Opinion  Sever Plocker
Stalin's Jews
Sever Plocker
Published: 21.12.06, 23:35
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151. #145, AK
Chris ,   Warsaw, Poland   (12.23.06)
1. Of course, nobody in Poland is or was proud of Dzierzynski - in spite that words on his monument were saying: The pride of Polish working class. 2. There is huge literature in Poland about Jedwabne and similar events. It is now hard to find serious person denying what happened. According to reaction of some Jewish posters here many Jews even do not know how grossly were Jews overrepresented in Communist apparatus of terror. Speaking about Jedwabne - try to find some literature about how some Jews behaved on the territories taken by USSR in 1939 - it does not justify tragedies like Jedwabne but helps to understand why they happened. 3. In Poland after the war from 1945 to 1956 30 precent of highest posts in Security apparatus were occupied by Jews - then already scarce minority. It means something. It is hard to say, that they were just individuals that happened to be of Jewish origin.
152. Amazing...
That with all the predictable outrage towards Plocker and this article, it again appears that if one were to call their bretheren out onto the carpet with factual charges you are fancied to be an anti-semite, but if the blood was indeed found to be on their hands the outcry would be that they are not really Jews. Despicable hypocrisy!
153. #42
ezra ,   rchovot   (12.23.06)
a messianic jew is a religious jew learning & praying for the redemption the others Plocker is talking about are born jews but received no jewish education and not religius so practicly he is like a mercedes car with an ford engine.
Jim Blanchard ,   New Brunswick CANADA   (12.24.06)
God, "which made heaven, and earth, the sea, and all that therein is", "the Holy One of Israel", the great "I AM", He is sending you this warning: "And God said unto Balaam, Thou shalt not go with them; thou shalt not curse the people: for they are blessed." And the blessing given to Jacob (who God later renamed 'Israel'): "Cursed be everyone that curseth thee, and blessed be he that blesseth thee." It is VERY clear in the KJV Holy Bible that we are NOT to fall into Satan's trap of cursing the Jews. Au contraire, we are to use every opportunity to BLESS THE JEWS. Nothing pisses off "that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan" more than blessing the Jews." Bless the Jews! Bless the Jews! Bless the Jews!
155. Jewish Fascists Control Israel?
Lewis Beyman ,   Port Jervis, NY   (12.24.06)
I am Jewish and used to be proud of Jews. The light unto nations ---but now Jews are supporting fascism and racism and this is disgusting. Have we learned nothing from our history? The only good capitalist is a dead capitalist.
156. Where is Port Jerkis?
157. I guess we Jews aren't as superior as we think.
Shlomo ,   NY, USA   (12.24.06)
Thank you for pointing out that we jews aren't the holy group of people we think we are.
158. Ranting, Ranting
BillMyers ,   USA   (12.24.06)
Yes, how dare somebody imply that Jews are human beings like the rest of us, plagued with all the frailties the rest of the peoples of the world have the courage to fess up to, including cruelty, that is, unfortunately, all too human. To imply that Jews who harmed other Jews weren't Jewish (because they had harmed other Jews) is practically the same as saying that the Nazis who murdered millions of "fellow" Gentiles weren't actually Gentiles because they murdered other "Goyim." Wake up and grow up, and finally admit you're from planet Earth like the rest of us.
159. Communism and the Jews
Bill Myers ,   USA   (12.24.06)
You do realize that the Russian Revolution occurred before the Nazis came to power, don't you?
160. Jews & communism
Finnish ,   Scandinavia   (12.24.06)
Most of the founding bolsheviks were jews. Lenin is said to have been part jewish. Stalin was an avid student of the Talmud.
161. while iran is ready to destroy israel-this sh.t is written
debra ,   usa   (12.24.06)
has some of that iranian money reached plocker's pockets.
162. #136 Boris from Toronto
Stefan ,   Tel Aviv   (12.24.06)
Boris from Toronto, You should definitively learn more history from reliable and generally accepted sources. Nothing in your text is correct. 1. The Gulag camps did exist already during the imperial Russian period as prison camps. The Soviet empire allocated this apparatus to its notorious use in 1929. 2. Lenin had been dead for a long time at this point. The Berman brothers never met Lenin, since they were active only after the WW2 and in Poland. So, if possible, provide us with facts not BS.
163. Who can know it?
ami ,   USA   (12.24.06)
"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?" Jeremiah 17:9 - GO FIGURE! Bad apples vs Good apples...
164. antisemitism
I happened on this article when doing some research on Israel's Nuclear weapons program. I was interested in what Israel's response may be to the Iran's defiance of the UN sanctions. I do not think I am anti-semetic and have many American Jewish and some Israeli friends. I like Jewish people. I feel that much can be learned from the Jews but I can’t help feeling that Israel and some of the powerful Jews in the American Government are negatively affecting the policies of my country, after all I am an American and am concerned about the welfare of my country first (As I am sure all Israelis feel the same about Israel). This negative feeling I get is with Israel not Jews, but can the two be separated? If we were not such blind supporters of Israel, I truly feel there may have not been a 911, Afghanistan, Iraq, and so forth, and I am just wondering what is next and how long my county will continue to waste money and people. When would Israel use their nuclear bombs and possibly start/escalate WWIII, if that is not what we are already in? Is this what is needed to settle the score between Israel and the Muslim world? Should we pull out and let the cards fall as they may? As this website seems to be and Israeli media outlet let me ask this question, please provide feedback. Can I be anti-Israel without being without being labeled as “anti-semetic?”
165. # 154, Jim Blanchard, correct me if I am wrong
Chris ,   Warsaw, Poland   (12.24.06)
Does your exegesis of the Bible mean that anyone accused of anything may be acquitted of any charges upon proving not his/her innocence but his/her Jewishness? Are Jews always innocent ex definitione? Is each and every Jew the perfection incarnate?
166. Stalin's Jewry
"Israel may have the right to put others on trial, but certainly no one has the right to put the Jewish people and the State of Israel on trial."-Bugsy Malone.
167. Think again
#164 anti-Semitism ,   Tel Aviv   (12.24.06)
1. The declared reason for 9/11 was the presence of US troops in Saudi-Arabia (Holy Land for the Moslems). IMHO US troops are there to guard the Saudi establishment (ensured oil supply), not Israeli interests . 2. Nobody has to like Israel and that is not in itself anti-Semitism. 3. If Israel is criticized by measures that are not applied to any other country, it is anti-Semitism. It denies the right of the Jewish people self determination just because they are Jews, religious or otherwise. 4. To the best of my knowledge Israel has never tested nuclear weapons, let alone threatened anybody by their use. Therefore, Israel is at best a potential nuclear power. 5. Israel has no score to settle with the Moslem world and it has gone for every possibility of peace in its reach (see Egypt and Jordan). Keep in mind that Israel has already returned over 80% of the lands it occupied in the 1967 war. 6. It is Iran and only Iran that threatens Israels existence, not the other way around. Can Iran start the WW3? Yes, it can and probably will. Do you hate Iranians for that?
168. To #135, a Jew, you said it well.
AK   (12.24.06)
169. I want self-Determiniation too
Tim ,   Tampa Florida   (12.24.06)
"It denies the right of the Jewish people self determination" I'm an American of European descent and I want self-determiniation for my people. How do I get people dragging me into wars in the Middle East OUT OF MY SOCIETY and OUT of our political apparatus? Do we all need to get weapons of mass destruction to be left alone?.
170. #164 antisemitism
AK   (12.24.06)
'Can I be anti-Israel without being without being labeled as “anti-semetic?” Not according to Martin Luther King.
171. Shame on those who silence discourse w/charges of antisemis
Mal ,   NY, NY   (12.24.06)
It is a shame when free, open discourse is stunted with mindless accusations of "anti-semitism" over something so simple as a remembrance of the role of Jews in Stalin's atrocities. Why should the history of the Jewish people not be held up to the same critical light to which other cultures and peoples are held? The constant double standard that many in this thread seem to advocate is what drives anti-semitic attitudes. As Plocker said, "I find it unacceptable that a person will be considered a member of the Jewish people when he does great things, but not considered part of our people when he does amazingly despicable things." History is written by the victors and it is important to search out and remember all that is left out. Thank you, YNet for this gem.
172. Praise the Lord. Especially at this time.
Grant ,   New Zealand   (12.25.06)
So we see the words of Jesus, there is nothing hid that shall not be uncovered. What has been done in the dark will be shouted from the roof tops. Neat huh?
173. The Cheka of today...
Are online and can be found using the English language. Now it is fine if the Israeli do it to their own citizens as they are a democracy and they can vote for whichever individuals take their fancy but reaching out via the internet to censor the opinions of other nationals in other languages is abhorrent.
174. you forgot Soloman Morel
George   (12.25.06)
175. Jewish bolshivics
Samuel ,   Redwood City, Ca   (12.25.06)
The historical facts that there were many Jews in high positions in Stalin's regime should be exposed and openly debated. Kol Hakavod, Ynet! Some of those people were top level criminals with blood on their hands. Lazar Kaganovich is probably the most notorious one. He was responsible for millions of people starving to death in Ukraine during the forced collectivization. It is also not a secret that there were (still are) Jews among communist sympathizers and apologists in the West that often provided comfort and support to the communists. Convenient or not these are facts.
176. Stalin's Jews
Bigeye.com ,   USA   (12.25.06)
Centuries of Tsarist anti-Semitism encouraged unfortunate utopian excesses by certain ambitious Jews given Bolshevik power. For confirmation, read Malcolm Muggeridge's "Winter in Moscow" . He smuggled unpublished reports in 1932-1933 to the "Manchester Guardian". Hitler, coming to power in 1933, capitalized upon this to fan the flames of traditional Prussian anti-Semitism. It would be tragic to do the same today.
177. Jewish Hate
Shlomo Weissman ,   Philadephia USA   (12.25.06)
We must mourn the victims of Jewish hatred, and forever feel a deep shame for the crimes against humanity perpetrated by members of our own race.
178. Are you kidding me?
JayMee Richens ,   Salt Lake City USA   (12.25.06)
Do you as an author have SO little to write about that you would spend what little time we have on rehashing and glamourizing obviously UNjewish behaviour. It cracks me up that you would believe that any ONE faith was behind that or any other tragedy on Earth... supercilious at best! For you to somehow imply that Jews as a whole are responsible for what a few do is as silly as me taking credit for the works of Speilberg..dude get real!
179. #171 Mel
AK   (12.25.06)
The discussion of the role JEWS, as a group, played in Stalin’s atrocities can only have any validation if you will also discuss the role of Ukrainians, Georgians and others taking part in those atrocities as national groups, rather than individuals. The problem is that while you accept others as individuals, those monsters that happened to be Jewish you wish to discuss as a problem of the entire people. While it never occurs to anybody, and rightly so, to assign the crimes of Stalin to Georgians, as a nation, or Lenin's to Russians, or Dzierzynski to Poles, for example, you all happily assign, with unhealthy glee, the undeniable guilt of Jewish criminals to the Jews, as a whole. It is precisely because the Jews are a small and helpless minority in the world that you can play your 'truth' games that in reality have absolutely nothing to do with any search for the truth. The fact that there were Jews who were Communists is hardly any news, neither is who Trotsky or Yagoda was. It is never a questions of the monstrosity of Yagoda or some other scum, it is always about a collective guilt -- the same blood libel that throughout centuries allowed people just like you to slaughter the Jews with righteous indignation, whether to avenge the death of Jesus, or some child killed in some alleged ritual slaughter, or because Jews are murdering communists, who are worse than Nazis, Stalin, Beria, Castro, Mao and Arafat, all taken together, bent on murdering gentiles and imposing communism on them. With that mindset, it becomes quite all right to see those perfidious, murdering, communist Jews and Israel go to hell. It is not the discussion of the crimes of those individual Jews that I find problematic, they were a murdering, cruel, inhuman scum, a part of a murdering machinery known as Communism-- which despite declared good intentions to set the world free and give right to all, murdered untold millions of people from China to Cambodia, Russia to Cuba-- it is how you are willing to use this discussion that I take an issue with.
180. #151, Chris, by the same token ...
AK   (12.25.06)
I hope you understand those who define Poles as rabid anti-Semites, who collaborated with the Nazis in the slaughter of the Jews. You see, they are simply using your kind of logic. Since there were many acts of violence perpetrated against Jews in Poland, since Jews were persecuted over many centuries in Poland, since many millions were killed in a WW2, in Poland and a significant number of Poles collaborated in killing of the Jews, denounced and not helped their Jewish neighbors, since it is known that Poles conducted pogroms, murdering Jews even after the end of WW2 and forced the remaining Jews to leave Poland in 1960s, since anti-Semitic Radio Maria freely operates in Poland thus an inescapable conclusion, based on your logic, is that the entire Polish nation as a whole carries a burden of responsibility for anti-Semitism, not just the individuals committing those acts. Not much of the logic, but it is all yours, so how do you like it in this incarnation.
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