Britons: Bush almost as dangerous as Bin Laden
Published: 04.11.06, 20:05
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31. Bush is AntiChrist
32. That's there first mistake--there never was world peace
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (11.05.06)
to begin with. Britain, Mexico, and Canada are living in fantasy land. There never has been peace with humans---ever! Yeah we have lulls in the fighting---but never long lasting peace. The problem with all the nay sayers is that, "George Bush," their old uncle, is reminding them that they have to eat their vegetables to grow up big and strong. Bush is the bearer of news they don't want to hear. We could tell all the pascifists that humans are not pascifists, and will kill forever, until the cows come home. But none of the people who sit in their easy chair, playing their newest video game, want to hear that they might have to fight for their lives. Records skip over and over, just like history. So Canada, Mexico, and Briton need to get off the pot and learn to fight back for a change. Of course they can kill the messenger,"Bush"---at their own peril. Bush is the only person with enough testicles to fight back. That should be your next story. How Europe and the world will accept sharia law and burkha's for their women to wear. Why is it that the USA has to come rescue Europe, every time they wait till the last minute to fight off invaders of their countries? One billion religious nuts want you dead or praying to friggen Allah. Are you all this stupid or what? Keep hiding in your caves praying for peace----it won't be there for you! And yes Britain and Canada have troops fighting. But their countrymen as well as the liberals in the USA, think they have some right to a free ride from war. It's a big lie. Your old uncle Bush just happens to be delivering this bad news!
33. Briton are almost as crazy as mad hatters
Gaby ,   Boston, usa   (11.05.06)
Or should I say as brainwashed as Islamist terrorists?
34. Amazing how the media can put down/up
Simon Mohammed ,   USA   (11.05.06)
It is amazing how Pool and media put down/Up A country or/and a leader when they want and when they need too. They always say we just gathered new information’s and asked the pools. 1- The USA isn’t a perfect country and never claimed so. But it is the great Country in the world. Saying that there are bad thing in it that people around keep working on to fix while looking forward. 2- The President Bush is doing what he believe, feel is right in his mind, heart and very sincere about it. He also refuses to swing for other people desire. While people around him who might provide wrong information/consulting or advices are maybe switching away from him for electoral reason, he stood with them and that’s what we call a man of Principe, Honest but not perfect. What Ever is told now might be changed in the future and other explanation will be provided. Please be decent when talking about other. “While I start writing these words my computer has been hijacked and probably some one who is specialized from stilling Idea copy the half I wrote past it and send it to the media for pool. I had to disconnect from the net, type it then connect and send it. Not sure it will be posted too”
35. The Gaurdian--gaurding terrorists worldwide!
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (11.05.06)
36. With 23# and 2 # The blacks would still be slaves.
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (11.05.06)
They wouldn't have the 600,000 dead Americans during the Civil War. The USA would be speaking Japanese and German, as well as Europe. They wouldn't have the 450,000 deaths in WW2. Why don't you clowns move in with your terrorist friends. We aren't stopping you self hating Americans from leaving. Getty up little America haters. Hit the road. And how is it that the same self hating liberals, kill a million babies every year in America, and bitch incessantly about 2800 troops being killed in a three and a half year war? The late term abortions where you waterboard innocent babies in amniotic fluid, while you rip their arms and legs off with a high pressure vacuum cleaner should not be ignored either. Why don't you let them breath and scream, so the people outside the abortion clinic can see ,and hear, your barbarism? If Bush is a prick for trying to protect the USA---what does that make those who kill innocent children in barbaric unspeakable ways, while bitching about Abu Graib and terrorist treatment there? Why don't you get some baby video's for everyone to see before whining about Bush all the time. And I'm an Atheist. Religion doesn't have sh*t to do with my views!
JK ,   USA   (11.05.06)
See who conducted the poll? What do you expect after constant anti-Bush barrage in the media? Maybe the Britts need another wake up call, such as 1940 nazi blitz & who helped them out of it!!!
38. i'm not the biggest fan of bush, BUT let me just say this...
yonatan ,   nyc   (11.05.06)
at least he stands up and is willing to fight terror, albeit his intelligence isn't as adequate as i would like it to be, still. europeans beware. if you are willing to sell us out again, like has been your history. be careful, because don't expect the world to be a dangerous place only for jews. it is time to wake. you can't have it both ways. if it is not safe for us, it won't be safe for you either.
39. Steve Wilson #36 You're a sick puppy wacko
John ,   USA   (11.05.06)
Dude, calm down. Get a life. Do something.... Get some help. Nobody was talking about abortions. Nobody is against stopping terrorist. The point is that the so called "war on terror" is not a boxing match... it's a chess game. It's infinitly complex. It is clear that the experts (NIE, The Generals, The allies, etc) think it's a disaster, not just the so called "self hating liberals." Now the Neo Cons are critical too. Really Steve, all that diatribe, and you're an Athiest? SHHEEES. I can see you need a shrink, and cannot be reasoned with. So I won't read your posts anymore, it's a waste of time.
40. What the poll really means
John ,   USA   (11.05.06)
Ok all you mental lightweights. I'll try to explain. What this poll really is saying is that Canadians, Britons, and Mexicans think that GWB is such a destabilizing influence that they feel he's almost more of a danger to them (but not quite) than OBL himself. They recognize, as many in the US do, that they conduct of the so called "war on terror" has been so seriously mishandled that he's almost as serious a threat (in the sense of shooting himself in the foot) trying to fight the terrorist as the terrorist themselves. What the poll really says is that a majority of people actually feel less safe because of his actions than if he had done nothing at all. And probably it's true: If he had done nothing at all we would probably all be safer today (including Israel.) Probably if the same poll were conducted in the US, we would see similar results (even with the one sided media.)
41. logical that the most powerful would be the most dangerous !
redmike ,   tel aviv & london   (11.05.06)
42. Yes, we Americans are a very dangerious lot
Johnson ,   USA   (11.05.06)
Never forget that.... We can be your best friend or your worst enemy..
43. Bush better than Clinton, Gore, or Kerry.
Sheikh yer Bu'Tay ,   Dar al-Harb   (11.05.06)
In 2004, I had the great honor of working with the greatest bunch of people. Almost all where combat veterans. I mean the real deal, not phoney like John Kerry. Does anyone here want to tell me he is a hero? Bullshit. I met Kerry during the Winter Soldier campain. He purposefully lead many people astray back then, and has never repented for it. We have a saying: "Kerry lied while good men died". We worked VERY HARD to make sure Mr. Kerry did not become the U.S. President! We are looking forward to doing it again in 2008!
44. #31 yep, and Iran is heaven on earth!
linda   (11.05.06)
Get real!!!
45. It means they wouldn't fight and never would have
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (11.05.06)
40#. If you weren't so busy bashing Bush. You could sign the papers at the MEPS station and learn how to shoot the terrorists, rather than bitching and moaning about the status of the president all the time. Grow some testicles and support your country against the terrorists for a change.
46. #2 Lynne, you are a sweetie!
Sheikh yer Bu'Tay ,   Dar al-Harb   (11.05.06)
But you are very wrong about who is responsible for the destruction of Iraq. Iraqis are far more responsible for all the death and destruction than the U.S. is. Yes, the U.S. toppled Sadam's government, but Americans expected the Iraqis to behave like peaceful, civilized people while a new government was set up! A governent of Iraqis, by Iraqis, for Iraqis. We have been told over, and over again that Islam is the religion of peace. Instead, Muslims are blowing each other up as fast as they can. Why? Beats me. One thing is for certain: the American BLANK CHECK for rebuilding Iraq will soon be cancelled if the Iraqis keep up all the violence. Americans have grown tired of the world blaming them for all that is evil in the world. When we intervien to stop an injustice in some place in the world, the world says we are at fault for interfering. When we don't intervien, the world says we are at fault because we are not compassionate enough. It is well past time for the Arab world to stop using America for it's scape goat.
47. The babies you kill think you are wacko 39#
Steven Wilson ,   Anchorage, Alaska   (11.05.06)
They wonder how a bunch of hypocrites whine about war every day while the same people support killing a million of them a year? The left is the biggest killing machine in Europe, and the USA. And then they try to stand up and act self righteous every night on the news, showing pictures of dead soldiers like they gave a shit about them in the first place. Most of them wouldn't join the military if it bit them in the ass. If you won't stand up for babies, then don't pretend to give a shit about our soldiers and the state of the war on terrorism. You are hypocrites and we see through the crocodile tears for our troops. You would do much better saying you hate Bush and just want him ouit of office. The Democrats would of never lifted a finger to fight back in the first place. So who do you have to compare when it comes to fighting terrorism in the first place. It's about time the right called a pascifist a pascifist. A baby killing party (The Democrats) what they really are. Why should I change my opinion, is that going to bring the 33 million dead babies back that have been killed since 1973. I guess if we sent them into battle, and they were killed, it wouldn't matter. You were going to kill them anyway! When are you going to stick up for them 39#? Or are you just to whacko to give a damn about their lives? It's easier to run a president out of office and act self righteous.
48. Lech Lecha
marya ,   sacramento, USA   (11.05.06)
The Brits are suffering from terminal guilt and self hate for their past colonization efforts. Problematic inbreeding and nasty treif blood pudding helped to rot their brains. Soon they'll be incorporating those nifty hooked whips that the Shia use for self flaggelation: Ooh, I'm a bad lil Brittie, soo bad...It's okay, remember what happened to Persia and Rome. AND WHY.
49. God bless! George Bush!
Billy Bob Bubba! ,   Good ol' US of A   (11.05.06)
50. My comments were censored
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (11.05.06)
51. FIGHTING "OCCUPATION" of Europe : INFIDELS Not Welcome
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (11.05.06)
Alija Izetbegovic stated in the ISLAMIC DECLARATION that: - "there can be neither peace nor coexistence between the Islamic faith and non-Islamic social and political institutions"; Global jihad to subjugate all of humanity under Muslim masters is fought inside our nations via diplomacy, deception and violence. Desperate and bloody battles were fought in Europe in the past against merciless Muslim invaders: Clash of civilizations: Battle of Lepanto revisited "Conflict along the fault line between Western and Islamic civilizations has been going on for 1,300 years." Islam advanced under the sword conquering North Africa, Sicily, Spain, Portugal and parts of France. Twice "the forces of Islam laid siege to Vienna. For 1,000 years, Islam advanced and Christendom retreated," In response to the 1,400 years of continual Islamic striving for global conquest, does the EU plan to initiate a peace process and offer Muslims half of Europe? The U.S. EU UN demand that half of the Jewish Holy Land is surrendered to Islam. Eurabian Nightmares By Andrew G. Bostom | March 13, 2006 While Europe Slept chronicles Bawer's personal encounter with Europe's ongoing Islamization since late 1998... France is already 12% Muslim and Switzerland 20%... Already, in most of Western Europe, 16 to 20 percent of children are Muslims...within a couple of generations many [Western European] countries will have Muslim majorities. ...a Danish Muslim leader, typical of many European imams, declared triumphally in 2000, “Muslims have a dream of living in an Islamic society…This dream will surely be fulfilled in Denmark…We will eventually be a majority”. And such demography is already destiny in Islamic satellite colonies interspersed throughout Western Europe where demands for sovereignty began well before the recent Muslim intifada in France this past fall, 2005. In France, a public official met with an imam at the edge of Roubaix's Muslim district out of respect for his declaration of the neighborhood as Islamic territory to which she had no right of access. In Britain, imams have pressed the government to officially designate certain areas of Bradford as being under Muslim, not British, law. In Denmark, Muslim leaders have sought the same kind of control over parts of Copenhagen. And in Belgium, Muslims living in the Brussels neighborhood of Sint-Jans-Molenbeek already view it not as part of Belgium but as an area under Islamic jurisdiction in which Belgians are not welcome. These burgeoning Muslim communities are also consuming disproportionate amounts of state sponsored welfare benefits. For example, Danish Muslims comprise 5% of the population, yet they receive 40% of the governmental outlays... ...the social workers themselves are often tyrannized by their Muslim clients. Bawer describes the chilling situation in Denmark: Some clients lay waste to social security offices and hit social workers... Bawer further documents how Norwegian (Oslo) imams preach brazenly that Muslims should expect such welfare benefits-and feel justified in supplementing them by stealing from stores-as a form of jizya* extracted from their infidel "host" societies-societies that have not yet accepted their requisite subservience to Islamic Law! The military religion of Islam intends to conquer the world: An authoritative Muslim stated: "Thanks to your democratic laws we will invade you; thanks to our religious laws we will dominate you."
52. #46 & 47 Good posts, I agree (end)
Brenda ,   Indiana   (11.05.06)
53. Linda #50 and #51
John ,   USA   (11.05.06)
Sometimes my posts are censored too. I'm not sure why. There doesn't seem to be much logic to it. On #51... Interesting stuff, but kinda one sided. Europe has to figure it out, not us. As for the US, well we are based on religious freedom, so if it happens here, it happens. The law protects it.
54. #9 DR.. wake up..
Lynne   (11.05.06)
democratic elections?? do you really believe that it wouldn't matter how many lives you kill just to hold democratic elections?? the same US that had supported Taliban and Saddam as dictators is now destroying Afghanistan and Iraq to get rid of those regimes!!! why didn't the US think "democracy" when it was supplying Saddam with the chemical weapons he was using to kill his people and the Iranians?? why did it boycott the government of Hamas although they were democratically elected?? why does it keep its eyes shut when it comes to the Egyptian and Jordanian dictators?? everyone knew that if the US invaded Iraq this will cause a civil war because Iraq consists of many minorities who have been opressed for years.. what is happening now is not surprising..the US is supporting them against each other so that Iraq would end up divided into smaller states.. is it the democracy of Abu Ghraib you are talking about?? I know that you wish to defend your country but don't do it on the remenants of the bodies of innocent people..
55. Shiekh yer Bu'Tay..
Lynne   (11.05.06)
Hello.. I think my reply to DR answers your post.. so please read it.. again you insist on throwing it on Islam.. I have discussed this many times in here.. and with you specifically so I don't see the need to repeat myself over and over again.. what happens in politics should not be blamed onto religion .. can you give me one statement in the Qur'an or Hadith that might say or imply that Shiites should kill Sunnis or otherwise?? quite the opposite.. Islam asks us if two Muslim tribes fight then it is our duty to stop them.. civil wars have occurred in ALL societies .. in America.. in Europe.. in China.. the Protestant Reformation was a religious war but would this give me the right to tell you that Christianity is a violent religion?? when the US intervenes to stop an injustice it usually does it in an unjust manner.. it would never intervene out of goodwill.. "It is well past time for the Arab world to stop using America for it's scape goat. " reverse this.. anyway.. "I hope everything is well in your kneck of the woods!" :) ..
56. Bush loves wars so he is the most dangerous man on earth
Noora ,   Bahrain   (11.05.06)
57. Bush second most dangerous man
Brenda ,   Indiana   (11.05.06)
In the world may be a true statement. For he is strong and courageous and he will stand up and fight for what he believes is right. Carter and Clinton were pansies compared to him. Carter thought he could talk the terrriorist to death and all Clinton wanted to do was have press ops so he could get his picture taken and look like he was doing something. When he wasn't doing Monica that is. Bush will fight the war on terror and he will fight it to win. The world blamed him when something wasn't done about North Korea and the world asked him to do something about what is happening in Kandahor. They they get mad when he does do something conclusive. If everyone thinks Bush is the second most dangerous man in the world maybe they will be afraid to attack us again for he will go after them. That's why the world hates Bush and America because we have the will and the courage to stand up and be counted. Admadinagah says there will soon be a world without America. What will that world be like? Will it be safer without America in it? No, it won't, for then these terriorists will come after the rest of the world and they will be no one to stop them. Wil everyone be happy then?
58. To Linda#51.THIS Muslim Nonsense Should Stop Immediately !!!
Maansingh ,   The Netherlands   (11.06.06)
You write :".. Brussels neighborhood .. not part of Belgium but .. under Islamic jurisdiction ..". The Belgium Government SHOULD stop this. What kind of NONSENSE is this ?! The Police of the Belgium Government should be able to go to ANY part of Belgium. This nonsense of Islamic jurisdiction inside our European countries should STOP immediately. WHO do the Muslims think they are??? Do the Muslims think they are above the Belgium laws??? IF they think like that - than the Belgian Government should PUNISH those Muslims severely !!! The Belgian Government should JAIL those Muslims who preach to act against the Belgian laws. THIS Muslim nonsense should stop immediately !!!!
59. Dear Lynne
Sheikh yer Bu'Tay ,   Dar al-Harb   (11.06.06)
In all honesty, we, the American public expected the Iraqis to behave like peaceful, civilized people. We expected the Iraqis to welcome a new government were there is majority rule and minority rights. Iraqis wrote their own constitution, not us. So it is unpleasantly supprising to see so much violence there. Iraqi on Iraqi violence that is the duty of fellow Iraqis to stop! My "throwing it on Islam" is purposeful. Almost every polictical party in Iraq is headed by religious leaders. al-Sadr's party is the most violent one. As a "man of God" he should know better!! We expected Iraqis to behave like good Muslims. By your own words Sunnis and Shiites should be working together, not killing each other as fast as they can! Iraqi governmental powers have made al-Sadr off-limits to US forces. Otherwise, we would have taken him out long ago. Okay, we respect the Iraqis right to self govern. Why will they not deal with this? Why will they not stop the violence? When the Brits turned over a multi-million dollar base to the Iraqi government, the Iraqi guards stood by and watched other Iraqis tear it to the ground. That base was built to provide security to the Iraqi people, why did the Iraqis not have enough self respect to keep it? Your statement that the US "would never intervene out of good will" is grossly untrue. Either you are honestly ignorant of US history, or have succomed to the propoganda that permeates the Middle East. My dear, I have taken a great deal of time to read as much of this as I can and I do know what I am talking about. All is well with me. While working with my men, I fell off a roof and injured my back. I am healing okay. I hope all is well with you. You and I may disagree on many issues, but I still think you are a sweetie! :)
60. Sheikh yer Bu'Tay...
Lynne   (11.06.06)
first of all.. I think I should make myself clear on the fact that when I criticise the US I am usually referring to governments and not the American people.. maybe you did believe that Iraqis would welcome a new government without any chaos or bloodshed but this is unrealistic.. Iraq consists of numerous minorities who for decades have been suffering from a dictator regime .. every Iraqi sect believes that they were the victims of the other sect.. the kurds believe that Arabs have caused thier opression.. the Shiites see it as the fault of Sunnis.. Sunnis believe that once Shiites take over they will start to take revenge.. this is to blame on Saddam's government.. but Saddam was supported the the US in the first place.. this is my problem with the US.. they supported this dictator for years and supplied him with the chemical weapons he terrorised his people and the Iranians with.. at that time the US refused to condemn Saddam's actions.. when he turned against the US after he fell into the trap of Kuwait's invasion.. the suffering of the Iraqi people started by the economic siege on Iraq that had killed many iraqi children.. and next came the US war on Iraq... for years Iraqis have been catching their breaths in fear and all of a sudden there are no more rules.. no one to tell them yes or no.. what do you expect?? each group of them wants to rule the other from fear of being opressed again.. the natural result for their situation is a civil war.. the fact that they are lead by religious leaders is because when Saddam opressed them he did it out of racism so their fight had ended up with a religious dye to it.. I do not support any of them.. I see each of thier leaders as a criminal and a victim at the same time.. you cannot bring in democracy using warplanes and bulldozers.. the US had forced democracy onto Iraqis occupation and bloodshed.. in fact the US hadn't acted in the worst levels of dictatorship in its attempt to provide what it calls democracy.. you have had your own bloodbaths during the American civil war.. does that mean you are uncivilised, self-hating criminals??? any group of people would at some level fight and kill one another under any cover they choose... this does not mean they have a bad culture and religion.. it rather reveals an accumulation of certain circumstances that lead to such outbursts.. my point that the US would not intervene out of goodwill is very realistic.. it is not to offend you but naturally politics are not managed under good will .. there are always certain interests that would cause a country to take a move.. you are trying to tell me that the US is spending its men and money out of its affection and corcern for Iraqis?? am I or any sane human being supposed to believe this?? I am aware of the huge gap between our beliefs but again I insist that as long as we are spending a certain amount of time and effort in explaining those beliefs and listening to one anothers views in this decent manner I am ready to accept any ideas you might express regardless of how contradicting they might seem to my own.. don't climb roofs next time.. LOL.. I guess I'll have to change this into "I hope everything is well in your back of the woods".. :) I am a sweetie!! hmm.. if you insist..
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