Haredim mull sabotaging gay parade
Neta Sela
Published: 26.10.06, 05:00
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81 Talkbacks for this article
61. I don't understand some of you people
Frank ,   Milwaukee, USA   (10.26.06)
Some in my church taught me that the Jews killed my Lord. Some in your church (as well as mine) teaches that homosexuality is an abomination. Now I could have listened to people in my church who believed Jews are evil and going to hell. I choose not to. I've known to many good Jewish people in my lifetime to accept that. Now you can choose if you believe that gays are an abomination and going to hell, but where will that get you. We can all hate each other and keep fighting or we can love and respect one another. What do you think God would have us do? We all really need to ask ourselves that. I hope one day Christian, Jews, Muslims, gays, can parade together down the streets of Jerusalem. What do you think God would think of that? I think it would please him.
62. #61
Deborah ,   Midwest, USA   (10.26.06)
You need to separate what the scriptures actually say from what some churches, or individual pastors/priests, teach. Nowhere in the scriptures does it say that the Jews will be eternally punished for the cruxifiction of Jesus. Using this logic, the Italians should also be eternally punished, too, since the Roman, Pontius Pilate, gave the go ahead. All of mankind is responsible for His death, since He came to die for our sins - ALL of us. The scriptures do, however, specifically condemn homosexuality in the Old and New Testaments. Leviticus 18: 22 and 20:13, Romans 1: 24-27, 1 Timothy 1: 9-11, Jude 7 and others you must look up for yourself. Yes, I, too, hope that someday all men will live in peace together and that day will come when we all obey GOD'S LAWS. We are not to hate one another, but to hate the BEHAVIORS that are against God's Law. We all fall short and all have sinned, but to parade the sins as though they are something to be accepted, admired, or imitated should not be tolerated.
63. Gay Parade?
Pamela ,   Texas, united states   (10.26.06)
As the young nation of Israel fights continually for her survival, please remember that your ancestors held the old city, just like the Texans at the Alamo, facing certain death, in order for there to even be a Jerusalem! (The1967 war, remember!) Why cause civil strife? This is not the time to be divided, complete unity would once again show the WORLD Israel is serious. Without Israel where will home be?
64. This is SICK!
Kali ,   USA   (10.27.06)
This is Wrong & God doesn't approve of it. We will suffer his WRATH.
65. #62
Frank ,   Milwaukee, USA   (10.27.06)
The scriptures codemn eating shellfish too. If I go to Red Lobster am I going to hell? Also, don't forget how we worship is a behavior as well. Should we outlaw worshiping that the majority feels is wrong? "Should not be tolerated?" Yes, it should be tolerated. What if Christians decided not to tolerate Jews anymore? or Muslims? I'll leave the judging to God. I am amazed that you close your heart off to so many of your brothers and sisters and think that this is what God wants. I feel sorry for you.
66. The parade must not take place !
Adam Neira ,   Melbourne, Australia   (10.27.06)
Sometimes in history the "good guys" are so silent and respectful of others that they get swamped and crowded out by the "bad guys". In a world where people are striving for true holiness and sanctuary, places of purit, innocence and freedom must be preserved, defended and protected. Jeruslem is the holiest city on the planet. I have it on good authority that G-d has had enough of all of the sin in the world, and he wants righteousness and peace to reign. Homosexuality is a result of negative conditioning in childhood and incorrect choices later in adult life. We cannot always control what happens to us a children, but G-d gives us the gift of free will as adults. How we choose to act as adults affects ourselves and the whole world. UTJ MK Meir Porush should be commended for his stance, as should the members of the other monotheistic faiths, i.e. Christianity and Islam who are protesting this "gay" parade of decadence. Sometimes the "good guys" need to stand up and be counted. It is now 2006/5767...Now is the time ! Edmund Burke said "All it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." I agree with him... Shalom to the anti-gay parade people.
67. #65
john ,   sydney australia   (10.27.06)
Perhaps you should feel sorry for yourself, telling people that eating red lobster will send you to hell. Also it's a bit of subject isn't it.
68. #65
Ted ,   Montreal, Canada   (10.27.06)
If you make a covenant with G-d, promising not to eat shellfish, but do not keep your part of the bargain, then why should G-d keep His part: you may as well go to hell. You have it wrong: worshiping involves behaviours, and all your behaviours should worship G-d. Homosexual sex among many other behaviours does not please G-d as His Scriptures tell us. Such sexual perversions are in fact "abominations" in His eyes, very rare strong terms used in the Scriptures indeed. Actually, I feel sorry for those who think Christian or Jewish doctrines can be changed at a whim's notice, and this accusation is quite offensive to people of Faith. All people of Faith struggle to understand what they are asked to believe so as not to offend G-d and this entails strict criteria of truth. No, the people of Israel have a Covenant with G-d, and for some people to come in and celebrate an abominable sin is to mock and insult not only the people of Israel but in particular their G-d. That is why such malicious attacks are not to be tolerated in the Holy city of Jerusalem.
69. #16
Ted ,   Montreal, Canada   (10.27.06)
The notion of "rights" evolved from the Biblical understanding that man is created in the image of G-d and therefore has a sacredness which no other man can remove from him. Without this religious underpinning, there are no rights as such except what freedoms a person can win from others in the politics of power or what obligations from others towards him that he can extract from society. There is nothing in a g-dless nature that gives "rights" to anyone. It is only when nature is recognised as G-d's creation that man as His creature acquires a essential dignity, having natural rights as a person in creation given to him by G-d and which are independent from other people. Stalin, an ex- theology student, knew that very well. But if we recognise G-d, then we must also recognise that freedoms are not absolute, but must conform to His will. There are good freedoms and bad freedoms, and therefore there are good rights and bad rights. The "right" to Sodomy is not Biblical, and neither is it in most other religions in the world: that in itself should say something. Canadian politicians and judiciary are clueless about what "rights" are all about, and merely play the power game.
70. #62..Deborah, Midwest
Craig ,   USA   (10.27.06)
Well spoken.,..intelligent, coherant and totally accurate. Thx for your contributions to this discussion.
71. Why is Irael putting God to the test?
susan ,   Canada   (10.27.06)
72. 44. The world can survive w/o homos
can homos survive w/o hetros / opposite sex?
73. 37. David honored God's word, his sin was for a woman
God's word says, NO SODOMITES...
74.  re:12. Julius Streicher is back ?
Michal ,   sarasota, fl   (10.27.06)
You have just passed judgment on the Most high Creator by comparing Him to Nazis.
75. Response to "Bible Thumpers"
Christy ,   Bakersfield, USA   (10.29.06)
To back off from or ignore the gay issue would be a to failure to take a stand for what is right and against what is wrong. True Christians are not to hate the people who sin, but love them. The homosexual lifestyle leads to a lower quality of life. Besides it being a sin, it often leads to diseases and for some, suicide. I personally do not hate gays--I feel sad for them, due to what they do to not only themselves but others. It's a sin against God, against the other partner, and against his/her own body.
76. Respnse to #16 and #69
FJ ,   Halifax, Canada   (10.29.06)
16 you make all of us in canada look like weak minded, PC , cant think for ourselves drones...where we just move with what is fashionable for the day.... there is no way that anyone with a sane and non-brainwashed mind can honestly say that gay acts should be on the same level as straight ones. The fact that one can produce children and the other cannot is the most obvious distinction...the other is that being gay is not the same as being a native or being a jew... hence making your argument useless. Nothing is stopping a "gay" man from marrying a woman other than his own perverted lusts, which can be fixed as hundreds of thousands of "ex-gays" have already done. just as alcohoism can be fixed, as well as gambling and porno addiciton...they are sins all the same. Now #69...what can I say... you nailed it on the head! .. glad to see some other wise people in Canada
77. What a bunch of Crybabies
John ,   Maaleh Adumim,Israel   (10.29.06)
The gay people want to have a parade in Jerusalem, like is done in many other cities on the world. Many of them - and I know gay people - feel that it is important. While it is definately possible to discuss the pros and cons of having a parade in Jerusalem - I personally have mixed opinions - if they want to have a few hours, one day a year, why make such a fuss? Really, 2-3 hours, one day a year....sheesh...what a bunch of whiny people. If you don't want to see the parade, read a book, watch some TV, cook for Shabboss (the parade is on a Friday) for a few hours. It's obviously important to a lot of gay people, why can't you just give them a few hours and that's that?
78. Hitler hated gays and jews alike. Are you like him?
Charles Vallario ,   Washington, DC USA   (10.30.06)
That is how HITLER started attacking gays and jews and gays were in the Holocaust defending jewish rights, don't you have a sense of history? So what is this Hitlerian attitude from you?
79. There are other verses in the scriptures, read on.
Charles Vallario ,   Washington, DC USA   (10.30.06)
Yeah but in the same scripture it says that whoever talks bad to his mother or father should be stoned. So you should be stoned when you talk bad to your father and mother, which I believe is every day.
80. Get off the religious books and see the real life
Charles Vallario ,   Washington, DC   (10.30.06)
That thing that you're saying sounds the same as the Muslim shit. So what are you?
81. Torah and gays
Baruch ,   Boston, USA   (11.02.06)
When the Torah places things close to or next to each other, there is usually a significance to it. The fact that the Torah places the proscription against homosexuality next to the proscription against bestiality tells us that both are viewed as seriously by HaShem. I must say I agree with Him, but how can one disagree with Him anyway? Either stop this stupid parade or, if you support it, request that people shtup animals in the parade as well to show what is going on.
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