Arabs: Lieberman may lead country to catastrophe
Moran Rada
Published: 24.10.06, 01:59
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61. Looks like Arabs are getting similar treatment...
Micha   (10.29.06)
to what they're used to dishing out to the "infidels" in their respective countries. So when will Saudi Arabia allow Jews and others with Israeli passports to visit their country? When will Mecca be opened to all who wish to visit? When will arabs and moslems alike stop threatening everyone anytime they are crticized? When will arab leaders stop threatening Israel? When will the arab peoples try to create something instead of blaming the Jews and the West for all their ills? When will responsbility be accepted by arabs and moslems alike for the shabby quality of life they currently live? Look at your wealthy sultans while your people starve. Don't blame the Jews. it's tiring and just a plain lie.
62. To(#61) Micha Two part series (I) & (II)
Amir AL-Safir ,   Lebanon   (10.31.06)
Part (I): You know what, I agree with you... Strange as it may be, but the truth of the matter is that the Arabs are not sure how to see themselves. Lost in their own fog if you will. But this fog, they did not create. It’s the fog of all the historical events that had contoured the lives and the well being of Arabs today. Its going to take time for the average citizen of MENA ( Middle East & North Africa) to reach balanced coherence with those in the West. I don’t mean to say that an average Western citizen is overly more politically correct than the Middle Eastern citizen, rather, it is this very thin “dilemma” of self righteousness that the Middle Eastern Man have that seems to keep him out of touch with the right move that he need to take in order to achieve political coherence with his own political landscape. Once this is achieved, he can be in a better situation to make a wise choice as to which direction he needs to move. He will eventually take a collective path to move on a unified political platform and this includes ultimately, his stance towards the West; with a good relation of course. In the mean time, there is no coherence at all. This can be clearly seen in the divide among the Arab states and among all the statesmen that control the political direction of their own country. The average citizen has no say or rather does not play a role in the political decision process as his/her counterpart do in the West. Hence, the long lasting Palestinian issue that seems to be stuck in time and space and does not seem to go anywhere. If there was a collective Arab political directive, this issue of the Arab/Palestinian/Israeli would have resolved itself long time ago. Whether in favor, against, or a compromise for all the parties. The “Great Political Coherence” in MENA will take time to reach maturity. Again, the key word is Collective and Maturity and the common denominator is non other than “Time” itself. As to why Non-Muslims are not allowed to visit Mecca! The answer is in the Question itself..rather in the detail. Islam, right or wrong, is the “declared” faith in Middle East for all the Arabs. It draws its power from the assertion that Islam is Judaism and Christianity in its reformed state that has resisted the changes of mankind and has unified the “Message” that the prophets of MiddleEast have bestowed onto Mankind. It has unified the message and made it more pronounced than before and less prone to earthly amendments than it has been going through before as can clearly be seen from the history of Christianity at least…if you think of it this way. To be continued in part (II) Amir
63. To(#61) Micha Part (II)
Amir AL-Safir ,   Lebanon   (10.31.06)
Continue from part (I) The mere fact that the Arabs had seen the cultivation of religion in their own midst from Judaism to Christianity to Islam is a fact and truth of what they have gone through in the past. Even before they were referred to as Arabs, they were of many tribes that have shared the vast land through many ages. Of course, some of these tribes were non other than the Israelites who were among the many tribes that made up the Middle East today. And, today, Middle East is referred to as “Arabs”, including the Middle Eastern Jews and Middle Eastern Christians. This assertion, has given it the conviction to assert itself as the untouched version of the true message that had trickled down to mankind throughout the ages, and the final version is Islam, meaning peace. Now, whether this is right or wrong depends on who you talk to. But for the time being, and until mankind reaches this state of high moral ground in the spiritual world, or at least when mankind do come to understand what its all about to be human born of substance on this earth and whether there is such thing as truth to our existence, till then, each religion will, I should say, each cult or each group of people believing in this religion or that, will have to hold onto their belief as far and as deep as they could. Now, the fun part that I like to play on, with a sound of Jazz, is that anything from the “West” is pure alien to Middle East, including the Jews and the Christians from the West. Aliens, as Aliens can be and now, they have settled in part of Palestine and are now taking the lives of the Palestinians and committing ethnic cleansing right in front of our own eyes. And since there is no coherent directive as yet to deal with this infraction, nothing is done to resolve the issue. I just thank god that the Israelites are not behaving as the Japanese did towards the Chinese and Koreans or as the Germans did to them and to the rest of the Europeans. At least not to the extent of total annihilation. The mercy plan is that they are doing it in an “Ethnically Cleansing the Palestinians and Golda Meier and Manheim Begin puts it, “Population Transfer”. My hat to them, because they are not exterminating the Palestinians. Peace for all Amir
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