Peretz: Israel didn't fire at German ship
Efrat Weiss
Published: 25.10.06, 20:05
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61. Fadi
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, GA   (10.26.06)
There you are! I thought you were handing out pamphlets in Akko or had gone to Gaza on vacation.. If it's been almost 40 years since you can pin something on the IAF, I'd say their track record is pretty good. Oh, this is just for you
62. Nora, Ryan, Fred, Randy, Resolutioner..
Lynne   (10.26.06)
Nora,Randy and Fred.. I should remind you that Israel hadn't started to violate the Lebanese souveriegnity just after the 12th of July!! Israeli planes had been flying over Lebanon for years so claiming that Israel is violating Lebanon's soveriegnity because Hezbullah had not disarmed is ignorant... as for Lebanon not doing its share in resolution 1701 then Isarel is the last country that has the right to talk about others not being committed to UN resolutions since there are around 400 resolutions against Israel which it violated!!.. I think this answers your question #54 Resolutioner.. no.. I couldn't find one UN resolution that Israel had obeyed... Ryan, oh.. so if the Lebanese are incapable of controlling thier country then Israel feels obliged to control it for them... is that what you're trying to say?? it is difficult to keep Lebanon under the control of one group or another because Lebanon is a very small consisting of many several sects.. so whatever the Lebanese choose to do there will always be opposers.. who would keep on trying to take control.. if it were the Greeks, Syrians or Russians doing flyovers things I wouldn't have accepted it anymore.. the Lebanese people did not want the Syrians in thier country either.. so maybe this will answer your question.. flying warplanes over a soveriegn country is a provocation.. so don't run around accusing me of expressing biased opinions when you are clinging to biased opinions yourself!!
63. 57. View the video 1st. 2nd - ALL land is won MILITARILY
Truth ,   USA   (10.27.06)
??? Any questions?
64. 57. The "proof" is history, Biblical AND political.
65. #56 Excellent Article About Israel attacking USS Liberty
fadi ,   lebanon   (10.27.06)
An attack in 1967 in day light by israel air force and commando units on USS Liberty .. a navy vessel that was operating opposite to israel. Attack that killed 34 sailors and wounded another 171. So with this record UN ships definetly need to keep their eyes open !!!!
66. #63biblical history, biblical political AND biblic biblical
are you still jocking!
67. 66. How stupid...
Truth ,   USA   (10.28.06)
BIBLICAL OR FACTUAL HISTORY? --Ancient Romans renaming Israel Palestine --Balfour Declaration --Rebirth of Israel --Yom Kippur War --1967 War --Arab hostility --UN Anti-Semitism / pro-Arab Corruption --Koranic doctrine of Israel / West hate --False peace processes --Catholic Church persecution of Jews etc. etc. etc. What do you not understand about "HISTORY" and "FACTS" ? BLINDERS: --Godlessness --Historic / Political Ignorance --Biblical Ignorance --Anti-Semitism --Self Interest / Politics --Liberal Secularism * *Allows blindness to occur
68. #67 winning land by war is against UN charter
International recognition of Israel was through the UN, as an "unprecedented process". I think no similar "process" was made by the UN thereafter. Do you believe that to Win land by war is ligitimate ?
69. 68. Gross corruption is against all
Truth ,   USA   (10.28.06)
68: International recognition of Israel was through the UN, as an "unprecedented process". I think no similar "process" was made by the UN thereafter. 67: True. However, Jewish Israel (aka: "Palestine") was established some 4000 years prior to 1948 and certainly the existence of a UN, Britain, America or even ancient Rome. Jews unbroken relationship with their land remains through continuous presence. Archeology reveals ancient Jewish relics and infrastructure within Israel's borders of today and well beyond. Jewish relics were recently unearthed in Judea-Samaria "Gaza". The Temple at Jerusalem was built by Jews and we need not discuss the Jews who built the ancient Pyramids. Another "unprecedented process" is by defending itself from genocidal Arabs in 1948 and 1967 Israel inadvertently regained more of its original land militarily. The original boundaries of Israel encompass all of Judea-Samaria "Gaza" and much of Syria and Jordan. 68: Do you believe that to Win land by war is ligitimate? 67: Ask the countries who've won and kept land through war: Britain, China, Russia, US, Turkey, Iraq, India, So. Africa, Ancient Babylon, Ancient Rome, etc. etc. etc. some of these countries comprise the UN, all are independently sovereign from the UN. =============================================== [established historical and Biblical fact] [established historical fact] [established historical fact] [oil bribes: anti-semitic fuel]
70. Simple facts you should know
Do you know why the pyramids were not built by Jews; simply because they were built thousands of years before Jews existed. All these empires and countries gained their land before UN was established. Some even long, long before, and they did not need their ancient "UN" to recogenize their states to be established. Why hiding? not only Syria and Jordan, you are claiming; it is the whole "little piece" of Land from Nile to Euphrate; to start with!
71. 70 - Thanks
Truth ,   USA   (10.29.06)
70: Do you know why the pyramids were not built by Jews; simply because they were built thousands of years before Jews existed. 69: Thanks. I'll check next time prior. 70: All these empires and countries gained their land before UN was established. Some even long, long before, and they did not need their ancient "UN" to recogenize their states to be established. 69: Agreed. 68's post suggests UN recognition created and validates Israel. I disagreed and stated the same. 70: Why hiding? not only Syria and Jordan, you are claiming; it is the whole "little piece" of Land from Nile to Euphrate; to start with! 69: No hiding. My response was directed to 68 in context. Syria and Jordan were mentioned to provide 68 with an understanding of Israel's ancient boundaries - in part. If one has difficulty fathoming Israel's existence prior to 1948 and presumes Israel's existence is established through the UN, how much more the notion of Israel's true biblical boundaries? Therefore, context regarding the immediate issue is more apt: A. Why open a can of factual worms if one can digest only a few? Those truly interested in the issue will research when presented with conflicting information. B. The land boundaries you mentioned are biblically correct. However, Israel has never possessed its full land inheritance due to wars, oppressions and disbursements related to disobedience against the land grantor - God. Further, God reminds Israel in scripture that the land is ultimately His and given exclusively to the Jews as a holy inheritance. Yet Israel fights to give more of it away contrary to biblical mandate. The Bible also indicates Israel will ultimately receive its magnificently multi-faceted inheritance with gracious interest from God. We'll all celebrate then. :)
72. #71 But,
Muslims' God promised them the whole world. Are the Jews less greedy to satisfy themselves with this "little piece of land" ? With due respect to all Heavely religions, do not you think it is time to forget about all these "religious" claims and start talk and work peace to live the reality?
73. The story from the German perspective...
Michael K. ,   Berlin, Germany   (10.29.06)
Maybe to add some more information here: The German ship involved, the "Alster", is a spyship which was doing electronic surveillance, but is not equipped with any anti-arcraft missiles or artillery and was sailing approx. 60 miles off the coast in international waters. Although the whole incident is quite unfortunate and was unnecessary, I personally believe that the real reason for the Israeli fireworks was that they wanted to let the Germans know that they had detected that this ship was monitoring them... however, sending a single aircraft instead of 6 would have had the same effect, and the fireworks (of which video footage exists) was in my point of view totally out of place and probably a kind of "macho"- behaviour of one of the pilots...
74. 72. Reality
Truth ,   USA   (10.30.06)
72. Reality 72: Muslims' God promised them the whole world. No. Their doctrine says they are to "convert" the whole world by the sword. Their doctrine agrees the land belongs to Israel as given to Israel-Jews by their god. “We made a covenant of old with the Children of Israel” (Surah 5:70) ...we said unto the Children of Israel... dwell in the land... (17:103, 104); ...We chose them, purposely, above all creatures” (44:30-32); “favored them above all peoples” (45:16); “Remember Allah’s favor to you...He...gave you what he gave no other of his creatures. O my people, go into the Holy Land which Allah hath ordained for you” (95:20, 21)..." [Note: The Muslim Koran texts copy and revise the original Jewish Torah texts regarding the God of Israel giving Israel the land. Tanakh and New Testament precedes the Koran by many centuries and the Koran is admittedly taken piecemeal and revised from Tanakh and New Testament: Judeo-Christian scripture] History also proves Israel's ownership and heritage in the land of Israel. 72: Are the Jews less greedy to satisfy themselves with this "little piece of land" ? "Greedy" is true. In the middle east alone, Muslims have at least 700x's the land area of Israel. The will to world genocide of all non-Muslims and unconverted with seizure of all world land for Islam is far beyond Hitlerian greedy genocide. 72: With due respect to all Heavely religions, do not you think it is time to forget about all these "religious" claims and start talk and work peace to live the reality? Man made utopia is a beautiful sentiment. It is the humanitarian "religious belief" foundational to Communism, Islam, The Catholic Inquisitions, Holocaust, etc. The idea of peace through dialog rejects the realities of man's inherent selfishness: will to resent, envy, lie (break treaties), greed (grab for more), power lust, and genocide towards "peace". One man's peace is another mans hell. This inherent selfishness is called "Sin" in the Judeo-Christian Bible. "Sin" has been proven since the dawn of time and into today as the number one stumbling block to world, familial and individual peace. The Apostle Paul [A Pharisee, Sanhedrin and "Jew of Jews"] said, “Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure [Comfort & Security] that war within your members? You lust [want-desire] and do not have. You murder [literal, gossip, slander, scapegoat, destroy] and covet [envy, resent] and cannot obtain. You fight and war. Yet you do not have, because you do not ask [God].” Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss [with selfish motives], that ye may consume [use] it upon [for] your lusts [pleasures]. James 4: 1-3 The Judeo-Christian Bible also states that "Sin" separates man from God and peace. Jewish Jesus, "The Prince of Peace", said, “All have sinned...” Therefore, the questions for peace are: Is the Bible (Tanakh and New Testament) true? =============== "You will seek Me [God] and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13 "For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." Luke 11:10 Jewish Bible [Tanakh] Judeo Christian Bible [Tanakh & New Testament *Written by Jews]
75. #74
Muslims believe in the true Torah and Christian bible; Koran came to complete what is missing in both. So, you find texts of the true Torah similar to those of Koran. Calling your state“Israel”does not mean that the contemporary Jews are the children of Israel. Children of Israel (Bani Israel) are part of Moses’ people and they were the “good” people. There is no evidence that this part of Jews (Bani Israel) still exists; but most likely they ceased to. As stated in the Koran, Moses’ people let him down and did not enter the Land under the excuse that they would not fight the “mighty” people who were inhabiting the land. They said to Moses go you and your God to fight, but here we would stay (not fight). What extremists are doing the last years does do represent Islam. Why people are “generalizing” now while they did not generalized before, say 50 years ago, only means that there is a “political “ motive behind.
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