Holy war against pride parade
Neta Sela
Published: 30.10.06, 02:48
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95 Talkbacks for this article
Henri ,   Quebec Canada   (10.30.06)
The GAY march must go on!! The world will see a better side of the Jews when they see gays and lesbians marching in love and harmony!! Then they will see that not all Jews are out there oppressing Arabs. One other thing--gay love is good for the Army--the brothers stick together, no matter what! Studies have proven it!!! ASk any psychologist, or military expert!
62. #49 Misha: Gay Parade
shanatova ,   sydney Australia   (10.30.06)
To Misha: You are entitled to believe in not believing. Even an atheist must believe in nothing. That is a pretty lonely place of self-centeredness and solitary isolation. The Bible says: "The fool says in his heart there is no God.(Psalm 14:1) So you see Misha, God has even remembered those who do not believe. In His Mercy so that you can never say that God has forgotten you. He even remembers those who say He does not exist, and has recorded it in His Eternal Word. shanatova
63. #32 Haredim behave like terrorists
shanatova ,   sydney, australia   (10.30.06)
Natasha, you really do not understand where the Haredi Jews are coming from. They are the modern day zealots of our day. Theirs is a world of constant study of Torah, they see the city of Jerusalem as the Holy city of the G-d of Israel. They will protect it at all costs. It is where they pray, study, observe the Torah. Please let me know if you would not do the same thing, to protect your home from those who would want to trash it. You must understand that spiritual uncleaness clings to everything. This gay parade is not just individuals whose sexual lifestyle rebels against the Holy plan of life between a man and a woman, the plan of G-d Almighty, this is as it would have been in the ancient days of Israel, where the pagan gods were worshipped, and in the days of Rome, where debauchery and sodomy were common place, as well as incest. You most passionately condemn the religious Haredi Jews, well may they be doing things out of zealousness, but at least they are doing something positive. The city of Jerusalem is Holy , not because of the stones, or the people, BUT Natasha, because the only one True G-d, the Almighty, Blessed be His Name, HaShem, called it Holy. Why don't you ask G-d what He thinks Natasha. No one seems to be doing that in these talkbacks. shanatova
64. to #9. What's to be "Proud" of?
The Golem ,   Los Angeles   (10.31.06)
As a gay man I am proud of my ability to love and be loved, to be honest and sustain a long term relationship, and to worship Ha-Shem in truth. As a Jew, for the first time in my 56 years I am ashamed that those who claim the greatest holiness are nothing but hate mongers with lies on their tongues , blood on their hands, and hatred of G-d's creation in their hearts.
Joann ,   US   (10.31.06)
..... To desecrate the Holy City in the name of freedom is making Satan pleased. Anywhere but Jerusalem, Gods City..... he will take care of it.... in his time.
66. I am disgusted.
New York, USA   (10.31.06)
Reading through this article and through the numerous talkbacks, I am completely disgusted. Not by the parade, but by the unspeakable amount of hate that is radiating from all of this. A hate so deep that religious men would plan the deaths of hundreds during a peaceful march, and all in the name of G-d. I was taught that G-d does not hate. I was taught that G-d loves and forgives us all, and that he does not judge and condemn us on such things as sexual preference, the way we eat, or other such things. G-d isn't bound to human feelings like anger or hatred, G-d was the one who commanded that we shall not kill, and shall not do unto others as we wouldn't have done unto us. The G-d that I was taught of and grew up with has helped me through many hard times and lead me to be a better person along the way, and I simply cannot see such acts of hatred, violence and anger being of G-d's will rather than that of men. If it were not for your hatred and your constant efforts to make gays feel afraid and ashamed of the way they are, they would not have the need to express their pride through a parade like this. It is only in the face of adversity and intollerance that such acts take place. You will not deter them, and even those that suffer at your hands will look better to the world than you will. The only people who will stand by you are those that hate as much as you do. Jews and Arabs are united? Yes, in hatred, bloodshed and violence they are united. That is nothing to be proud of. Having the will to stand against that intollerance is something to be proud of. As a Jew, I'm ashamed of this. All of you should be ashamed.
67. Ahh the enemy of my enemy is my friend
Ron ,   Tel Aviv   (10.31.06)
No surprise to see the intolerant homophobic so-called religious siding with their arab brethren in a who can hate the gay population more in the battle for Jerusalem....with all the hatred spewed in these talkback, not one rational discussion, just pure hatred reminds me of an earlier period when the Germans could hate a certain group of people using exactly what has been written save the donkey march or hit the policeman, or kiss and dance with believers of hatred on the arab side...just put up the gas chambers where the succahs normally stand and you can shove all the nasty horrid evil gay people inside.....oh and then you can go back to hating each other again....please exchange those rocks that you currently have instead of your hearts.
68. Shanatova, Yahweh is a pagan diety
FM   (10.31.06)
Yahweh, yhwh, was and is a pagan diety--one of an entire pantheon of dieties. It's NOT the one and only God by any means. Judaism, therefore is NOT monotheistic and never was. Like other tribal gods of the semitic people, violence and politics played a huge role in who was perceived to be the chief god at any given time in any given area. Yahweh was just one of these many tribal gods (a volcano god, at that) who gained primacy at one point. Nothing more. Hey, don't take my word for it. Look it up yourself. by the way....if "God" ISN'T your God's name then why are prohibited from saying or writing it? The word 'god' is like the word 'diety' or something. It's generic and not specific. So what gives? Go ahead and say it.
69. #68 FM
Brod ,   USA   (10.31.06)
Don't try to insult Yahweh by calling Him pagan. You are committing blasphemy. A person like you who does not know the Creator of the Heavens and universe and the GOD of the Holy Bible should even try to comment about our GOD.
70. gay parade
charles ,   petach tikva   (10.31.06)
What the haridim are doiing is spraying hatred , they are so intolerant but want tolerance from normal people . It's sad that some of those , maybe smart , and what they by themselve call "good" Jews , are not seeing that the gay's not want to provoque them , but want the parade to take place in Israel's Capital . And do'nt forget the haridim did NOTHING for the liberation of our capital in 1967 . Jerusalem is not only theirs , also from all the Israeli's , mostly not religious observant [ how can you believe after all what happened in the Shoah ] So try to be more tolerant if you want to be tolerated
71. I know much more than you Brod
FM   (10.31.06)
On the contrary, Brod, I know much more than you. but I've found that most religious people have almost no knowledgge of the background or origins of their own religions. Christianity, Islam and judaism are all pagan and polytheistic in origin. Allah and Yahweh both are part of an entire pantheon of tribal gods that people worshiped. Christianty is not based on any one pagan god, but rather is an cobbling together of many pagan religions and personae. The cult of the ressurecting sun god is as old as Egypt, and older. Take a look at Mithraism, one of the more prominent pagan religions in the Roman empire during the time of early Christianity. They're almost identical. All of the symbolism and imagery, rituals, etc were taken straight out of pagan religion, leaving almost nothing new or unique about Christianity. Judaism is also made up of various local pagan beliefs, stories and rituals. There's nothing new under the sun. Do some real research sometime and you'll find that things are not what they seem to be.
72. #71 FM
Brod ,   USA   (10.31.06)
Your statement shows that you know nothing about the GOD of the Holy Bible. Read the Holy Bible and you will come face to face with GOD.
73. Protesting Gay Parade
James Padgett ,   Los Angeles, Califor   (10.31.06)
May they do everything in their power to keep the evil thing from even taking place. Holy Scripture clearly states homosexuality is an abomination to God. It is a distortion, a twsiting of God's created order. Only humans are depraved enough to allow this ... it takes place in no animals.
74. Gay Parade in Jerusalem
Liam Hogan ,   London. U.K.   (10.31.06)
Hey guys and gals, we all seem to be going around and around here on this talkback site eh? Religious and non-religious all condemn their opponents and spew bile and offence all in the name of one or another G-D. or not as the case may be. But really, my point now is this: Assuming that almighty G-D was all knowing and all whatever, do any of you really believe that He is going to shove homosexuals to the front of the queue at Hell's Gate while leaving money grubbing hate-filled Christian/Jews/Muslims etc who pollute our planet with their industrial enterprises, who pay minumum or subsistence wages with no welfare to their citizens, who oppress each other and make, buy and sell weapons of death and destruction, who connive to teach their children religous intolerance and superiority, who wage endless terror against all and sundry in the name of G-D/ Allah/ Jesus, who allow 40,000 children a a day to die for want of nourishment, who teach young minds the rightiousness of religious martyrdom and who for millenia have changed their minds at will about the nature of our universe once technology and intellect has proved them wrong, but then, by merely speaking the name of Jesus/ Hashem/Allah etc ., all will be welcomed into Paradise? My advise to you all.....take a moment and settle down and read 'Conversatons with God' 1/2/3 or 'Seth Speaks' (et al) and hopefully you will all expand your consciousness' and click up a few levels in humanity. Shalom Israel
75. hi kyle im glad you remember
tootsie   (10.31.06)
yes last years parade really was great fun and im glad your looking forward to this years by calling it a mass hump, but please dont wear the leather thong again im still trying to get over the traumer ........mmmmmmmmmmbig kisses tootsie
76. Justice Will Prevail
Stephen Charles ,   Washington, D.C.   (11.01.06)
I am shocked at the hateful comments against gays in this forum. Evidently Israelis have become so filled with hate over the years fighting with the Palestinians that they've lost respect and love for everyone. You defend your hateful, vicious beliefs by saying you are defending God and His word in scripture. Do you honestly believe the Creator of the universe needs your measly, mortal defense? God and only God has the right to pass judgement and He does not need your protests or your laws to defend the sanctity of human sexuality. As Hebrew speakers, Israelis should understand the Torah is not explicit or clear in its condemnation of homosexuality. You should also understand the historical context in which it was written. The Torah only speaks against sexual intercourse between two men because it was frowned upon by the 12 tribes, not because it was wrong in the eyes of God. Gays do not choose to be gay and therefore, as creations of God, were so created by Him. Don't be surprised when you die if instead of punishing you for your support of gay rights, God instead punishes you for failing to reserve judgement for Him and punishes you for hating homosexuals that HE created.
77. Why Limit This to Israel?
janette ,   Takoma Park, USA   (11.01.06)
Since the Haredim and the "true Jewish" people who are talking back who say that G-D gives them the right to be violent to gay people without blood guilt, why don't you all do what the Muslims have been doing? After all, there are so many Jewish people in NY, and so many gay people, I'm surprised you fanatical, intolerant, holier than thou, don't go to every US city who has a gay parade and kill all the police and every gay person, and their relatives. You could call it the Righteous Massacre. But you won't because you're nothing but cowards who will only do it in Israel because you know that the death penalty is on your side. In the US, not so much. So one day karma will bite you in the tuchus when you may have needed the help of one of these so called sodomites that you helped to kill.
78. gay pride-sad lives
James ,   Rural, USA   (11.01.06)
what everyone seems to be overlooking is the fact that this homosexual debacle stems from one basic sin; SEXUAL PROMISCUITY. It doesn't matter if you are Jew, Christian, or any other pagan. The One True Creator has labeled ALL sex; outside of the marriage contract/covenant, SIN. Get it? While I agree that the abomination of this queer parade should and must be stopped, we must all step back and look at our own lives and consider in what ways have we violated Torah concerning sex. Have we been guilty of looking at porn? HaMashiach Himself said we are not to even look upon a woman to lust after her. How many times have we loked at someone from another sex and wanted to have our way with them? To all who have the ability to stand against this queer parade, I remove my head covering.
79. feedback #76
James ,   Rural USA   (11.01.06)
Perhaps you should go back and re-read your Scriptures Stephen. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for their perversion. Not by man; but by their Creator. He passed judgement on them for their perversion. Read carefully the conversation between Abraham and his Guest, (Who by the way, was The Creator.) Those of us who condemn the queer parade don't condemn the queers, but rather their conduct, and especially their choice of Jerusalem. But of course, those whose minds have been twisted by perversion are always going to try to justify their actions. It has already been proven that people are not born that way, it is a choice, guided by the sensual carnal nature. And there are many who have escaped from their perverted way of life. But it can only happen after one comes to recognize the perversion and truly desire to change.
80. to Brod
FM ,   Seattle   (11.01.06)
I know the Bible very well. I also know how the Bible came to be, where the material came from, who wrote it, and--more importantly--who DIDN'T write it. I know the history and the background; the culture and the pagan influences that it came from. If you want to compare knowledge someday I'm all for it, but I doubt you could handle it. I'm pretty confident that your "knowledge" of the Bible is limited to the pages of the Bible. If so, then we can't really compare anything because all you can do is quote the Bible while I can tell you ABOUT the Bible. Quoting the Bible is pointless because it assumes that it is all true and factual the way it's written--inerrent. My entire point is that it is NOT true or factual, that it is full of contradiction and errors. So quoting will do nothing to establish anything about it. You simply believe it while I can show exactly why it SHOULDN'T be believed. Do you see what I mean? Any time you want to test me, go for it. I'm ready. But I'll tell you this right off: you don't stand a chance because you don't actually know what you're talking about. I guarantee that.
81. #80 FM
Brod ,   USA   (11.01.06)
Your statement is a typical Islamist-Jihadist theme song when discussing about the Bible. The fact is Islamist-Jihadists like you know nothing about the Holy Bible. So, don't try to be an expert on a subject that you don't know about. I doubt whether you have even read the Bible. I would suggest you read "Why I Left Jihad" [2005] by former Islamist-Jihadist terrorist Walid Shoebat. You should also read "Leaving Islam" [2003] edited by Ibn Warraq. It is a compilation of powerful essays by enlightened former Islamists. And you can check their website and see the dark world that you live in.
82. Since when is Jerusalem San Francisco?
Susan ,   NJ, USA   (11.01.06)
Jerusalem is not San Francisco, or the Village in NYC...It is the holy city and the gay people should not hold a march there of all places. They say Hashems prescence is felt strongest there and by them going there, they are forcing G-d to see their unholy behavior. As a daughter of a kohane, jerusalem is the place where my Dad's ancestors worked in the Holy Temple. They are giving their memory a slap in the face. I am not orthodox, but I am a conservative jew here in the US and I am annoyed to read so many gays will be parading in jerusalem. May G-d cure their ways so that they can live a better life. If everyone was like these people, we'd have no children being born and the world would end. Their behavior is against nature and for this reason, they should not be allowed to march in this holy of holy cities.
83. Shocked at the nerve of these people
Marcus   (11.01.06)
I really am. They contribute nothing to Israeli or Jewish society. They don't work, they don't join the military, they just mooch off the work of others and complain about anybody who isn't just like them. With one hand they wag a finger in our face and with the other they steal the money from our pocket. And now look at all the effort they are putting into protesting and disrupting a peaceful march and doing violence to peaceful people. They should put half this much effort towards finding a job and doing it well, and while they're at it, finding a life that's based on them and not reacting to the lives of others.
84. I'm not muslim, nor a "jihadist"
FM ,   Seattle   (11.01.06)
See how friggin terrible your so-called logic and reasoning is? I don't know where you get the idea that I'm a Muslim, but--news flash-- I'M NOT!!!! No wonder you can't figure anything out. Yes, I've read the Bible. Do youactually think I'd spend all this time talking about something I've never read?!?!? I TOLD you that I know much more about the Bible than you on several occations. Remember the challenge I made to you? I can run circles around your limited knowledge and understanding of the Bible. You're a friggin idiot. Go back and reread my posts. You seem to miss every single thing I've ever said.
ygalg   (11.01.06)
a place where you want to express your thought on Israel's politics
86. #84 FM
Brod ,   USA   (11.01.06)
Don't pretend to be an educated person when you are not. Don't pretend you know the Holy Bible when you don't. I would suggest you get a higher education, read lots of books such as history from ancient time to modern, theology and the Holy Bible before you can intelligently discuss the subject.
87. I am educated and well researched
FM ,   Seattle   (11.02.06)
Brod, I AM an educated person--graduate of University as well. These things I say are actually taught by college professors--even at Christian Universities!!!!! I wouldn't expect anything like this from Bob Jones, but any School that is truly about teaching and knowledge will teach these very things I've said. Here's a decent source for you. It's not where I learned any of the things I talk about, but they are congruent with what I've found on my own. "who wrote the torah?" "archaeology and hebrew scriptures" let's see you dig up ANY proof of what you say. I know that you will inly quote the bible, because that's all you ever do.
88. mass hump?!
John ,   bangkok   (11.03.06)
Mass hump?! Just goes to show what's on your mind when you think of a lot of men together ;-) Go free yourself and enjoy!
89. Respect
John ,   Bangkok   (11.03.06)
How do you know?
90. Abomination
John ,   Bangkok   (11.03.06)
If you are a 'true' Christian then surely you should be preaching LOVE not death!
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