PA paper: Jews fan flames of evil
Yaakov Lappin
Published: 31.10.06, 12:43
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31. To Libeniyyeh, #'s 8&9
Sam ,   Atlanta   (10.31.06)
#8 was well written. You are absolutely right to point out the bias in the article. If you ask me, it seems to be more of an advertisement for Palestinian Media Watch than a real article. What everyone here needs to be asking is: "Where are the links? Where is the video you speak of? Where is the proof?" With that being said, I myself do not doubt the validity of the article. And that is not because of the toxicity of this one and others like it, however it is due to the correctness of others like it that have contained links, pictures, and other factualities. Do you dare and underestimate the propaganda used all over the Arab world? It will be the downfall of Arab society, as hatfeul propaganda was to Germany. In regards to your post #9: You have crossed over into the area of ignorance, and I warn you, turn back immediatly least you spread it further and decrease the world's average IQ. You honestly believe that these depictions of Jews as snakes and goons are fermented from the actions of the Israeli Government? WRONG!! They are a TOOL used by arab propagandists to fuel the fire of aggretion towards Israel. That has existed since Day 1. You are absolutley correct in one thing: Israel doesn't always defend itself or only act in retaliation, such a nation would CRUMBLE under the force of hatred that surrounds it. Sometimes Israel Attacks VISCOULY and with aggretion, in order to (at least attempt to) CRUSH its ENEMIES. Wouldn't you do the same? Punk.
32. To Ramzi, #27, +1!
Sam ,   Atlanta   (10.31.06)
Amen, Brother. The Palestinian Nation needs serious leadership, ones who can bring prosperity to its people. Ones who focus on improving the standard of living. All of what you said is perfectly feasable, and I will be one of the first (there will be many) to support this initiative in the PA. Anything else I can say was said better by Yahoud.
33. 1# Israel is here to stay mate..
Dan ,   Israel   (10.31.06)
You have no problem living on stolen Indian land so I guess it is natural that you also support Arab thieves and occupiers.
Jerry ,   Australia   (10.31.06)
What the PA and Iran are doing and other Islam-fashists is FANNING THE SEEDS OF HATRED AROUND THE WORLD. It is a culture of hate.
35. ramzi, yahoud, and sam
abdel ,   nablus   (10.31.06)
Ramzi, I agree with what you said in mainly that we need to look inwards, but the current Palestinian government came as result of year’s alienation of the average Palestinian by the PA. Corrupt leadership, which was getting richer by the minute, while failing to make any progress with the Israeli side, and in the same time abusing the system as much as they could in attempts to secure their future… so the average Palestinian did not vote for hamas because they wanted to pick a fight with Israel, the average Palestinian voted for hamas because the other alternative was worse. It was a natural and expected result. And the Palestinians do not deserve the harsh punishment that they are getting for that through the economic boycott, and the horrible living conditions. So to say it is of our own making is not accurate, I personally oppose hamas and its techniques, and don’t believe in violence as a means of achieving any goal, neither do I believe they are doing a good job, but as long as the current injustice remains - OCCUPATION, and as long as the harsh living conditions remain, it will be hard, if not impossible to achieve the modernization, social progress, tolerance and “opening” you calling for. Isreal has all the keys, and they can end this all if they really want to! Expecting a model and a perfect democratic society to emerge from this crap we call our lives is not realistic, at least in my opinion Yahoud, what are your thoughts about settlements? Sam, what do Jews teach their kids about Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims in general?
36. To Abdel
Sam ,   Atlanta   (10.31.06)
They're taught that, contrary to the easy belief while living in Israel as an easily influenced child, all muslims do NOT want to kill them. A justification must be made to the children whose parents die in terrorist bombings who did nothing- Little Avi, your parents were killed by terrorists. Yes they were arabs, but not all arabs are bad. Most of those kids grow up as leftists not as suicide bombers. What do Arabs tell the children whose parents die in an air raid? Little Ahmed, you parents were killed by the evil Israeli occupiers. They killed your parents because they are land hungry jews. You see the difference?
37. Abdel #35
Yahhoud ,   London, England   (10.31.06)
Ah! The settlements! What would you say to a radical suggestion? If you look at the main settlement blocs, they are located fairly close to the Green Line. Generally, they have been built on land where there were no previous towns or villages; populations were not displaced to make room for them. Leave them be. If you draw new borders that allow the settlement blocs close to Israel proper to be incorporated within the borders of the State of Israel, you will not really be sacrificing an enormous chunk of territory. If you were given a State on the vast majority of the West Bank you would certainly have something worthwhile to work on and develop. It's called compromise. Don't insist on everything; nearly everything is also good. Yes, there will be individuals - on both sides - who will feel aggrieved but the greater benefits will surely outweigh this. You asked Sam, what Jews teach their kids about Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims. I'll let him answer, but one thing that the Jews have great difficulty in doing is teaching hatred. They've been tormented, murdered, ravaged and despised by most civilisations over the centuries but you do not hear "Death to the Christians" or similar cries in Jewish Synagogues and classrooms. They are too busy picking themselves up, dusting themselves down and getting on with life.
38. #35
v. n.y. ,   usa   (10.31.06)
as to your last question.....jewish parents teach their children to love and celebrate life, not to die and kill others along the way. you know, when i was in elementary school in israel, i have NEVER ever READ A BOOK WITH ANTI PALESTINIAN OR ARAB PROPAGANDA IN IT. OUR EDUCATIONAL BOOKS CONSISTED OF algebra, math, literature, etc.... never has any israeli child been indocrinated in their academic books to hate and to die. never has any book called for jihad and never has any book prtray any muslim in any light. as a matter of fact, our books didn't contain any political reference to terror, etc... from what i remember, there was never any violent speeches against arabs and muslims in our literature or news media like they are in mosques and arab media. we went about our lives prior to 1967 and then 1983 wanting to live in peace and harmony but were not allowed to have even one day without worries of terrorism and bloodshed......this is what they teach in arab books....go look for yourself at the content of all books in gaza and west bank and you'll see.
39. Look into the future
Frans ,   Sweden   (10.31.06)
Until now you have dismissed their resistance as easy to handle. But they have learned what you are seriously afraid of, not bullets and bombs, but words - and you better be, because the effects are not limited to Palestine.
40. 35, abdel, I can tell you on Sams behalf....
Elias ,   World   (10.31.06)
that jews dont teach their kids to strap on explosives or mow down as many muslims as they can in order to gain entry to paradise with 72 virgins. Also jewish school text books do not incite students to drive muslims into the sea. soo dont go there ok?! stop murdering and crying! like Wafa sultan said: "the Jews have come from the tragedy (of the Holocaust), and forced the world to respect them, with their knowledge, not with their terror, with their work, not their crying and yelling." Transcript: Video in arabic with english subtitles (quote at 04:01):
41. Wafa Sultan Watch it!
i ,   i   (10.31.06)
42. Sam
Abdel ,   nablus,   (10.31.06)
by the way, i was as asking a genuine question, i was really curious............ any how, funny, i never see this understanding or compasion your talking about in the eyes of your soldiers while they are beating us up on the road block, or while the are watching a palestinian kid bleed to death............ as for our kids, your right, the arabs in general are taught what you just said, but mainly palestinian kids are taught to hate from what they go through in their everyday life...let me tell you a story, when i was younger in the first intifada, i was terrified to go to school, why? they used to position an israeli army patrol infornt of my school, this was an infantry patrol (on foot), they used to stop us while coming and leaving school and go through our notebooks to see who has drawn a palestinian flag in his notebook, whoever did used to get slapped around..... any how, i think the palestinian israeli conflict is not that hard to fix, it just needs a little understanding ON BOTH SIDES..... salam, shalom
43. Yahoud
Abdel ,   Nablus   (10.31.06)
Thanks for the response.... I think that your solution for the settlements is what will eventually happen, but the problem is that the settlements are ever expanding and growing, soon while driving from nablus to rammallah you will have to go through a settlement....anyhow, i think the israeli government that will eventually acheive peace is the same government that will end the settlements expansion in the west bank ......but right now, they are just complicating an already complicated situation............ since you are in question answering mode, what do you think of the palestinain refugee issue? 5 million and counting, ....... regards,
44. Textbooks
Abdel ,   Nablus   (10.31.06)
I need to see your references for the palestinian textbooks you guys always use..... i studied the palestinian textbook when i was a kid, so did the rest of the people i know. i did not see anything calling for the extermination of the jews, or killing or anything, they do claim all palestine as palestinain, so what ? it is an unresolved issue still, once we have peace, then you could complain about that, you also claim israel over all of the map, what is the difference ?
45. Thats really awful
Sam ,   Atlanta   (10.31.06)
Abdel, I am really sorry you had to go through that kind of thing. Since Israel does not have a volunteer army, there can be some pretty creepy characters serving the most dangerous jobs (patroling palestinian areas) or the most crucial for Israeli security (roadblocks). Soldiers consist of a HUGE group of people, don't forget that. The unjust actions of a few Israeli soldiers should NOT incite a nation to violence, nor should it cause any hatred. Palestinians are smarter than that! (I hope.) I really hope you don't just disregard the fact that Palestinian textbooks have Israel marked as "Occupied Palestine" as not that big of a deal. "So what?" ????? That's a huge deal man! Geography is VERY important. Being taught that another country is "Occupying" your land is going to make anyone think "why those motherf@ckers... Thats our land!" And there the conflict continues. Now you've started to make me think that the entire conflict can be resolved with a proper Geography lesson!
46. One more thing...
Sam ,   Atlanta   (10.31.06)
Sorry I forgot to mention a very important fact regarding Geography: I haven't looked at an Israeli textbook in years, but I do remember seeing maps depicting PALESTINIAN territories, IE autonomous regions. And the green line was ALWAYS there. The problem for Palestinian schools teaching geography is that they really don't have a country, per say, with borders. So what does it help to lie outright to children that "these jews are living over here on our land" instead of saying "If we control our terrorist organizations and stop launching rockets at Israeli towns, we can have this as our country!" Don't you think that might give this a step in the right direction?
47. to #44
Adi   (10.31.06)
please don't tell us no lies..., does the name 'israel' exsist in your text books? ha? or is it all 'palestine'? or maybe you don't 'remember'? please don't insult our intelligence ok?
48. # 39 You are right Frans..
Dan ,   Israel   (10.31.06)
anti-Jewish hate propaganda is not limited to the Muslim world but also exists in post-Christian Europe including Sweden.
49. to Abdel
hagar ,   u.s.a.   (11.01.06)
you must have been reading different text books...... stop trying to brainwash the readers, and more important, stop brainwashing yourself , you know the reality, there is no ' state of israel' in palestinian text books, and that is precisely the root of the problem, you guys do not recognize our right to exist, capish?
50. # 43 Abdel from Nabulus
Dan ,   Israel   (11.01.06)
Let me remind you Arab mate that the original name of Nabulus is Schechem and is orginally a Hebrew city just like Hevron, Bethlehem etc. Being a son or a grandson of someone who fled a war doesnøt make you a "refugee". With this definition allmost all 5,5 Israelis/Jews are refugees from Euriope and the Arab world. Have you heard about 1 million Jewish refugees who were expelled from Arab countries? They are not feeling sorry for themselves but are today productive and proud members of the Israeli society. Get over that you lost your war of aggression in 1948 and start carrying on with your lives in your own 22 Arab countries.
51. Linda Rivera , New York
Joe ,   Ohio, USA   (11.01.06)
Thanks for the links. The photo montage of the children was especially enlightening, in a all too sad way.
52. 47,49,50
Abdel ,   Nablus   (11.01.06)
47: does the name palestine exixt in your textbooks? is there even a recognition of palestinians as a nation ? NO. to expect the oposite is ubsurd. once there is peace it will be a different story 49, you don't recognize our right to exist, your founding fathers claim they came to an empty coutry, thats what you brainwashed everyone else with...... 50, my empathy is with the jewish refugees, in the light of a just peace deal they should be compensated and given the right and protection to go back to their countries, can you do the same for the palestinian refugees. by the way, once a refugee, always a refugee, until return to country of origin, this is known world wide. and yes their children are refugees also, becasue they are born without their rights, thanks to people like you..... acheiving peace requires acknowledgment of the problems on both sides, you cannot cherry-pick what you think is important to you.........
53. #52
jason ,   usa   (11.01.06)
47: yes it dose 48: wait wait wait.. look at how your talking didnt you frogot about hamas and abbas? 50: you GOT to be crazy.. theres SOOO much anti-semitism in arab countrys that make israel look the best are you talking about the palestinian refugees that want to desotry israel. " acheiving peace requires acknowledgment of the problems on both sides, you cannot cherry-pick what you think is important to you......... " read this is you say that and i mean all of it
54. People give War a Chance - The only REAL solution
Darren ,   Tampa, FL USA   (11.01.06)
55. to abdel
Adi   (11.01.06)
yes we do belive in your right to exist, next to us, peacfully.... and when you will have the ambition to have a normal prosperous and a healthy society, and hope for your children, and lay down your arms, then you will also have a state called palestine, and then we will teach it in our text books, i promise you! it will all depend on when you will be ready to take this big step. you should stop blaming israel for everything that goes wrong or went wrong, or our founding fathers, they have nothing to do with the fact that you palestinians, are given the opportunity to have it all, over and over again ,and you keep shooting yourself in the leg, why? don't you want to have a life?
56. I can see the headlines now...
Darren ,   Tampa, FL USA   (11.01.06)
I can see it now...Imagine if you will: Islamic terrorists douse a Jew with gasoline and set him ablaze. The Jewish man drops to the ground to roll in an attempt to put out the flames. However, in doing so the flames set some straw on fire which eventually sets ablaze an Arab dwelling burning it down. The Jewish man is rescued by IDF and treated for burns. Next day the Headlines read in Arab paper: "JEWISH OCCUPIER BURNS DOWN HOMES OF POOR ARAB FAMILIES" Sub-headline: IDF willing accomplices. And of course, some Israelis and weak minded westerners blame Israel for such tragedy. AND...Olmert and Peretz apologizes on behalf of Israel when the E.U. and U.N. calls for a resolution against such vile Israel aggression. Now that is how the news is reported in the Middle East by Arabs.
57. Abdel
Yahoud ,   London, England   (11.01.06)
You asked about the settlements, now you're asking about the refugees and soon you'll be asking about Jerusalem. The three thorny issues to be addressed before being able to 'finally' solve the problem. I think that you're wrong in your perspective on refugees. Throughout history populations have moved away from the land of their birth and settled in other countries. If the first generation is unable to prosper, subsequent generations manage to integrate into the host country and flourish. They enrich themselves and the host. Refugee status is not something that is passed down as a family heritage; it is something that is got rid of as soon as possible. As I see it, there was a deliberate policy throughout the Arab countries NOT to accept the Palestinians and to allow them to resettle. Again, as I see it it would have been far more simple to allow Palestinians to integrate into Jordan, for example than, say, Turks in Germany. You have a common language, a common culture and a common religion (more or less). The refugee issue was maintained as a festering sore precisely because the Israel's neighbours wanted to create a time-bomb that would eventually explode in Israel's face. The Arabs have patience while the Westernised Jews want immediate solutions. That's what enables them to take a longer term view of history. So, my view on the Palestinian refugee issue? If and when a Palestinian state is created they should open their borders to whoever wants to join them. At the same time, the neighbouring Arab states should also make arrangements to receive individuals and families who feel that they want to live in those countries.
58. PATHETIC Talkbacks!
Ramzi Sfeir ,   Bethlehem,Palestine   (11.01.06)
you guys are very very pathetic! You always look for ways to criticize, to insult , to judge! Honestly, the moment you american jews ( who probably never visited this region) will leave us alone with our israeli neighbours, peace will come in a matter of hours! You are the soul of extremism! Especially you Linda! all you want is More blood , more violence!The thing is that it's not your sons who are dying because of this! it's the Palestinians and the Israelis! You are very safe, far far far away from here.... i suggest that you look at your own problems before trying to resolve yours, you have a very sick society next to you! In your own neighbourhood! your neighbour might be a serial killer, your daughter a drug addict, your husband a child abuser, your brother a thief and who knows, your cousin a soldier terrorizing iraqi children and a prionner abuser! That's America! so instead of caring about our problems, start by yourselves! The day you will be " Perfect'" you will be warmly invited to give us lessons....
59. Ramzi #58
Yahhoud ,   London, England   (11.01.06)
No Ramzi. Her uncle may be a doctor, her cousin a teacher, her neighbour a policeman. Every society contains good and bad elements. It doesn't prevent caring, concerned individuals from taking an interest in events taking place in a distant country. Also, try to understand the Jewish attachment to the Holy Land. Yearning for Eretz Yisrael has been an essential part of their religion, their prayers, their philosophy since the days of the Bible. Throughout their history the land has formed a central part of their aspirations. With all due respect, the Palestinian connection is much more recent, less an integral part of their psyche - certainly in any nationalistic way. Most Jews recognise that the Palestinian entity is here to stay and the issue has to be confronted. They would much rather that the Arab population of the region be incorporated into existing Arab sovereiign states. However that is not the situation and they have to deal with realities. It behoves the Arabs to be equally munificent and allow the Jewish state to flourish unthreatened. I reckon that a middle East composed of nations that live with each other in harmony will quicky develop into the most powerful, technologically and financially advanced region in the world.
60. Here's the original PMW bulletin
sheri ,   rockville maryland   (11.01.06) Their site of course is: Make your own judgements. I find some of it informative, such as videos of the kids talking about being mayrters. Occasionally I find it taken out of context, such as the interpretation of Abbas interview.
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