Opinion  Soapbox
Gay parade, haredim and forced holiness
David Verveer
Published: 20.10.06, 23:40
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58 Talkbacks for this article
31. David Veneer hits again with self hate --and ignorance
gabriela ben ari ,   jerusalem   (10.21.06)
1) It's not about funny clothing , it's about inmodest clothing 2) What makes Jerusalem holy is *exactly* its people, its houses and its streets ! people who abide to morality and religion are holy. like it or not. Many holy individuals make a home holy, and many holy households make the city and everything contained in its border holier. DAVID LOOK FOR JOB YOU ARE A CRAP REPORTING ON ANY ISSUE UNDER THE SUN
32. #25 - Ok I will give you the benefit of the doubt ..
redmike ,   tel aviv & london   (10.21.06)
perhaps you don't know the meaning of the word 'parade' ? "a large public procession, usually including a marching band and often of a festive nature, held in honor of an anniversary, person, event, etc." When did you see heterosexuals doing the above proclaiming their equality ? Never of course. Or the alternative is that you are a homosexual that would like to adopt and find my words annoying. Better to vent your anger here than for you to adopt. regards, Michael
33. Dancing with the Gays
malcolm   (10.22.06)
The more you push gays the crazier they get. Now they found a new dance partner...Haredim. Of course the Haredim don't get it, but they are now in fact dancing with the Gays. Remember...it takes two to Tango and now we have a new dance team. If they really wanted to end this parade all they had to do was ignore it. The one thing gay parade participants hate is being ignored. Flamboyance and exhibitionism is their delight. The Haredim gave them a highly publicized stage for both. In a way these two are made for each other. Opposite sides of the same coin.
34. Gay parade in Jerusalem
shanatova ,   sydney australia   (10.22.06)
Why not a gay parade in Medina, or Mecca or in the capital of Saudi Arabia, or in Damascus?? Too well, has Israel departed from the Holy Scriptures that state that homosexual acts are abomination to God. David Verveer referred to the account of Sodom and Gomorrah in Bereshit (Genesis), but why doesn't he look at the account in The New Testament, (I Corinthinans 6:9-12),..."Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God. Do not be deceived, neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, will inherit the Kingdom of God, verse 11 (Please note) And such were some of you but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God. " As you can see David Veeveer, there is also forgiveness and redemption for those who seek it. Every one has a free will. If an individual choses homosexuality/lesbiansim, then let them also know there is a way out where forgiveness and cleansing await them. Homosexual behaviour is an abomination because of the perversity of the sexual acts that encompass homosexual sex. Too graphic to write here, but I can assure all of the readers that if they really knew what took place in hardcore homosexual acts they would vomit for a week. Homosexuality is also the incubator for paedophilia, and if you love your children, then you would do all to prevent this gay parade in Jerusalem. No other city in the world has the history of Jerusalem, from King David, to the Christian belief of the crucifixation and resurrection of the LORD Jesus Christ. The Tanach continually speaks of Jerusalem being the city of our God. The Holy One of Israel. Look what happen in the First Temple period, when Antiochus Epiphanes desecrated the temple and sacrificed pigs on the alter. Having the gay march in Jerusalem will just be like that. A desecration of that Holy City. Not because the stones are holy, or the people are holy or the Western Wall or the soil is holy, IT IS BECAUSE GOD< HASHEM CALLED THE CITY AFTER HIS NAME< HASHEM CALLED IT HOLY. That is why!!! Israel fights the terrorists, the Hamas, Hezbollah, but is prepared to have a gay parade in the Holy City , the Capital of Israel. The most strategic blunder of Israel's existence. If this gay parade goes ahead, then Israel will suffer from her enemies because of this gross disobedience. Just like the golden calf. Just like the many slain because of their idolatry. israel fights for survival each moment of the day. Why then exaciibate the situation by allowing such an unclean and lewd performance. shanatova
35. Charedim
Mordechai ,   Sydney   (10.22.06)
There have been many comentators here that have expressed there disgust in the way Religous people dress. For your information, it says in the Talmud, that it was b.c. of three things, Jews were taken out of Egypt. They are, Language, name and dress. dressing in the same way that they dressed in Poland, is something that should be aplauded. And homosexuality, is something that angers G-D, as stated in the torah. And if there is a religous Jew who does live in Jerusalem, one of the four holy citys in Israel (unlike these gays who most of them live in Tel Aviv), wants to protest this disgusting act, he has the right. And I applaud the mayor of Jerusalem, and true G-D fearing person, who stood up against this impurity.
36. don't be gay
yoni ,   jerusalem, israel   (10.22.06)
will everyone stop being gay here and realize that there is objective morality in this world. right and wrong is not about how the generation feels or what seems good or bad it is about what IS good and what IS bad. we obviously cannot decide that since it will change all the time with the social inclinations of the time. we must open ourselves up to realize that we don't decide right and wrong. if you leave it up to society and democracy you will have HAMAS put into power just as HITLER was put into power by the will of the people. does that make it right????
37. #27 Your accusations are both false and disgusting
Aharon   (10.22.06)
This is not about hate. This is not even about Jews or Judaism. It is sad that as soon as someone puts forward and opinion that differs to your own you shout, "Self hating Jew!" This is about excercising their DEMOCRATIC RIGHT in a FREE Israel. People like you, who distort everything that they disagree with into "hatred" or "anti-semitism" know deep down that you are wrong, and so you must resort to such baseless claims. I am not gay, and I am very proud of being Jewish. My family too were killed by the Nazis and fled the Muslim countries, and I do not hate my brothers. However, I am ALSO proud that Israel, a country so young, has flourished and developed into a free and democratic state. Restricting these people's right to peacefully parade undermines Israel, and you, as a Jew who is proud of his country, should not allow such a thing to happen. It is for THIS REASON that I support the gays' right to parade wherever they want, although, I still believe that holding such a parade in Jerusalem is disrespectful.
38. It seems to be a question of sin and provocation
Craig ,   USA   (10.22.06)
As far as choice vs chance?? I can't say. I sure couldn't choose to be attracted to another man. But as for the parade...the word carries the conotation, in this instance, of celebritory flaunting or proclaiming legitimacy. I can understand the desire of gays to proclaim or demonstrate that "We are as good as you!! We are O.K."...I mean who wants to view themselves as sinful. But isn't it really about whether one believes in God and even believes in sin? Why does society in general condemn pedophilia, incestual practices and bestiality? I know one could argue that the homosexual thing is different because it is between adults. In reality, society has deemed certain behaviour as aberrant and even sinful. I believe most Jews in Israel can accept gays and are perfectly willing to not discriminate in most areas. However, it is not necessary to provoke others...even Almighty God, by allowing public flaunting of a conduct or lifestyle which God deems sinful and labels an abomination; especially in Jerusalem of all places. Go to Tel Aviv if you must parade, isn't that enough? P.S. for those interested, a study of Sodom & Gamorrah on Wikipedia indicates that their "sin" may not have been homosexuality after all...or at least their only sin. Check it out, it is very interesting.
39. #32 - what on earth are you talking about?
Andy ,   ramat hasharon   (10.22.06)
We don't need to adopt - we have 2 children who made aliya with us. We are a gay couple and our children are fine, thank you very much. We don't support parading sexuality - but we do support a pride parade so our children can see that we are proud of our gay family. Nobody is parading sexuality - we are parading our gay community in Israel.
40. Uber-stupidity
Kyle ,   Southpark, CO, USA   (10.22.06)
It is not necessary to wear all black and funny hat in order to be "religious" nor does wearing a funny hat make anyone more "holy" than anyone else. Haredi dress code means no more than people wearing Tigers or Cardinals T-shirts. Gays parade almost naked, proves only that their entire life is dependent on their next orgasm. A Jewish guy in a knitted kippah, blue jeans and T-shirt can be just as much or more religious as some guy in a funny black hat and black coat. GO TIGERS!
41. Beauty versus Modesty
david verveer ,   kfar saba, israel   (10.22.06)
Allow me one observation on the talkbacks until now. The Creator created human beauty to be seen and enjoyed. Modesty however, is created by narrow minded, jealous and suspicious people who think they know what God intended with his/her creation.
42. Excellent article, although...........
Marlene ,   New York   (10.22.06)
Although I must add that it's a wonder to me all this upset over a gay parade when right in Israel's own backyard there is a callous indifferece to the massive destruction and oppression taking place against an entire population of people based strictly on their identity under the guise of "security." Even the behavior of fanatic religious Jewish settlers in Hebron should be an affront to any person of decent moral character, but it is not, and they live there freely to carry out their abuse and harrassment against the Palestinian population under the protection of a powerful army. But of course, these sick people are considered "holy" as well as the army who protects them who is considered "humane." Better put the focus where it really belongs and not on "gays," because it is the Israeli population's overall attitude which is what is really offensive.
43. Sex or antisemitism?
Lea de Lange ,   Jerusalem Israel   (10.22.06)
This is a confused, mixed up article with so many untrue "decisions" that it were better not written. Religious Jews do not "decide" that Jerusalem is holy, they are just true to Judaism. And who shall decide whether I for one am dressed funny, or nice? Besides sex has nothing to do with this parade, it is a statement of ultra extreme leftist secular "believe", where all that is holy is being trampled on in the name of some earthly "religion" that teaches people to act anti Judaism.By all means. Could I call it antisemitism?
44. One Man One woman.
Peter ,   New Zealand   (10.22.06)
God created male and female so that they could breed and inhabit the earth. He did not create homosexuals. They are of their own creation. The word for something that is deliberately corrupted is perverted. Work it out for yourselves.
45. #39 - now we know what we are talking about
redmike ,   tel aviv & london   (10.22.06)
I wish you well. You have taken on something very difficult and very dangerous. I hope you manage to raise healthy children with the odds so stacked against them. regards, Michael
46. What are they parading for?
Baruch ,   Boston, USA   (10.22.06)
Why would anyone with a dysfunction, like homosexuality, or worse things like bisexuality or transgenderism, want to publicly parade and glorify their abnormality. There should be sympathy for them, as for anyone with a problem, but not pride.
47. Gay Parade
Tova ,   Kefar Sava   (10.22.06)
Mr. Veveer is a guy that talks straight even when he takes care of the not so straight. I fully agree with him about the Orthodox attire and habits – they are more peculiar than the gays'. On the other hand, why do they have to flaunt their sex habits on us? When did we see a parade of the multitudes of straights?
48. Have you said this to your daughter, Mike?
Vitaliy ,   Brooklyn, NY, USA   (10.23.06)
Mike, You should tell this to your daughter and see if she still talks to you after that. What you said is a medieval understanding of same-sex relationships. Most of us do not adopt heterosexist roles that your insensitive and offending joke paints. We are just as good parents as you are. If anything we are probably more understanding. We wouldn't think this about our children and their choices, but would try to understand them better. No regards for you.
49. #32
Vitaliy ,   Brooklyn, NY, USA   (10.23.06)
Heterosexuals have their parade every day! They go around holding hands, kissing, hugging. True - not in Mea Shearim, but certainly in other areas of Jerusalem and certainly in the rest of Israel. At the same time, in many of these places, gays and lesbians would be assaulted had they decided to do something like that. While there's no marching band next to the heterosexuals at those time, this is paraded on every TV channel, in every book, in every one's childhood toys. Do you see the giant elephant now?
50. once and for all
Vitaliy ,   Brooklyn, NY, USA   (10.23.06)
All of you, who talk of gays as choosing to be the way they are, have you ever gone out into the real world? Have you tried to leave the walls of your ghetto for a day? Have you gone to talk to anyone who is gay or lesbian? Not to condemn them, but to ask them of why they are not straight? How this happened to them? Have you even condisered the possibility that a rabbi, who has never met anyone who is openly gay and never known such a possibility about one of his congregants, may be wrong? With the amount of heterosexual "propaganda" in TV (all the romantic comedies, soaps, even cartoons for kids), with the amount of derision and animosity directed at gays and lesbians, with the way that society deligitimizes our love and relationships, how can you say that someone chooses to be gay? Who, in the right mind, would choose to be gay or lesbian after there are so many chips stacked against us? And yet, we do not disappear as you'd like for us to. We grow up, love, start families, raise children. All of this, despite the odds. Don't you think that this is a reason to at least contemplate that what we are is not a choice but something that we see as essential to our beings? Some people identify themselves, among other things, as Jews, Japanese, American, women, men, brothers, aunts. Part of our identification is loving people of the same sex as us. It is not a choice. The choice is whether to be true to our selves or conceal the truth and hurt those around us through these lies. Is that what G-d demands of us, according to you? Is that what He meant when He said: "Thou shalt not bear false witness"? If it is, I am sorry for our G-d.
51. fags destroy their children and society - then devil destroy
homos caused holocau   (10.23.06)
sick asshole stuffers
52. Parade
Ann-Isabelle Kendall ,   Colchester UK   (10.23.06)
I agree with most of your comments - however, it is my understanding from teh Hebrew Scriptures that Jerusalem is the Holy City - not because of the people but because of the God of Israel. Is there any plans for a parade in Mecca I wonder
53. Jerusalem gay Parade
Liam Hogan ,   London U.K.   (10.24.06)
Vitaliy, your comments and edification on gay issues and homophobia from all sections of Israeli and Western societies are a welcome addition to this web site. Living in London for many of us the Gay issue has no longer any relevance. It is indeed refreshing and civilised. The U.S. and most arab and muslim countries are backward and regressive in comparison. However I'd like to point out that 'parading' any kind of lifestyle or belief also has it's responsibilities. In the 1930's the fascist Right demanded the 'right' to parade themselves and their anti-semitism in predominately Jewish areas of London. The result was violence and mayhem. In Northern Ireland, to this day, religious Protestant extremists called 'Orangemen' demand the 'right ' to parade their 17th century military and religious 'victory' over the Catholics, through mainly Catholic suburbs. The result is alway violence and bloodshed. Today, even in London, no group, gay or otherwise, would be allowed to parade their beliefs or lifestyle through our Capital's streets if the authorities thought it would cause mass offence and violence. Jerusalem is a Holy city for all Faiths. Until such time as the true nature of G-D is revealed to mankind maybe it is really best to allow the Religious keep their Holy City for themselves. We spiritual homosexuals who understand their confusion and hatred are big enough and wise enough to allow them their territory. Our secular cities and countries are surely large enough for us to live in peace and love with each other and our friends. Shalom Israel
54. #53
Baruch ,   Boston, USA   (10.24.06)
You said "Living in London for many of us the Gay issue has no longer any relevance. It is indeed refreshing and civilised. The U.S. and most arab and muslim countries are backward and regressive in comparison." What is "refreshing and civilized" about accepting abnormal human relationships and sexual behavior? And what is "backward and regressive" about objecting to them? This is what Orwell called "Newspeak". Use words for their reverse meaning and thereby indoctrinate people into false ideas and beliefs. If Hogan wants to say we have different viewpoints, then we can talk. But to use highly positive words for people who support this and highly negative words for people who don't is just plain twisting of reality. It's the usual tactic of the gay advocates, however.
55. Gay Parade in Jerusalem
Liam Hogan ,   London U.K.   (10.24.06)
Dear Baruch # 54, Firstly, calling a person's G-D given sexual orientation 'abnormal' is itself a 'negative' adjective used only from the viewpoint of someone who hasn't yet realised the true nature of the human species' sexual and social spectrum. G-D''s revelation to IT'S Creation has been categorised and disseminated through Western and Eastern Civilisations by heterosexual males, mostly through religious ethno-babble and the occaisional eloquent scribble of ancient texts and documents. Those bits that didn't suit were declared anathema or simply left out and those individuals that offered differing veiwponts were usually exiled or slaughtered. The majority 'crotch-level' viewpoint concerning homosexuality has consequently been handed down to us through Judaism/Christianity/Roman Empire and their associated religious doctrines. It is hardly surprising, therefor, that the issue has got such a bad rap since most heterosexuals, like yourself ( I assume) haven't the faintest idea about male to male or female to female bonding since it falls outside of your own natural sexual/social remit. The word LOVE may or may not have any meaning to you. It does for most humans. As such let me assure you it is a vibrant ingredient in all human association and in all positive lasting relationships, including the 'Gay' ones. By the way, the 'negative Newspeak' you refer to in my last posting has everything to to with the denial of basic civil rights to human beings of differing orientation and their continued denigration, imprisonment, murder and abuse worldwide. It has nothing to do with the personal opinions of another on this matter. You are, of course, free to have an opinion about our sexual nature and it's expression, if it bothers you that much. You have no right, however, to deny the same civil rights, freedoms and right of existence as you demand for yourself. Finally, as I've said before, the 'refreshing and civilised' aspects of living in London and indeed the rest of the United Kingdom, is that my country has now guaranteed our rights, protection and responsibilities and our progressive government and all our major political parties have realised the error and inhumanity of homophobia. The U.S. and most Islamic nations haven't. I hope this clears up a few misunderstandings.
56. Gay Parade
Chris Goode Bramlett ,   Tyler,TX USA   (10.24.06)
to David Verveer, David, It is very important whether you side with or against the homosexual. HE says, " You are either for me or against me." Not a good idea to be against. Blessings, Shalom.
57. "Gay" Parade
Leigh Close ,   Eagle Point, USA   (10.27.06)
The dress may not differ but the sexual practices do: anal intercourse. It is called an "abomination" in Leviticus 18:22- the Word of God through Moses. Just say "No" to perversion. Counsel the sick and restore them to God.
58. !
thr ,   ep   (11.01.06)
This parade belongs in TA, not Jlem.
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