Europe: Gaza shelling shocking
Published: 08.11.06, 14:26
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78 Talkbacks for this article
61. To Observer #47. Hamas Operatives MUST Be Nuts !!
Maansingh ,   The Netherlands   (11.09.06)
You write :"Israel .. a free democratic country ..". That Israel is a "free country" does NOT mean that the Hamas operatives are "free" to fire Kassam rockets into Israel. Hamas operatives have fired a few hundred Kassam rockets in the past 3 months into Israel. For what use ?? So, when Israel responds - do NOT blame Israel for it. For all the civilian deaths in the Gaza Strip - the blame SHOULD be put wholly and solely at the doorstep of the Hamas leadership. BTW Israel left the Gaza Strip more than one year ago. So, the Gazans SHOULD put their minds in building their Gaza Strip into a nice country. HOW will attacking Israel build your country ?? The Hamas operatives MUST be nuts !!
62. 1999 U.S./NATO WAR On CHRISTIAN SERBS: Return to Barbarism
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (11.09.06)
U.S./NATO took the side of the KLA Muslim terrorist organization and waged ruthless war on Christian Serb innocents. Alija Izetbegovic stated in the ISLAMIC DECLARATION that: - "there can be neither peace nor coexistence between the Islamic faith and non-Islamic social and political institutions"; NATO BOMBING -- RETURN TO BARBARISM For National Post, May 31, 1999. For 69 days the democratic countries of the West have been systematically smashing to pieces a modern European state... The air strikes have degenerated into a war of annihilation against the Serbian people. Even before the bombing, its economy had collapsed as a result of economic sanctions. ... It was a country that presented no threat either to its neighbors or to European security. Prior to the NATO air attack it was balancing on the edge of survival. Despite this, our NATO leaders -- without consulting their parliaments or their people -- have chosen to bomb Yugoslavia into submission. NATO has judged Serbian people to be collectively guilty of daring to defy an ultimatum, which no sovereign nation could have accepted. The civilized world is now standing by witnessing the destruction of a country and annihilation of its people. NATO is using the most dreadful weapons of modern warfare: cluster bombs and cruise missiles. Many of the weapons being used contain depleted uranium, which will spread deadly radioactive dust throughout the region, contaminating for generations water, soil and crops. NATO's unprovoked attack is a blatant violation of every precept of international law. To their everlasting shame, our NATO leaders have chosen war over peace in Kosovo. They have abandoned diplomacy in favor of bloodshed. .. They have smashed the framework of world security. They have guaranteed that we will start the new century as we did this one, with killing and carnage. They have left us with a terrible legacy. With six months to go before the millennium, they have taken us back to barbarism.
63. linda
toni ,   sab me   (11.09.06)
i have always had the same view of this bombing of christians to save muslims during easter week if i remember right what did the us get for it we got attacked by muslims this war has been going on for centuries there is no use in denying anymore but the bosnian conflict and natos response always botherd me
64. Oil wealth, dreams of power and bribes BLIND
and cripple justice. God bless Israel.
65. observer = can you "observe" this? can you refute
these historic facts? NOT...
66. Unbelievable EU hypocrisy
Bernard Ross ,   St. Anns Bay Jamaica   (11.09.06)
Israel has a right to defend itself, but not at the price of the lives of the innocent," Benita Ferrero-Waldner said in a statement. Therefore if the innocent are the enemy sending kassams to kill jews the jews should obligingly lay down and die like the good jews of Europe who knew their place. The choice of the Europeans will always be for the sacrifice ofthe jews. Shells shold rain down on gaza as long as one kassam is fired. There can be no accomodation to the killers of the jews.
67. New World Order
The Great Satan ,   USA   (11.09.06)
Get used to more of the same. The Libs have spoken.
68. (60) YOU ARE SO WRONG !
Marcel Abel ,   France   (11.09.06)
AND SO HATEFUL. Again Israel looks for scapegoats and wants to make suspicion fall on somebody else, on defenseless children for example. A tank against a child : what are the odds ? So easy and so disgusting. Jewish victimization, enough ! The Lord is coming and no murderer, Jewish or not, will escape the face to face !
69. Ynet, my last post was meant for 66 not 60
Marcel Abel ,   France   (11.09.06)
Sorry for mistake !
Marcel Abel ,   France   (11.09.06)
Why do you killed over 1,000 civilians in Lebanon and why do you let a huge tank fire at children : what are the odds for the latter ?. What are home-made "bombettes" qassam compared to the powerful tanks of your invincible army ? Have I to remind you of the number of victims on both sides since early September ? Joel, you got - 10/20, that is a big, big zero, because you made no effort to see it from Ali's side. You too will have very soon a blinding face to face with the Lord.
Marcel Abel ,   France   (11.09.06)
SHOCKED THE WHOLE PLANET ! WHY ????????????????? "Bombettes", no !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! strong tanks firing at children yes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
73. "Massacre"
Moshe ,   Jerusalem   (11.12.06)
Its amazing that they can make such a big deal about this when in over 3 years some 150,000, thats THOUSAND, iraqis have died in arab vs. arab violence in Iraq! and the hundreds of thousands killed in darfur also due to muslim violence! Where is are the UN resalutions by arab countries and world condemnation about that? The sad truth my friends the world does not triuly care what they care about and cannot except is a powerful jewish country that is willing to stand up for its self and even take preemptive actions. Call me paranoid or crazy but history has a way of repeating its self and we as jews were persecuted in europe for what was percieved as being to independent and powerful not subserviant enough and this is another form of the same theme by the same people that handed us to the natzis or supported them.
74. Wake Up
Me ,   UK   (11.12.06)
I cannot believe what I have read in your statements. You people are completely shocking and have no moral values at all. People have lost their lives (on both sides). How you can sit in your chairs in the comfort of your homes and workplaces and try to justify the killing of innocent people, I cannot fathom your rationale. You claim to be civilised and on a moral high-ground, when in actual fact you are no better than the Nazi's. If you claim that the Palestinians use their civilians as human shields and purposefully put them in the firing line, then by the same token I would argue that the Jews put their own people in the firing line by bringing them to this illegally occupied land. If someone came to my house and tried to occupy it, I would use any means to get them out. If the Palistinians use force to rid their land of the occupiers, I know I wouldn't bring my children in the firing line. Before you all start on the anti-semetic vibes, please calm down. I have Jewisha dn Palestinian friends - none of them are monsters like you guys!!! I hope that you guys (who claim to be the chosen one's by God) one day see the situation for what it really is - I pray that you begin to manifest the charachters of Biblical examples to mankind a I pray for peace in the Middle East and the rest of the world.
75. Israel needs to comply with international law
Mary ,   NYC, US   (11.15.06)
Israel has been illegally occupying Palestinian territory for over 40 years and counting. This has been clearly established by the UN since 1967 and it has been ratified by every country in the world with the exception of the US. Moreover, under international law, the Palestinian people have the right to resort to armed atacks in order to liberate their territory from Isaeli illegal occupation. While the targeting of civilians (ie, terrorism) is an immoral, illegal, and highly condemnable tactic of war, the fact remains that it is the Palestinians who have the moral higher ground on this. It is the occupied that is defending itself, and not the occupier. The Israeli people need to understand that peace will never be possible as long as they continue to illegally occupy Palestinian territory. The Gaza withdrawal was not a "favor" to the Palestinians. It was Israel's obligation under international law and UN mandates. Yet, Israel withdrew its troops from Gaza, but kept its control over the sea, the air and the borders. Palestinian fishermen were not allowed to fish in their water. Moreover, the state of Israel continued to occupy the West Bank and enforce this occupatio through brutal means, such as arbitrary detentions without charges, demolishion of houses, unjustified confiscation of lands and bank accounts, roadblocks, etc All this has been widely documented by several local and international human rights organizations, including the Israeli B'Tselem. Terrorism and the firing of rockets that may harm innocent Israeli civilians is deplorable. But Israeli civilians need to recognize these same rights to their Palestinian neighbors if they truly want peace. If you allow your government to violate the rights of the Palestinian civilians, illegally occupy their territory, and continuously violate UN treaties targeted at protecting the human rights of the Palestinians, then you don't have the moral right to complain if these people strike back with the only weapons that they have at their disposal (ie, rockets). If you want a change, start with yourself. You have been a victim but also a victimizer, and so have the Palestinians, but you started this in 1948 when you stole Palestinian land by force. You continued this war by not allowing Palestinian refugees to return to their homes after the war, and you continued the abuse with the 1967 40-year illegal occupation of their land. You don't have the moral high ground on this one. You simply don't. You need to acknowledge all the suffering you caused on the Palestinians, just like the world acknowledged the Holocaust. You need to be the main partner in the peace negotiations. Don't impose conditions and stop using brutal force to bully the Palestinians into doing what you want. It is high time you recognize your role as victimizer, because you're not the main victim in this story.
76. G-d help the pathocracy Of Israel
Stevie O. ,   New York City   (11.17.06)
Israel is not a democracy - but a pathocracy - the state-run realization of the collective pathology of the Jewish people. Once victims, now the perpetrators. And for those who defend the undefendable actions of the IDF, I say only this: the world is watching. And you are deadly wrong. Change your ways before you pull us all into cataclysm. G-D as my witness
77. a report from Reuters,
they would only tell the truth and we have seen in the past. when will they give the other side of the story .
78. massacre
Douglas Karelli USA ,   Albuquerque   (05.15.08)
The death of innocents in war should always be avoided. Unfortunately the Palestinians target only the civilians. If Palestinian civilians die because their militias hide like little girls behind their women and children, then they are killing their own. Israel is not responsible for those deaths.
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