Haniyeh: Israel showing it doesn’t want peace
Associated Press
Published: 17.11.06, 14:47
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61. Let em at it
Jake ,   georgia   (11.17.06)
If Israel and the Arabs want war, then Europe and USA should stay out of it until there is a winner. We will be able to move on then. USA didnt allow Israel to continue during the last confrontation becaue USA saw Israel could not win it. The troops were called back after they went to the Litani, (for what?). To save face. The kidnapped guys are stil not free. Israel must be able to make peace with the Arabs or it will never end.
62. Toronto Star Article is scary
CJ ,   Chicago and USA   (11.17.06)
63. And settlements are proof Israel wants peace?
Tom_Dubya ,   Montreal Canada   (11.17.06)
64. Jake #61 No peace
Brod ,   USA   (11.17.06)
The fact is Islamist-Jihadists hate Jews. It is part of their religion and culture. Their plan is to annihilate Israel. The past 60 years they tried to do that but failed when Israel defeated them. Now they are trying to dislodge Israel again by deceits and manipulations of other entities such as EU, UN and the US to pressure Israel to give away its biblical and historic Homeland as part of their long-term strategy of chipping away the State of Israel from the Middle East. In addition, they are working hand in hand with their Islamist-Jihadist partner--Iran which has repeatedly threatened to wipe off Israel and is working feverishly on its nukes to accomplish their evil plan. In this ambience, there will never be peace. Peace does not mean allowing the wolves to gobble up Israel's tiny strip of land. Peace can only come when the dark forces accept the Prince of Peace as Lord and Savior. Until then, peace exists only in the realm of fantasy and illusion. IT IS TIME THE WORLD UNDERSTANDS THIS REALITY IN THE REGION.
65. What's new ??
Israel want peace ... yes sure .... but a la carte like the french saying .... means if the Palistinians want peace they have to axept to live like slaves in the area with no rights of anything ... just to eat and to drink ... this is the peace Israel wants and this will never happen ... the Palistinians has nothing more to lose .... the IDF wenz to Gaza and killed alot of inocent people and many of the resistance and after the mession was over the Palistinians shot them again with their rocket ... no way ... you van not kill a whole nation everyday alot of new resistances get borned ... you have no chance in this area to live in peace between enemies you made them by your hands and they get wilder all the time .... all the aims the Jews cam with them to the area are falling one after one .. starting from the big dream of the great Israel from the Nile to El Forat till the sagty Isral not one you could make ... you will end with time with very small amount of Jews between alot of Arabs and then you will beg them to let you live in peace because most of the Jews of Israel will imegrate soon or late because of no safty and because the international presure over the racist state .... needs one strong Israelian government take the step and make the peace of the braves and then it will be over ... no qussam rockets and not suicid bombers because after the Palitinians will be busy with fighting together but then Israel will have peace ... the Palistinians will be one hand as long as they are still occupied but then it will be over .... i don't know how the Israelians didn't recognise this till now ...... take it or leave it .
66. # 54
usa   (11.17.06)
Yes, you hear many Israelis say they legally bought the land, but they never tell you how much! It was about 6-7% officially you can check it out on this website or a simple google search will provide you with many other sources: This is derived from official records that Jews owned about 1.9 million dunams of Palestine in 1948 out of a total of about 26 million dunams in Palestine. A simple calculation 1.9/26 provides you with an answer of .073 or about 7.3%. In 1948 the population of Palestine was 1.2 million Arabs as compared to about 600000 Jews. Providing a makeup of about 67% Arab and 33% Jewish. In 1880 the Arab population in Palestine was around 500000, compared to the Jewish population of about 25000. So please tell me who was the population that migrated to Palestine? The Arabs had maintained a stable and growing population in this are for many centuries, and it wasn't some mass Arab migration to Palestine that created the Palestinians. The idea of Arab migration to Palestine in the 1940s is an overexaggerated claim by Israel so they can justify their takeover of Palestine and their treatment of the Palestinians. As for Jews living in the West Bank. Most Palestinians would not care if Jews lived with them in the West Bank. The only problem is that Settlements are a coercive extension of the state of Israel. A Settlement is much more than just a place to live, to the Palestinians it means Israel is trying to control the West Bank without giving them much of any political and economic rights. If Palestinians were given full rights by Israel as citizens I don't think you would really have as many problems with Jews and Arabs living together - it happens all the time in Israel! However, Israel will never grant Palestinians citizenship because then Israel would not really be a majority Jewish state. Therefore, Israel's options are to continue oppressing the Palestinians or give them a state of their own. Sadly Israel seems to be pursuing the former. Jewish settlers are also often not liked because they live seperately from the Palestinians and are given special rights. I mean, there are roads all throughout the West Bank that only the Settlers are allowed to use! Settler violence against innocent Palestinians is another reason Settlements are opposed. Just visit Hebron and you'll see what I mean. Here a small minority Jewish population oppresses and inconviences a much larger Arab population. Just one story, as I was walking through Hebron one time a group of young settler kids, no older than 12 started cussing and yelling at me telling me to f*** off and started hurling stones. Of course this was in full view of the Israeli Army and they did nothing about it! I'm just an American who was visiting the town for a couple days, I can only imagine how they treat the Arabs! Also whenever these 400 Jews are celebrating a holiday, all Arabs are subject to curfew. Does the opposite occur when the Muslims have holidays? No, but here in Hebron the settlers are just as violent as any Palestine (ie. Baruch Goldstein). Even before 1948 Jews and Arabs did live side by side in relative peace as well. Of course there were ignorant and hateful people on both sides who committed horrible crimes. The Hebron massacre was certainly an inexcusable reaction by the Arabs against increased Jewish migration. Even in the midst of this tragedy. Many Arab families protected hundreds of Jews agains the violence in their homes. Most people today do not even recognize this great gesture by many Arab peoples to the Jews! So I think Jews could leave peacefully with the Arabs if the abovementioned things are changed. Also, I do not defend other Arab governments involvement in this conflict. Certainly they hold much of the blame in this situation and have screwed over the Palestinian people. So I denounce the Arab governments treatment of Palestinians as well.
67. to #Faris from Ramallah
jul ,   Mastrich   (11.17.06)
Dear Faris: fI admire your pragmatism and courage. However, it is upon you to understand ( as you say) the root of the problem. YOU must understand and ACCEPT our special bond AND rights on Eretz Israel. That's the real origin of the conflict, and when you accept that, everything will be solved.
68. EU should stay out! they are biased in favor of Arab oil!
69. #65 that is wishful thinking you are very naive
CA ,   USA   (11.17.06)
In truth, Israel will have peace when the palestinian people elect leaders that care more about helping them with their economic and social agenda than their jihadist, genocidal agenda.
70. Lets get it on!
Jake ,   Georgia   (11.17.06)
Lets see the war allready! I want to see a winner and move on with more important things in my life. Israel seems to want one. I will put my money on the Arab team as Israel will surely lose if they go fair "mano a mano". Arabs are willing to give their lives and are not scared to give it for a cause. Israel is a different story. Quite frankly I see the world getting more and more sick and tired of this whole issue. (like I predicted by the way).
71. Hey ynet
leon ,   Grand Rapids USA   (11.17.06)
Why do you keep quoting this guy as if his nonsense were news ? Don't you have worthwhile stories to post ?
72. #61
Adam ,   London   (11.17.06)
if that was the case the arabs would have 'vanished' a long time ago! its the west that has come to the arab rescue!
73. EU: Look at your own problems! END
M GOMEZ ,   SPAIN   (11.17.06)
sami ,   Palestine   (11.17.06)
Israel always thinks of its military power, so it doesn't approve of any international new initiative that might address the right of the Palestinians who have been suffering the fetters of the Israeli occupation for decades
75. #9 The LIE of "OCCUPATION"
Linda Rivera ,   New York   (11.17.06)
There is no occupation of what never belonged to any Arab nation. To say Jews are "occupying" their own land is as insane as saying indigenous North American Indians are "occupying" North America. There NEVER was an Arab country of Palestine. Jerusalem was NEVER the capital of any Arab or Muslim entity. In all of recorded history, Jews are the only people who ever made Israel their nation. Jerusalem is mentioned 766 times in the Jewish Bible, not once in the Koran. Arabs first took the name “Palestinians” in 1967. Arafat was the first leader of this new people. Before 1948, Jews were known as the Palestinians. The Jewish newspaper, the Jerusalem Post was called the Palestine Post. The Jewish-founded electric company was Palestine Electric. The Palestinian Symphony Orchestra was all Jewish. During World War II, the British army had a Palestinian Brigade made up entirely of Jewish volunteers. After Jews miraculously transformed desert and swamps into rich, agricultural land (for which Jews are world famous) Arabs came in large numbers from Arab countries for jobs from Jews. The fact that the overwhelming majority of Arabs resided only briefly in Palestine is attested to by the special UN decree: that any Arab who had resided in Palestine FOR ONLY TWO YEARS BEFORE 1948, and then left, would be considered a refugee and so would his descendants!!! Jews have had dominion over Israel for 1,000 years with a continuous presence in the land for 4,000 years. Israel's most famous king, King David founded Jerusalem. For over 3,300 years, Jerusalem has been the Jewish capital. Cognizant that the lie of "occupation" is a propaganda weapon in the global war against infidels, and with five Arab wars against Israel and continual terrorism, the U.S. EU UN demand the terrorist success of Gaza is duplicated with a second Global Islamic Terror State in Jewish Biblical Judea and Samaria, denying the legitimate rights of Jews to live in their ancestral homeland including Hebron, the first Jewish city, and second in Jewish holiness. Denying Jews their inalienable rights because Jews are not Muslim. The peace-war agreements produce the Islamic triumph of a global state dedicated to world conquest and Jewish annihilation. STOP Inciting Children to Kill !
76. #66
Robby ,   San Jose, USA   (11.17.06)
I do not accept that Jews and Arabs lived happily, thus the mass exodus of Jews from Arab lands in the 40's. 600k conservatively, probably around 850k. The Arab world claims these Arab Jews were living happily, but, in fact they were to permitted full rights. They were subjected to Islamic law (dhimmi). Some were kicked out, some escaped, some were merely imprisoned or killed. For the most part the all lost their property, etc. The Palestinian plight is a result of the Arab world refusing to accept a Jewish state in their region. Many Arabs were sent into "Palestine" in the early 40's, and then asked them to temporarily leave later on. Then they put them in "camps", which they have refused to eliminate for almost 60 years. Can you imagine the outrage if the US did this? Israel accepted Jewish refugees and allowed them to assimilate, the Arab countries imprisoned the Arab refugees. The lucky "Palestinians" ended up in such places as the US, UK, Australia, were they were allowed become citizens. If the Arabs want the Jews to live in peace next to them then why won't they accept Israel as their neighbor and embrace a Jewish State? I think we both know the answer. Unfortunately the language spoke in that part of the world is different then we are accustomed to (see Hama, Syria, 1982), so things like seperate roads and walls are a part of life. The Palestinian public has elected a government that does not want peace with Israel (read their charter), what they want IS Israel.
77. Question for Sami - #74
Robby ,   San Jose, USA   (11.17.06)
Does Hamas represent the Palestinians? Please answer, yes or no?
78. #14 Marcel
megan gray ,   Israel   (11.17.06)
yes you are right in your way,but you cut off the head of the hydra, more grow in its place. I also wonder why Israel keeps on the kid gloves. they dont want peace eg to show we want it, we have to strike Hard..stop pussyfooting around
79. #68 is right. only the US should be...
Merlin ,   USA   (11.17.06)
involved as it is the only fair referee and not biased at all. we should also make sure to give the Federal Reserve and the US under Israeli command to support the PEACE and show our unbias. Additionally we should make sure only Fox gives all the news to the conflict to make sure nobody get any disinformation.
80. Israel want peace
until it digest all it could have swallowed for now. then it will get hungry and want more as no more monster stays hungry forever. yes to peace as it helps digestion.
81. #76
usa   (11.17.06)
I guess you could not refute the majority of my argument so you decided to attack me on one of the issues I pretty much agree with you on. I said that I blame the Arab governments for much of what has happened. Of course, unlike you, I believe Israel has also played a major role in creating and worsening the situation and in order for the conflict to end Israel must also recognize and change its faults. Yes many Jews were kicked out of their homes in Arab countries, but again this occured when the creation of Israel was inevitable or had already occured. The founding of Israel does not justify kicking out the Jews, but it certainly added to the tension. My point is that Arabs do not have an innate hatred of Jews, because they are Jews. Anyways, you just seem to brush over all the injustices Israel has committed against the Palestinians, that I mentioned in my arguement. Again, wouldn't you be mad if you were an Arab and 55% of the land you have been living in was just given to a small minority? Also, as I said claims of a Arab migration to Palestine in the 40s have been greatly exaggerated by Israel supporters to make it seem like Palestine was empty and the Jews just moved into empty land. You can look at the population statistics over the years and it shows there has always been a sizable Arab population in Palestine. In the 1900s all over the world there was a population explosion, and this is mainly the reason for the rapid increase in Arab populations in Palestine. Also your statement about hate and violence being the language spoken in the Middle East is very ignorant. The Western world has had more than its fair share of hateful and violent tendencies in recent history. May I start: worldwide colonization, slavery, theft, and many many wars. Even in more recent world history WWI and WWII were the bloodiest and most violent wars in world history the main actors? Those violence driven Arabs? No, again it was Westerners. Here in the US 40 som years ago, segregation was rampant throughout the US. Does this mean that segregation is a "part of life" in the US and is justified? Or in South Africa, apartheid oppressed the blacks, again simply a "part of life?" The US has always been involved in the affairs of other countries, in wars (Vietnam, Iraq), and supporting oppressive leaders (Chile, Iran, Nicauragua, etc.). What I'm saying is that Arabs are not the only violent people in this world as you, and many other Americans try to portray. I mean yes Arabs have had many many problems and do use violence. But I'm just wondering are Americans and other Westerners really too much different? If you go meet Palestinians and other Arabs you will see how friendly and hospitable they are! Yes, Arab societies must work on many things in their society, but so must we.
82. Faris, You Must Be New In Town
emanon ,   USA   (11.17.06)
The rest of us know the drill: If there was an indigenous people of the name you claim, prior to 1965: . . . what was the capital? . . . what was the economy based on? (We know terrorisim is the primary export today.) . . . what was the unit of currency? . . . who were the trade partners? . . . prior to Arafat, himslef an Egyptian, who was the leader? The list goes on, but I'll settle for one verifiable answer.
83. 68.
Casiopea   (11.17.06)
This has nothing to do with the EU. It was Chirac and zapatero idea because they had nothing to do at a summit in Gerona, and zapatero devised the plan.
84. #82
usa   (11.17.06)
With your logic most countries in the world today have no right to exist because they didn't have all these things before they became a country. From the 1500s to 1918 Palestine was controlled by the Ottomans, you are right there was no official Palestinian state. But how does this mean that there was not indigenous population? Does it really matter if they were officially called Palestinians? How does that change the fact that they were indigenous? If you look at population records for Palestine nearly 96% (500000) of Palestine in 1880 was Arab (Muslim and Christian) 4% (25000) was Jewish. Their economy, as many around the world at this point, was agriculturally based and they had their own culture and cities. There are photos from the 1800s if you want to see them. Again this is the stupidest argument I've ever heard in my life. Before the 1960s there weren't really any African countries in the world, does this mean there was no indigenous population? Or did all the Africans just move to Africa to counter European colonialism? Of course not that would be a stupid arguement right? Well it's the same one that you're making. You are right there was no official state of Palestine, but you tell me how that means there were no people living there?!
85. Answer for Robby's question #77
Sami ,   Palestine   (11.18.06)
Dear Robby, first thank you very much for your question, the answer is of course NO but the more important question is why did Hamas come to power? how? and who's responsible?!
86. #81
Robby ,   San Jose, USA   (11.18.06)
I did not mean to "brush over" an injustices, I was merely pointing the way things are carried out in that part of the world. And I was not attacking you, sorry if that's the way you interpreted it. My point about Syria is that the problems they had with the Muslim Brotherhood was solved by destroying an entire city, tens of thousands. Same with Jordan when Arafat attempted in uprising - they "slaughtered" thousands and the problem was solved. As for the majority of my land being "taken away", that is quite a debatable subject, isn't it? We can argue that the Jews stole it, or the Arabs fled, or it was purchased. It is documented that some of the Arabs of that time benifitted from selling their land, just as some Palestinians benefit today by being construction workers in Jewish settlements. I am not saying the Arabs have an innate hatred for the Jews, but the whole world as seen their textbooks and other propaganda. Can you answer why the Palestinians do not continuously fight with Egypt, Syria, Jordan or Lebannon while 2.5 million are treated no better in then they are in Israel? I never said the West was void of violence, nor did I claim civil rights supremecy . And I never said Arabs were not hospitable, I've lived in the Middle East, in a Muslim country and experienced it myself. BTW - Jews are not allowed to live in "Area A" of the West Bank, doesn't matter if they are Israeli or not. Even if they are married to a Palestinian.
87. #85 Sami
Robby ,   San Jose, USA   (11.18.06)
I wish they did not represent the Palestinians, but they were elected. From what I read - Hamas followed the Hizballah model of helping the population with infrastructure (schools, garbage collection, hospitals, etc). Good old fashion politics, vote for who helps you the most.
90. TO 69
this shows how naive you are , because when the Palistinians had the choice to chose their government they chosen Hams the fighters because they need to be free first and then the economy comes after , they can not build economy under occupation .... you are siting in the USA and you have no idea what kind of mentality you deal with ... like your government do they deal with Arab world with American mentality even if it does not suit them .
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