UN: Mideast key to bridging civilizations
Dana Zimmerman
Published: 13.11.06, 14:34
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31. An outstanding example of public service
Steve G ,   Kew Gardens,NYC   (11.13.06)
This is an outstanding example of public service. I'd like to thank Mel Gibson for taking time out from a busy career to serve on this UN panel.
32. Makes me laugh to think this man
Isabella ,   Israel   (11.13.06)
is paid BIG BUCKS to sit down and write these empty baseless stupid reports. Why doesn't he go and write a report about Darfur and how the UN have never seriously addressed the problem there. He makes me puke, get rid of Kofi Annan and get someone in who has a back bone, someone with a presence that will make people sit up and listen to him. Because, right now, no-one does. He's like a broken old record with no power - just a shit-load of hate and distain for Israel.
33. An Antisemitic Blood Libel
Semsem ,   New York, USA   (11.13.06)
Again it's the fault of the Jews. The 2 countries that prepared the report are hostile to Isreal. Spain is antisemitic; Zapatero the Prime Minister and Monteneros the Foreign Minister are known antisemites. Turkey is an Islamist State and Erdogan the Prime Minister has made antisemitic comments.
34. Tutu hates Israel and the USA
Laila ,   Montreal, Canada   (11.13.06)
LOL Bishop Tutu is a hater of Israel and the USA. The fact that he and an Iranian Mullah were on the Committee speaks for itself. Spain and Turkey sponsored the report also.
35. Blaming Jews Again
herb glatter ,   pittsburgh, pa USA   (11.13.06)
so let's see,since 1948: Egypt went to war against Yemen, Muslim Algerians brutally slaughtered 100,000 fellow Muslims, Jordan killed 10,000 Palestinians September 1970, Lebanese 15-year civil(?) war, Saddam murders Kurds, Shiites, invades Iran with one million deaths, invades Kuwait. Hafez el-Assad bulldozes 20,000 Muslim citizens in Hama Syria, oh yeah, Kuwait ethnically cleanses 400,000 Palestinians after they supported Saddam in the Gulf War.30,000 dead in Kurdish drive for their own state. Goodbye and good riddance to bad rubbish, Kofi.
36. No world peace because of me!!!
Hill Top Jew ,   Shomrom hills   (11.13.06)
If you ask the world (UN), it's all Israel's fault. If you ask the Israelis, its all the fault of the religious. If you ask the religious, it is all the settlers fault, and if you ask them its all the fault of the hilltop settlers. And on my hill everyone blames me!! So, Mr. Kofi, its seems that I and my 4 kids and 3 goats endanger the whole world!!!! Wow cool !!!
37. Report sponsored by Turkey / Spain
Fortunee ,   Boston, USA   (11.13.06)
This is not a clear article. It does not mention that it was sponsored by Spain and Turkey that are not favourable towards Isreal.
38. To 26
Shai ,   Israel   (11.13.06)
First, putting the entire onus of this problem on our conflict is a bit exaggerated, but it suits the purpose of people who 1) don't want to believe there is a conflict between civilizations 2) do want to believe that the posterboys of communism, islamicism, third worldism, or whatever ism flavor of the day the Palestinians have made themselves to be to garner world support, are at fault. Rather, if this is discounted, and if they themselves are not at fault, it's convenient to put the blame on Israel. Therefore, they'll believe that the reason there's been no solution to the conflict is because Israel, and not the Palestinians, hasn't been "pressured" enough. Picture in your mind who these three men, Kofi Annan, the president of Iran Khatami, and the hater of Zionism Desmond Tutu were referring to about "being fair" when they wrote the following: "without a "fair, respectable, democratic" solution to the problem based on the good intentions of all involved to end the conflict, all efforts to bridge the cultural gap would fail. " The radar also kicks in when you see the phraseology they use. They call it the "Palestinian Issue", and refer to the conflict as the "Israel-Palestinian conflict" rather than what it obviously really is, and "Arab-Israeli conflict", in order to make the Israelis seem like the Goliath rather than the Arabs. If you consume news like Israelis do, and concerned supporters of Israel, you can read between the lines pretty well by now. If you see all the news in its context, from the time Blair essentially made the same point about 4 months ago in a national speech, until now, and seeing how the UN fell into line to excoriate Israel for its unintended when they wouldn't do so to the Palestinians for its intended killings, you see how the cards are laid out. These commentators saw what was there, behind the diplomatic speak.
39. #36 - I knew it was you & I love your logic :)
Darren ,   Tampa, FL USA   (11.13.06)
40. wrong question, wrong answer
tom ,   toronto, canada   (11.13.06)
the "israeli-palestinian conflict" is a red herring. israel's continued existence is the issue, and the "palestinians" have been used by the arab states as a weapon against israel since israeli independence in 1948, with the goal being the destruction of israel, and nothing less, by whatever means possible. the real question is: will the west put up a defence against the concerted assault being mounted by the islamists? (and whose side will the united nations be on?)
41. who are they kidding?
Amy ,   Albany, NY   (11.13.06)
who are they kidding? They have no deep knowledge or understanding of Arab and Persian history leading up to this-Israel's existance is very symbolic of their humiliation by the West. And that humiliation is real--the west--viewed by their history as barbarians and infidels--got ahead and they don't like it one bit. Historically when confonted with defeat, Islamists return to fundamentalism, as God must be displeased with their practice (sounds like a similar perspective of Jewish fundamentatlists...) Israel is one piece of a very complex historical puzzle but not the main piece at that.
42. Legal definition of occupation
Michael   (11.13.06)
When the attacking country defeats the attacked country and controls its land. that is occupation. However, when the attacking country retreats and gives up it own land in the battlethat is not the international definition of occupation. So why is everyone accepting this term fom arab proproganda?
43. Bandits and Brigands
Lior ,   London   (11.13.06)
So, I'm supposed to take the decision of yet another committee of the United Nations seriously, am I? Believe me, I would very much like to... you see, the United Nations Organization is very good - as a concept. In practice, however, I am being asked to take seriously - and with moral equivalence - the moral and ethical censure of Israel... and a very nasty habit to equate world Jewry with Israel... by what amounts to a load of bandits and brigands. Not content with dispoiling their own countries with hollow vestiges of democracy, corruption on an industrial scale, torture, ethnic cleansing and drug trafficking, these representatives of "world civilization" set themselves up as a kangaroo court. It sickened me to see so many of them laying wreaths yesterday at the Cenotaph, Whitehall, in commemoration of the war dead. They have more blood on their collective hands than Adolf Hitler. And whilst we're at it, I'm tired of hearing from that guffawing, giggling, twittering Bishop Tutu... as I remember, he supported sanctions against South Africa resulting in the deaths of children. Children don't have a vote, Archbishop. Anyway, I thought he'd retired. Could he now go away? So, do I take them seriously, this lot of international criminals who would serve humanity better by going on trial for crimes against humanity? No, I don't. But will they care that I don't? Not on your nelly, will they. They're far too happy on the international gravy train to stop at the station called honesty.
44. to Hill Top Jew: nice comment
Shimon ,   Seattle, WA   (11.13.06)
45. well, maybe just maybe
Arja ,   Canada   (11.13.06)
if Israel had treated Palestinians justly right from the beginning, rather than taking their land, their homes and expelling them, even murdering them (like in the Deir Yassin massacre) and then imprisoning them in apartheid colonies ... maybe just maybe the Palestinians would have found it easier to accept Israel as their neighbour. But to have to accept Israel as their ruler, their occupier, their dictator, well, gee whiz, don't you think that would antagonize a people who were promised their own state??? How long are they supposed to wait? How many more decades? Till they're all dead or have moved away? Is that what Israel is waiting for? Israel keeps applying more force when force doesn't work and institutes a reign of terror. Palestinians who were not fanatical muslims are becoming more and more radicalized. The world may be silent but it is finally catching the attention of other Arabs and Muslims. Maybe just maybe if Israel had been a good neighbour in the Middle East things would be different. And then the USA might not have needed to back Israel no matter what, supporting Israel with its vetoes and moneys, and the countries most oppressed by US military and foreign policy might not have needed to build a resistance against Israel and the USA who defy UN resolutions, international laws and Geneva conventions. Israel and USA have done their best to undermine the UN..... except of course, when there is a resolution against Lebanon, then Israel puts on the pressure for the UN to make OTHERs comply with UN resolutions. WHAT AN OUTRAGEOUS FARCE! But then there are lots of fundamentalist waiting for Armageddon. Is there any hope for saner heads to prevail and help bring peace? sighhhhhhhhhh
46. Thanks, Turkey. Thanks a lot! And thanks KOFI!
Jake   (11.13.06)
47. Of course its the Jooooo's fault !
BJL ,   Appleland USA   (11.13.06)
Just like in the middle ages, when Jews were not allowed to "raise a hand" to defend themselves from being spat upon or slapped, so it is now. The world will not allow the Jew to defend himself. The Jew will be condemed. The attacker will not.
48. why am I not suprised?
linda   (11.13.06)
Somebody must be the blame. So why not the Jews? They are affraid of muslims, so it is safe to blame Jews! We Jews are the blame for all bad things in this world. In all the countries we have been living we made bombs and killed ourself. Ohh no, those are the muslims. forgive me!
49. to Arja, this pre-dates Israels re-creation..Hebron 29?
David ,   Boston, USA   (11.13.06)
This has been going on at least 100 years, longer if you look at all the Muslims vs Muslim in the last several hundred years. You cant pin this on Israel. Not only is this not logical. The evidence is overwhelmingly contrary to what you are writing. Even with Israels re-creation, so called Palestinians didnt complain about Jordan Palestine occupying Judea and Samaria or Egypt occupying Gaza. How about the fact that Arabs were asked to stay in Israel in 48 by Jews and those who did are Israeli citizens, while those Jews who had lived for centuries in Judea and Samaria and Gaza were expelled from their land by British and Arabs. Jews are still not allowed citizenship in Jordan Palestine, under a racist apartheid law. Unlike in Israel where Arabs are equal citizens under the law. If the Arabs had wanted peace and a second arab Palestinian state it would have happened decades ago. They dont want it. They want to rule over everyone. Israel isnt going away again. Jews were there first and are back to stay. Dont forget, there are thousands of Jews who never left even with the persecution under British and Arab rule.
50. #54 shut the hell up! you hypocrites!
51. YOU CANT MAKE PEACE with someone who wants you DEAD!
end of discussion.
52. #10... I guess you would be black hater
with the same logic. When you look at Kofi if you see a black man rather than a man the you have have issues pal.
53. Ah Oh Gee
Dave Levi ,   Burbank. USA   (11.13.06)
Yes, the Israeli-Palestinian-(and I would add, Arab-Muslim) conflict, is paramount in the tensions between East and West, Muslim and Western Countries. However, so what else is new? For decades, the Arab world has refused to accept Israel as a sovereign Jewish country in it's midst, even though created by the UN itself, and League of Nations. I mean get straight. Israel is the size of New Jersey, in Africa and the Mid-East comprising a continent in size and population. When Israel had 600,000 Jews, they were not wanted, as today, with it's 5.2m. The rogue and terrorist nations and Jihadists can point fingers at Israel all they want, as justification for other ends, just as Hitler blamed all of Germany's ills on the Jews (500,000 German Jews at the time-most intermarried or assimilated). Remember, Israel and Arafat were at Camp David when 911 occurred. In other words, compromise was being discussed. The Saudi terrorists wanted the US out of the Arabian Peninusa, which motivated them to attack, NOT ISRAEL. The real reason for the terrorism is the envy by Muslims of the more advanced (and often less wealthy) nations. Remember the Muslims have the oil (5 trillion dollars worth in Iraq alone), yet they squandor the money on arms, palaces, vacaton jaunts by their oil-wealthy leaders. Ignorance and bigotry is motivating the terrorists and rogue states. The conflict with Israel is a P.S, but a convenient fall guy. This conflict is not necessary, if the Palestinians would only wake up. If Iran attacks Israel, the Arabs will also die.
54. #9 get your facts straight
so you are saying that for 1500 years bliions muslims did not understand Quran, which is the root fo the problem, and treated Jews with respect and protected them in Islamic lands and all of a sudden circa 9/11/2001 started to get the messages and started to kill people. Get a life. Have you ever read Quran? have you ever put Torah and Quran side by side and read them? Do it. It will help your ailment!
55. to All Talkbackers
I don't understand mindsets of some of you and the way ynetnews gives this news. This is a very very good event and good for the world peace and Israel. If you read the entirety of the panel report, it says Israeli-Palestanian conflict should be solved. It does not point fingers and it does not say who is to blame. it diagnosis a problem. I believe solving this problem and living in peace is what you want and good for everyone. Why are you blaming anyone for wanting to help you?
56. #19 that is because...
you are blind in one eye
57. #49 David
Arja ,   Canada   (11.13.06)
Yes, I have read about the origins of Zionism and how that already put the Palestinians on alert. They heard about the people wanting to come and establish a country for the Jews on THEIR land. It's not a good beginning is it? It didn't help that the Brits were there too and had their own agenda. The Imperalist Europeans cut up the Middle East and decide who should rule. The USA gets in the action too (like the coup which ousted a western educated ruler of Iran in 1953 -- just because he wanted to keep some of the oil money for the Iranians - some nerve, eh!) and then the USA supports Saddam Hussein, not caring that he was murdering the Kurds. Keeping in mind all the hypocrisy and greed of the West, I find it hard not to empathize with the Arabs and Muslims in their anger towards the "civilized" West. And it just keeps on getting worse. When will people come to their senses? Instead they turn to some divine being to save them, to help them win against their enemies. It reminds me of Karel Capek's dark satire The Insect Play (1921) where the red and the white ants both pray to their gods to bring them victory. Both sides believe the other side wants them dead. What insanity! When will humanity grow up and learn that we are all human beings who need to learn to live together on our fair planet..... before we kill each other and destroy our home, Earth. It's time to start building bridges rather than walls.
58. To all those confused about Israeli/Jewish talkbacks
It seems like we are making a mountain out of nothing right? Well, the UN has a policy to 'solve' the Palestinian issue vis-a-vis Israel and it is NOT to the benefit of Israel. Behold the 'land for peace' iniative. Something lauded by the UN and the int'l community as the solution Fastforward to Gaza 2005- unilaterally given up by Ariel Sharon for peace...except there was no peace. Qassam rockets raining on Sderot was the thanks Land for peace? Not before not now not ever
59. translation
Southern Wolf ,   Houston, Texas, USA   (11.13.06)
Until the Middle East conflict between Israel and various Muslim terrorist groups is resolved to the satisfaction of the terrorists there cannot be good relations between Islam and the West. Of course after Israel has been removed from this earth there then cannot be good relations between Islam and the West until the West submits and converts to Islam.
60. #57, Arja, its not Arab land
David ,   Boston, USA   (11.13.06)
Thats part of the problem. While some have lived there for centuries, many moved in very recently. Some Jews moved in recently, others had lived there for centuries. You still havent answered how the Arabs massacring Jews in 1929 in the Jewish holy citiy of Hebron had anything to do with the re-creation of Israel. How about the fact that Jerusalem, including E Jerusalem has a Jewish majority or plurity for at least the past 150 to 200 years, except when Jews were kicked out of E Jerusalem by the British and Arabs. Check out the census records. E Jerusalem was Jewish, not Arab. I am not against sharing land, but this BS about it being Arab/Muslim land its disturbing. While there were some Arab/Muslim land owners, there were also Jewish land owners. Why should the Arabs get more than 80-90% of the land when they didnt make up more than that percent of the population? There already is an Arab Palestine....Jordan. This is historical fact. There is no justification in creating another one. Millions of Muslims and Hindus moved between India and Pakistan, between Germany and Poland, in the former Yugoslavia. Jews are the native population, not Arabs. Just because they were invaders for the past 400 years doesnt make them native. Do you accept that the Hashemites rule Jordan? How does that make sense.
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