BBC seeks to suppress bias report
Hagit Klaiman
Published: 24.10.06, 15:50
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31. Pro Israel media bias.
Federico Allodi, MD ,   Toronto, Canada   (10.24.06)
California based If American Knew reported in about 2002 on New York Times' pro Israel bias, and NECEF (Near East Cultural and Educational Foundation of Canada) using methodology in 2001 and 2004 found that the main Canadian newspapers showed pro-Irael bias in reporting deaths of Israeli adults and children at rates from 1.9 to 89.5 times greater than Palestinians. The media has shown no interest wharsover in our report but it will be published in NECEFs Report this Fall. This report is available in electrinic copy upon request. We wish you success in your courageous efforts to have the BBC report known to the public. It will be a victory for all of us. Many thanks.
32. #24 Thanks for your post Simon
sheri ,   rockville usa   (10.24.06)
Good to see. Also I hadn't realized "The BBC basically sees itself as an agent of political and social change". Explains a lot. Unfortunately. When I see bias like this it makes me question every report from every part of the world.
33. #25 American Christan
sheri ,   rockville usa   (10.24.06)
You talk as though two facts weren't true: 1. The Palestinian gv't & people are intent on destroying Israel. This is a war they created. 2. Israel "occupied" (actually "acquired" is a more neutral term) the terroritories because the Arabs (as the Pals then called themselves) attacked them from many sides. 3. So, these are not victims of suppression. They are murderers being kept in check until someone, somewhere can figure out how to change this. What is terribly sad is knowing that within the Pals there are a minority who really would be peaceful neighbors if given a chance. However, the majory voted for & have said it is the policy to eliminate Israel that they support. Sometimes Israel may cross the line, but it's not nearly as often as depicted in the media or in the source where you've gotten your data, & it's a hard line to figure out where that line is in each instance. Most countries would have just destroyed all the Pals by now. The whole tit for tat & the Pals complaints without context is exactly the bias of BBC & other media that leads people (such as yourself) to the views you have. It doesn't give you enough data to decide for YOURSELF what is the better, more moral, position you want to have. Specific example: Washington Post reported a Pal. father & son were shot by the IDF. Sounds like a dispicatable killing of an innocent child, no? Turns out after I researched it, the son was a 23 year old terrorist who had killed Israelis & was planning on more. The IDF went in with flyers to evacuate the neighbors & the shootings were because the Pals shot at the IDF during the arrest & the IDF shot back. Hope this gives you some new data to think about... And encourages you to do research on stuff, because relying on what anyone says by itself is problematic. Many of your facts aren't accurate although i can see how you could come to those perceptions
34. BBC is GREAT
keep up the good work- dont let the jews intimidate you into silence- just ignore them- they are a minority on financila AID, anyway- they have no real power-.
35. The BBC is anti-Semitic to its core
Roger ,   USA   (10.24.06)
We know it and they know it.
36. #25
Oleg ,   Milwaukee, USA   (10.24.06)
It would be very impressive, but you are a liar -- if you would be a Christian you would read the Bible. It seems you have never done that. Plus to this your historical knowledge is somewhere near Zero you do not know how the conflict has started and who started it. Plus to this you claim that you have a degree -- I suppose in some art related field, because your logic is out of any sense.
37. Question to Ellen Shmescott and #11
DR ,   Florida, USA   (10.24.06)
Has the BBC ever reported on how Palestinians raise thier children to become suicide bombers? I don't watch filth, so I wouldn't know. How about any reports on how the PLO stole money that was supposed to help the poor Palis? NO, didn't think so. How about reports on the Hamas charter which calls for the complete destruction of Israel? You people completely ignore these facts which make it almost impossible for Israel totreat the Palestinians as the poor victims you think they are. Wake up and realize that Israel has been the vicitm for decades in that region and you cannot blame them or the US because they are now powerful. Get it now?
38. Ellen & the other appeasers
Simon ,   Oxford, England   (10.24.06)
Here's some info from The Times re: the UN observers in Lebanon. It's not quite verbatim as I don't want to offend anyone's copyright but it's pretty close to it. Note that the Canadian general was interviewed on ..... Canadian TV! Was this the only country to do so? The Israeli killing of four UN soldiers last week was condemned by Kofi Annan as “deliberate”. However on July 18 one of the observers had e-mailed home to say that Israeli shells were landing nearby and that, “this has not been deliberate targeting, but has rather been due to tactical necessity”. A retired Canadian general interpreted this on Canadian TV. “What he was telling us was Hezbollah soldiers were all over his position and the IDF were targeting them. And that’s a favourite trick by people who don’t have representation in the UN. They use the UN as shields, knowing that they can’t be punished for it.”
39. The BBC is known as the British Burka Corporation in the UK
Nannette ,   London, UK   (10.24.06)
Everyone knows they're bias against Israel and the Jews, but they hold the general public over a barrel. Everyone has to pay a TV licence to the BBC whether they watch the trash or not. Their ratings have severely declined, because they use taxpayers money to broadcast to their favourite Arab countries for free, all at the expense of the British TV owners. There will be many of us opposing their re-application for a broadcasting licence (which WE pay for), especially when they feel they shouldn't be accountable for where they spend OUR money!
Arik Silverman ,   Milwaukee USA   (10.24.06)
British papers have printed excerpts, and I didn't see anything about Israel.
41. #11
Natan ,   USA   (10.24.06)
#11, you and the rest of the Palestinians are full of crap. You keep on talking about establishing a Palestinian state while the truth is that what you actually want is a destruction of the Israeli state. Can you explain why didn't you fight Jordan to gain a state? After all Jordan ruled over you between 1948 and 1967. You had the west bank and east Jerusalem. I did not see "intifada" against Jordan. And what were you trying to liberate in 1964 when you established the PLO? The was no "occupied territories" in 1964.. You see, # 11 you are all full crap..
42. #33
#25   (10.24.06)
Yes, mistakes have been made by Arab countries, and they are for sure not blameless in the current conflict. Declaring war on Israel was certainly not something that should have been done, but what I hope you know is that it is not all the Arabs fault that history has happened the way it has. First, lets say that all of a sudden an organization that "represents" the world - the UN - one day decides to allow a minority within your land to establish their own ethnically based state in the land where you have been living. Well, I mean I would view that as rather unfair and be pretty angry about that and I'm sure people in most every part of the world would react in the same manner as the Arabs did. Second, in America at least we view the war as, Arabs attacked Israel, and Israel defended itself against the big Arab bullies. This is a very slanted perspective on the crisis. Certain groups within Israel, such as Irgun , who wanted a larger Israel and pushed for Israel to continue the war. Arabs are mostly to blame for this war, but Israel is certainly not an innocent victim in this conflict. Again we go back to the point of why Western powers, such as Great Britain and the US, got to decide that a Jewish state would be established in a Arab-dominated part of the world. I mean you can point to the Bible and that God "gave" it to them, but that is a religious arguement and not applicable to international politics. I'm not personally arguing Israel has no right to exist, I believe it does, I'm just arguing from the Arab perspective. So to say that one side "started" this conflict is to ignore the vast complexities of this issue. To the contrary of your arguements I do not see anti-Israeli bias in US media sources. Most Americans I know and have talked to see Palestinians as a bunch of terrorists, who spend their whole lives scheming about how to blow up Israeli civilians. Palestinians are nothing more than "militants," "extremists, or "terrorists." Most Americans have NO idea of what Palestinians have to endure, because the media never addresses it. I mean, when was the last time you read a story of settler harrasment of Palestinian schoolchildren in Hebron in the US? I have done much research into this issue and have even traveled to and all around the West Bank and Israel, living with Palestinians and Israelis. I'm doing a thesis at the moment on why Hamas won a majority in the PA elections - and have found that this is not because most Palestinians are violent, terrorists. In Palestine, there is a substantial non-violent movement, such as sit-ins against the construction of the wall or house demolitions. Why haven't you really heard of these? Well because that would go against the media's image of Palestinians being violent extremist fanatics! You should also do some more research into this issue. Perhaps if you are very dedicated to this conflict you should travel to the region, Israelis and Palestinians are extremely friendly people and would love to have you.
43. Bye Bye BBC
murveit   (10.24.06)
Sounds like the Brits are getting restless and want to pull the plug on this smug failure. They seem tired of paying to be brainwashed.
44. #36
#25   (10.24.06)
Well, I'm glad you feel I'm not a Christian. I mean, why is that? Because I don't adhere to the Christian Zionist movement. Maybe you missed the parts were Jesus called for us to love one another, including our enemies. Or perhaps the part, where Paul says that in Christ there is no Jew or Gentile, because we are all equal in God's eyes. Hmm... come on now, Jesus calls Christians to love everyone and work for justice in this world. Jesus too was born into a time when Jewish nationalism was on the rise, but did he choose to pursue that path? No, he chose to stand up for all human beings. Secondly, I hope you know that there are many Palestinian Christians who are being greatly harmed by the occupation. I've lived with many of those Palestinian Christians and they told me to come back to the States and tell our fellow Christians about what really happens to them in Palestine. I don't really see where I say that I have a degree in anything. I was simply trying to get people to look at the situation through the common perspectives of Palestinians, but thanks for assuming that I do have a degree. Actually, I guess I do not officially have a degree yet, but in less than two months will have one in both International Politics and Economics. Oh, and as for my logic, well I'm going to be attending a top 20 law school next year, so I hope my logic isn't too crappy! But hey, glad you try to attack me rather than the arguements that I lay out!
Adam ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (10.24.06)
46. #41
#11   (10.24.06)
Umm... first of all you countered your own arguement there... You ask, why did the Palestinians not fight Jordan for a state? And then you ask why the PLO was founded in 1964? Well partially to counter Jordanian rule over the West Bank, and partially because they wanted to regain their land that they beleived that Israel was actually on their land. Which, with all due respect is probably a legitimate claim. I personally believe Israel has the right to exist, but as a Palestinian, who saw Western powers simply decide to place a minority group in charge of your land, well hey I might be kinda pissed too! And again, there were tensions between Jordan and Palestinians, but Jordan actually granted Palestinians citizenship and the right to vote. The Jordanian government has done a lot of evil things to the Palestinians though and should, and if you talk to many Palestinians, does not escape criticism.
47. #46 why don't Palis go live in Jordan?
DR ,   Florida, USA   (10.24.06)
or Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Egypt? They can't be that attahced to the area they live in. It is filthy, poor, full of terrorists. Is destroying Israel that imporatnt to you people?
48. Mr. Voice of Saudi Arabia, #6
Jane   (10.24.06)
"Jew" intellectuals! Firstly, they are Jewish. Secondly, they are not very Jewish. Thirdly, no one cares what you think. Since we don't exist for you, we can't hear what you say.
49. #44
Oleg ,   Milwaukee, USA   (10.24.06)
You have missed something, and again you should read the entire Bible, not taking some topics and make your points. Where in the Bible Jesus declared that whatever our G-d said was no longer valid? I think from that point we are done with occupation. You have also ignored my statement about your historical knowledge who started war? I am talking from day 1. I have to admit that being very cynical person I absolutely do not care how our Palestinian friends live. Their life style is in their own hands – not in Israel’s. All they have to do to change this – is very simple thing -- stop attacking Israel and start building your own country. It seems that they do not want to have one, they do not know how to live in peace, how to work and how to not hate their neighbors. As a future lawyer you are very casuistic person, but it has nothing to do with logic. Our life is nothing but IF THEN ELSE Structure. Think about this maybe you will find something very unusual for yourself.
mike smithh ,   tx,usa   (10.24.06)
51. BBC Czech
Neo ,   Czech   (10.24.06)
I must say that BBC Czech was quite reasonable (ie. pro-israeli) before it was closed. They for example held regular discussions about major events in Israel/I-P conflict which were led in a way that appreciated Israeli democracy and its worth for peaceful existence and suppressed obvious emotionally loaded voices of the side of palestinian representants in the Czech republic. These live discussions were simply beyond control of israhaters in headquarters in London.
52. Sugar:Show the world what antisemitic
Sara ,   Israel   (10.24.06)
Sugar: Show the world what antisemitic the B.B.C is. During the last Lebanon War, the B.B.C acted like a A HIZBALLA bulletin. They are a disgrace to England, and the worst: the B.B.C ENCOURAGES THE TERROR TO SPREAD!
53. BBC Bias
Kerry Wilson ,   Ottawa, Canada   (10.24.06)
I e-mailed the BBC shortly after Hezbollah in Lebanon began firing rockets at Israeli civilians. I complained of the tendency of BBC to show only the destruction in Lebanon caused by Israel's response. The editor replied, stating BBC sought to remain 'neutral'!
54. I watched about 1% of Leb War on BBC. The rest on other cha
Alan ,   SA   (10.24.06)
nnels. I didnt need to see Orla Guerin who was hastily parachuted in from her exile in South Africa . Who needs her narrowed pinched eyes,broad broague haranguing voice . Not to mention her unfeminine appearance
55. Biased reporting is Media Terrorism & Misuse of Public Funds
KMR ,   Middle East   (10.24.06)
56. BBC Bias
Terry Brodsky ,   Eilat, Israel   (10.24.06)
The best example of anti-Israel bias on BBC is the choice of analysts & experts on the Middle East. They work the interview like a con game, with the BBC reporter asking a leading question so the Arab expert can Israel-Bash or America-Bash, as the case may be. It's like a propaganda script - but CNN is not much better, it's become AlJazeera in English. I wonder how they would like it if our media called the London bombers "Freedom Fighters" . I guess some in Londonstan would agree, after all, England was involved in the Crusades .........
57. To # 14 Ellen Say what?
Nora ,   Israel   (10.25.06)
As you neither live here nor understand what's going on here, I dont think you are in a position to judge whether the coverage reflects reality or not. For your information, the BBC is very biased against Israel and should take a lesson from Sky's Emma Hurd who's reporting is always balanced, factual and what news should be.
58. To #25 Got your facts wrong
Nora ,   Israel   (10.25.06)
Its obvious that you're not a Muslem living in the West-Bank and that you're American because you dont know what you're talking about. Israel isnt occupying Palestine. There is and never has been a Palestine. Your West-Bank is ex-Jordan If the Arabs hadnt chosen violence and terrorism, things would look a lot different.
59. Is the BBC Biased? Has the ocean got water?
Carlos Murphy ,   Red Hill Australia   (10.25.06)
Once the BBC was a great place to get honest reporting. Once upon a time, a long long time ago when reporters were principled and honest and reported news as it is.They just reported the news,didn't try to cook it, and didn't try to be part of it.That was before the left and the Palestinians got hold of the BBC.At the moment they are trying to shove it down the toilet.
60. #11
v. n.y. ,   usa   (10.25.06)
...and israeli citizens and soldiers have been murdered and kidnapped and beheaded by palestinians and their terrorist organizations for some 60 years now!!! ....and buses, discos, hospitals, buildings, consulates, retaurants, railways, trains, hotels, resorts have been an arena for palestinian suicide bombers and jihadists for some 60 years now!!! ....and european and south pacific countries, england, spain, malaysia, bali, etc...have suffered untold damage from extremists suicide bombings for many years now!!! ....and news reporters, diplomats, heads of state, company workers on contract in foreign countries, family men, etc... have been beheaded and shot point blank for years now!!!! NEED I GO ANY FURTHER TO DESCRIBE WHY ISRAEL REACTS TO PALESTINIANS AS IT DOES??????????????????? when there is danger surrounding your home and land. when someone is bent on your demise, when on a daily basis katyoushas rain on your head, when your kids can't visit malls and movie theaters because of bomb threats, when getting on a bus is taking your life into your hands, when going to a disco, retaurant and bar spells an upcoming tragedy.....this is when you take action into your hands and ammunition in the other and try to teach your enemies a lesson. got it?
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