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Expert: Prepare for war
Yaakov Lappin
Published: 25.10.06, 18:28
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250 Talkbacks for this article
31. to 30
Michael ,   Seattle, WA   (10.30.06)
Even anger must have a voice - pray for peace, pray for the angry. Love God, honour your neighbor and pray for him if he is hurting.
32. #31 Michael
Sheikh yer Bu'Tay ,   Dar al-Harb   (10.30.06)
fadi claims to be a Christian, yet when I have asked him to visit web-sites about Muslims persecuting Christians, he chooses to ignore it. Sites like Instead, fadi always sings praise for the very people who persecute Christians and Jews. fadi is an intelligent person with a twisted mind. He comes on here to play mind games and laugh at people. The best way to play back is to IGNORE HIM.
33. Here is the answer!
enzo ,   london,uk   (10.30.06)
Lots of you are dissatisfied with Olmert, others are panic-stricken! Fadi is already celebrating! Israel has the answer: Mr Lieberman!
34. To #4
Wayne ,   USA   (11.06.06)
You are dumb enough to be a Democrat. Please get a green card , excuse me, no need for that, just over stay your visa, join the sheep they need your clarity.
35. For each qassam on Israeli soil..
Micha   (11.10.06)
10 shells in damascus where the leader of hamass resides. For each rocket launched by hizbullies, 10 shells in Tehran, where the money emanates. Only then will you see some positive action out of Syria and Iran. Otherwise, the Jews are done.
36. Watch this video
Micha   (11.10.06) This is a lebanese christian talking about the brainwashing that goes on, even within the christian community in lebanon.
37. rumours of war
isaac ,   Lusaka, Zambia   (11.10.06)
may the G-d bless you and your leaders and shine upon you to protect all of you from every missile, sting, kassam whatever of the enemy whether by day or by night and may you be valiant in battle and may your G-d go before you and rout all your enemies to dust. To all the goyim, pray for the peace of Jerusalem - he who watches Israel neither sleepes nor slumbers
Catherine ,   Ft. Riley, KS USA   (11.12.06)
You're exacty right Pete. Jesus took my place, and shed his blood on calvary's cross, and Ibelieve that he died, on the third day, rose again, and He's coming back. His free and loving gift of grace. I believe, and by His BLOOD alone, I am saved. "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God." -Romans 5:1-2. God will always protect Israel and his Chosen people, The Jews. Christ will reign in Jerusalem forever, just as He promised. "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believes; to the Jew First, and also to the Greek." -Romans 1:16. Jesus is full of peace, hope, grace, lovingkindness and mercy. This world will someday end, but God's Word endures forever, and we as Christians, have the hope and glory of eternal life with Christ Jesus. I pray that you will experience Real Love and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior today. Shalom, Catherine
39. Lynne
Richard ,   Open Range, USA   (11.14.06)
My translation of the Qur'an is: The Koran, with Parallel Arabic Text, by N.J. Dawood, published by Penguin Books. N.J. Dawood was an Iraqi from Bagdad who traveled to the UK in the 1940's. What I like about it is this: It was translated before the "PC" era. Someday, I would like to send you an Arabic translation of the New Testament. I am sure you would enjoy it! If nothing else, it would give you a better idea of how we Western Christians think!
40. Lebanon is niether a Muslim nor a Christian
Lynne   (11.14.06)
state!! there are as much Muslims as Christians in Lebanon.. there is NO majority !! so quit this propaganda that "Muslims want to rule the world!!" if we wanted to rule the World we would have ruled it decades ago when we were at least able to do so!!
41. #40 Oops!!
Richard ,   Open Range, USA   (11.15.06)
Well, maybe this wasn't such a good place for us to meet! Sorry. Ignore the story, and let's talk. More later. :)
42. #40 Lynne
Richard ,   Open Range, USA   (11.15.06)
If I remember right, the name of the country was Eritea. Really, I don't remember the name (my memory is the second shortest thing I've got, ha,ha,ha). At the time, it was a name I had never heard before. PBS showed documentaries in different time slots so many people could see it. I wanted to watch it again, but was pulled. It was never shown again. Maybe they recieved too many complaints about the nudity. If it was some remote village in Eritea, it has changed very much since then. Where ever it is, it is extremely hot there. The villagers lived on the brink of survival.
43. ehm.. sorry Richard..
Lynne   (11.15.06)
but I could not shut my eyes when I read nonsense!! I'd love to read the Bible .. I have actually read bits and pieces of it.. but not all..
44. Richard :)
Lynne   (11.16.06)
LOL... my memory's also short!! probably this is the reason we happen to agree!! maybe we end up forgetting what we were discussing in the first place!! :) I don't think that if I read the Bible I will really understand how Westerners think.. since I think the majority of Westerners are not so religious.. usually we Muslims regard Islam as a lifestyle and not just as a religion.. but I think Christianity is more spiritual in its content.. am I right? uhh.. by the way.. what village are you talking about?! LOL!!
45. Dear Lynne, the Sweetie!
Richard ,   Open Range, USA   (11.16.06)
Village? err... what village? hehehe. I needed to think awhile before I answered your last post. I am 52 years young. No one likes to grow old, but in one respect, I count myself fortunate to have grown up before the Post-Christian Era in the West. It was different in so many ways. Back then, if you read the Bible, you would know how most Americans would react to most situations. For older Americans, this is still true. Our laws have the Judeao-Christian ethic as a base reference. Starting about 1965, science vs. Christianity was taught at all public schools. I whent off to university with the intention of leaving Christianity behind. In my freshman chemistry class, a professor explained scientifically how Moses turned brackish water into sweet water by throwing an old bleached tree into it. This amazed me! This was thousands of years before science, so how could Moses know to do this? God told him to! What other Bible events could be scientifically explained, I wondered? By the time I took my third physics class, I could not put my Bible down! God is the author of science, just like He is the author of everything else. Many Astro-physists are belivers today. Be they Christian, Muslim, Jew, or Hindu, many believe we live in a universe of intellectual design, not chaos.
46. Dear Lynne, the Sweetie, part 2
Richard ,   Open Range, USA   (11.16.06)
Oh, one last thing for part one. Christianity may be on the decline in the "West", but in the southern hemisphere and in China, it is growing by leaps and bounds! Part two For true belivers, Christianity is a lifestyle, too. I think in Christianity the individual is given more latitude to decide how to apply their faith in different circumstances. "What would Jesus do?" is a legitimate question Christians ask themselves. There are things in Islam I admire. Is Christianity more spiritual in it's content? Hmm... I really had to ponder that one. I am glad you asked, for it forced me to examine my own faith. For me, the answer is most definitely "yes". Christians actually have a deep, personal relationship with God. God loves each of us and wants us to live with him forever. How is this possible? By the indwelling of His Holy Spirit. Most Muslims dismiss this as polytheisic. No, there is only one God. How can God and the Holy Spirit be one? With God, all things are possible. Remember, in the Qur'an, God says "His hand is not chained". He can do anything! Allow me to use an illistration. Imagine a great, giant, lofty tree. The largest in the world! This tree has roots that reach down into the earth. As they go down, the roots get smaller and smaller, down to the individual cell level. That is an illistration of how God can touch each individual Christian with His Holy Spirit. God is the tree, the Holy Spirit is the root (and still part of the tree), and we individuals are the soil touched by the root. That is how we are connected at a very personal and spiritual level.:)
47. Richard!! :)..
Lynne   (11.17.06)
you're 52.. I'm 22.. no big difference just one number ;P . hehehe.. I'm really glad you're giving part of your time and effort to discuss this variety of subjects with me:). it's very nice of you.. yes, I believe that such scientific miracles are present in our books.. as I told you before I haven't read the Christian and Jewish scriptures but I expect to find scientific miricales in them just as in the Qur'an .. for one simple reason.. all three religions came from one source.. we Muslims regard our religion as a development of Judaism and Christianity.. ie. we don't see that Islam's teachings should contradict those of Judaism and Christianity.. although we believe that certain corruptions had taken place in Jewish and Christian scriptures.. and this is why the POrophet's companions have memorised the Qur'an bit by bit before it was written down.. when I said that I don't think reading the Bible would make me understand the Western mentality I did not say this out of disregarding Christianity but I said it because most Westerners have taken the easy and fun parts of their religion like Christmas and Easter.. etc.. while leaving out the parts were they should practice their prayers.. like fasting and attending Chuch .. although I believe that now there is a wake up in religion all over the globe.. and I think this is why even wars have started to take a religious dimension one more time.. during the past decades wars were basically based upon politic beliefs but now there is something more religous in them.. .. we Muslims also have this way in thinking like "what would have Mohammad(PBUH) done" even if you take a look at the content of Muslim preachers (the decent true ones) you would notice that they are trying to talk more and more about the life of Prophet Mohammad and connect it with what's going on today to make us understand how we should act in those circumstances.. I regard Christianity as more spiritual because Jesus (PBUH) in the first place died (or was ascended to God as we believe) at a young age.. and he was a pacifist.. his life was mostly based on miracles.. this is why I think it was hard for Christians to follow the footsteps of Jesus(PBUH).. so this is why I tell you that Christianity is mostly spiritual .. not much happened during the short lifetime of Jesus (PBUH) so he was unable to set a real life example for Christians to follow later on.. which caused many of them to see that it's actually hard to act like prophet Jesus.. I think that every religious individual whatever his/her religion will have a very string relation with God.. like I sometimes feel that when something is going wrong with me I would sit up alone at night and tell God what I'm feeling and ask for His guidance.. I think people from all religions do this.. Muslims regard that Christians say that "Jesus is the son of God".. or he is God himself.. this is what we regard as polytheithic because in the Qur'an God tells us many times that He has no son and that Prophets are God's prophets and He had provided them with miracles because he is Al Mighty..
48. Sad but True
Catherine ,   USA   (11.17.06)
Dear Lynne, Some of the things you said unfortunately are very true. I do agree that many westerners have taken the "easy and fun parts" of their Christianity without any responsibility or a true longing to live for Christ. This is sad. You see, I do not see Jesus as merely a prophet. The Bible, which I consider to be the only Holy and Living Word of God, says that Jesus is truly God in the flesh. Christians believe in the trinity, which states that God Almighty, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are One. Yes, Jesus is the son of God, but He is God. The trinity sometimes may seem like a paradox, but we as Christians believe by faith that God sent his only begotten son Jesus, to die in our stead. God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit: Separate but also One. You see, Jesus came to earth for one reason, and one reason only. He came to earth to die. When I say that, he came to fulfill the Heavenly Father's will. When Jesus Christ shed his blood on Calvary's cross, he took your place Lynne. He took mine too. You see, in the Old Testament, a blood sacrifice was required for sins to be forgiven. Jesus came to fulfill the law, and the Old Testament prophecy, and He Alone became the complete blood sacrifice and atonement for sin. I still can not hardly fathom how God could love us so much, but I am so very grateful. "while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us". When we acknowledge that we are sinners in need of a Savior, and we believe that Jesus died on the cross, on the third day, rose again, is alive and coming back, the Bible says we are Saved, and we will spend eternity with Him. Lynne, Jesus bridged the gap between man and God. He is the mediator. He is and was the only Holy and Sinless person that has ever walked the face of this earth. The Blood that He shed covers our sin when we believe on Him. Jesus is Lord, and He made a way for man to commune with a Holy God. And for myself, Richard and any other person who places his trust in Christ, they receive his wonderful and FREE gift of grace. In the Holy Bible, Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me." -John 14:6. To man, it may appear that Jesus lived a "short life", but the Bible says differently. Hebrews 13:8 tells us that Jesus is the SAME yesterday, today, and forever." Christ is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. (Revelation 1:8) Our real life example that Jesus left us is the Living Word of God, the Holy Bible. Any and all answers may be found in this book. From Genesis to Revelation, we can see and experience God's almighty power and greatness. Richard was right. When we accept Christ as our Lord and Savior, we have a "helper" and a "comforter" called the Holy Spirit. (John 16:7) The Holy Spirit indwells a true believer of Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit allows us to read the Bible, and actually understand it. I have experienced reading the Bible with and without Christ. Without the Lord, it just becomes a story, and part of history. With Jesus, and His Spirit that indwells me as a believer, the Holy Bible is not only ALIVE, its complete truth, Hope and Joy. No other "prophet" has ever risen from the dead. Jesus is Lord, and He is Alive, and He is coming back just as He said. Lynne, this is truth. God's Holy Spirit is knocking at your heart. I pray that you will accept him today. "God so Loved the world, He gave his one and only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will never die, but have everlasting life" -John 3:16 Praying for you today. Shalom, Catherine
49. Catherine :)
Lynne   (11.18.06)
thank you for explaining your religion Catherine.. of course there are many things I do not agree with but I respect your beliefs.. in Islam we do not believe that Jesus(PBUH) is God or God's son.. we regard him as a prophet just like Moses, Abraham and Mohammad(PBUT) .. another difference is that we do not believe that Jesus(PBUH) was crucified.. in the Qur'an we are told that God had saved him and replaced him by another man whom he provided with the same features.. but we believe like you do that Jesus will be descended again on Judgement Day .. Catherine, you said: "No other "prophet" has ever risen from the dead. Jesus is Lord, and He is Alive, and He is coming back just as He said." this had sort of mixed things up for me.. because as I believe all of us will rise from the dead on Resurrection.. EXCEPT Jesus(PBUH) .. peace to you too Catherine..
50. Lynne, the Sweetie!
Richard ,   Open Range, USA   (11.18.06)
52...22... Do you realize that our age difference is less than Muhammad and Aisha? Look how far we have come! At first we were antagonists to one another, opposites in a great conflict. Now we are good friends! Spending time with you is great fun! I look forward to it everyday! :) Catherine's post talked about the Holy Spirit knocking at the door to your heart. This is amazing! Before I wrote #'s 45 & 46, I had a great dream. Someone kept knocking, and knocking at a door. Finally, they were pounding at this door and it woke me from my sleep! I realized I needed to answer your post #44, right then and there! This was very early in the morning, hours before I normally get up! I have to go feed my mother breakfast. When I return, I will tell you about the miracles the Holy Spirit has worked in my life!
51. Lynne... Miracles
Richard ,   Open Range, USA   (11.18.06)
The Bible also calls Jesus (PBUH) a prophet. Acts 7: 37,38: "This is that Moses who told the Israelites, 'God will send you a PROPHET like me from your own people.' He was in the assembly in the desert, with our fathers and with the angel who spoke to him on Mount Sinai; and he recieved living words to pass on to us." The Torah and Bible both tell us this prophet will come from a virgin birth. How can this be? "His hand is not chained", God (Allah) can do anything! If God created the entire universe, the earth and all living creatures on it, it is ensignificant for Him to also create a fertilized human egg in Mary's womb. If God created this embryo who grew into the baby Jesus, then God "begot" the prophet Jesus. In Mark 16: 17-19: Jesus said: "And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well." After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them he was taken up into Heaven... One of my brothers witnessed to an African from Rhodisia, the man heard my brothers words in the Rhodisian language! Twice, while walking in the wilds of America I love, poisonous snakes have struck at me with no harm done. It was like they ran into an invisable glass wall that stopped them! We had a man fall nine stories from a building. He was dead. He was not breathing and had no pulse. I prayed over him these words: "Father, if it be within thy will, let this man live!" Instantaniously, he came back to life! As long as my brothers and I prayed over him, he lived. When the paramedics took him to the hospital, he died again. I strongly feel God gave us this so we could show the man's family how hard we tried to save him. His family forgave us. My wife had cancer. I had faith she would get well, but she was scared to death. One day while I was in the shower and she was in bed completly alone she once again prayed to God for a healing. God answered her. She heard a strong male voice say out loud: "Susie, you go get the surgury done, and I will do the rest." She has been cancer free for 18 years now! Did we Christians do anything special for these miracles to happen? Not really, only this: We were willing vessels for the Holy Spirit to work thru.
52. Lynne
Catherine ,   USA   (11.18.06)
Dear Lynne, Thanks for your comments, and like Richard says, your "sweetness". : ) I just wanted to clarify a few things from my last post. I don't see myself as a religious person, but rather one that has a relationship with God; a follower of Jesus. I am a sinner saved by God's grace. I fully understand my frailty as a human being, falling short from the glory of God, but I also realize who I am in Christ. I have been forgiven, saved by His Blood, and I will spend eternity with the Lord. I choose to follow Jesus daily the best I can because I love him. Ephesians 2:4-9 states "But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by GRACE you have been SAVED through FAITH, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast." In reference to logic and truth. The law of non-contradiction shows an either/or scenario. For instance, I am either typing this post right now, or I am not. There is one truth. In the same sense, Jesus either IS Lord, exactly who He said He is, or He is not. By faith, I believe. "So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" (Romans 10:17) 2 Corinthians 5:6-8 tells us that "we walk by faith, not by sight", and to be absent from this body is to be present with the Lord. Christians believe that when Jesus rose from the grave, He ascended in to Heaven, and He is seated at the right hand of the Father. (John:20:17) So when I say that Jesus is Alive, He overcame death and the grave. I serve a Risen Savior. In answer to your question, Jesus is alive, and He's coming back. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 says: But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, (Christians who have already died) lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus. For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. For the Lord Himself will DESCEND from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archargel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall ALWAYS be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words." Further, Jesus is coming back to judge the living and the dead. Christ will Reign forever as King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. You see Lynne, we are all marching towards eternity. The only real question is: where will you spend eternity? I will spend eternity with Jesus, and His Kingdom will have no end. God leaves us the Holy Bible, the Word of God so that we can know: "But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing, you may have life in His Name." -John 20:31 Lynne, I am praying that God Almighty will continue to reveal himself to you. I pray that His Holy Spirit embraces your heart with the most overwhelming love that you have ever experienced. I pray that the Lord would remove the scales from your eyes to see the one and only truth. I pray that you will open the door, and allow Christ in. He loves you, and he cares about your soul, and where you will spend eternity. He longs to fully unveil all He has in store for you. May you experience the peace and the greatest love you've ever known today. In Jesus Name I pray. Shalom, Catherine
53. Richard:) Thank you!!
Lynne   (11.18.06)
"Do you realize that our age difference is less than Muhammad and Aisha?" LOL .. you really are amazing.. you are able to speak to me in MY language!! hehehe.. I love reading your posts but it also hurts me when I think of others who are fighting and killing one another as a result to their differences.. I start to wonder why don't they use language? I think language is a grace we were given in order to communicate and understand one another.. imagine the world without language!! I don't know why many of us use a violent means of communication when there are easier, more fun and safer ways to communicate!! it is our differences that provide richness to our coversations... I believe the stories you told me about.. I think God shows a believer signs to examine his/her faith.. when we show God that we remember Him and trust Him He gives us a soothing sign to tell us that He values us.. Christians, Muslims and Jews are all believers.. God rewards us for how much good we've done and how much faith in Him we've got.. you have said that the Torah and Bible both talk about Jesus(PBUH), why then do Jews not believe in Jesus(PBUH)? I am glad your wife recovered.. you seem like a very good man and I'm sure your wife is a good woman deserve to live happily.. May God be the light which guides your way to what's best for you:)
54. Catherine, my new friend:)
Lynne   (11.19.06)
again Catherine I will tell you too that I'm very grateful for those decent conversations.. your talkbacks and Richard's talkbacks actually make my day:) we need this.. it's medicine for the soul!! there are so many misunderstandings which the wise ones between us should discuss.. what I understand from combining your post with Richard's is that you believe that Jesus (PBUH) is both, Prophet and Lord.. did I get it right? the point is that I love Christ and believe in him just as you do.. I love Mohammad(PBUH) too.. what I think you are not understanding about me as a Muslim is that I follow Mohammad(PBUH) and read the Qur'an not because I don't believe in Jesus(PBUH) and don't regard the Holy Bible as God's book but because I see Islam as the final part of God's words to us.. it's like a reading a book made of three parts.. if you leave out any part of them you will not understand the book!! Thank you Catherine for your lovely prayer :) peace to you..
55. Dear Lynne, you are welcome, of course!
Richard ,   Open Range, USA   (11.19.06)
I am glad you enjoy our conversations as much as I do!! Why do so many people resort to violence? I do not know. In fact, I am just about ready to stop trying to figure it out. Peace is right there for all to reach, yet so many do not wish to grasp it. Why do Jews not believe in Jesus? Actually, many reguard him as a prophet, like Muslims do. Jews do not think Jesus is the Messiah (Christ). They say he is not the ONE foretold in the Torah by the Prophets before him. You know the Qur'an as well as I know the Torah and New Testament. I am just now reading the Qur'an to learn "part 3". When can I send you a Bible so you can better learn "parts 1 & 2"? It would be nice if I could send it to you for Christmas. :)
56. Longsuffering
Catherine ,   USA   (11.19.06)
Wow...this is a first. I actually just woke up @ 3:45a.m....really having tossed and turned since midnight, with no dreams, just a restless heart. First, let me say to Richard, that I too enjoyed hearing the miracles of God. He is so wonderful, and indeed, Able!! Isn't He? I also enjoyed hearing that your wife was healed of CA. All of God's promises are steadfast, true & endless, when we have such faith. His Love endures forever. When I woke up, one word that came to my heart was "longsuffering". Well, I know this word means patience, and I just thanked the Lord for having so much compassion, and grace with me in my my life. Its sad to say, but there was a time in my life where I onced recklessly professed Christianity, and did not live it. (just plain hypocrisy)....similar to what Lynne mentioned on how many muslums sometimes view Westerners, taking the "easy and fun part of their religion", and basically forgetting the One who bore all their shame. Its awful to think that I onced lived like that, but its true. But Praise God for his longsuffering and restoration! Maybe thats why I love the Lord so much now, because I remember just exactly what He has brought me out of. I don't ever want to forget, because its so humbling to know that He still loved me, and wanted me back. I will be eternally grateful that He is so patient, and so kind, full of Love, compassion and longsuffering for His children. Like the song goes: "Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now I'm found, was blind, but now I see." We can trust God with all our concerns and sorrows, because He cares for us. "For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, And do not return there, But water the earth, and make it bring forth and bud, That it may give seed to the sower And bread to the eater, So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. (Isaiah 55:10-11) Praise God for His faithfulness. Its now 4:30am...I need to get a little sleep to face my teenagers in Sunday school class in the morning!! (haha) Have a great day...His Grace is Sufficient. Shalom, Catherine
57. Richard.. :-( !!!!
Lynne   (11.19.06)
you're about as sweet as I am!! LOL.. I'm kidding. I'm sweeter.. hehehe.. I'm kidding again!! Thank you very very very much!! it's very nice of you to think of sending me a Bible for Christmas:) I promise you I will buy one from here.. actually a few years ago I tried to read a Bible in Arabic but I did not understand it.. ehm.. last year when I stayed in Norway there was a copy of the New Testament in my room (the hotel I stayed at put a copy of the Bible in every room) .. I also read a few parts from the beginning.. I remember that I found some difficulty reading it and I also didn't have much time to spend trying to understand it.. but now after talking to you, I feel ashamed for not reading your Bible while you are familiar with my Qur'an so I have decided to buy a Bible and start reading it!! :) regarding why Jews don't believe in Jesus.. who do they think is the one foretold in the Torah?
58. poor Catherine :)
Lynne   (11.19.06)
it seems like you really did suffer last night.. hope you get some peaceful sleep tonight!!! all of us committed sins at one time or another but from God's mercy on us is that He is always there to accept us again, forgive us and love us no matter what we'd done.. when God loves us He guides us again to His path regardless of all our sins.. you know Catherine, sometimes when I miss a prayer I stay all day feeling very depressed and I start to feel that I must have done something wrong that day so God made me miss those precious minutes of standing in His hands for prayer.. when I've only started praying two years ago!! even though we are from different religions I feel that each one of his has his/her own private relationship with God!! I am glad you have found your way to Him ..
59. Sweet Lynne :)
Richard ,   Open Range, USA   (11.20.06)
Oh, I made you frown! I didn't mean to. Okay, no more trying to send you a Bible. I was wondering how I could do that anyway because I feel it is not safe for any of us to reveal even our e-mail addresses at this site. There are just too many nasties here! Someday, God willing, when we have found a secure location, maybe we can exchange gifts of friendship, okay? Insallah! I hope you find a good Arabic translation. My absolute favorite is: The Holy Bible, New International Version, copyright 1978 by the New York International Bible Society. They took great pains to read and interpret the very oldest manuscripts known to exist (some as early as 100 AD!). They also carefully translated it into a form of English that could be easily read by all English speaking people the world over. When I read the Bible, I feel like God is talking directly to me! Either He is telling me something that happened I should learn from, or there is a verse that applies directly to what is happening right now. When I prayed to God about you reading the Bible, He gave me a verse about you. It is from Jesus' Sermon On The Mount: Matthew 5:6 "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." Who do Jews think is the Messiah (Christ) fortold in the Torah? Jews say He has not arrived yet, and we will all know it when He comes!! We Christians site 365 prophecies about the Christ in the Torah. We say that Jesus has fulfilled all but one, His second coming!
60. Sweet Lynne, part 2
Richard ,   Open Range, USA   (11.20.06)
Languages. Ever since you posted #53, I have had a joyful song in my heart. It's author is Ms. Sandi Patti, and it's title is "Love in Any Language". If we could get all the different enemies in the ME to sing this together, what a difference it would make!! Here is part of it. "Though the rhetoric of governments may keep us far apart, there is no denying the language of the heart! "Love in any language, straight from the heart, pulls us all together, never apart! "And once we learn to speak it, all the world will hear. "Love in any language, fluently spoken here!!" Okay, maybe I'm being overly optomistic about getting all the players in the ME to have a "sing-a-long"! (Hehe!) But at the Resurrection, everyone will hear God in His true language. Love!
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