Germany: Sharp rise in Muslim converts
Eldad Beck
Published: 18.01.07, 09:05
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61. I converted
Katharina ,   Vienna / Austria   (01.19.07)
I converted to Islam after many years of ignorance and confusion. I was 25 back than I was goin to Church every week, but I never coul get Christianity. So I realised, the only reason why I am a Christian is because I was born in a christian family. Islam is the religion that protects women from not going trough mans bads like a prostitute. It gives you samething to live for and hope for and it is the most logical religion that protects you from nichilistic materialism that we have in our countries. It urges you to think as a reasonable person. Since I became a Muslim I started respecting my parents, nature, doing charity, stoped smoking and drinking, just because I was trying to be more like Prophet Muhammad, every day in my life. He made a better person out of me. I started to study, finished my faculty, got a work, got married and have two great kids who I try to teech what ethics and morality is for their own good. i don't want my child to be used by other man who tra to tell her it is "modern". Because a used woman is always suffering, wether she wants to admit it or not. If there was no Islam in my life I would be just a looser from the corner. And it was a long way, I never new a muslim person before I converted, it was all my self study. Why not Judeism? Because it is a religion that allows only Jewish nation. And sory, God is not just for one exclusive group. Why not Christianity? Because they have this picture of Jesus that is wrong, being changed by some Romans 300 years after Jesus died. and they drink and they killed the law of ethics in the western countries and I know that many of them don't believe in God, just belong to the comunity. Islam is so strong in my sole that I thank every day God for opening my eyes. And my only role model in life is Muhammad, the seal of the prophets, may peace be upon him and those who love him.
RCA ,   USA   (01.19.07)
63. Casey and Katharina
Libneniyyeh ,   Lebanon   (01.19.07)
May Allah bless you and your families and always grant you peace of spirit.
64. It is in the Quran
Lordy ,   Berlin / Germany   (01.19.07)
Every person that reads this book and is not a hypocrit realises that it is the word of God, the one God. So they wish to go to heaven and be with the God and bekome Muslims. Islam is a cure for the human sole. When I converted I cried and shouted of happiness because I realised who my creator is and what makes me a better human. There are no words to describe it, you have no fears and depressions you have no egozentrism and hate, all the races and nations are united as brothers in Islam, it is something we never could have in our society. You realise what the purpose of this life is and you are happy. It is an intimate religion, only you and God....nothing else. How else can you come into a state of loving somebody else more than your own life except trough Islam. Read Quran, read about Mohammed (who waited for a man three days on one spot in order to return him a debt he owned him), read and than say what you want when you get right facts. Because every fifth person in the world belongs to this religion and you cant call them all crazy and stupid.
65. Thank you Libneniyyeh
Katharina ,   Vienna / Austria   (01.19.07)
Dear brother / sister in Islam, thank you for your kind words. I wish you all the best and may Allah bless and help you and your loved ones.
66. Thanks..
Lynne   (01.20.07)
I would like to thank all those who have shared their stories with us after converting to Islam.. I wish the West would be able to see the beauty of Islam through your eyes.. in Islam that is blamed of terrorism God calls himself Peace.. even with all His mighty God had chosen the name Peace for Himself.. this alone speaks volumes about God in the eyes of Muslims.. May God's grace and peace embrace your souls..
67. Do Muslims Impose Islam on other
Al ,   USA   (01.20.07)
To all Muslims. No doubt Islam is a great religion. But, all the responses from Muslim's I read seem to be trying to impose Islam on others. Why? Let all peoples of this planet make up their own mind as to which religion, if any, they want to follow. Why impose your beliefs on others? If you are Muslim and you are happy good for you. If you are Christian and you are happy, just as great. Same for Jews and others. Let all people exist in peace. Do any Muslims disagree with that?
68. To AI from USA
Katharina ,   Vienna / Austria   (01.20.07)
U asked about the Nobel prize, ok: The winner of the Nobel Peace Price 2006 is Muhammed Yunus, a Muslim, he made a perfect formula how no man on Earth can be hungry, meaning no wars ever, imagine that, no children deaths, no hunger. Who cares about what Bush and the minority of evil people say about islam, the deeds are there. And as for learning and accepting other religions it is funny, but we are the only religion that believes in all prophets and we respect them all. Jews say jesus is a false prophet and Christians say horible things about Mohammed publicly and flesh Quran down the toilet. The first time i met Muslims after my conversion I said that Quran is my only guidance from now on, and not Bible and they had the Bible in their Islamic center in Vienna in a honored place in the main room and said to me no, don't forget that it is the book of God and it guided you correctly in you life. You need to respect all the books of God, and I was astounded at the way they see all religions as one what human virtues and respect I learned from them. So we respect other religions, because you will never find a Muslim offending Jesus and Moses. and when you say "bobming" it sounds so xenophobic. Muslims in the east are opressed by politics and if in delusion it is the politics that brings some of them in that state not Islam, ok? I would ask you how your perspeczive would change if you would have to feer for your life every day. You need to learn and read more about that. I think that we in west need to tell this people just once that we are sory for theit dead children and what they experienced, we need to show that we as human beings understand it is hard when your four kids die in one day and not jus demonize them. In history they were known as people who protected other religions. In WWII they accepted jews in Sarajevo and Afrika, they safeguarded churches and they made libraries and civilization everywhere they were. Their respect for books was great and known. We for insatnce showed always our animalistic features.
69. answer to Mr AI
Lordy ,   Berlin   (01.20.07)
"Let all people exist in peace. Do any Muslims disagree with that?" no sir, ofcouse not. but who has to lett who here? ha? iraq? Palestine? Somalia? Bosnia? Chechenia? Who is opressed there by who? Think abou it? I dont see them trying ti impose it in others, rather explain it to others as there are many misconceptions about Islam being spread by the media and it has nothing to do with the Islam you experience when you read from its sources. moreower it is oposite from it. we concider it noble not to keep people in the dark about Islam because its message is revieled to the entire humanity and its message has been deviated latelly by people looking at terrorists as muslims, which is not fair to do to any religion out there. if you think something made your life better than it was, made you moral and happy and tell others why and invite them to learn about it is what I call not being selfish with the treasure you found and share it with the others. anyway it always better to know about things from the first source, right. one of the greatest sins in Islam is to tell a lie about others. we try to help some people not to do that.
70. To Al
Ruby ,   Malaysia   (01.20.07)
Peace be to you Al, In Islam, there is no compulsion in religion, meaning there is no way a muslim can force another to become one, and we live in peace side by side with our non-muslims counterparts. (E.g are muslim countries that hosted christians, jews, other races all over the world) I believe the responses from the muslims are merely victorious voices who are indeed marvelled by this news- as much as those who are digusted by it. The comments made by the non-muslims here are non-tactful and hurtful. I lived in Malaysia where there are Chinese; Indians, Europeans in the huge Malay-Muslims community and does not feel a racist threat. But in US, Europe, I can feel that very strongly. How Ironic. Why can't they leave us alone?
71. to ruby
Al ,   USA   (01.22.07)
Ruby, at least you responded in the most meaningful normal way. Thank you. We live in a crazy world. In the US people are fearful of Muslims because of terrorism - remember the planes flying into our buildings and killing 3000 people who were simply going to work and did not know or care about Al Qaida or any other organization. What compunded it was the lack of response from the rest of the Muslim world condeming this attack. The failure to condem the attack meant that the rest of the Muslim world accepted it. This mistrust will take a long time to heal, but hopefully some day it will be healed. You say, why can't they (menaing USA) leave us alone and Americans say, why can't they (Muslims) leave us alone. It is crazy but it seems we fear each other for no reason. We do not wish harm upon Muslim and hope they do not wish harm upon us and our friends. The other people who responded still did not anwer the question about whether Muslims impose their religion on others - they danced around it. I understand they are proud of their religion and so they should be. But others are proud of their religions and so they should be as well. In America we honor and respect all religions. Why can't so many Muslims accept that idea as well. This will allow all people and all religions to live in peace and respect each others believes instead of trying to impose them on each other. I hope you understand what I mean.
72. I agree with you AI
Katharina ,   Vienna   (01.22.07)
You are right. And If I was not clear I am sory. Muslims don't want to impose their religion on others. But if people change in any way it is ther personal thing. The information is open to everybody, American culture is all over the world and we love it, we know that you don't impose it on others, we love to consume it. So peace and love to all people and cultural diversities.
73. to # 61 & 63
Casey ,   Germany   (01.28.07)
Katharina , Vienna / Austria : I was sort of in that situation too, Before converted to Islam I didn’t knew the point of living and I did not know my own identity. to #63 Libneniyyeh , Lebanon Thanks, I really need those prayers. I wish yoy the same thing.
74. Peace
Sajjad ,   Islamabad Pakistan   (02.13.07)
Dear All, Assalam-o-Alaikum. I feel that many non-musims just let their prejudice speak instead of their intellect. One should at least know the basics of a religion when commenting about it. TO all the reverts, you are real courageous people who shall reap their rewards in this world and in the hereafter. Allah Hafiz and Nasir
75. Don't waste our time with your crap
Suhaib ,   Riverside US   (03.03.07)
dont waste our time with this crap
76. To Paqid -in good faith
BinAbyih ,   Riverside US   (03.03.07)
I am afraid Mohammed dismissed OT and NT as inaccurate. That was very bold from an illiterate. Although he accepted them as books from the good God, it was manipulated. Therefor Torah has no authority to define Islamic message. I hope this doesn't come to u as a surprise but the general Muslim understanding is that Judaism of Moses, "Christianity" of Jesus in their purest forms are but old versions of "God accepted beliefe" -islam. a909787@hot
77. Re: German Converts to Islam
I'm a female practising muslim living in London, but originally from Nigeria. I have always been facinated by how people come learn about islam and the reasons why they convert to the religion. I saw a video on you tube showing German youths converting to Islam and It was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. If anyone one out there is willing to share their story about their journey to Islam, I would really appreciate it. I would like to put all the stories together and give them to my mum, because she love reading about muslim converts to Islam. She was recently diagnosed with dimentia and the doctor has advised her to do alot of reading in order to exersice her brain and to keep it active. I look forward to hearing from you brother/sisters out there. Salam
78. to katharina
beshir ,   tunis/tunisia   (01.08.09)
salam katharina I liked your article I put it in my facebook, may one of my friends understand what you wrote, you choosed the right way i encourage u, nd i support u, salam
79. reply to giles, tel aviv
sm wahidi ,   jammu, india   (11.05.10)
Dear borther, Islam is not a new religion, it is continuation from Prophet Adam (pbuh) to the last Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) through Ibrahim (pbuh), Moosa (pbuh), Isa (pbuh). Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) brought the latest edition of this religion Quran. I agree with you that Muslims (not Islam) has not done much for hundreds of years, I invite you to study Quran, Torah, Bible comparatively and come back to the original Religion. After centuries, the old books of Allah; Torah, Zabur, Bible were corrupted or lost in translation and human edits. But Quran exists as it was revealed in its original language. Come forward in search of truth and Truth only, i request you brother.
80. Islam accepts Moses as prophet as well as Jesus, pbut
smwahidi ,   jammu, india   (11.05.10)
Your logic does not take into account that What Moses (phuh) and Jesus preached as well as Ibrahim (phuh), has been lost/tempered with in translations and misinterpretetion. It is obligatory in Islam to believe in all preceding prophets and the Holy books Zabur to Dawood (phuh), Torat to Moosa (phuh) and Injeel to Isa (phuh), but the texts of these Holy books has changed and has been tempered with and lost in translation having different versions. The Preaching of these Prophets, peace be upon them, has been lost partially. Quran is the latest edition of the Religion, that has not been tempered with and is in its original revealed form. you might take Quran as the last and the final amendment in the Holy Constitution of God, Allah swt. So I just request you to reconsider your perspective of analysing the these three versions of the constitution of God, BUT IMPARTIALITY, dear brother, Peace be upon you!
81. islam the way
hassim ,   johannesburg, south   (06.08.11)
C u in jannah
82. @ no. 4
Yusuf ,   JHB, South Africa   (10.03.13)
It is the muslims that are being killed all over the world, by Christians, Jews, Budhists, Hindus, Shias etc. But for every Pharoah, GOD will send a Moses. The coming of the messiah is close. watch this space ...
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