Marzel declares 'holy war' against gay parade
Published: 18.09.06, 16:21
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61. Strange - No Parade in Mecca?
Yehudi ,   USA   (09.19.06)
Or Tehran? Or Baghdad? Oh, that's right. There they'd cut off your heads. In Jerusalem you can pull off a Mardi Gras on tisha b'av with the Supreme Court's bracha!
62. I am kinda mad about lesbians.
D- ,   San Diego, USA   (09.19.06)
They lower the ratio of avaiable women to men. But other guys can be gay all they want. Why complain about that unless you're a homo yourself?!
63. Calm Down
Douglas ,   Ottawa, Canada   (09.19.06)
People, you have to get over your superstitious beliefs about homosexuals. Get your heads out of the Bronze Age and start living in the post information age. It wouldn't be a bad idea if you learned some manners as well. You can start by learning how to respect people.
64. Jesus can change the homosexual
Stephen ,   Connecticut - USA   (09.19.06)
As a man who once engaged in homosexuality for 11 yrs, set free for over 15 years - happily married to my wife for 13, father of two for 8 yrs - let's give these homosexual men and women hope. Let's show them the love of Jesus the Messiah. "Religious extremists declaring a holy war" - or "the love of Christ"? Christ IS the answer for the homosexual!
65. reprobate
meme ,   usa   (09.19.06)
Rom 1:21-27 21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. 24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator-- who is forever praised. Amen. 26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. (NIV) Rom 1:28 28 Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. (NIV)
66. The issues of religious versus secular.
Zev ,   New Jersey, USA   (09.19.06)
I suppose my gripe is the strife that this parade is breeding between my Jewish brothers and sisters. The line is basically drawn between religious and secular and that deeply pains me. I am Orthodox. Therefore, my position is probably immediately known and some may have ignored this prior to reading it in search of an opinion that agrees with their own. I do not hate homosexual Jews. I love my Jewish brothers and sisters as anyone should love and care for the welfare of their family. It doesn't say in the Torah love your fellow Charedi, fellow Ashkenazi, fellow blonde-haired Jew, etc. It says to love your fellow as yourself. Part of that love is a respect of Hashem's creations. We may disagree with their actions, but as we would expect to be respected, so to should we respect others. I do not believe homosexual behavior to be moral and I'm entitled to my belief. However, the respect is a two-way street. If most of the residents of Yerushalayim are religious (which they are), then to have a Gay Pride parade there, when it could be anywhere and have the media cover it anyway, is provocative. Clearly that is not a display of respect at all. Yerushalayim is a holy city to the religiously observant Jews of the world. But it's obvious taht from both sides we may have issues respect I pray that no one gets hurt. It's not upon us to kill homosexuals. It's not upon us to threaten their lives. It's not upon us strap bombs to ourselves. It's upon us to keep Yerushalayim atop our foremost joy. It is upon us to preserve the holiness of the city at which our greatness as a people once shined. But we cannot forget the Torah in the process. Nor can we forget the human beings. Each one of us is a precious jewel to Hashem and ultimately he will resolve all disputes.
67. Stephen - # 68
Angel ,   Brooklyn, US   (09.19.06)
I don't doubt your life story, I've known many men and women who have opted for a heterosexual lifestyle despite being homosexual. My question is, why? If that was the person you were, the person you grew to be, why would you change it? The answer is because that was your life's journey, that was your decision, and you don't have to answer to anyone for it, because its yours. By the same code, no one should have to answer to your opportunity to spread "hope." People's lives are their own, and if they find fulfillment in their belief that they are homosexual, who are you to offer them an alternative?
68. Zev #66- Contradictory Logic of Orthodox
JS ,   Israel   (09.20.06)
Zev, secular Israelis (the majority) do not believe in god and hocus pocus religious superstitions and mythologies. If you expect us to respect your religious practices which we find disgusting (eg. Metsitsah, Agunot) , you need to respect our right to peacefully march down the street in Israel's capital city. I commend you for reaching out and being pained by the divide between religious and secular, but Orthodox Jews need to confront the fact that they are the ones threatening and (as I saw with my own eyes last year) using violence. Just as I would never dream of disturbing your prayer on Yom Tov in your synagogue, you should extend me the courtesy and not disturb my festival which takes place once a year. If you feel that I am misguided and sinning, then stay home and read Tehilim. There's something insincere about "Orthodox" Jews who want to use physical force to stop the parade. If they were really pious and true people of faith they would stay away from the gay pride parade and spend the day praying or learning Talmud. Put this in perspective-- they're not mobilizing to raise Tsdaka for needy families or orphans-- they are using time that could be spent doing Mitzvot, to HATE and incite hatred against a group of fellow Jews.
69. JS, the majority of (Jewish) Israelis are not secular (68)
sk ,   USA   (09.20.06)
... at least as they describe themselves. Most Israelis do have some level of Jewish belief and practice. I think something like 40% (?) describe themselves as secular.
70. Reuven (58) gets a lecture on functionalism.
sk ,   USA   (09.20.06)
Reuven, I am struggling mightily to avoid language that would convey my abhorrence for your anti-gay slurs in 29 and for your shoddy Judaism as well. (So now the fags are responsible for the Great Flood too? And as for Sodom and Gomorrah, it is laughable to read it as being about homosexual behavior per se; your interpretation is about as Jewish as Jerry Falwell's and more Catholic than the Pope's. As I have said several times, Orthodoxy in Israel is an intellectual mess. It combines really stupid Protestant-type biblical literalism with outlandishly "innovative" traditions that have as much biblical support as Catholic Christmas Mass. But at least the Pope has some unambiguously anti-gay texts he can rely upon.) Anyway, I urge readers to review our exchange at,7340,L-3253552,00.html as I do not agree that you portray your position accurately here regarding the expulsion of Jews. However, since I think you are sincere, I will try another approach, this time based on "functionalism." You say: "Evicting any Jew out of his home in Eretz Yisroel is repulsive and can only be justified in a clear situation of Pikuach Nefesh as determined by our Poskim. " As you may know, functionalism in the social sciences focuses on assessing something (such as a ritual) by observing the measurable consequences of it, as opposed to what its participants claim the thing is about. For example, a rain dance enhances group cohesion for the participants, which is a good in itself, and, having good consequences, such a dance tends to become part of the culture even though "ineffective" in bringing rain. What is the function of the "Pikuach Nefesh" (saving lives) biz? This made much sense when Jews lived in shtetls -- when we were weak. We Jews are not weak anymore, and I thought Israel was home to the New Jew. So, when you say that expulsions are bad unless they "save lives" I wonder how that could EVER be applicable in Israel. But -- miraculously! -- "saving lives" turns out to be applicable whenever really nice servings of pork (e.g., government money for Jewish education, infrastructure, and new tinted glasses for Rabbi Ovadiah Yossef) are at stake. It is not applicable, however, when the issue is gay Jewish teens who hang themselves because they feel they cannot live (to quote you) with their "immorality by definition," their profanation of what is sacred, their "debaseness," their "perversion," etc. Those lives aren't worth saving, apparently. And don't give any BS about Leviticus when your beloved Haredim help give the Land away to the enemy, utterly disregarding clear Torah prohibitions not to do so. You see, your "Poskim" (the one with the tinted glasses?) just happens to give the green light to trash Torah when big money is involved. Suddenly, he finds "conflicting principles," but none when the gay teenager next door hangs himself. Do I believe that you, Reuven Brauner, think this way consciously? No, I suspect you don't. BUT THAT DOES NOT LESSEN YOUR ROLE IN PERPETUATING A REPREHENSIBLE POGROM AGAINST GAY JEWS. In addition, this "saving lives" business does indeed support actual "convergence," "realignment," etc., because "saving lives" is the excuse used by the Haredim to justify keeping a government in place that is intent on expelling Jews. It makes no difference that you do not see yourself as a cog in such a machine; your ideology makes you part of it.
#1 Sign of civilizations in decline and ripe for judgment or destruction is: RANK PAGANISM HOMO'S PARADING INJUSTICE TO POOR WEAK GODLESS LEADERS -Ancient Rome -Ancient Babylon -Ancient Egypt -Sodom & Gommorah -Pompei How much more the City called by God's name and beloved of Him? Read your Torah Israel - GOD WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS blasphemous affronting fist in His face. NEVER. His judgement on this will be swift. War and violent enemies knock at your gates now. The only One who has ever held them at bay has always been God. While Christian's worldwide earnestly work, rally, donate, and pray daily for Israel's peace, safety, victory and comfort - because we believe Torah, Tanakh & New Testament - you are allowing outrageous blasphemy against God. God's love for Israel is unmistakable in the Bible, but His abhorrence of their wanton sins against Him is palpable. Zechariah says, 2/3 of Israel will be devastated in the upcoming military battle. 2/3 of 6 mil is 4 million! people! Blind Israel, see the storm gathering now. God will not allow Israel to profane His name. READ LAMENTATIONS!
72. 21-Blatant homos are only a SYMPTOM of the lowest point
74. Then there are the annoying homohating Christians (71-73).
sk ,   USA   (09.20.06)
When they have the nerve to lecture Jews on Torah, they frequently show themselves to be missionaries -- who should be expelled from a truly Jewish Israel immediately. Think on that the next time a fishface starts badmouthing your fellow Jew.
75. 74 - You obviously don't believe Torah
76. TO: 74 & All Pro-Paraders
Christian's are the #1 supporters of Israel and Jews because of Torah. True Christian’s suffer when Israel and Jews suffer because of our common faith in Torah and Tanakh; so Christian's and Jews worldwide work and pray 24/7 for Israel. Don't accuse us of "badmouthing" because you can't "reconcile" Torah irreconcilably rejects “homos” as "abomination". Torah and history shows how “godless Jewish leaders and godless Jews” wrought destruction on God’s people Israel. Recently, rockets, ambulances and war filled Israel’s south. Currently, greater war is brewing. Israel's enemies are at Israel's gates and burrowing beneath it too. Under the circumstances, having “the nerve to lecture Jews on Torah” is imperative for godly Jews and Christians. 1. J'lem is the city where God put His name [per Torah] * 2. Jews are the people called by God's name [per Torah] If Israel allows and protects a "homo" parade so it can march on J’lem a) God's city, b) among God's people, c) for ALL THE WORLD TO SEE AND HISS! God’s judgment will be immediate against such demonic hatred of God‘s Torah [per Torah]. Speaking of demonic, Islam-o-facists spout the “righteousness” of their “religious” terrorism against Jews, how much more would a homosexual parade allowed by Jews in Jerusalem lend them self-serving excuse and induct previously neutral muslims against Israel? If you can’t see the obvious spiritual warfare, see the obvious tactical and national security interests. "the nerve to lecture Jews on Torah"? You have nerve to speak of Torah as if you know and believe it. If you did, homos in J’lem would not be “harmless freedom of speech” and labeled “homohating“. What’s “hated“ is Israel’s suffering for blatant sins against Torah (like "giving land for peace" against Torah. And, surprise! getting rockets, kidnaps, deaths and more terrorism! WHEN! WILL YOU LEARN ISRAEL! FILLS TORAH TOO! Israel already suffers for doing right, for prevailing, for truth, for success, for goodness, for decency, for being God’s beloved people. Israel needs to suffer for more willful sin too?! No more destructions and dispersions please. *Satellite photos of Israel clearly show: YHWH is engraved in the landscape.
77. Parade of Ignorance
Sue Brown ,   Lubbock, Tx.   (09.25.06)
Would it not be more symbolic for the Parade to be moved to the Dead Sea??? Lot's wife could watch. How sad for their souls.
78. Christians are the #1 supporters of Israel ... (76)
sk ,   USA   (09.26.06)
If Christians want to support Jews and Israel, terrific. However, when they lecture Jews on Torah and dictate what Jews should or should not do in Israel, they are being arrogant and presumptuous. When they do missionary work in Israel (which they do), stealing Jewish souls, they should be expelled. "the nerve to lecture Jews on Torah"? You have nerve to speak of Torah as if you know and believe it. If you did, homos in J’lem would not be “harmless freedom of speech."" Look, you do not believe in Torah as a whole, and you certainly do not follow most of it. You believe in the "New Testament" and the incorporation of Tanakh into Christianity. That's your business, but Israel is not a Christian amusment park. You control enough of the world, thank you. I have already pointed out elsewhere why I dispute the Christian "reading" of Leviticus that is regularly trotted out. Hashem, it seems, just doesn't have much to say on the topic of homosexuality. I agree, though, that there are some important homohating Christian documents. They, of course, don't concern me. And as for source of the destruction of G-d's people, I would be much more concerned about sinat chinam.
79. #5 Fadi
Dooby ,   Alice in Wonderland   (10.18.06)
Come and live in Jerusalem I am sure that everyone will love you
80. Sodom and Gommorha
Fuat ,   Giessen,Germany   (10.19.06)
Oh ISRAEL, G-D has brought you after 2000 ýears back to Your PROMISED LAND, and this is the way you worship him, with a parade of abomination , in his HOLY CITY , SHAME ON YOU, you will bring his Punishment on yourself, and you deserve it. Instead of being a righteous example for the Nations, you Mock G_D . But you are deceaving yourselves. Turn down this ABOMINATION and REPENT!!!!!!
81. Hate Sin
Dwayne stringer ,   Columbia   (10.19.06)
I do hate sin, but not the sinner and God expects His people to stand against it. The Holy bible clearly teaches that Homosexuality is an abomination to Him. Why then would He ever want His people to remain silent?
82. Gay Parade
Dwayne stringer ,   Columbia, MS USA   (10.19.06)
I lived and worked in Israel and there learned why God has allowed so much devastation to come upon theses people. He divorced them when He turned to us the Gentiles. Now we have become so wicked in America, I believe He has already turned His back on us. All one needs to do is read Romans Chapter 1, and learn why God has left America. I believe He will still bless us, that are saved through His Son Jesus Christ, Individually, but not as a nation. May He have mercy on Israel and America.
83. Born
Cherokee   (10.19.06)
According to God's word, as explained in Romans Chapter 1, you or no one else was born that way. Now, if you desire to call God a liar, then I will leave that between you and Him. How could God possibly make someone that way and then call their acts an abomination? May He have mercy on you and show you the truth.
84. Gays
Cherokee ,   USA   (10.19.06)
I believe homosexuality is why God has now truned His back on America. We have One President to thank for really adding fuel to the Gay Movement in America. May God Bless you for your stand.
85. Sodom
Cherokee ,   USA   (10.19.06)
Hello my German brother in Christ. God has been run out of America, I believe largely due to homosexuality. We had one president, Clinton, that really got the gays to come out of their closets here. May God have mercy on his soul.
86. Gays in general
vichyvachy ,   Canada   (10.22.06)
Recently, an open-minded N Amer. ORTHODOX rabbi was quoted in the press here: "Gay marriage? Will also have to live in a world where sell pork." (From an atheist, who never fails to remind Christians & Muslims that they wouldn't have their present-day god if the ancient Hebrews hadn't created one based on earlier man-made prototypes.)
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