Protest: Gays acting like beasts
Efrat Weiss
Published: 31.10.06, 00:44
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53 Talkbacks for this article
31. Put this article back on the front page.
Avi ,   Afula   (10.31.06)
The Gay Frights people need to see what Israelis really think of their plans to defile Jerusalem.
32. 18 - why do you think you are so special?
Daniella ,   Israel   (10.31.06)
What about the people living in Tel Aviv? they had the gay parade almost every year since it started. You don't see them screaming and threatening to kill. It's disgraceful how people are reacting to this. You are all homophobes and you know what they say about homophobes. If not, I'll tell you, most homophobes harbour gay tendencies and it scares you. These gays live here, they are decent citizens and they have the right to parade anywhere they want. Get the fuck over it.
33. PREVENT VIOLENCE ! Cancel Parade in Holy Land
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (10.31.06)
Israel is in great danger - surrounded by barbaric enemies who desire to destroy Israel and murder every Jew. Instead of a parade flaunting sexuality - there should be a parade of massive numbers of people crying out to G-D for protection and for the utter defeat of ruthless, barbaric enemies.
34. Wow
Chai ,   Jerusalem   (10.31.06)
You are simply too intelligent... I mean was that statement really worth saying... what is your point, why should it be stopped? can you not state that at the very least.. I love all JEWS!!
35. 20, 21
jack ,   jerusalem   (10.31.06)
You say: "How is it intolerance on behalf of the parade?You are trying to tell me a one day parade is to much for you to handle? Get real....better yet ...plan a trip with your family away from the city that day. You will not see it and it will not exist since you never saw it. That is how you arrogant right-sided people work right....???? " I should leave my home for a day ?? There's a lot of sensitivity there. secondly, we are not trying to chase gays out of the city. Would you have any problem if we stage a parade in front of your house proclaiming that gays are pigs?? Maybe you should leave your house that day. Or better yet, lets hold a parade in downtown beirut celebrating the war, and how all Muslims deserve to die. There has to be a balance here. Muslims dont stage parades in Kikar HaShabbat, and Jews dont hold parades in Ramallah. Stage your parade in your backyard, not mine.
36. Number 32
jack ,   jerusalem   (10.31.06)
Maybe you should read my post again. I dont proclaim to be special. Jerusalem is considered a holy city by Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike. The Torah, bible, and koran all forbid homosexual activity. You are correct that these gays are decent citizens. However that is not the issue here. The issue is why do they insist on staging it in jerusalem ?? Year after year they petition to hold it here. "These gays" dont live here. The vast majority that attend the parade come from the rest of the country. If the residents of Tel Aviv enjoy the parade (probably bec a large number of them have gay tendencies), why dont they hold the parade there ?? or better yet in San Francisco ?? (Out of curiosity, you would be against staging an anti-gay parade in San Francisco? )
37. Sad, so sad
Baruch ,   Boston, USA   (10.31.06)
It's so sad that so many in Eretz Yisrael are so removed from Torah, the guide for us all. To even suggest that it is acceptable to move this parade to Tel Aviv is to just admit that Israel is decadent and confused, and that this decadence and confusion belong in some part of Israel other than Jerusalem. It simply doesn't belong in the land that HaShem gave to us, in which we are supposed to live as He wants us to live. Sad.
Who I sleep with in my home is my own buisnes. If I take it to the streets then I am inviteing people to coment. By takeing it to the streets of Jerusalem they are begging the religious to react. Democracy implies majority of people does anyone think that the majority of Jerusalemites are not disgusted by this parade. Gays are not asking for permission to be gay they are telling us that we have no right to critisize their behavior. Streight people also have rights we do not display our sexuality. Democracy might give us the right to parade but it also gives us the responcibility to do the right thing. As a non religious parent I have a problem explaining this to my children. I also feel that if the haredim did'nt answer this provecation it would loose alot of its value. The problem this section of the gay comunity have is with the majority of Israelies not just the religious.
39. HaShem cries out at the hatred the haredi inflict on gayJews
David ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (10.31.06)
The hatred displayed here, purportedly in the name of HaShem, is a crime. All people, gay and straight, are created in the image of HaShem. The haredi should focus their energy on real problems and stop hating fellow Jews. Only HaShem is the true Judge.
40. #27 Teez Abdul
Elokim ,   Israel   (10.31.06)
You need to quit thinking with your teezak majnoon. I have a question for you....what if it's the other way around. What if we are all born gay. You would be eye to them. :D As far as people having babies and being parents. Well gays can have babies....they still as you say "guys have different sexual organs than girls." so.... Most make better parents then closed minded people like you!!! If my parents were gay and had me join their life and raised me. Then they would be my parents. It's only people like you who would be confused. Muslim, Jews and Christians who are offended by the sight of homosexuals, stay in your houses, pull down the shades, and hide your children. If you don't want to see this celebration of tolerance you should.... Allah God be so kind to you when you try and get into heaven.
41. An unofficial talkback to Bunnie (12) on what is gained.
sk ,   USA   (11.01.06)
(This is "unofficial" because I no longer post here because of Ynet's censorship. But I was wondering about an issue that was referenced to Ynet.) You know who gains Bunnie? The Israeli Left almost completely, because the Left appears exactly correct about Israel's "faith based" Jews. Painfully, I have decided to cut all contributions to Israeli causes, which were right-wing causes. I have also decided not to visit Israel this year because I can endure neither the Left nor the Right. As my travel funds would have been spent mostly in historically and religiously significant spots, this again means fewer dollars for Right/Orange Israel. The Left is not nearly as stupid as I thought.
42. #35 Jaskass from Jerusalem
Elokim ,   Israel   (11.01.06)
I hit a sensitive spot. Ooooooo Then get out of the house open your mind and see what all the hoopla is about!!! One...have you ever seen a pride parade? I would have a problem if you came to my house " proclaiming that gays are pigs"!!! Just as I would have a problem if the religious jews came to your house "proclaiming that gays are pigs"!!! That's what I am saying. I will leave my house that day....I will be there to support my fellow humans celebrate!! I am not gay but it will be a gay ol' time!! If you want to hold a parade in Beirut to celebrate murder it's up to you......maybe you and "your people" should do the same kind of celebration parade for the people of Amona and how they deserved what they got!!!! Gays are not just Muslim...they are Jews and Christians, name it! If I had a parade in my back yard you would be jealous and would want to cum!!! :P :D You would want to cum with Kyle from Southpark, CO, USA. Like #32 says "You are all homophobes and you know what they say about homophobes. If not, I'll tell you, most homophobes harbour gay tendencies and it scares you. These gays live here, they are decent citizens and they have the right to parade anywhere they want. Get the fuck over it." תפסיק לחשוב מהתחת. My God bless you sad little soul!!!
43. #23 Great to see a fellow wrestling afficianado
Seth ,   Washington, DC   (11.01.06)
44. # 42 God From Israel
jack ,   jerusalem   (11.01.06)
Maybe you should stop and think a bit instead of just running your mouth off. Think what "Elokim" (God) would say on this matter. He is probably pro gay, right ??! Think why they would never dare to hold this parade in Rome or in Mecca. Think what the opposition wants; we are not trying to change their lifestyles or throw them out of the city. What they do in their bedroom is their own business. They dont have to proclaim it to the world. Think about my previous post. Holding a parade that offends the majority of the residents of a city is distasteful and disrespectful, regardless of the nature of the parade, may it be pro-gay, pro-life or pro-marijuana. May God give you the insight to see things clearly. Respectfully, Jack
45. Kyle Great - :o)
Dawn   (11.01.06)
Don't worry about it Kyle... The Word of God says that they are "willing ignorant..." It says that men will call good evil and evil good... Keep it up Kyle... They're more that agree with you than you probably think.
46. Amen to Jack from Jerusalem
Dawn   (11.01.06)
47. Arrogant Ignorance
Dawn   (11.01.06)
G_d is against it... I suppose you are implying that he is ignorant as well?
48. Humans created equal
Dawn   (11.01.06)
All humans were created equal... that part is right... they were created with a free will and mind... but they can make their own choices... but they will still be judged for those choices... there is still a judgement day coming... and as equals we will all be there... it will not be the "going thing" or what society accepts but what God's word says that we will "all" be judged by.
49. I agree with a muslim!
Dawn   (11.01.06)
Wow... I am a Christian and I think that is the first time that I have agreed with a muslim... Right on... Keep it up Abdul... Everything you said in #72 is true... God bless you...
50. enough is enough
Dawn   (11.01.06)
God created all people... but... he did not creat Gays... He created people who became gay...
51. It's the Dawn to a Jackass day in Southpark
Elokim ,   Israel   (11.02.06)
On this day, God said, gays are the way I made them. Only the ignorant can not see this!! It does not matter if you are Muslim, Christian or Jewish. All humans are created the way I made them. EQUAL!!! No other human can say otherwise!!! I don't remember having talked to Dawn personally about this subject. I am sure if we had talked together she would have understood what it was I had said to her. I will say that only humans have arrogance which in turn makes them ignorant!! My Word is must love thy neighbor like thy love your Self!! Those who hate, ONLY hate what they see in them Selves and don't understand. The donkey from Jerusalem does not know his head from his טוסיק. ײַנ. Dawn and Kyle just need to grow up and quit acting so childish! Or if they are not acting....then they are just stupid. Kyle needs to quit his bestiality thoughts and Dawn needs to get out more with people from another culture or religion. There are a lot better Muslims then Abdul and Linda Rivera in this world and this should not have been the "first time" she has agreed with one! Just to let you know.... NEWS BULLETIN......THIS JUST IN....In fact there is a Gay Pride Parade in Rome. The most recent was in June of this year. Look for your Self!!! If you only knew what Pride is about. It is a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated. Not to mixed up with arrogance. It takes more love of ones Self to admit to people they are Gay then to admit they have a fear of people who are Gay. Your fellow human beings!!! So if your Brother or Sister were to tell you they were Gay...or better yet your Son or Daughter???? Would you dis-own them????? If you found out that your favorite Rabbi was gay and you didn't know....would this change your feelings toward him? Does this change who he is in your view???? If the "majority of the residents" Jerusalem are so "offended" ....then maybe the "majority" need to realize my Words and learn to truly love one another!!! Get out and see what the parade is about before being so prejudges. But this is Israel and most are prejudges and racist! Jack my fellow need to have more love and less hate in your heart. God is PURE LOVE. If you had him truly next to you all the time you would see the world in a whole different light and you would see God and his love in EVERY person you meet. We are all created by him in his light!!!! Everything we do comes from him and we are all perfect!!! Go to church.....synagog....mosque...Buddhist Temple. Just go to where ever you find happiness (this could even be YNET) and talk to God. Enough is Enough get over your ego and may God have mercy on your souls if you do not change from this hateful path. :) I can see clearly now the rain is gone!! I can see all obstacles in my way!! Regards, Elokim
52. Gays acting like beast
Marianne ,   USA   (11.02.06)
Two wrongs don't make it right.. Now if they'd like to parade along behind them praying for the salvation of their souls and the destruction of Satan and his tricks then I'd like to see that.
53. #50 - I couldn't agree with you more
james bailey ,   Adelaide, Australia   (11.03.06)
Dawn, I agree wholeheartedly with your sentiments. God did create all people, and he created people who became gay. Just like he created people who became bigots, hypocrits and more. As a Christian myself, I love all humanity but unlike yourself, I dont sit on judgement on others simply because they are gay, prostitutes or murderers. The ONLY one who has a right to pass judgement on a human being is God alone, for he is the only one who is faultless. Us mere humans are riddled with faults, one way or another.
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