Europe: Gaza shelling shocking
Published: 08.11.06, 14:26
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31. Not on purpose!
Hardi J. Niclasen ,   Kolding, Denmark   (11.08.06)
This is what unfortunately may happen in a terrorist-war forced upon Israel , but be sure it certainly was not on purpose! Can by no means be compared with Palestinian terrorist-attacks, aiming at killing an maiming as many innocents as possible: men, women, and children. Let the Palestianians stop their rocket-attacks, and Israel doesn't need to defend herself from that quarter!
DAVID P ,   SEABRIGHT, USA   (11.08.06)
Joel   (11.08.06)
34. #29 Whatever are you talking about
J K ,   NYC, USA   (11.08.06)
Firstly, I did mention it's terrbile what happened to those people, but I qualified by saying that s-it happens when the Fakes keep up their terror war instead of the mudane task of actually building a country. Respect? I dont know what respect they are gaining by kidnapping people, massacring their own people in the streets in gunbattles and shooting off missiles. The Fakes are a failed state before they are even a state. Maybe their own people respect the govt because they are fighting Israel, but its for as much as the world blames Israel, they are not blind that the Fakestinians are doing less than nothing to improve their own lot much less work toward peace. Non-recognition and elimination of the other is not exactly what anyone with a brain would refer to as 'peaceful intentions' Your empty platittudes serve only yourself, not anyone with 1/2 a brain.
35. Kassams fired at Sderot are a war crime..EU?
David ,   Boston, USA   (11.08.06)
EU useless when it comes to the real war crime. Its very clear that the Arabs in Gaza are committing war crimes by attacking Sderot. According to international law, Israel is well within its rights to go into Gaza and take out those who fire the rockets. They must take care to protect citizens, but the collateral damage of civilians is not a war crime. It is the Arabs in Gaza who are firing the Kassams that are committing war crimes. Its quite clear in the Geneva Conventions. Unfortunately, what else is clear is that Arabs refuse to follow the conventions and EU prefers to pervert it and apply it in bizarre ways.
36. Yet it is ok for Hamas to fire rockets into Israeli
Charles T. Brown ,   Gray Summit, USA   (11.08.06)
neighborhoods, killing and maiming innocent Men, Women and Children....because they are Jews... But if palestinian "civilians" are killed when Israel tries to prevent these Qassam rocket attacks, then it is a massacre....Just like Hezbollah hiding behind civilians as shields. You know what shields are suppose to take the blow of the sword, so if you use children and women as shields, then women and children will die....that is war, and the problem with Islam, they don't care for their kids, they use them like any other tool.
37. to # 29 i pitty the palestinians
Natan ,   USA   (11.08.06)
I pitty the Palestinians. Israel left Gaza over a year ago. It was the first time in years that the Palestinians had their own land with the opportunity to govern themselves and improve their lives. Hundreds of Qassam missiles later, AIMED AT CIVILIAN POPULATIONS!!!, the Palestinians have shown their true intentions and colors. I pitty you as you rather be fed by the UN instead of feeding your self. I pitty you for using the money for guns and missiles instead of feeding your children. I pitty you for glorifying death instead of life. I pitty you for always blaming others instead of taking responsibility for your own destiny. I pitty you because you pitty yourself. You have no self respect. It is time you got a real large mirror and look at yourself. you may noe like what you see..
38. this is war
YedLita ,   USA   (11.08.06)
This is war. If You don't like it - don't start it. Stop pretending You are some kind of "Palestinians", say the truth - You are just arabs, like any other arabs. Stop occupying jewish land and go live in 22 arab countries that exist already. More importantly - stop killing jews. 18 people lost is a terrible loss - wars are terrible that way.
39. #29
M. Hartley ,   Atlanta, US   (11.08.06)
Is that what they peddle in your mosques? Well, somebody's lying. The world is only learning what a murderous, convoluted, illogical cult of death Islam really is. It has no respect for its women, its children or for life, itself; its own or anyone else's. As for sympathy, you'll find that in the dictionary not far behind sh-t and suicide. Oh, I forgot, you seen to know that sequence, already.
AVINU   (11.08.06)
41. Indeed a horrible masacre.
Ilan ,   Ariel   (11.08.06)
I'm sure that no one would have allowed that shell to be fired if they knew this outcome was likely, but it is an impossible situation. They shell from within the confines of a residential area and Israel is left with the choice of either letting it's civilians get shelled or to counter-attack and risk killing Arab civilians. The IDF may be shocked, but Hamas and Fatah are happy for any gain they can get.
42. Ynet, lose the pallywood photos.
Truth ,   USA   (11.08.06)
They shout until blue their intent to annihilate Israel. Unprovoked, they murder and kidnap soldiers, stoke worldwide slander, declare war and target Israeli civilians with rockets launched from behind "civilians". When the predictable accident occurs, they milk pallywood for media biased world sympathy and effect. Yet, these are people of shaid. What normal people consider a tragedy they consider glory; for Israel's media, academic and political enemies, its fodder for self-serving accusation and further scapegoating of Israel. Tell the truth, Israel's been offered up to oil wealth and power. I'm only sorry to see Israel being destroyed by "leaders" who value themselves and the "praise of such men" over Israeli's. Recent land for rockets deal.
43. #29
v. n.y. ,   usa   (11.08.06)
palestinians are not getting any sympathy from the world because the worldc KNOWS that the palis use these methods of stacking bombs and launch pads from civilian homes, risking the death of hundreds of their civilians. they are not getting any support, only pity, that their leaders are so inhumane as to use their people in such a fashion. the world may say no to israel, but they are never as stupid as you think to believe your intended massacre of your civilians for propaganda purposes. EVERYONE KNOWS WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT AND WE ARE ON TO YOU!!!!! when all is said and done, the situation will continue, many of you will continue to get killed because of your terrorist actions against israeli cvilians and the world will go on. the only thing you'll be getting as a rfesponse is a minute slap on the idf hands and then all is forgotten. israel does not much care what eu thinks as long as they need to keep the jews in israel safe from your terror!
could not face Hizbullah so they turned against Palestinian children.
45. Who reported 18 were killed?
Jay ,   Israel   (11.08.06)
We all know how these terrorists lie and exaggerate so why is everyone jumping the gun before the truth comes out? After the beach incident and Qana, i am disgusted that the fool Olmert is apologising before being briefed on the IDF findings of this unfortunate incident. hasn't he learnt that the public takes an apology as an admission of guilt? This moron has to go before he completely destroys Israel !!!
46. #39& 43 artillary shelling of militants in populated areas
Is bombing militants in populated areas even if it is with non-banned ammunition legal? Is using much disproportionate retaliation legal? Is deliberate bombing paramedic rescue person legal? The high civilian loss in lebanon war was the major source of the Israeli defeat in the non-occupied lebanon, would it be acceptable by the international community to watch this offensive action against the de facto occupied civilians in Gaza? Is even voting of Hamas justification to slaughter civilians? the 7 killed children did not vote for Hamas, nor for the Israelis ! Israel claims itself a free democratic country , and it should stick to its claim and face the consequences. The world now is convinced that the real intention of isreal is to encourage qassam firing in order the reach their final goal which is the extermination of the all palestinians.
47. #39& 43 artillary shelling of militants in populated areas
observer   (11.08.06)
Is bombing militants in populated areas even if it is with non-banned ammunition legal? Is using much disproportionate retaliation legal? Is deliberate bombing paramedic rescue persons legal? The high civilian loss in lebanon war was the major source of the Israeli defeat in the non-occupied lebanon, would it be acceptable by the international community to just watch this offensive action against the de facto occupied civilians in Gaza? Is even voting to Hamas justification to slaughter civilians? the 7 killed children did not vote for Hamas, nor for the Israelis ! Israel claims itself a free democratic country , and it should stick to its claim and face the consequences. The world now is convinced that the real intention of isreal is to encourage qassam firing in order the reach their final goal which is the extermination of the all palestinians.
48. A Tragic ACCIDENT- Israel Always tries to avoid harming...
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (11.08.06)
civilians. G-D who is the silent witness knows how many times Israel has placed the lives of PA Muslim civilians above the lives of Jews and Jews have been repeatedly killed because of Israel's policy. Jewish communities which border Gaza are under constant rocket attack from the enemy. Israel has the legitimate right of self-defense and responsibility before G-D for protecting her citizens from non-stop war waged against her civilian population. Any other country except Israel would have eliminated the rocket attacks years ago. It is immoral to allow these attacks on Israel's civilian population to continue.
49. #43 is Israel jewish or Zionistic ?
(they need to keep the jews in israel safe from your terror!) The EU is now convinced that Israel is occupied by Zionists who are the greatest enemy of the jews. To keep the jews safe, it is only a matter of time EU and the whole world is going to move.
50. Go Go IDF from victory to victory, till the final defeat !
Indeed if it bleeds it leads; it leads to Israel's defeat.
51. #4 but Israel excels by its steady rate of killing civilians
observer   (11.08.06)
Sooner than later, SriLanka will be hitting the rear in its race with Israel.
52. Muslims purposely murder thousands everyday.
Daisy ,   USA   (11.08.06)
Europe are cowards who are trying to appease their Islamic Master because they know they are next.
53. #46
v. n.y. ,   usa   (11.08.06)
you have no clue about what you are talking about. no clue!
54. #49
v. n.y. ,   usa   (11.08.06)
gaza got its freedom and israel left that territory years ago. we left! we gave them what they wanted. what did they do? they created terror cells and imported ammunition to fight an "imagined occupation" arab mentality is extremely complicated and absolutelly impossible to comprehend. it is so foreign to us more civilized people in israel and the west. employing the pity us card has played in their favor too long, while their leaders stole all money aid from them and used these poor people to excute suicide bombs, kept them uneducated, opressed, starving and eventually with the idea that they have nothing to live for except the killing of their opressors...israel. but their real opressors were and are their leaders. caqn you explain arafat's worth at 300 million dollars? where do you think this filth of humanity, this criminal terrorist got 300 millions? yes, now we are talking. the 300 millions poured into gaza FOR THE PEOPLE. NOT FOR HIMSELF! if you want to accuse people for criminal genocide and inhumanity, look no further than arab leaders like hammas, fattah, mashaal, haniye, ahmadinejad, assad, etc... they are the ones directly responsible for the perverted situation now existing in gaza and the west bank. it's just that when you know your people are so backwards and kept so by you, you can sell the desperate anything, anythin g , and they'll follow you. giving you their children to die with strapped bombs, creating massacres to point the accusatory finger at israel, lying to media and producing a paliwood society to point the finger. sorry, i don't buy your logic or criticism. i consider myself an intelligent person who pays attention to both sides of the coin, but what these arab leader terrorists are doing to their people and how they use them is DEPLORABLE! this should be taken to the un and eu.
55. Eurabia Is At it Again
Adina kutnicki ,   US   (11.08.06)
Hey Europhiles - What really is shocking ! shocking ! is the constant rocket bombardment by Gazans of Jewish cities. Where are your voices of outrage for these beleagured Jews?
56. Shlomo , Tel-Aviv
Marcel Abel ,   France   (11.08.06)
YOU ARE SO RIGHT. Again Israel looks for scapegoats and wants to make suspicion fall on somebody else, on defenseless children for example. A tank against a child : what are the odds ? So easy and so disgusting. The Lord is coming and no murderer will escape the face to face !
57. To PM Haniyeh. USELESS To Fire Kassam Rockets Into Israel.
Maansingh ,   The Netherlands   (11.08.06)
You are "calling for an emergency meeting of the UNSC". Haniyeh, you SHOULD reign-in the gang-cells of the Gaza Strip. These gang-cells, firing Kassam rockets into Israel, ARE the greatest enemies of the innocent people of Gaza. You, as the leader of the Gaza Strip, should be telling your Hamas followers that it is USELESS to fire Kassam rockets into Israel. Not only is it useless - but it is definitely harmful for the Gaza inhabitants. You, as the leader, SHOULD know this. You are NOT supposed to be an ignorant person.
58. To Mashaal. Kassam Rockets Very Harmfull For Gazans.
Maansingh ,   The Netherlands   (11.08.06)
You said you "would respond to the Beit Hanoun incident with deeds ..". The best deed you SHOULD be doing is telling your Hamas followers to get into building the Gaza Strip into a nice country. The best deed you SHOULD be doing is to tell your Hamas followers that there is NO benefit whatsoever for Gaza inhabitants - IF Kassam rockets are launched into Israel. ON the contrary - it is VERY harmfull for the Gaza inhabitants to launch rockets into Israel.
59. The irony is the conspiracy to kill civilians
observer   (11.08.06)
Hamas is killing civilians by hiding between them, and Israel is only helping Hamas by killing the surrounding civilians!
60. U.S./NATO WAR On Serb CHRISTIANS. We Bombed the Wrong Side
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (11.09.06)
NATO War Crimes and links to Al Qaeda confirmed former UN Commander in the Balkans We bombed the wrong side? by Lewis MacKenzie National Post, 6 April 2004 Five years ago our television screens were dominated by pictures of Kosovo-Albanian refugees escaping across Kosovo's borders to the sanctuaries of Macedonia and Albania. Shrill reports indicated that Slobodan Milosevic's security forces were conducting a campaign of genocide and that at least 100,000 Kosovo-Albanians had been exterminated and buried in mass graves throughout the Serbian province. NATO sprung into action and, in spite of the fact no member nation of the alliance was threatened, commenced bombing not only Kosovo, but the infrastructure and population of Serbia itself... Those of us who warned that the West was being sucked in on the side of an extremist, militant, Kosovo-Albanian independence movement were dismissed as appeasers. The fact that the lead organization spearheading the fight for independence, the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), was universally designated a terrorist organization and known to be receiving support from Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda was conveniently ignored. ...Those Serbs forced to leave joined the 200,000 who had been cleansed from the province since NATO's "humanitarian" bombing in 1999... Since the NATO/UN intervention in 1999, Kosovo has become the crime capital of Europe. The sex slave trade is flourishing. The province has become an invaluable transit point for drugs... The objective of the Albanians is to purge all non-Albanians...from Kosovo The campaign started with their attacks on Serbian security forces in the early 1990s... There was no genocide as claimed by the West -- the 100,000 allegedly buried in mass graves turned out to be around 2,000, of all ethnic origins, including those killed in combat during the war itself. The Kosovo-Albanians have played us like a Stradivarius. We have subsidized and indirectly supported their violent campaign for an ethnically pure and independent Kosovo... When they achieve independence with the help of our tax dollars combined with those of bin Laden and al-Qaeda, just consider the message of encouragement this sends to other terrorist-supported independence movements around the world. Maj-Gen. Lewis MacKenzie, now retired, commanded UN troops during the Bosnian civil war of 1992.
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