Hamas: US working to topple our gov't
Ali Waked
Published: 14.10.06, 15:41
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31. v. n.y.
Lynne   (10.17.06)
so Israel should punish them bacause they chose a government that Israel does not like.. how many peaceful governments did Israelis choose?? under this logic Palestinians have the right to kill Israelis because they are choosing bad governments .. from Dier Yassin massacre to Jenin to Sabra and Shatilla to Qana.. and many more massacres comitted in Palestine and Lebanon.. I do not deny that children are taught that Israel is and enemy and such but my point is that Israel is proving what they are taught in reality so liogically they grow up to see that what they've been taught is true... as for suicide attacks I have said this many times and I will say it again.. I am against suicide attacks.. I condemn them although I understand that those people have nothing left but their own bodies to fight with but when it comes to using children in such acts I'm not sure upto what extent this might be true but if it is true then this is definitly very low.. again I will emphasize that there is nothing such as blowing up oneself in the name of Allah.. I have noticed that you always consider what Israel does a "response" but doesn't it seem to you that Israel "responds" way too often and usually harsh responses?? now regarding the fact that there was nothing called Palestine.. you have come up with a new explanation usually Israelis say that Romans had given Palestine its name and you see that even this is not true.. although during the Islamic Caliphate (638-1099) Palestine was actually called Palestine..!!!! so it's not like the Palestinians have descended all of a sudden out of space as you are picturing things!! as for Palestinian leaders I agree with you that yes, they are idiots and have stolen billions from their people.. you have mentioned Arafat and Haniyeh, and Meshaal but have failed to mention Abbas!!.. I'm not so sure about Meshaal and Haniyeh because Palestinians regard them differently and I believe the reason they have voted them was because they trusted them moneywise.. anyway how could they have stolen when they have not recieved any aid money as a government??... I have read my history books AND yours.. I am well aware that we are not capable of agreeing historically but I believe we should find a way to agree on what's right and what's wrong on ground.. again I am surprised that you also have jumped to the conclusion that I'm sitting with my coffee in the USA just like Magrudis in here!!! I have nothing to do with the USA what is giving you this impression??? I wish I can come and see the Holy Land that God had given us all out of His mercy and we have desecrated it with our sinful bloodshedding.. I pray for the peaceful time to come when we will all Muslims, Christians and Jews pray side by side in Jerusalem... I don't think it's very decent of you to call me a fool because you cannot agree with me... so I hope we can discuss our opinions without having to insult each other..
32. #30 former Lynne - Practice what you preach.
magrudis ,   Houston, TX   (10.18.06)
Am I unable "to accept anything that doesn't suit my beliefs"? No. I just refuse to accept your half-baked theories and misinterpretations of history. These topics interest me and have been following them for years. 1. I asked you from where you get your information. Instead of answering, you launched into a tirade of assumptions and generalizations about my belief system. You have just told me that I am ethno/ego-centric, called me a racist and less intelligent than I believe myself to be. With your insults, you are guilty of what you have warned everyone to avoid. Nice. Now who is the hypocrite? (you called me that too) 2. You accused the US of giving Saddam the green light to invade Kuwait. When you make these types of accusations, I shouldn't have to "prove you wrong", you should prove yourself right. In the US, the accuser has the 'burden of proof'. I realize you may not be familiar with the concept. 3. You say, "I have divided humanity into enemies and allies". Are you talking to me? Not once did I mention the word "enemy". I did say "ally". How you came to that conclusion only you and your Mullahs can know. 4. I said “uneducated herds” not “flocks of sheep”. Also, I never mentioned Palestinians nor was it necessarily my intention (in this context). Uneducated herds come from all parts of the world, even the USA. It is interesting that you assumed I was referring to the Pals. It seems you do not hold them in very high regard. 5. I don’t believe Palestinians should receive our aid for many reasons. First of all, the people hate us. They danced in the streets after 9/11 and enjoy burning our flag. Second, the leadership is corrupt and they mismanage the money we give to them, living large and buying weapons with the aid money while the people suffer. Why does Arafat’s widow have so much money? Thirdly, as I said before, it’s not our problem. Let the oil-rich Arab countries feed them since they act like they are so concerned about the plight of the Palestinians. 6. "Sick assumptions?" What is sick about it? Actually, I thought it was rather humorous. I’m sorry the joke was lost on you. Lighten up, “dear”. 7. Honestly, I couldn't care less about you or where you come from. Nonetheless, it is interesting that you do not say. You should be proud of your heritage... even if it is from a backwards and medieval place like Iran.
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