to apologise, such as every movie he has ever produced, he needs to learn the virtue of silence. His movies have portrayed every known "politically correct" stereotype known. Self righteosness is beyond his limited reach.
82. Religion
Garrobo ,   Choloma, Honduras   (08.27.06)
If you want to see a peaceful Earth then you must eradicate all religion. No subject has caused more wars, killing and destruction in the annals of history.
83. Who killed Jesus? That is the question!
Tom ,   La Quinta   (08.27.06)
I have seen Gibson's 'Passion' movie. It has been argued that the Passion is anti-semitic, which is what Reiner says. I don't agree. Too bad many people refuse to consider that the basis of the crucifixion was G_d's purpose to have Jesus crucified for the redemption of humanity. Jesus, a Jew clearly said it was his father's will that he should suffer and die, Jesus did have the change to save himself from death, but willingly allowed himself to be whipped, scourged and crucified. Jesus did suffer and die for the sins of many. So in reality, the perfect plan of salvation was G_D's all along. The Jews and the Gentiles (Roman/Gentile Govt) were instruments, albeit knowing or unknowing instruments of that plan. According to Genesis 3:15, which was a prophesy of what would happen to "offispring of the woman"
84. #23
Gregg ,   Pittsburgh, USA   (08.27.06)
More proof that women should keep their mouth shut when dealing with matters of theology. The Catholic Church has gotten it right. Your views are as historically inaccurate as they are specious.
85. What a "Meathead" remark?!?
Bill Fry ,   Gulf Breeze, FL, USA   (08.27.06)
Okay Mr. Reiner, then let's call into question any film you've ever directed or had a major part in, that reflected any form of Jewish faith or practice and any time after that you, Mr. Reiner, embarrassed yourself, said things you really didn't want to be remembered for while intoxicated or high or ? The real tragedy 2 years ago was Hollywood's bigotry toward what history will one day say was probably the greatest depiction of the "passion of the Christ"! Bill Fry - (a Messianic Jew with no apology!)
Jack Robinson ,   Brunswick, GA   (08.27.06)
I want Rob Reiner to come clean about being a total IDIOT!!!
87.  Let's be honest and fair
TB ,   Phoenix, Arizona   (08.27.06)
Ok, first thing the notion that all Jews were lined up to kill Jesus is wrong. It was a very small, and powerful group that not only plotted against Him, but also spilled innocent blood. Secondly, the first churches of Christians were ALL Jews. Third, Jesus was a Jew; His lineage is documented very well. Last, why after all of this time do we let something so stupid like, a drunk mouthing off become such a huge issue, and why do you let someone who I didn’t even know was Jewish (Riener) get headlines by opening that sewer he calls a mouth.
88. Settle down people.
Jim ,   Austin, Texas   (08.27.06)
Jesus was a Jew. We all know that. The Passion of the Christ is not anti-semitic. if it is, then all Catholics are, because it is a Catholic themed movie based on the stations of the cross. It references the bible obviously. No one leaving that movie should feel any hatred towards anyone, that is not the point of the movie, if they do then they already harbor anti-semitism and are using that movie to reinforce their perturbed beliefs. The movie is a life altering experience and it encourages you to know more about Jesus, who he was and his philosphy at the minimum. Jesus was a revolutionary, he wanted to change the hearts of men and he paid an ultimate sacrifice to do so. Modern Catholics recognize Jews as the chosen people and of a true faith. Modern Catholics embrace science, rule of law, and separation of church and state. Rend unto Ceasar what is Ceasar's. We are goverend by but two commandments, love your fellow man as you love yourself. And, Love God with all your heart, mind, and soul. So any Christian that promotes hatred of any sort against a fellow human being, is not acting in the footsteps of Christ. This includes hatred of Jews, Homosexuals, deviants, rapists, murderers, muslims etc. Christians also believe in free will.
89. I did it
Greg ,   Jacksonville,FL,USA   (08.27.06)
#29 gets it right first. The Jewish Leadership falsely accused Jesus of blasphemy. The Roman gov't executed him. The gentiles cheered. Romans, Jews and Gentiles were also among those who were appalled. I sinned and Jesus paid the sin debt for me and for all of us, on the cross. If you believed something that wasn't true would you want to know? I recommend reading the whole Bible, and for the nitty gritty about who killed who, skip ahead to the Gospel accounts. To better understand how and why that could happen, go back to Isaiah 53, among others. Two eyewitnesses, Matthew and John, are among those you'll hear from. For help with the subject I recommend Josh Mcdowells short book 'More than a Carpenter'. More than that, ask God to show himself to you and he will. Jesus is my Lord GF
90. #22 - Josephus wrote about Jesus
Bible Reader ,   USA   (08.27.06)
"3. Now there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man; for he was a doer of wonderful works, a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews and many of the Gentiles. He was [the] Christ. And when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men among us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him; for he appeared to them alive again the third day, as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him. And the tribe of Christians, so named for him, are not extinct at this day. " “Jewish Antiquities”, by Flavius Josephus. Book 18, Chapter 3, paragraph 3. Paragraph 3 is the Testimonium Flavianum itself, which contains the reference to Jesus Christ.
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