Arabs: Lieberman may lead country to catastrophe
Moran Rada
Published: 24.10.06, 01:59
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31. Democratically elected government of Israel?
Shai ,   Israel   (10.24.06)
You'd have thought with all the times Arab MK's said that Israel should allow the "democratically elected government of the PA", that is "Hamas", do whatever its citizens want would be consistent and say that the "democratically elected government" of Israel could do what it wants. It doesn't seem to me that the PA claiming that no Jews can live in the PA, or that all Jews should be expelled from their homeland, is any less racist than Liberman's plan to redraw the boundary between the PA and Israel so that more Jews are in Israel and more Arabs are in the PA. In fact, given the heat of the complaints we've received from Arab MK's, that they are unwilling to accept our flag, our national anthem, our history in their schools, they'd jump at the chance to become "Palestinians". Moreover, since Liberman's not proposing to kick anybody out of their homes or communities, but rather to give them the government they support (the Palestinian one), what he's doing seems to be less racism than it is a favor.
32. Lieberman for P.M. YES!
Avraham ,   Netivot   (10.24.06)
It's about time an MK stood up for Israel. We all know what the arabs want, our destruction. Am Yisroel Chai!
33. To Amir Al-Safir
California Bear ,   Berkeley   (10.24.06)
Well Amir, I don't know what they've taught you in your history classes over there but first off, "PALESTINIANS" are not the indigenous people of that land. The Kingdom of Israel and Judah far precedes the Holy Land being renamed from the term Syria Palestina in connection with the Philistines . Two, please answer this question: WHAT THE HELL IS PALESTINE? Can you please tell me where I can read about the history of so-called "Palestinians", their society, culture, etc., that precedes the 20th century. That region after the disintegration of the Kingdom of Israel and the Jewish diaspora, was continuously under colonial rule so I'm wondering where the concept of "indigenous Palestinians" comes from. I know where it comes from. The greatest propaganda story in history, "The Myth of Palestine" and the concoction of an entire people, history and culture simply to deny Jews the right to return to THEIR INDIGENEOUS HOMELAND!!! Don't get me wrong, the people you call "Palestinians" have a very rich, vibrant history. It's just that the history is either Jordanian, Egyptian, Syrian, etc. That's what your so-called Palestinians are, a potpourri of various Arab peoples. There is no such thing as "Palestine" as a nation-state man, and there never was. I enjoin, do some research on your own and determine the veracity of my statements. If you wish to hold on to your beliefs, that's your prerogative. The truth is the truth, either way is goes.
34. "racially charged"
Matthias Roth ,   Switzerland   (10.24.06)
Always funny to hear Arabs complaining about racism. I think they tidy up their own houses before accusing others. By the way, the idea behind 'disengagement' is racially charged, too. People had to leave an area just because they were Jews, remember?
35. By the way...
Matthias Roth ,   Switzerland   (10.24.06)
"Lieberman doesn’t want to see Arabs in Israel. The very fact that he has become minister for strategic affairs means that his strategy of a Jews-only state may be realized." So what! The idea behind the 'peace process' is, among other things, creating another Arabs-only, Jew-free state. So Arabs are the last to complain!!!
36. See who's talking..
linda   (10.24.06)
Arabs calling us racist? what a joke!!!
37. Liebernman is no rightwinger
Madzionist   (10.24.06)
This is such a joke. Lieberman is no rightwinger, he's a concessionist just like Olmert. He voted for the illegal Gaza expulsion, he is on record as being in favor of future land concessions, and has given up all his demands for Olmert to not expel the Jews from Judea in order to join the coalition. This is about greed, corruption and lust for power, but certainly not ideology. This is about the right capitulating once again to the left, not vice-versa. Get a clue you fools who think this guy Lieberman is a "rightwing extremist". As of today there are a total of 9 MK's who oppose land concessions - the 9 mandates from the National Union.
38. Racism
d ,   los angeles, USA   (10.24.06)
It is quite convenient to bandy "racism" around. Besides the fact that the hatred of Jews is endemic to most Arab, Muslim and some European people and not the other way around, one would be hard pressed to call Arabs a "Race". Please get it right. Thanks
39. #13
Paul Phillips ,   London England   (10.24.06)
Your case seems to be that Israeli racism is OK because some others are worse. Shame on you!
40. YNET readers...
Andre ,   TLV   (10.24.06)
All talkbacks are the same in here. The arabs are evil and anti-semite. The arabs want our destruction. The arab MKs defended Saddam and Hizbolah. Wake up people. This is not about them. It's about us, Israelis. We don't need maniac prime ministers. This country is falling apart and it's not because of THEM, it's because of us. Go read a good history book or even the Torah: "When this takes place, you will complain against the king whom you have chosen, but on that day the LORD will not answer you." Samuel 8
41. Jewish Israel
Raymond ,   South Africa   (10.24.06)
Lieberman is the right man for the job, someone who will bring back & ignite the passion for Zionism that has lost its spark.Israel is Jewish lands--Period, and needs to retain its Jewish majority & character. Remember its the Arabs who call for the expulsion of the Jews from Israel & their attempts to drive the Jews into the sea.If you a non-Jew living in Israel & you want full rights, then your loyalty to Israel must be demonstrated.Consesus shows most so called Arab Israeli's have no loyalty to the state of Israel, so they have no right to complain, rather leave. AM YISRAEL CHAI.
42. #33 denying the living is Ok, denying the dead is crime !!
ISIAIAH   (10.24.06)
he is ugly but not as bad as the fm of hamas who holds to the view that jews are evolved from pigs and monkeys and will be shot behind rocks at judgement day. now thats an irrational view to have about a people that got the ten commandments first .
44. Nazism is not only about extermination & oppression
of people; It is also racial discrimination and annexation of others' land.
45. Lieberman’s views
observer   (10.24.06)
Lieberman’s views, which would readily qualify him as a neo-Nazi in any European country ( Austria ’s Jorge Haidar’s views seem so innocuous when compared to Lieberman’s), are non the less representative of the general ideological trends among the Israeli Jewish populace. Inclusion of Lieberman’s party, the third largest in Israel , into the government would consolidate a safe parliamentary majority in the government’s favor. However, the presence of Lieberman in the government would most certainly take it even farther to the right with the possibility of transforming it into the most extremist right-wing government in Israel ’s history. Only the naive would think that the conflict between Israel and Lebanon is based on Hezbullah’s strive to retrieve shebaa farms and prisoners exchange, it is deeper than that. In early March 2001, Israeli Minister of National Infrastructures Avigdor Lieberman threatened military action if Lebanon proceeded with a plan to pump water from the Hasbani River. This was accompanied by a request from the director of the primary Israeli water company, Ori Saghi, to the Ariel Sharon administration to prevent Lebanon from pumping waters from the Hasbani. Saghi, a former military intelligence officer, claimed that access to the headwaters of the Jordan River was a strategic Israeli interest and also intimated military action. This was followed by remarks by Israeli Defense Minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer that although the Israel Defense Forces had withdrawn from Lebanon, it retained the capability and conduct operations there if ordered. These statements by three senior Israeli officials underscore the importance Tel Aviv places on the waters of the Hasbani.
46. Lieberman is the solution, not the problem
Daniel ,   Israel   (10.24.06)
The fact that radical Arabs called "prominent" leaders are nervous about Lieberman is a good sign. It is time to restore the house of Israel and make sure that illoyal minorities who support Israel's enemies and seek Israel's destruction are removed once and for all. The very fact that loyal minorities including Druze people are part of Lieberman's party shows that Lieberman is part of the soultion and the Arab Muslim radicals are the problem.
47. #45
Andre ,   TLV   (10.24.06)
Observer... Were are you located? UK? US? I'm sorry to disapoint you but your conspiracy theory is wrong. The link with the Hasbani is already dry! LOL! Just go north, to Metula and you will see the dry channel. Had been like that for at least 4 years. BTW, the link between the Hasbani and Israel was built by the romans.
48. must be right
sandgroper   (10.24.06)
when your enemies complain loudly about what you're doing, you must be on the right track ...
49. Avigdor Lieberman
NYC Girl   (10.24.06)
If Israeli Arabs are unhapppy with the inclusion of Lieberman in the government they have no one to blame but themselves, in the same way they were responsible for the election of Ariel Sharon. Let the Palestinians stop threatening Israel and you'll see how quickly all the political doves will come out of the closet.
50. #39
v. n.y. ,   usa   (10.24.06)
racism is never ok, but it is very necessary in israel. here we don't refer to it as racism, but survival, a necessity.
51. #42
California Bear ,   Berkeley, USA   (10.24.06)
Then all I ask is some corroborating proof #42 whoever you may be. I can prove my statements but if you have anything I wish to direct me to any information that is to the contrary, I will check it out sincerely. "Palestine" is just a name given to the Holy Land. That's a provable fact. There has never been a Palestinian nation-state. That's a provable fact. If the antithesis is true, please tell me where I can find information on it.
52. #47 the link is the bombed UN observation post in SL
observer   (10.24.06)
Killed in this incident was the Canadian Maj. ess-von-Kruedener. However, in his letter to CBC, Major Hess-von-Kruedener wrote that “What I can tell you is this: we have on a daily basis had numerous occasions where our position has come under direct or indirect fire from both artillery and aerial bombing. The closest artillery has landed within 2 meters of our position and the closest 1000 lb aerial bomb has landed 100 meters from our patrol base.” The observation post in question lay near the town of el Khiam, overlooking the Hasbani River valley, which flows into Israel via the Golan heights – feeding the River Jordan and the factory farms stretching south towards Galillee. The Major said that this position was suitable for observation due to its “commanding view of the IDF positions on the Golan mountains to our east and the IDF positions along the Blue Line to our south, as well as, most of the Hezbollah static positions in and around our patrol Base.” Perhaps the vantage point was too good. Or perhaps, this was a signal to the UN that future peacekeeping missions would see no evil, that they would not be sited so close to the IDF, nor be able to see things such as the prelude to the current violence The Hasbani River is a sensitive area. Israel wants it to irrigate its northern farms and does not seem willing to share it with Lebanon. This may be the material subtext to the removal of the UN from the Blue Line region.
53. x12 A Smaller Israel???
enzo ,   london,uk   (10.24.06)
Mark, I usually do not comment on another comment, but I really cannot refrain this time! A smaller Israel is better??? For whom??? Smaller than it is already? Do you have an atlas or a world map? Just focus on the Middle East and look closely! Do you see that tiny strip of land surrounded by huge arab countries? That is Israel! And you would like to see it smaller?! Dream on!
54. To(#33) CA Bear: --> Same for Lebanon
Amir AL-Safir ,   Lebanon   (10.25.06)
Dear Bear of CA, I am glad you think you got an argument off the ground, for your own satisfaction at least. If you really want to dismiss “Palestine”, then your argument will absolutely hold water for the following countries: What the hell, is the following countries,” Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Bahrain, UAE, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Mauritania, Sudan, among others, that "do not exist" according to your inteligence. According to Balfour Declaration, these countries were carved out and were served on a silver plate for the anti-civility nations of Britain and France. They did excellent job in messing other people’s culture and integrity, or what’s left of it after the Ottomans. Israel is part of our own history. The Jews made up some of our own tribes and history in Middle East. I am a Muslim, and Israel is my history, my fold and my domain. Judaism is reincarnated in Christianity and in Islam. These are my prerogative and not yours. These great religions or “Philosophies” are my own dogma, my own narrative, my own history, my own culture. I am the Semite and I am the Middle East. I am the land, I am the Philistines, I am the Lebanese, the Iraqi, the Jordanian, the Syrian, the Israeli (of the past), the Assyrian, the many tribes of the land that had existed before. You sir, are a point of no clout somewhere from the US. You sir, do not have any connection with my culture. You sir, should watch Larry King and Glen Beck and Ophra. You sir had hijacked my Christianity and Judaism. You sir are a nobody of concern to me or to my culture. You sir, are still searching for your maker. You sir are a lost soul in California who think that he owns the right to bully the culture and the people few thousand miles away in a land that has not seen your like and hopefully will never see your hatred on our land. Not that we don’t have enough of your like in a sheep clothings grabbing the land of my people, my Palestine, my culture. You sir, in short, do not belong to me or to my Bible, or to my Islam. You are simply a lost soul who think he knows other culture and insanely portrays himself as a defender of one of my own tribes from the past. You sir, keep on watching the game from the comfort of your cable TV, while I sir, will continue to live my life in my land that will hopefully purge itself from those in sheep clothings. Peace for all Amir
55. To(#53) enzo,UK --> who's the beggar?
Amir AL-Safir ,   Lebanon   (10.25.06)
Dear dear Enzo, Read my lips; I think that’s better than nothing. Oops, is this an Israeli talking to a Palestinian telling him, be happy with what you have now or be “bygone” to smothering into the Arab world. I think, it’s the Palestinian in the future telling the Israeli, take it or leave it. I am thinking of Gaza for the few Israeli left after, perhaps a century or two. Just a thought for the time being. You see, the Western Jew has no business in the Land of the Middle East. They may come and visit for they have chosen to be Jews and we respect that. Prety much like the Indian or the Chinese Christians. They have no business in Jerusalem, other than the pilgrim for what they think is their.. something to lift their spirit up with…what ever. But for the Arab Jews, they belong to the land, all over Middle East and not just Palestine. Arab Jews are Middle Eastern and to Middle East they will conform back after they loosen up the sheep clothing that those creatures (Russian/Polish/Germanic) Settlers who literally stole and hijacked the identity of the Palestinians. Dear Enzo, dream on... Amir
56. To(#48) Sandgropee --> right track for what??
Amir AL-Safir ,   Lebanon   (10.25.06)
There are thousands of tracks one could take, and zillions of right and wrong tracks. What is right for you, could be wrong for others. What was right for Hitler, was wrong for the Jews.. Care to fill in the rest of the details Mr. Right. Amir
57. This is bullshit.....
Andy ,   ramat hasharon   (10.25.06)
Let me get this straight - our arab "citizens" can trash the State of Israel and then complain about the prospect of joining their own bretheren on the other side of the Israeli border as "racist." Their MK's can go meet with Syrians and Lebanese with whom this country is at war, they can defend Hamas which has murdered Israeli Jews and then say they want to be Israeli citizens when the only alternative is Palestinian citizenship. What bullshit. I love Israelis of all creeds who believe in this country and who defend it - the others can go to hell - and for that reason I think we should talk about transfer in a serious way. Lieberman's ideas in this area should be given serious consideration. If you don't like it here - go and take your villages with you.
58. 54. You "Sir" are incorrect
Truth ,   USA   (10.27.06)
California Bear has it absolutely correct, except, for the notion that "Palistinian" is all arab inclusive. It is not. The Ancient Romans attempted to devastate the Jews' connection with THEIR land and so renamed it "Palestine". The first "Palestinians" were indeed Jews. Arab losers of the many wars against Israel attempted to generate a "point of pity-sympathy" from which to launch and maintain hostility and aggression against Israel through massive deception; therefore arab refugees were created towards this end. This genocidal theater of deceit against BOTH Arabs and Jews has even fooled the arabs who are regularly REJECTED by other arab countries. The Gaza arab refugees are a huge SHAME and DISGRACE upon all arab peoples and lands for its wicked creation and support BY ALL ARAB peoples and lands. Pity the arab who's been taught since birth to hate another for gross "oppression" and "injustice" when the TRUTH is the fomenting of such belongs EXCLUSIVELY to his arab leaders and clerics. In terms of the religions you mentioned and attempt to blur into one as your own, sorry, it doesn't stand against truth either. The historical FACTS contained in the following video are IRREFUTABLE HISTORIC, POLITICAL, AND SCRIPTURAL TRUTHS. Regardless how many times arab leaders deny Israel a place on their maps or accuse Jews as being "pigs and monkey's" which accusations in and of themselves are GEOGRAPHICALLY FALSE AND SCIENTIFICALLY IMPOSSIBLE. IF ARABS NEED TO BE SLAMMED WITH ANYTHING, IT IS TRUTH. HISTORY & RELIGION Israel, Islam and Armageddon DVD video quality. HISTORY & GEOGRAPHY
59. To(#54) Trooth w/o Tooth
Amir AL-Safir ,   Lebanon   (10.27.06)
Hey, guess what, you keep your own DVD and your own false watermarks. You make your own history and I make mine. Moses and Jesus did not even know you existed. These are my wisemen and not yours. I have them as my history. You, on the other hand was still hopping from tree to another. Get your own prophets, I have mine. This is the kind of language that fits the bill you are trying to cash. You get what you ordered. Keep the tips and stay away from my culture. We have enough of your intrusions over the millennium. Enough is enough. Let me reiterate these last words, keep your own DVD and show them to your own kids. And, don't forget to cook your own prophets and spice them the way you desire. Peace for all Amir
60. 59. Speak what you know...
Truth ,   USA   (10.27.06)
Moses and Jesus were Jewish... Do you know the roots of Islam and its difference to Judaism-Christianity? Do you know the God of Judaism-Christianity is not the same as Islam's?
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