Jewish Scene
Who is a Jew equals who is Israel
Rabbi Levi Brackman
Published: 01.12.06, 14:37
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31. Brachman you are the reason I left Orthodoxy. Twisted logic.
Steve ,   Tel Aviv, Israel   (12.01.06)
32. Rabbi Brackman's logic...
Edan ,   Israel   (12.01.06)
Is severely flawed. He starts out OK saying that the defining factor in what makes a jew is judaism. OK so far, but then he says that only God and the Torah decide who is a jew. Well Rabbi Brackman, who says that your interpretation of the Torah is more correct than mine , a reform jew?? While he tries to "unify" he only divides. Your judaism is not more righteous or correct than mine and its time all you orthodox and haredim get that through your thick ass skulls!! By the way , I look at it as poetic justice that Hitler defines who has a right to immigrate to the jewish state... Actually it is genius...
33. I disagree completely
Leo ,   Tolosa   (12.01.06)
This is the beginning of the end of the Chief Rabbinate. It may not be the end politically speaking, but as the current state of affairs exposes the corruption of the official rabbinate, it is the end of the play between politics and Avodat HaShem. Some observant Jews - and i am one of them - , though they appreciate the external Jewish signs of the state, know that they are just used for political purposes, not for a higher, religious, goal. This is fact. Less than 20% of Jews in Eretz Israel are observant. How many Jews do not know Shema Yisrael ? It is a pity that most observant Jews, especially dati-leumim, do not understand that. Their day-dreams are just being used for other purposes. Some are sincere, some just pretend or do understand the situation and play the political game nevertheless. I do not care about good intentions. The state - which i respect - decides who can be a citizen and who can't be. It is not up to a state - whatever the good intentions are - to decide who is Jewish and who is not.
34. Points of Contention
Helen ,   Cape Town, SA   (12.01.06)
Firstly, I believe the dear Rabbi is using circular logic to achieve pre-defined conclusions. He states that "because the majority in Israel are Traditional...(Judaism) is defined by Traditionalists such as the Sephardic Chief Rabbi." This raises two very clear questions in my mind: Firstly - how is this census done where it's concluded that "most are Traditional"? Is it due to the registration of births; deaths and marriages etc.? Surely he must realise, that because state and religion are not separated in Israel and because at the moment, the "Traditionalists" have a strangle hold on everything, people are only registering their births and marriages etc as "traditional" because if not, they wouldn't really exist in Israel i.e. not be recognised at all??!?! Perhaps if state and religion were separated, we would see a great number of people not registering anything at all under "traditional" - but this I imagine, is exactly what the Chief Rabbinate is afraid of. What they have to understand though, is that this does not mean that people are "no longer Jewish", it simply means that they might be finding a different way of expressing their Judaism. Secondly - if this is such a "Traditionalist" country, then the rabbi's are going against Halachah by not accepting converts as completely Jewish and are therefore breaking Torah law themselves.
35. defined by Hitler?!
Barry ,   Ft. Lauderdale, FL   (12.01.06)
This has to be the stupidist "Who is a Jew" commentary I have ever heard. Somehow - I doubt that the author is actually a Rabbi. I'm glad to tell you - Hitler died 60+ years ago. You think that teenage American Jews, while asking a good-looking gentile girl for a date are thinking how nice it would be to dilute our genes away from that evil Hitler's definition of us? Are you an idiot? It's called hormones. Jews who live among gentiles wind up marrying some of them. Jews who isolate their families in communities of observant Jews - meet and date other Jews and believe it or not, wind up marrying other Jews. You should travel a little more - you must not get around much.
36. who is a jew
Ronald Field ,   usa   (12.01.06)
Your narrow, closed mind is a major reason why the extreme orthodox are reviled. They are sure they and they alone have the only correct interpretation of who is a jew. Like fundamentalists of other religions,they are immune to criticism because there is only one way - theirs. This is the way intolerance transforms itself into hate.
37. #36 Ronald
Avi ,   USA   (12.01.06)
38. The crucial importance of antisemitism
Larry ,   Eastbourne, UK   (12.01.06)
I think the "Hitler" concept is very relevant because the experience of antisemitism is a vital part of being a Jew. Here is a true story to illustrate this. Some years ago, a British non-Jewish woman converted to Judaism. She went through all the procedures and was happy in her mind that she had become a Jew. One day, while she was walking along a London street, another woman noticed that she was wearing a chain with a Star of David pendant. This woman started screaming antisemitic abuse at the new convert. Naturally the convert was shocked and horrified, but reflecting on the matter later she said that she now felt - not just in her mind but in her heart - that she was truly a Jew. The personal experience of antisemitism had done that for her, even though she was not "ethnically" Jewish. So you could say that being a Jew is something deep in one's heart or soul or guts. (In case anyone is wondering about the antisemite mentioned above, she wasn't an Arab or Muslim. She was a respectable middle-class Englishwoman who just happened to hate Jews.)
39. who is jew???
Daniel ,   Santiago, Chile   (12.01.06)
it`s rteally dificult to understand haw we are still hostages of the fanatic religius. Jew is everybody we feel and live like a jew, and those fanatic religius , are NOT allow to tell us who is a REAL JEW Israel is a democratic country, let`s try to build a secular and free country for all of jews
40. #36 Ronald
Avi ,   USA   (12.01.06)
1) Don't characterize this Brackman character as representative of all "extreme orthodox" people, as you call them. He is a member of a Messianic Cult known as Chabad, which is almost entirely rejected by most normal orthodox people. 2) The boundries that orthodox people place on who is or is not a Jew is no more arrogant than the boundries others place. Shockingly, it IS ok to have an opnion, and even to think that you are correct and others are wrong! (As you clearly do as well) 3) The only reason why this is an issue is because people like Amar and Brackman (i.e. religious zionists) inccorectly (halakhicly and morally) see the Israeli government as an extension of Jewish religious law, or at least a tool for Jewish law's promotion. This is a complete and utter fallacy as any mainstream "extreme orthodox" rabbi will tell you. Why is this so? Jewish law can only be coersed in certain conditions, if those conditions are not there it is forbidden. e.g. A murdered is executed in Jewish law, this can only happen however, with an ordained Rabbi (Judge) (which does NOT exist today, and CANNOT be returned execpt according to crackpots like Steinsaltz). In this case if an idividual decide to execute someone for murder, even if all other requirments are there that "rabbi" is commiting murder. Aside from this, there no obligation to coerse these laws in the absence of these conditions, so attempting to force the ban of gay marriage (for example) in present-day Israel is not required anymore than forcing a ban on secularism.
41. Who is a Jew
robin ,   israel   (12.01.06)
I think you are cornering one point of view and presenting only one argument. Not letting the Sephardic Rabbi define who is allowed to live in Israel as a Jew does not necessarily mean that our identity exists only by Hitler's definition. Israel was started by Jews by all walks of life and all levels of religion and all of the citizens serve in the armed forces, except for a serious amount of people who are religious. The religious who only partake of the part of Israel they want to and for the most part separate themselves insult the rest of the population by taking upon themselves the right to determine who or who is not a Jew and who or who is not allowed to live in Israel.
42. To #15 Actually the truth is...
Daniel ,   Austin USA   (12.01.06)
We were not a nation before we had our current religion. Also, we did not have a national religion before we became a nation, because both happened exactly at the same time at Sinai. Before Sinai we were a bunch of family tribes that were enslaved and had a common language and background, but we were not Am Israel; rather, we were simply b'nei Israel. At Sinai we had a national experience that transformed us at that point into Am Israel. After Sinai we had national laws and goals and defense. The ties that bound us were no longer simply familial; rather, they were national, familial, and religious. We are a unique nation in that you can not separate any of those three components of the Jewish identity without destroying the people as a whole. This is one of the big reasons that we have continued through the years. When we were not sustained by one aspect of our identity we relied on the other aspects to sustain us and provide us with the hope to reestablish the nation with its complete national-familial-religious identity. The final piece of the puzzle that is of prime importance that I have not mentioned is the land. The land is one of the primary factors of our heritage that binds us all together. Without the land we fade and become a shadow of who we are supposed to be and consequently, what we can accomplish. Still there are those Jews that we should have mercy on. Remember that Hitler not only wanted to define the Jew to destroy the Jew; rather, he wanted to divide our nation and make it a thing of the past and a memory to the world and to our very decendents. One of the ways that the Amalek leaders have sought to destroy us is by making us forget each other. When we forget each other and reject one another, then Amalek wins again. That is why I say we need to remember and welcome the tribes that were exiled. This includes all of the groups that organizations like are trying to bring back to the land. If there is one thing this modern nation was founded for was to establish and bring to fruition the miracle of the in gathering of the exiles of b'nei Israel. G-d help us if we reject our brother and cast him into a pit in the same manner that our forefathers cast Joseph into the pit. We must be better than our fathers. Still, there is a balance that must be maintained. There should be one standard of conversion that the Hareidi, Orthodox, Reform, Conservative, and Sephardi should adhere to. This is not a matter of religious choice; rather, it is one of national-religious identity. The national-religious facets of Am Israel need to hammer out a final solution to this mess. After all they do not only join a religion; rather, they join a nation with a religion. You can not divide the two. To do such would not be Jewish.
43. the law of return-a reality or a sham?
debra ,   usa   (12.02.06)
israel's law of return was meant to give a safe haven and home for jews from all over the world who suffered under anti-semitisim or felt a need to live in the jewish nation--israel. this sephardic head rabbi by narrowing the definition of who is a jew to only those he approves of, contravenes the law of return. he shrinks the law of return so that when the next pogrom begins in some land, many jews trying to get into israel will be turned away. this is a very grave mistake on the part of the rabbi and of israel. this thus nullifies the law of return making it a sham.
44. why not be a bit controversial?
marilyn   (12.02.06)
When I study scripture I often come across staements such as the fact that God has two witnesses.' At the mouth of two witnesses let every matter be established.' Then in Isaiah he states "listen O' Jacob my servant..' This to me is the fleshly genetic decendants of the forefather 'Jacob' Then he goes on to say " and you , O Israel, whom I have chosen' These to me are the ones in union with Christ, the seed of God the ones chosen by him to have HIS covenant in their mouth. Because only God can make it known to an individual. Now not all the decendants of Jacob who reside in the land of Israel are chosen by him to enter into the covenant relationship with him, but some have, and some more will because he intends to conclude with both houses a new covenant. At the moment he is gathering his first fruits.Christs body, Zion, 'the Government,' rule will be on his shoulders. and 'he will have his company of young men just like dew drops and your people who will offer themselves willingly on the day of your military force.' You see a Christian is being trained to be a soldier of Christ but not with the weapons you think.
45. this rabbi is a sick man
new york ,   new york   (12.02.06)
jews marry non jews because they fall in love! normal people (those whose paths in life are not determined by hateful bearded men) marry because their heart has found a home with another person. no one in their right mind marries to "dilute their genes", and that this is the rabbi's opinion (formed for the first time after a lifetime of reflection, according to the article) speaks volumes about his instinctive views of not just jews, but mankind in general. this is a sick and twisted way to see people, rabbi.
46. Be a Jew in G_ds eyes
Grafted Wild Olive S ,   Sojourner   (12.02.06)
I have met, worked for and have many Jewish friends. Yes I m a goy, a wild olive shoot grafted into the olive tree by the unmerited love of your Messiah. I am appalled that so few realize their Jewish heritage. It s not whether you are Orthodox, Reform or Conservative because as in all religions these names only mean that you wish to establish your own righteousness instead of the righteousness imparted by G_d. Abraham believed G_d and it was accounted to him as righteousness. Stop trying to establish your own righteousness and go back to the Tanakh (Torah--- The Law ; Nevi im --- Prophets" and Ketuvim --- "Writings"), start by reading Deuteronomy 6, 28 and 30. Forget about what man says, search the Scriptures for in them you will find the salvation not only of Israel but off all who will come to G_d by the Messiah. A great Jewish writer once said; “A man is not a Jew if he is only one outwardly, nor is circumcision merely outward and physical. No, a man is a Jew if he is one inwardly.” “I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart… for those of my own race, the people of Israel. Theirs is the adoption as sons; theirs the divine glory, the covenants, the receiving of the law, the temple worship and the promises. Theirs are the patriarchs, and from them is traced the human ancestry of Christ, who is God over all, forever praised!” “Israel has experienced a hardening in part ... it is written: "The deliverer will come from Zion; He will turn godlessness away from Jacob. And this is my covenant with them when I take away their sins." … but as far as election is concerned, they are loved on account of the patriarchs, for God's gifts and His call are irrevocable.” Romans 9:2-5; 11: 25-29 Israel will not experience blessings that HaShem has for them until they turn to Him in repentance, return to their Judaic heritage and discover that the Tanakh speaks of their Messiah.
47. R. Brackman's untenable postulate
Michael Imperator ,   USA   (12.02.06)
As a secular Jew, with a profound attachment to Judaism, Jewish history and tradition I find R. Brackman's to be negative inasmuch as it drives a deeper chasm between secular (What IS secular, not going to shul everyday, not praying Maariv everyday??) and "religious" Judaism. Lets make a reasonable exegesisof the question: a Jew is a Jew, no matter if secular or religious.
48. Torah and Hashem make the Jewish People
Intention and best efforts to non-selective Torah observance is the fundamental characteristic making יהודים
49. I agree with the Rabbi
Michael U ,   SF,CA   (12.02.06)
I am totally shocked that most posters have opposed the good Rabbi. I share his feeling entirely. It is one thing to be born of Jewish blood, another thing entirely whether you adopt the Jewish mission. So many Secular Jews feel a need to be able to do what they want, when they want, without concern to whether it is right or wrong. Shame on these people. And people trying to divide by calling this Orthodox or Chabad are the ones guilty of chillul hashem. There was no such thing as Orthodox, it was created by the formation of the Reform movement. The reform movement has been the biggest thorn in the side of Judaism, preaching that everyone is a Jew, and there are no mitzvahs. Those who follow those Rabbis are already spiritually disconnected from their heritage. G-d wants his people to be strong. He wants us to help our brothers and sisters. How can we accomplish our mission when there are people running around making a mockery of our long-lived belief, the product of Abrahams wisdom. Please, have some strength and turn away from the evil you are striving for. Observe the Sabbath day, keep it holy. Mitzvahs are real, and they bring good into the world. Don't curse the Rabbis, they are continuing the wisdom of the fathers.
50. #3 & 13- Dave Levy - Realy good points Dave.
Dr. Rick ,   USA   (12.02.06)
Well said, well put, well done ! TOUCHE' !!!
51. #33- I'm with you LEO. Making good sense !
Dr. Rick ,   USA   (12.02.06)
52. #38- Larry. As always, another great contribution !
Dr. Rick ,   USA   (12.02.06)
53. True Jews
Mosher ,   East   (12.02.06)
Believing in judaism does not make one jewish. Even fulfilling all mitzvot does not make one jewish. You need a jewish soul. Jews are born with a jewish soul, they inherit it from their parents. Some converts (few of them) have a jewish soul. These converts are truly jewish, the others are a mistake. What makes one jewish is a collection of factors. One cannot just "want" to be jewish, this is wishful thinking.
54. what a nonsense
tasc ,   Israel   (12.02.06)
Torah did not built State of Israel. And hitler did not defined it. If you want to live in another third world religious fanatic state - choose some of Israeli neighbours. They LOVE Judaism.
55. We are Race, Religion and Ethnicity
Joshua ,   Jerusalem   (12.02.06)
First off, without Israel there is no Judaism and vice versa. The two go hand in hand. RACISM = ANTI-SEMITISM. IF SO THEN WE ARE A RACE AS WELL!!!! We as Jews are a Race, Religion and Ethnicity. We are of the HEBREW race. Our Race is not defined by facial or physical features but by our blood. Ever get that itch in your soul that tells you something needs to be fixed in society? Yeah well it's called our moral compass. We have a moral compass whereas non-Jews do not. G-d has given us this moral compass, aka "Torah" and instilled it into our soul. We as Hebrews choose the religion of Judaism. There are many ethnicities in Judaism for example: Anglo, Ashkenazi, Ethiopian, Mizrahi and Sephardi. HOWEVER in order to be Jewish one must be born to a Jewish woman. Simple, why? Because everyone knows who there mother is. BUT...what about those who are born to Jewish fathers? They belong to the Hebrew race and do have the moral compass in them, afterall they do have Jewish blood, but they are not part of the religion. We welcome them and they do have all the chance to become Jews but if they want to join the club there are some things they have to do. If they continue to assimilate then there blood will be diluted and in a few generations they will not be part of the Hebrew race and loose there moral compass. For example, just look at what defines the Native Americans as a race. How does the US define NA as a race???? I PROPOSE that all converts who are NOT PART of the Hebrew race be told that after their conversion they HAVE to marry a halackic Jew. WHy? Because if two converts marry who have no Jewish blood then there children will lack that moral compass. They might know a lot and be the smartest kids but they won't have that itch in their soul like you and I. I guess the Reform and Orthodox are correct. Reform are correct as to someone being part of the Jewish people having patrilineal decent. However they cannot participate as such without Orthodox consent.
56. Jewish mother. This is the deciding factor...
yonatan ,   nyc   (12.02.06)
Anyone born to a Jewish mother is a Jew. It is simple and there is no disputing this. The matter of religious observance is up to each individual. I for one happen to believe that it is more than just being religiously observant that connects us together. It is the culture and identity that we share. Chilonim who embrace their identity as Jews have just as much of a right as datim in deciding the way medinat yisrael should be.
57. Mosher and others
charles ,   petach tikva   (12.02.06)
You are so right , by converting you become a Jew by halacha , not by neshama . A conversion can not give you the BACKGROUND we have . Outside Israel conversion are only a religious problem . Here in this country , it's very different and the question : Who is a Jew has a major importance because of the law of return . Is one Jewish grand parent enough to be considered Jew? Maybe by halacha , but in reality ? is this person Jewish ? There is NO Jewish race . You can call us a people , a nation , maybe a religion [ what with the secular Jewish Israelis ? ] but not a race .
58. Who's a Jew?
Petra ,   USA   (12.02.06)
Many Jews have converted to other faiths. Some don't know they're Jewish. My Mother, a Levite, became a Christian. Is she still a Jew? Some say yes "born a Jew die a Jew". others say no. I say, It's up to G-d to decide. A Rabbi is not necessarily a Levitical priest. Only Aarons sons were to be priests. Rabbis are not the officials who either makes or judges the law. Remember? As per the Torah, only Levites were to be judges. Perhaps that's why Judaism has so many branches? Israeli Politicians, religious leaders protect their stances, whatever they are. So do other politicans and religious leaders elsewhere. If Israel becomes 'far right' on religion and does according to this Rabbis wish, how many Jews will be left in Israel? Seems to me one of the worst things that can happen to Israel is to follow false Rabbis who love power more than justice or mercy that we're commanded to live. This Rabbi sets himself up with Moses except, he has not a higher calling. He divides Israeli while we should unite.
59. Traditional, Modern, Jew, Any Jew
Rafi ,   Truthland   (12.02.06)
Jews are varied by the degrees which we practice our religion and from places we come from. Most important is to be tolerant and love all who identify as Jews because of birth, religious practice, etc. One Jew is not better than the other because he prays more times than other Jew. Maybe one is the better Jew if he does more for the Jews of the World. Who is better the Jew helps the poor daily but does not always find time to go to Temple or the one who never helps the poor but goes to to temple daily?
60. David haMelech
leon ,   Grand Rapids USA   (12.02.06)
According to the Rebbe's chalacha, King David, whose ancestor, Ruth, was never immersed, and hadn't gotten a rabbinincal certificate of authenticity wasn't JEWISH !
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