Danish TV shows cartoons mocking Mohammad
Published: 07.10.06, 09:06
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31. #21- If the shoe fits, wear it!
Richard Lawrence ,   Ireland   (10.07.06)
32. 24
Fares ,   cleveland   (10.07.06)
you are wrong ,when we open jerusalem ,our khaliph OMAR refused to pray in the church out of respect ..and the fear that Muslims in the coming generations will turn it to a Mosque .. Saudi is the only place on earth that is Islam exclusive ....sorry ..but that is the only place on earth ..but you can have your bible at home pal or pray at home is not true that you can't . muslims are being prosecuted worldwide not the opposite have palestine ,india as examples . the pope ..that is a diferent story there ..he wanted to fill his churches in europe ..that is why he said what he said . the west imposed the dictators in our countries ...we would have never moved this is not chrostian countries .. basically ,you are dump.
33. 23 Fares
Casiopea   (10.07.06)
I buy Danish cookies, which are delicious, and all the Israeli products I can get.
34. To the appeasing fool #4 ole in Denmark
What, again? ,   USA   (10.07.06)
Everyone can find a reason to act in an agressive manner. That does not give them the right to. You're a Christian, aren't you? Don't you believe in free will? Don't you believe that people have the choice to act with morality and restraint instead of violence? Do Muslims get a pass on morality just because they feel oppressed? What about the other peoples of the earth? I agree that the Mohammed caricatures are in bad taste and a needless provocation, and Muslims have the right to complain about it, but they don't have a right to censor the free press. If they can't accept the concepts of free speech and freedom of the press without resorting to intimidation and violence, then they should not live among those that do. Period.
35. Fares from Cleveland: YOU'RE wrong
Jesus WAS a Jew. In fact, the only prophet who WASN'T a Jew was named Mohammed. Jews recognize Jesus as one of many prophets, and believe me, in the Hebrew Bible, there are MANY. He was not the first to be resurrected either (what about the raising of Lazarus?) What Jews do NOT believe is that a man can become a deity. The ten commandments forbid it. I've never understood why Islam claims to revere prophets like Abraham or Jesus, then turns around and tries forcibly to convert the people who brought forth these prophets. Isn't it just another attempt by Islam to gain control of everything they can get their hands on?
36. Hey #30 Palestinian
Dear Sir, Please point me in the direction of the Dome of Rock. Last time I checked, it is in Jerusalem, right over the Temple Mount in the ruins of the Second Jewish Temple looted by the Romans. Now, who did you say was spreading lies?
37. 32. Fares
Casiopea   (10.07.06)
I didn’t know your Khaliph Omar refuse to pray in a church thinking it should be converted into a mosque. If that is so, that khaliph was an exception. Muslims used to demolish churches, synagogues and whichever other temple they can and build mosques on the spot. In Saudi Arabia you cannot pray and read the Bible at home. Not long ago, a group of Philipinos were caught reading the bible at home. All of them were arrested, even the children, and the man who lived at that home was also flogged. It is not infrequent to read news like that. As for other countries, non-Muslims are persecuted, harassed and murdered. In Pakistan, Christians are given the death penalty for futile reasons, sometimes fabricated. Three or four teen girls who attended a Catholic school were caught on her way back home and beheaded. Things like that are not unusual in Muslim countries. As for other countries, they try to impose their religion and customs on the host country. If they aren’t prepared to respect the customs and culture of other countries they shouldn’t come here. They believe they are superior to anyone else and come like invaders. But they wont have it. If they feel they are mistreated here, they shouldn’t come. They could go to Saudi Arabia, iran or some other country. We don’t want them here. Go and bomb and murder somewhere else. We are free people. They don’t belong here.
38. 32. Fares
Casiopea   (10.07.06)
You have no idea about what the Pope says and why. But, oh, when somebody speaks up about violence Muslims go wild. You see? And you believe you have the right to murder him as you murdered van Gogh,several people related to Rushdie, etc. And you believe you have the right to murder others because you don’t like what they say. They criticize violence and you are making them right. Are you really an American citizen? What’s your opinion about the 11/9 and the trains and buses bombings in Europe? Do you believe is it right for a Muslim leader to launch a fatwa on Oriana Fallaci or to threaten the Pope? What do you think about the murder of van Gogh in Holland? ,
39. #28.. Casiopea..
Lynne   (10.07.06)
I would like to ask when did the Muslim media publish such garbadge about Jesus(PBUH) or Moses(PBUH) or any other prophet?? when you make fun of a Muslim leader noone cares but when it is our prophet then there is a real problem.. for us ALL prophets are sacred and respected.. no one is asking you to believe in Mohammad(PBUH) or to love him but at least respect the over one and a half billion Muslims who are sharing your world.. freedom does not mean throwing away every ounce of respect towards others.. you can't provoke others and then ask them not to react.. decent, respectful criticism is what leads to improvement and not irresponsible insults that come out of hatered and a lack of understanding in what you wish to criticise..
40. #34 hear hear to every word u wrote!
communication ,   Good4u   (10.07.06) speech is what allows the muslims in western countries to get up and criticise the Government, the people and warn them of the impending doom that they will bring upon the whole of Europe. This people are not used to free speech since in their own countries..freedom of speech is not allowed...I want to see someone get up and criticise Assad, or Ahmejhad - a reporter criticised Putin and today she was found dead... Free speech is an exchange of views/opinions it enables one to see what others think - sometimes enlightening, sometimes frustrating, but never worth killing anyone over. Why does our friend in Denmark have to be so sensitive. Free speech allows him to state his opinion the question is why cant he do so without being obnoxious and offensive?
41. Ole and BJ
sk ,   USA   (10.07.06)
Ole (9), you say "don't you think there is a reason behind the aggression from some muslim people..." Evidently, you have anger issues, as you conclude the sentence with a cuss word. Even worse, in kowtowing to such aggression, you reinforce their idea that Infidels are to be subordinated to Islam, and the word for THAT is "dhimmitude." BJ (5) is unfamiliar with Democracy 101. The whole talkback is fascinating: "Such caricatures are racist provocations and intended as such. They shouldn't be published in a society dedicated to democratic principles - despite of the often rasist manifestations on the Muslim side" Where to begin? "Provocations" is a Bolshevik word, unworthy of a citizen from a democracy. Asserting one's right to free speech and assembly is not a "provocation," but an obligation in a democracy. Indeed, the point of speech and assembly rights is to engage in public argument. But BJ objects even to such rights being asserted privately. This, too, is an example of dhimmitude. The silence on the Christian and Jewish side to Muslim aggression undermines the democratic political process. In a democracy, one has the right to be offensive. Learn it already. See:
42. 35
Fares ,   cleveland   (10.07.06)
what is your F name ....are you hiding something ..
43. Jesus.
James ,   Glasgow, Scotland   (10.07.06)
No one can believe in Jesus Christ unless God reveals Him to that person and no one can reach that stage without the Righteousness of God being revealed first to that person. In other words man must be aware of what separates him from God in the first place before an atonement is made and that atonement was Christ the Lord some two thousand years ago never to be repeated. So by election are the believers called, nothing to do with works and the Key is the Gospel for it alone is the power of God unto salvation. It is the faith of Christ given to the new creation that makes them just that and it is called Justification by Faith. It is not nor ever can be religion in any guise. God calls and only God can save therefore Jesus Christ is God.
44. 37
Fares ,   cleveland   (10.07.06)
sorry pal you feel that way .. saudi is none negotiable issue ..again i don't know your refrence but if the saudi did that ...they are wrong ,and that is NOT our teaching .. what had happened in pakistan is the exception not the rule ...please and it is not in our teaching .. Muslims do not impose their opinion ,they can debate you until you say enough .. orthdox jew in my city here in cleveland demonstrated that the election poll in one of neighborhods are in the church ..they won the verdict to remove it to a public building ..they said they do not feel comfortable voting in the church THEY REALLY DO NOT BELONG HERE PAL ....TALKING ABOUT TOLERENCE ........
45. 39 Lynne
Casiopea   (10.07.06)
I don’t know if the Muslim media publish garbage about Jesus or Moses. What I do know is that Muslims are committing atrocities in the name of their religion. So what is it making fun of a person who has been dead for 15 centuries in comparison to this? Somebody makes fun of this man, your response is savagery and you claim yours is the religion of peace. Besides, all of this was started as a consequence of jihad. The Danish cartoons depicted Muhammad with a bomb in his turbant because this is what the jihadists say, that his religion( the religion invented by Muhammad) makes them be bombers. Nobody but a few people knew about the cartoons till you started the savagery over them and, as a consequence, most European newspapers published them. This is what you won. Congratulations. So it is disrespectful to draw a few cartoons, but it is not disrespectful to murder people of other faiths in the name of Islam. Give me a break! So much for the religion of piece. And you say it is normal reaction for Muslims to murder the first nun they can, to torch embassies and churches, to behead people, etc. What kind of religion is that?
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (10.08.06)
The future of all of Europe, UK and other countries? Muslims are waging civil war against us, claims police union By David Rennie, Europe Correspondent (Filed: 05/10/2006) Radical Muslims in France's housing estates are waging an undeclared "intifada" against the police, with violent clashes injuring an average of 14 officers each day. As the interior ministry said that nearly 2,500 officers had been wounded this year, a police union declared that its members were "in a state of civil war" with Muslims in the most depressed "banlieue" estates which are heavily populated by unemployed youths of north African origin. It said the situation was so grave that it had asked the government to provide police with armoured cars to protect officers in the estates, which are becoming no-go zones. The number of attacks has risen by a third in two years... Instead, officers – especially those patrolling in pairs or small groups – faced attacks as soon as they tried to arrest locals... He said yesterday: "We are in a state of civil war, orchestrated by radical Islamists. This is not a question of urban violence any more, it is an intifada, with stones and Molotov cocktails. You no longer see two or three youths confronting police, you see whole tower blocks emptying into the streets to set their 'comrades' free when they are arrested." He added: "We need armoured vehicles and water cannon. They are the only things that can disperse crowds of hundreds of people who are trying to kill police and burn their vehicles."...
47. NO MERCY for INFIDELS - GENOCIDE of Armenian Christians
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (10.08.06)
In the Armenian genocide, one and a half million Armenian Christians were exterminated without mercy by the Muslims: Henry Morgenthau Sr., the neutral American ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, sent a cable to the U.S. State Department in 1915: "Deportation of and excesses against peaceful Armenians is increasing and from harrowing reports of eye witnesses [sic] it appears that a campaign of race extermination is in progress under a pretext of reprisal against rebellion." Morgenthau's successor as Ambassador to Turkey, Abram Elkus, cabled the U.S. State Department in 1916 that the Young Turks were continuing an ". . . unchecked policy of extermination through starvation, exhaustion, and brutality of treatment hardly surpassed even in Turkish history." Bible, Genesis 4:10 And G-D said, "What have you done? The voice of your brother's blood cries out to Me from the ground."
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (10.08.06)
Mega millions of gentle, peaceful Hindus were murdered without mercy during the Indian Holocaust. The contemporary French writer François Gautier has said, "The massacres perpetuated by Muslims in India are unparalleled in history, bigger than the Holocaust of the Jews by the Nazis; or the massacre of the Armenians by the Turks; more extensive even than the slaughter of the South American native populations by the invading Spanish and Portuguese." Bible, Genesis 4:10 And G-D said, "What have you done? The voice of your brother's blood cries out to Me from the ground." A member of the Hindu Conference of Canada, states: "On the rare occasion that anyone brings it up, (the Holocaust perpetrated on Hindus by Islam) he is accused of being racist and 'anti Islamic'. It's funny that blacks are (rightly) allowed and encouraged to speak of slavery against them, and they are not accused of being 'anti white racists'. Jewish people speak of the Holocaust, yet they are not accused of being racist against Germans. We, on the other hand, are silenced and not permitted to publicize the genocide that we are subjected to. We are the only group on the planet that is prohibited from discussing our own history. All history texts, in every classroom, gloss over the Islamic invasion and hide the facts because they may be inconvenient to Muslims."
50. 43 Jesus
Josh ,   USA   (10.08.06)
To learn more about Jesus and his mother I recommend this reading from wikipedia
51. To James in Glasgow
52. #42 Fares answer my question please
#35 back at u   (10.08.06)
Isn't it just another attempt by Islam to gain control of everything they can get their hands on? Come on. Use your (dubious) intelligence and prove me wrong.
53. "God calls and only God can save therefore Jesus Christ is
???   (10.08.06)
God." This wins the award for weirdest attempt at syllogism I have ever read. By "save," do you mean redeem? Well, cannot God redeem without needing a human to represent Him? The Messiah is supposed to bring peace. Jesus tried to, there is no doubt. However, he did not succeed. "Never to be repeated?" Let's hope not. We could use a Messiah to help bring peace to this pathetic excuse for humanity us humans have created over the past two thousand years....
54. #43 that is so arrogant!
still wondering ,   in USA   (10.08.06)
God's righteousness is for everyone who is willing to let His righteousness reveal itself in the moral choices we make toward each other, ourselves and the world. God's Righteousness is not reserved only for Christians, but for everyone who strives to choose good over evil. There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy, sir. (Hat tip to the Bard.)
55. 44. Fares
Casiopea   (10.07.06)
My references for what happens in Saudi Arabia are newspapers , radio and books. From what you say, everything is an exception: Saudi Arabia, what Muslims do in Pakistan… I presume also the attacks they are committing worldwide are exception. It is also an exception that over 30% Muslims support terrorism in the name of allah. Another exception is the silence of virtually all the other Muslims. It is also an exception the executions of Muslims who leave Islam, etc. Everything is an exception. Talking about tolerance, what do you think about attacks committed in the name of Islam? Those Jews you say didn’t torch the church. What they did is not comparable to what Muslims did over the Danish cartoons and the Pope’s lecture. The Jews behaved as civilized people do and didn’t torch the church.
56. #39 #43 #44
Imposter James ,   Sotsland   (10.08.06)
Lynne honey, darling, Habibi, are we a tad bit blinded? To be honest I agree with you, the Muslim media most likely never has picked on Moses, or Abraham for that matter. Tell me though, when has the Muslim media published garbage on Jews? Almost daily. Why is it right to venerate Moses but ok to sh!t on his people? You think Moses under G-d's guidance delivered the Jews out of Egypt just to see them sh!tted on by some religion who claims to respect Moses but can't find an ounce of respect for the very people Moses protected and cherished... Maybe you should remeber that Moses was born of a Jewish mother and father. Habibi think on it for a bit. James you have a brain only an apostate would love... Fares can you blame the orthodox Jew for feeling slightly uncomfortable. Think about it logically. You have a religion and then someone comes along and tells you what your believeing is wrong. In a nut shell Christianity and Islam did this to Judaism. With all due respect Fare my religion was here first and I don't ever bother anyone telling them to be Jewish. I don' tell Christians or Muslims they're wrong. I don't like being preached to and I don't like preaching to. If elections are being held in a religious establishment then there is a problem. America is a secular state.
57. Danish TV shows cartoons mocking Mohammad
Mo ,   Beirut, Lebanon   (10.08.06)
No one should mock anyone's religion. all religion should be highly respected
58. Mo in Lebanon u r absolutely right
Yo ,   USA   (10.08.06)
And may I add that people should also stop doing violence in the name of their religion? This would help dispel some of the negative associations people have about each others' religions and stop the stereotyping and prejudice that usu. ensues.
59. #27 Alan. Muslims NEVER poke fun
Persian CAT   (10.08.06)
at Jesus and Moses. Sure, some Muslims say stupid things about the Christians and Jews. This is a fine point, which you don't seems to understand and I'm not sure you're capable of based on your juvinile one-liners. So next time you justify insulting Mohammad because some one, who must be as ignorant as you, pokes fun at the Holocaust try to think twice - if you can.
60. Outrage!
Faraz Talat ,   Isl, Pakistan   (10.08.06)
It may not be racist and it may not be too offensive when seen through the eyes of a non-muslim.... But what's up with this uncontrollable urge of constantly humiliating Islam for nothing? Just because someone is allowed to behave offensively doesn't mean he should! It's uncivilized! Is it too much to demand that we just keep our hands off each others' gods and prophets?
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